Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Jiang Yang's information

Jiang Yang's information

Jiang Yang (19 1 1-), formerly known as Yang Jikang, was born in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province on July 17, 2007. Researcher, writer, critic, translator, playwright and scholar of foreign literature of China Academy of Social Sciences. 1932 graduated from Soochow university in Suzhou and became a graduate student of foreign languages department of Tsinghua University research institute. 1935 to 1938, studied in Britain, France and other countries with her husband Qian Zhongshu. After returning to China, she successively served as a professor of foreign languages department of Shanghai Aurora Women's College of Arts and Sciences and a professor of western languages department of Tsinghua University. From 65438 to 0953, he served as the Institute of Literature of Peking University and the Institute of Literature of China Academy of Sciences. Researcher, Institute of Foreign Literature, China Academy of Social Sciences. Satisfied with the script, turning truth into falsehood, wind powder. Novels include Reflection Collection and Bathing; On the Collection of Spring Mud Collection and About Fiction: Prose "Drinking Tea" and "Six Chapters of Cadre School"; His translated works include Selected English Prose since 1939, Little Mount Tai, Jill Brass, Don Quixote, etc. Among them, Lao Wang was selected as a junior high school textbook. Simplicity is the linguistic feature of Jiang Yang's works. It looks plain, hidden. However, dullness is not poverty, and the ups and downs are hidden in it, and it has its own gorgeous color in the simple and painstaking operation after rinsing. Clean and clear language has become a great expressive force in Jiang Yang's works.

Mr. and Mrs. Qian are highly respected in academic circles, and two bestsellers, Besieged City and Bathing, made them famous. However, people don't know much about their family life. 1998, Mr. Qian Zhongshu passed away, which deeply saddened the cultural circles. But little known is that Qian Yuan, the only daughter of Mr. Qian and Ms. Yang, died before them (1997). The life-long partner and the only daughter left one after another, and the scene of Ms. Yang's later years is easy to understand. Four years after her life partner died, 92-year-old Ms. Yang carefully described the ups and downs of their special family for 63 years, forming a memoir "The Three of us".

Edit this family profile.

Jiang Yang: Dr. Spencer said I would send a "coronation day doll". Because he expected the doll's birthday to coincide with the coronation ceremony of George VI (May 12). But our daughter is not interested in the coronation of the king of England. Maybe she doesn't want to come into this world. 18 entered the maternity ward, but 19 tried her best to give birth to her. The doctor gave me medicine to die safely.

When I woke up, I found myself wrapped in a flannel bag like a newborn baby with a thermos at my feet. My stomach is empty, even my belt and bones hurt, and I can't move. I asked the nurse around me, "What's the matter?" The nurse said, "You have worked very hard, very hard." Another nurse probes at the door. She asked me curiously, "Why didn't you shout?" She watched me die in pain without saying a word. Unexpectedly, I said, "It still hurts to scream." They are getting weirder and weirder. "Do all women in China understand philosophy?" "Women in China are not allowed to shout?" The nurse showed me the doll in her arms and said that the doll was born blue all over and she was alive.

This is the birth of Qian Yuan.

When she was pregnant, Jiang Yang thought she could ignore it, but later she knew she had to devote herself wholeheartedly. At the end of the year, Zhong Shu described her in her diary as follows: "It's late, it's late, in general, what I learned this year is not enough …" Laughed at me "Because of my talent, I can be a good wife and mother, and I want to be a female doctor …"

Zhong Shu once said that he wanted a daughter, not a son-just one, like Jiang Yang. Jiang Yang is not satisfied with "being like me". She wants a daughter who looks like Zhong Shu. Daughter, like a clock book, I don't know what a long person looks like and needs a lot of imagination. Later, my daughter Qian Yuan really looked like Zhong Shu, but that was another story.

Jiang Yang: Although political movements emerge one after another, Zhong Shu and I never stop working. He can always find time to study after work; I try my best to read books within my scope of work. I finished the translation of Jill Brass as planned and wrote an academic paper of 50,000 words. I can't remember 1956 or 1957. I accepted the task of retranslating Don Quixote from the three-part editorial board.

In the spring of the anti-rightist movement, my academic paper was published in a journal, which did not attract attention. Zhong Shu's Notes on Selected Poems of Song Dynasty, which was completed at the end of 1956, was published in 1958. After the anti-Rightism, there was another "double opposition", and then a "white flag" campaign was launched in our hospital. Zhong Shu's Notes on Selected Poems of Song Dynasty and my thesis are all white flags. Mr. Zheng Zhenduo used to be a big white flag, but when he died in the line of duty, he stopped pulling it. Zhong Shu went to town on 1958 to participate in the finalization of Mao Xuan's translation. All the criticism of "digging out" of his Notes on Selected Poems of Song Dynasty was conveyed by me. Later, due to the admiration of Japanese sinologists Ji Chuan Kojiro and Nana Ogawa Huanshu for this book, it stopped. I only received my deformed little white flag, which was torn down and torn to pieces. I made up my mind never to write an article again, and then I escaped into translation. Zhong Shu laughed at my "rebirthing", and I just wanted to take this opportunity to "escape".

