Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Fortune telling story _ fortune telling story

Fortune telling story _ fortune telling story

What fortune-telling stories are there in the history books?

Volume 49 of Record Garden of Four Photo Gallery of Song Dynasty records that it once said to the editor (Jiang) of this book: "When I was just admitted to Jinshi, I went to Xiangguo Pavilion to play with Kou Zhun and invited a warlock to see my fortune-telling. The warlock said,' You are both good-looking, and you can both be prime ministers in the future. As soon as they left the gate, they met Zhang Qixian and Wang Xianggong, who also came to see the warlock, so the four of them came to the warlock together. The warlock was shocked and said,' I didn't expect to see four prime ministers in one day! It's really strange! After listening to this, none of the four people believed it. Even the spectators thought that the warlock was holding on blindly and cheating money, and everyone dispersed in a hubbub. "After this calculation, the warlock's reputation dropped greatly, and no one asked him to visit fortune-teller, so that he died of poverty. However, Deng Gong and Kou Zhun all became prime ministers. Deng Gong also wanted to write a biography for the warlock, but he didn't get any news. A good name and face inadvertently killed Huangfuyu, a famous prime minister and a fortune teller. When Xianzu ascended the throne, he wanted to try Huangfuyu's physiognomy. He was blindfolded with a silk scarf and asked to "touch his face". Huangfuyu touched a dozen people in a row, touched one and said one, but he was right. He touched Xianzu and concluded that this man had the highest office. The person next to him refused to accept it and secretly pushed two cooks to him. Huang Fuyu touched them and said, "These two people can only have something delicious to taste." Won the admiration of everyone at the scene. Huangfuyu looks at her face in the mirror every morning and often says that she will die fiercely.

One morning, when I looked in the mirror, I saw that evil spirits had infiltrated Tang Yin and nose. Knowing that something had happened, I said to my wife, "My time is up, and I'm afraid I won't survive this noon." As a result, at noon that day, the emperor recruited him to kill his head. The reason is that Huang Fuyu once said to his wife privately, "The emperor has only been in power for two years." Who knows, this word reached the ears of the emperor, which brought the fatal disaster, although the emperor really stepped down two years later. Lian Po, a historian who respected the Oracle before his death, recorded in Qing Zun Lu that Wei Gong Hanqi lived in Luoyang after retirement. One day, the Han Palace suffered from foot disease and was bored sleeping at home, so he sent someone to invite Shao Kangjie, who was proficient in the Book of Changes, to his bedroom. Shao Kangjie smiled and asked him, "Are there any other guests coming?" Han Gong also smiled and replied: "I am upset when I am sick. If my son comes, I should persuade him to leave. " He pointed to the bed where Shao Kangjie sat and said, "This bed is specially prepared for you." Looked at the bedroom and said, "Please bring me another cot." When the Han Palace asked why, Shao Kangjie said, "There should be another young man riding a white horse and wearing green clothes to visit you at noon today. Although you are ill, you still have to meet him, because this man will be responsible for compiling history and writing your biography in the future. " Han Gongping respected Shao Kangjie very much and believed what he said. So he told the doorman: "There are still guests coming today, no matter how high or low, let me know immediately." At noon, Fan Zuyu and Ye Mengde came. After welcoming them warmly, Han Gong said to Ye Mengde, "I am old, ill and dying. I have achieved nothing in my life, but I am still loyal and serve my country. When writing my biography in the future, I want to thank you, sir. " Ye Mengde was flattered to see that the three dynasties elders valued themselves so much, and hurriedly left to salute. 10 years later, when the imperial court organized people to write Yu Ling Lu, Ye Mengde was really asked to write Biography of the Han Palace.