Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Dad hugged me in the rain and described the composition in detail.

Dad hugged me in the rain and described the composition in detail.

Writing ideas

1. Describe the background and environment of my father picking me up in the rain, such as the rainy weather and the time after school.

Describe my father's efforts to pick me up, which can be that he prepared an umbrella in advance or drove to pick me up.

Tell me the details when my father picked me up, such as his smile and cordial greetings.

4. Introduce some psychological descriptions to express my gratitude and love for my father.

The last part can sum up the influence of this experience on me, such as making me understand the warmth and importance of family.

1. Warm in the rain

Rainy weather, school time, this is a seemingly endless wait. Outside the window, the clouds are overcast, and raindrops, large and small, are mercilessly sprinkled on the earth. As for me, standing alone at the school gate, watching cars pass by me, I really feel lonely and helpless.

Just when I was a little disappointed, I suddenly heard a click and my mood suddenly brightened up. I looked up, and a black umbrella floated in the rain with the wind, which seemed to bring me a glimmer of hope. It turned out that my father had already prepared an umbrella in order to get to school to pick me up in time. I am very moved by his care and kindness, and I cherish this hard-won care even more.

My father came to me with an umbrella and a familiar smile. He greeted warmly: "Son, how was your day?" Are you cold? "Hearing this concern, I suddenly felt warm in my heart, as if all the chill had been dispelled. I smiled and replied, "Nothing, Dad. Thank you for picking me up. "

Deep gratitude flooded my mind, and I expressed my gratitude to my father with my eyes. This simple act is not an exaggeration, but it represents my endless gratitude and selfless love for my father. My father's love for me is like the sunshine in spring, warm and lasting, which gives me the courage and motivation to meet the challenges of life.

This experience made me understand the warmth and importance of my family. No matter rain or shine, my father always supports me silently behind my back and gives me endless strength. His concern not only makes me happy, but also makes me understand how important it is for my family to accompany and encourage me in difficult times. From then on, I decided to cherish every meeting with my family and remember every day with my father.

2. Father's love in the rain

It was a rainy day after school, and I sat in the classroom waiting for school. The sky outside the window is gloomy, and the thick clouds seem to indicate an upcoming heavy rain. As usual, the school bell rang, marking the beginning of the school. All the students left the classroom in a hurry, picked up their umbrellas or rushed to the school gate.

And I am sitting alone in the classroom, thinking about whether to go home in the rain. Just then, I saw a car approaching slowly in the distance, and a familiar smile appeared in the window. It turned out that my father had prepared an umbrella in advance and specially drove to pick me up. At this moment, I felt my father's dedication and concern for me.

When I walked out of the school gate, my father immediately opened the car door and greeted me with a big smile. He kindly asked me how my day was, and looked at me nervously if I felt cold. I feel warm and at ease with my father's care and company.

Sitting in the car, I quietly looked out of the window and felt endless gratitude. Dad is silently doing these things for me. He never asks for anything in return, and silently guards me. This deep concern makes me understand that the warmth and importance of family members play an irreplaceable role in life.

This experience has had a profound impact on me. I realized how precious the mutual care and love between family members are, and I also understood the greatness of fatherly love behind a simple action. From then on, I cherish the time with my family more and feel their love and care with my heart. Whenever it rains, I will think of that smiling father. He is the most trustworthy person in my life.

Dad, it rains to welcome my warmth.

In the afternoon when it was raining in Mao Mao, the school bell rang, and the students took out their umbrellas and hurried into the school gate. At this time, I found a familiar figure in the crowd-my father. Rainy days didn't stop my father from picking me up from school. On the contrary, he conveyed warmth and care to me with his own actions.

Can dad tell on such a rainy day? He prepared a big black umbrella early. Whenever it rains, he always prepares everything for me in a down-to-earth manner. Sometimes in order to pick me up more conveniently, he will drive to the school gate and wait. Dad's contribution made me feel extremely warm and happy.

My father always greets me with a gentle smile in the rain. Whenever I see his tired and warm eyes, I immediately feel mentally exhausted and relieved. He will ask me how my day at school is going. If there are any difficulties, I need his help. Dad's generous shoulders became a harbor near me.

Every time it rains, my father picks me up from school, which is deeply engraved in my heart. It is because of this selfless dedication and concern that I understand the warmth and importance of my family. I am full of gratitude to my father and want to repay him in my own way.

My father's experience of picking me up from school in this rain is so precious and precious. Let me understand the tacit understanding and importance of family. Whether it is sunny or raining cats and dogs, my father will interpret the greatness and firmness of my father's love with actions. I will cherish every moment with my family in the future, and I hope to become a useful person to my family through my own efforts.

Thank my father for picking me up in the rain.

That day, it was raining cats and dogs, and the sky was gloomy. At five o'clock in the afternoon, it's time to finish school. The students opened umbrellas or wrapped raincoats and hurried home.

It is my father who is standing at the door waiting to take me home. He has prepared a big umbrella in advance. He knew that I didn't like people holding umbrellas to protect me from the wind and rain, so he took the initiative to drive to pick me up. In order to get to school as soon as possible, he inquired about the road conditions in advance and chose the shortest driving route.

In the rain, I saw a smile on my father's face and his eyes were full of care and warmth. Sitting in the car, he kindly asked me how I was doing at school today, and cleverly advised me to pay attention to safety and not to fall down too fast. He also deliberately turned down the volume and put on my favorite music, which added a little warmth to the whole carriage.

At that moment, my heart was full of gratitude to my father. He wants to make sure that I can go home safely and in time no matter what. This concern makes me cherish the warmth and importance between families more. I thanked him silently and watched my father drive me home hard.

The experience of picking me up in the rain made me understand a truth: the warmth and care between family members is irreplaceable. No matter how difficult and stormy it is, your family will always support and protect you silently behind your back. From then on, whenever I encounter setbacks and difficulties, I will remember my father's selfless dedication to me and face the challenges of life unswervingly.

5. Dad in the rain

It was a drizzly night and the school bell rang. I stood at the school gate with my schoolbag on my back, watching the falling rain.

Just then, a familiar figure appeared in the rain. My father prepared an umbrella in advance, knowing that I would be worried about getting wet in the rain, so he came to pick me up. Or sometimes, my father will drive to pick me up from school and make sure I get home safely.

Dad took the umbrella in my hand and came to me with a smile. He greeted softly, "Thank you, son." This simple greeting makes me feel extremely warm and gratified.

Whenever my father reaches for an umbrella to shelter me from the wind and rain, I can feel his selfless concern for me. I am very grateful to him for his concern and patience. I know how happy I am to have a person who loves me.

This experience made me understand the warmth and importance of my family. My father's efforts to pick me up despite rainy days made me deeply feel the greatness of my father's love. I vowed to cherish every moment with my father more and repay his care and love with actions.