From a woman's point of view, in fact, Mr Jiang Yang is a family of three, and everyone is independent. Needless to say, Mr Qian Zhongshu; Jiang Yang is also very independent. Her plays, translations and novels are excellent. Daughter Qian Yuan is the founder of a discipline (English Stylistics); Each of them is an independent scholar who supports and helps each other in life. Besides being a scholar, Ms. Jiang Yang is also a wife and mother, and she plays an important role in life.

At the most difficult time, when Shanghai fell, Mr. Qian Zhongshu went to Shanghai and could not return to the General Assembly. At that time, Mr. Jiang Yang's "Confusing the True with the False" was very famous in Shanghai. Once, on the way back from the play (when Qian Zhongshu was writing the later influential Talk about Art), Qian said: I want to write a novel, too! Jiang Yang immediately agreed: Good! All right! Write quickly! At that time, their lives were very tight! If you have less money, you can teach a few classes and write books in your spare time, so you can earn some money to supplement your family. Jiang Yang dismissed the nanny and took charge of cooking, washing clothes and other housework alone, just to save some money and spend less, so that Qian Zhongshu could teach less classes and write some novels to maintain family life; In another sense, this is Jiang Yang's sacrifice to himself. We can easily understand what this means to a scholar who regards time as life.

So Qian Zhongshu wrote a paragraph and told a paragraph; Qian Zhongshu smiled, and so did Jiang Yang. The artistic taste of the whole novel was thus formed, and Qian Zhongshu's only novel Fortress Besieged was born. Fortress Besieged has been adapted into a TV series, which is well known to women and children, but few people know that its writing background is such a situation, which is inseparable from Jiang Yang's understanding and support.

Everyone in a family of three has their own knowledge to do, but in the most difficult time, Jiang Yang has shouldered the heavy burden and let her husband and daughter concentrate on their work. Among them, Qian Zhongshu was seriously ill and his daughter Qian Yuan was hospitalized. She goes to see her every day. By this time, Qian Zhongshu could no longer eat. She always beats all kinds of fruit paste and meat paste to improve Qian Zhongshu's nutrition. Even the fish have to pull out the thorns one by one with a needle, but she can "make do" herself!

Jiang Yang: There will be no simple happiness on earth. Happiness is always accompanied by troubles and worries. There is no eternity in the world. We have a rough life and a place to live in our twilight years. However, the old illness has urged us to come to an end on the road of life. 1997, Jane passed away. Zhong Shu died on 1998. The three of me were separated. I lost it so easily. Good things in the world are not firm, colorful clouds are easy to disperse, and glass is fragile. Now I'm the only one left. I clearly see that the apartment that used to be "our home" is just an inn on the trip. Where is home? I don't know. I'm still looking for my way home.

After her husband and daughter died one after another, the first thing she did was to sort out Qian Zhongshu's works and publish many of his reading notes. Later, she donated all their manuscript fees and royalties to her alma mater, Tsinghua University, and set up a "study hard" scholarship to reward those students who are eager to learn, have excellent grades and have financial difficulties in their families, so that students can finish their studies without worry. Teacher Qian and Teacher Yang have no other requirements for the award-winning students. They only hope that after finishing their studies, they will one day be able to serve the motherland and repay the society in various forms. Since the establishment of "Good Reading" Scholarship in September, 20001,the funds accumulated from the publishing income of Qian Zhongshu and Jiang Yang's works have reached nearly 2 million yuan, and nine students have won prizes. With the publication of Qian Zhongshu Manuscript (more than 40 volumes), Supplement to Chronicle of Song Poetry (12 volumes), Fortress Besieged in English and Chinese-English versions, the total funds will be considerable.

Jiang Yang spent his old age by candlelight. After that, he began to write The Three of us, the unfinished work of his daughter Qian Yuan. At this moment, the three of us are plain and clean, just like Mr. Wang's noble personality.

Today, Ms. Jiang Yang has entered the 97th year of her life!

