Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - How is the palm sweating?

How is the palm sweating?

What's wrong with sweaty palms Sweating is a natural phenomenon of human body: if the outside temperature is too high, the whole body will sweat; When you are nervous or painful, your palms and soles will sweat; Eating some irritating food will make your face sweat; However, in addition to these three types of situations, we should also pay attention to sweating or sweating too much when we should not sweat. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that normal sweating can regulate body temperature, eliminate waste in the body and regulate the balance of yin and yang in the human body. However, the imbalance of yin and yang and the dysfunction of zang-fu organs will lead to abnormal sweating. Therefore, Chinese medicine often judges the physical condition according to the time, location, quantity and characteristics of sweating. First of all, we must rule out whether it is caused by disease. Under normal circumstances, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hypertension, congestive heart failure, hemiplegic spinal trauma, tumor, tuberculosis, etc. Will lead to abnormal sweating, accompanied by obvious corresponding symptoms. In this case, we must control the disease in time to solve hyperhidrosis. Of course, more cases are abnormal sweating without obvious disease symptoms, which can be summarized as the following. According to the sweating time: one is excessive sweating during the day. No matter winter or summer, you often sweat when you are inactive or slightly active during the day. These people often have the characteristics of weak body, low voice, loss of appetite, easy to catch a cold, etc., which Chinese medicine thinks is the performance of qi deficiency. Such people can choose yam, soybean milk, beef and mutton, etc. In their diet, they can also stew chicken or cavity bone with Codonopsis pilosula or Astragalus membranaceus to supplement the body and relieve qi deficiency. You can also improve your physical fitness by combining slow movements with dynamic and static exercises, such as Tai Ji Chuan and Baduanjin. The other is sweating at night. Sweating when you fall asleep and stop when you wake up, which is called "night sweats" by Chinese medicine. These people often have the characteristics of fever in hands and feet, upset, red face and fever, dry mouth and throat, which Chinese medicine thinks is yin deficiency. Such people can choose nourishing yin products such as lily and Sydney, and eat less hot food such as mutton, onion, onion, ginger and garlic, or soak in water such as Adenophora adenophora, Ophiopogon japonicus, Schisandra chinensis or American ginseng. According to the sweating parts: First, sweating in the head, sweating in the face after overeating, feeling full, thirsty and unwilling to eat, mostly caused by food accumulation, which can be alleviated by reducing food intake, eating lightly, or taking some digestive drugs; If accompanied by heavy limbs, abdominal distension, vomiting, body heat and thick yellow tongue coating, it is a manifestation of damp-heat in the spleen and stomach, and attention should be paid to light diet. It is normal for children to sweat slightly when they sleep; However, if accompanied by false sleep, irritability, easily frightened, sparse hair and other manifestations, it is necessary to make a diagnosis and treatment in time. In addition, the elderly and women who are weak after delivery will also have hyperhidrosis, which is mostly due to qi deficiency. Second, hand and foot hyperhidrosis, if hand and foot hyperhidrosis is accompanied by hand and foot fever, dry mouth and throat. , mostly due to yin deficiency and heat; If hyperhidrosis of hands and feet is accompanied by abdominal distension and pain, constipation is mostly heat syndrome, and stool accumulates in the intestine, laxatives can be taken; If your hands and feet are sweaty, accompanied by dry mouth, swollen gums and so on. Most of them belong to stomach heat, so you can take traditional Chinese medicines for clearing stomach heat, such as Niuhuang Wei Qing Pill and Wei Qing Huanglian Pill. Third, heart socket and chest hyperhidrosis are more common among some mental workers. Such people are often accompanied by mental fatigue, loss of appetite, poor sleep and dreaminess, which belongs to excessive thinking and leads to deficiency of both heart and spleen. Proper exercise, such as jogging, Tai Ji Chuan and Baduanjin, can relieve stress and regulate body and mind. Distinguish by smell: Normal sweat has no obvious fishy smell. If sweat smells fishy, it is mostly related to heat syndrome or damp-heat syndrome, which belongs to liver heat. In this case, you can eat lightly or soak in water with chrysanthemum, wormwood and other traditional Chinese medicines. If the smell is obvious, consult a doctor. In addition, if a large number of symptoms such as sweating, thirst, dizziness, chest tightness, nausea, palpitation, weakness of limbs, tinnitus, inattention, and elevated body temperature appear in the sultry summer environment, they are generally precursors of heatstroke, so they should be transferred to a cool and ventilated place in time and supplemented with some light salt water, which can return to normal in a short time. Those with symptoms that cannot be recovered or serious should seek medical advice in time. In addition to the above, there are some manifestations of sweating, such as the change of sweat color, such as yellow sweat, red sweat, black sweat and so on. This kind of situation needs a doctor's comprehensive judgment for diagnosis and treatment. If a seriously ill patient suddenly perspires profusely, his limbs are cold, his breathing is weak or sweaty, and he is short of breath, it indicates the danger of his illness. Expert tip of Cardiovascular Disease Network: If you want to know other questions about sweaty palms, you can get in touch with our online experts and enjoy free one-on-one consultation service.