Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Look at the tiger's body in cartoons and write a composition.

Look at the tiger's body in cartoons and write a composition.

1. Look at Little Tiger's 400-word composition. Recently, a "new member" came to our family. It's special. It turned out to be a puppy.

The name of this puppy is Xiao Hu, which means as fierce as a tiger. Tigers belong to the golden retriever. It has yellow and white hair, four bowl-thick legs, a pair of black and bright eyes and a pair of drooping ears. The tiger hasn't moved to our house for a long time, just over two months, and its age is only two months, so it still belongs to the "puppy". Although young, I eat "strength". Tigers eat three meals a day, and each meal has a big bowl. I doubt whether it will be the world champion when it grows up!

Tigers are very naughty. Once, he took his mother's socks away. I said happily, "Mom, the tiger took your socks away!" " "Mother rushed over and shouted," Tiger! " However, the tiger became more naughty and ran around the balcony. Finally, the tiger ran to the kennel at lightning speed. As a result, his mother had to drag his hind legs and take out his socks. Tigers also have funny places. He will stare big eyes when training and look at you innocently, as if thinking, what's going on?

Little tiger is cute!

2. Articles about reading cartoons and writing compositions Today, I read a cartoon in a Chinese book.

The teacher said that reading comics is not good for us, but I realized from it that reading comics is not necessarily useless. On a sunny day, the sky is blue and the white clouds are white.

Lush vegetation. There is a little girl wearing a dress with blue dots.

Jump into the park. I saw a lot of garbage beside the trash can next to the park gate and said, this year, this person, the garbage is only half a step away from the trash can, and he is not allowed.

No sooner had the little girl finished lamenting than someone patted him on the back. Scared the little girl.

It turned out that Xiao Ming, a classmate of her class, followed her. Then the two of them whispered something to each other, as if to say that you are doing this, * * * this. After that, Xiao Ming took out a piece of paper and a pen, and the little girl was responsible for cleaning up the garbage.

The little girl quickly took the paper written by Xiao Ming and posted it on the trash can, with several vigorous Chinese characters written on it, only one step away from civilization. The little girl quickly gave a thumbs-up and said, OK, OK.

Unit 4, Book 1, Grade 6 I read a cartoon in a comic book: in a big forest, a man cut down a tree with a sharp axe, and the tree was crying with a cigarette in his mouth. The man was on his shoulder.

A woodpecker stopped. The woodpecker looked at the man's head and said, "There must be bugs in this piece of wood." I wonder if you can understand the meaning of this cartoon. That man does have a "bug" in his mind, but this bug is not another bug. This "worm" refers to the heartworm of the person who destroys the ecological balance. Woodpeckers say that they "have worms in their heads", which is hard to blame. However, in our daily life and in the world, there are countless people with such "worms in their heads", but woodpeckers are few and far between.

Usually, many students' draft papers are thrown into the trash can after only a few strokes. You know, these documents

A tree; The water is quite boiling when you wash your hands. Needless to say, I washed my hands and left without turning off the water. You should know how precious water is in arid areas. Usually throwing garbage on the ground affects both the environment and the appearance. . You know, our planet has been greatly damaged now, but those who "have worms in their heads" never realize that they are destroying the environment for their own interests: deforestation and destruction of vegetation; In order to facilitate the discharge of sewage into rivers, I don't know how many rivers can't be drunk, and our mother river, the Yellow River, has become turbid; Chengdu, once the land of abundance, is no longer beautiful, and the land is marching towards desertification; Air pollution is getting worse and worse, and acid rain is almost everywhere. . Before such a shocking thing happened, human beings didn't seem to wake up, the greedy bugs in people's minds were getting bigger and bigger, and people were already fascinated by desire. Since it comes to human footprints, animals have never lived a peaceful life, once docile and comfortable Tibetan antelope.

I am exhausted to avoid human pursuit; Whales that once dominated the ocean are on the verge of extinction. . hear nothing of

How many creatures died out under the greedy worm of human brain, and died out in the long river of history.

Now we must protect our beautiful earth, because saving the earth means saving the future, and I

The first thing we should do is to kill the greedy bugs in our minds. Students, please light you up.

Endoscope, "Do you still have worms in your head?"

4. Read the comics and write the following composition: "Straight" and "Bend"-the story of the little pigeon and the small carp fish. Pigeon and carp are good friends. Many people live in a lake, where the water is clear and transparent, the lake is dotted with beautiful pink lotus flowers, and the broad green lotus leaves cover almost the whole lake. Pingping lives in a cabin by the lake. They often meet and chat together, squatting on the lotus leaves and telling many new things they have seen in mountain villages and cities. They are all very happy.