She is really old, living the life of an ordinary old man. Some of her hearing and eyesight have declined, and she has closed the door to thank guests. There are always friends I know or don't know who call. She always speaks softly and then says that her arm is a little sore, which makes people feel embarrassed to bother again. I think we really don't have to bother. Just read her and Qian Zhongshu quietly. Really, that's enough. In the three of us, we can see such a daunting family and the joys and sorrows of ordinary families. Mr. Yang's writing style is still fresh and elegant, humorous and witty. Qian Zhongshu, Jiang Yang and Qian Yuan are "the three of us". They have different personalities and similar interests, and all regard reading as their pursuit of life, even life itself. Their kindness, wisdom and integrity, as well as their complete openness to life, old age, illness and death, have inspired people and benefited them a lot.

Jiang Yang is sorting out her works at will now, but she says: Only when I finish their work can I feel at ease. It doesn't matter if I leave now, you can rest assured!

"The dream goes on for a long time, and the bones and muscles eventually fight for each other inch by inch" (Qian Zhongshu's words), including love for women, love for husbands and noble personality.

Edit the linguistic features of this paragraph.

The success of Jiang Yang's literary language is obvious to all. Its calm and concise language looks plain and clear. However, dullness is not poverty, and the ups and downs are hidden in it, and it has its own gorgeous color in the simple and painstaking operation after rinsing. Clean and clear language has become a great expressive force in Jiang Yang's works. Sometimes changing the word order is unconventional, but it is more unique and readable. For example, there is a saying in "Wu Bingding is not old": "You wear a high hat when you go on stage." It is usually possible to say "wear a top hat on stage" because it is obviously forced. However, Jiang Yang's words are a little beaming, which reminds people of "Happy New Year is lucky money" and so on. This is totally out of step with the environment at that time, so we have to interpret it as a kind of irony: it not only shows the helpless mood of the author in distress situation, but also implies her deconstruction attitude towards the environment at that time. The word "Pingping" is full of charm, with protests in calm and sadness in ridicule. Sometimes cold, but a little more clever because of humor. Therefore, quiet and serious language has its own vitality, static but not boring, alive but not floating, static in motion and static in motion. There is a kind of calm, sophisticated and elegant style in silent humor, and a kind of neutral, quiet and transcendental beauty after the edge is restrained.

(Excerpted from The Marginal Man-On Jiang Yang's Creation, No.5 Literary Review, 1995)

Edit this paragraph, Jiang Yang said numerology.

Jiang Yang may believe in numerology. In her new book, Walking to the Edge of Life, she said: If life is unreasonable, how can it be counted? People who are proficient in numerology can calculate accurately. "She recalled that when she was a child, she met a blind fortune teller and showed him the" eight characters "of her brother who had just died. The blind man squeezed his hand, shook his head and said, "No, just one day. "Let him calculate the' eight characters' of her sister's dead child. The blind man squeezed his hand and calculated. He flew into a rage and said, "What's wrong with your family? Are you making fun of others? "This child has countless lives and died long ago!" Although Mr. Yang said that he "has no intention of learning fortune telling", he occasionally heard some "fur learning" and made a brief introduction in the book.

Marry Mr. Qian and go abroad. Mr. Qian's father gave her a suicide note from Mr. Qian. At the beginning, it said: "Pig father and mouse mother, wife is one year younger, destiny takes a hand." Jiang Yang is indeed one year younger than Mr. Qian. But in the end, he said, "Sixty years and eight years are gone forever." The comment on writing reads: "The sun sets." During the Anti-Japanese War, Mr. Qian had a student who used ten-stone rice to learn "iron plate fortune telling" from a famous teacher, and later did the math for Mr. Qian. The calculated result is similar to that in the life book, but his life span is shorter. During the Cultural Revolution, Mr. Qian was seriously ill. According to fortune-telling students, Mr. Qian may have died that year. But Mr. Qian finally passed away at the age of 88, 20 years more than his life. "I don't know how to explain' iron plate fortune telling'."

"Iron plate fortune telling" was once called "iron abacus" by Shanghainese, formerly known as "imperial number", also known as "Taiji number" and "innate number". It is said that it was invented by Kang Jie Shao Yong in Song Dynasty. In the Qing Dynasty, Yu Yue introduced in "On Hall Spring" that a fortune teller was sitting in a room, and two servants stood by to wait on him. There are inkstones, pens and abacus on the table, and the desk next to it is full of books. When the guest told him his birthday, the fortune teller calculated it. Beads fly around like flies, with a loud voice, and I don't know if they are adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. I calculated and told the servant that the servant would dig out a book for him on the bench. The fortune teller asked the guest a question, such as where the brothers were arranged. If they are wrong, they will be recalculated. If one thing is consistent, then the rest are consistent. The past is vivid, not bad. But if you calculate the future, it is "like catching the wind."