Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Can you go to another life with super powers?

Can you go to another life with super powers?

Q: "Buddhists have magical powers, and everyone calls them heretics;" When I was dying, I knew very well that I would recite Buddha and die. Can such a Buddhist live? Some people say that there are foreign roads, and no matter how good the Buddha is, you can't live. "A: This thing," magical power ",probably refers to what China society calls" extraordinary functions ". Special functions come from three sources. One is congenital. He was born with this special ability to see things that ordinary people can't see, or to know the past and the future. We have seen such a person before, and someone once asked him, "Will your ability be lost?" They said, "Yes. If you are a little bigger, you will have a wide range of social contacts, and your heart will be bored and your ability will be gone. "This statement corresponds to what the Buddha said in the classics. Why? This ability is born of pure heart. He was born, can keep a clean heart, not polluted by the outside world, he can maintain a period; If he is polluted by the external environment, he will be insatiable, slow-moving, greedy for fame and fortune, and his ability will be lost immediately. This is the first reason. The second reason, as the Buddha said in the Shurangama Sutra, is that ghosts and gods are possessed, which is very, very common in today's society; This is not his own instinct. He and ghosts use each other. Of course, his decision is related to ghosts and gods possessed in previous lives, and he only looks for him; He doesn't look for others, only people from past lives. When the possessed man left, his ability was immediately lost. This matter is explained in the Shurangama Sutra, which is very clear for your reference. Now these people with magical powers account for the majority in society. His passing is also very effective. Who will believe him if he doesn't say it? But after the possessed man left, his ability was lost immediately. The third category is practice. Buddhism says that "cultivation" must have magical powers. You have fixed your achievements to a certain extent, and you have also fixed some realms before. I have reported to you in the past that when I was studying Buddhism, an old monk friend acted as a mage. This man is very honest and praiseworthy. I practiced very seriously. He stayed with me and said, "You are good at learning lectures. Your tongue is so burning that no one believes it. " He said, "I'm going to learn magical power. If I learn magical powers, others will believe me as soon as I show them. " I said, "Yes, you have a point. "He went to Daxi to learn secrets from Qu. He worked very hard, hitting 100,000 heads in three months, which ordinary people can't do, and he rested day and night; After studying for less than a year, he came to tell me that he was in contact with ghosts. This man is an honest man, very honest, and can't say a word. He said: "Every night, at about five or six o'clock in the afternoon, there are ghosts walking in the street." When he could see it, he said, "At ten o'clock and eleven o'clock, the ghosts in the street became active, and many of them came out. At dawn in the morning, it was scattered and gradually disappeared. "I laughed at him at that time:" You have no magical powers, ghosts have magical powers. "But I don't think he looks very well, and his face is gray. I went to Taichung to talk to Miss Li about it. Teacher Li felt very sorry: "He is really a good monk, but he has gone the wrong way. "I advised him, but he didn't believe me. He said, "We will go two ways. I use god to flux all beings, and you teach the scriptures to measure all beings. "This can't be reversed." I can't turn around, "said Miss Li." It's not necessary! Each has its own karma. "He and I are the same age, and our fortune-teller told us that we would not be forty-five years old. He left at the age of 45. He walked well, and he really died. He is not sick, nor does he feel sick. He went to the hospital, which was registered in the emergency room of Veterans General Hospital. He went to the hospital for half an hour and then left. So he is not sick, and he has a little strength to practice. Therefore, people with this ability will decide to live in the pure land at the end of their lives, if they are sober-minded, if they recite Buddha and live. It's not that a Buddha with this ability can't live. There is no such thing in the classics. Whether you can die or not depends on the last thought. Therefore, it is not unreasonable for some people to call forty-eight wishes and eighteen wishes the original wishes. At the end of life, the last thought is sober. At this time, chanting Buddha is the decision to live. But if you have this ability, but decide not to use it to do bad things or start a business, then you are all wet. You have this ability, you can help some people who are predestined friends, decide not to be greedy for fame and fortune, and decide not to harm others. Remember this! Remember! So many people have this ability and don't show it. This is wisdom. It is not good to have this ability and often expose it. Therefore, the most important thing for people who study Buddhism is honesty.