One day, Toto said to Pingping, "I have learned several new skills, and I want to show you!" "Toto proudly shook his tail, and a carp came to fight. He even cheered and said Toto was a diving genius. Think how great, despise say:

"What is this? Look at my carp yue longmen!" Just jumping into the air, a bamboo pole jumped up, scaring it into the sky with a faint cry. A lot of people rushed into the water, bamboo poles plunged into the water, and the water surface rippled. It turned out to be a naughty little shepherd boy. He smiled, led the ox and swaggered past.

When the lake was quiet again, both of them watched the bamboo pole curiously. At first glance, it looked straight like a trunk and bent like a grotesque root. Pingping smiled and said, "It turned out to be a straight tree stem." , hurriedly correct "wrong, wrong. That's a crooked root. " "It's straight!" "It's curved." . After a long argument, both of them were exhausted and decided to win or lose next week.

A week later, they met again. Pingping invited Grandpa Tortoise to be a witness. Grandpa tortoise is the cleverest animal in the forest. Grandpa tortoise smiled and said, "This is a straight bamboo pole." However, many people think that Grandpa Gui has covered up the plain and said unconvinced, "It is obviously curved! There can be no problem with my eyes! " Grandpa tortoise explained, "The illusion you see is caused by the refraction of light. .. ",Dodo and Pingping suddenly realized.

Their friendship has deepened since this incident.

5. Read comics, write topics and write compositions. I admit that you are eloquent and admire you, but I have seen everything you said, so we are not at the same level at all. Master because can't say, mouth red, but:

One day, I can do it too! "

One day, my eyes saw a beautiful and hungry scene. My mouth said to my eyes, "Brother, I was wrong last time. Can you forgive me? " Eyes said happily, "Nothing, just remember it later, because no eyes told it to read comics and draw up a topic day." ! My mouth is red with anger. My mouth is not only beautiful, but also articulate. Without you: "who are you, constantly complaining about your incompetence?" In a rage, I don't care, write a composition. " My eyes heard you, and you were wrong. Hum, although I was very angry, I said politely that it was dark in winter, and my body was red and swearing, like a piece of black charcoal, and my mouth suddenly said to my eyes; Look at you. You should foster strengths and avoid weaknesses: "Brother Mouth, I am ashamed this time. I was about to speak when I got back, but I remembered the quarrel, so it didn't know how to say it. What about me?

6. I want to write a story from the perspective of a woodpecker, so that I can get some novel scores.

I am an ordinary woodpecker. Like all woodpeckers in the forest, I see sick trees every day. This is a very important job. If insects eat trees, trees will die, and all trees will die, so there will be no forest, no forest, no home for me, no home for monkeys and rabbits, and no home for all animals living here. . .

Today, as usual, I flew low in the Woods. What's the sound of "boom"? Suddenly found a tree fell! Strange, it didn't thunder! I will fly there soon. -I can write that people cut down trees here. I think the idea has been provided, so let the children practice writing by themselves. . . This paragraph is about cutting down trees.

I watched a tree fall like that, and my heart was so painful that I was about to cry. I shouted to the tree cutter, please stop! However, he didn't seem to hear it at all. The old woodpecker told me that people cut down trees to make firewood for their houses. I think, is it that a tree with insects is not suitable for use? So I tried my best to fly to the man's shoulder and tried my best. I shouted: there must be bugs in this wood! ! ! My mother taught me not to lie, but I think this time, lying may stop him. Mom, I'm sorry:

Please, leave our forest alone, it is infested with insects and is not suitable for you. Please leave this tree alone! !

That's the basic structure. I didn't count the words, thinking.

If you feel good, you have to give points, and typing is not easy.

7. Read comics and write an autumn outing in the first volume of the fifth grade.

Today, the teacher took us to the picturesque golden orchard to enjoy the fresh air of nature.

Qi; Let's enjoy the breath of nature in the golden orchard, let's fly freely in the golden orchard, let me

The children are enjoying themselves in the golden orchard. When I came to the golden orchard, I saw small yellow lanterns full of oranges.

Trees seem to add a dazzling brilliance to the monotonous fruit trees. It's raining in Mao Mao, but it's raining in Mao Mao.

On my head, it seems that pearls are worn for me; The drizzle falls on the leaves and the steps are so light.

The gesture is so natural; The Mao Mao rain on my face is so soft and comfortable. Like a mother's hand caressing.

Look at me. The rain stopped, the cool breeze brought a lot of autumn, and the dew left on the leaves was blown by the wind.

Fall down. Golden orchard is not only beautiful scenery, but also means strange and fertile soil of nature.

Slowly cultivated a sweet and sour, sour but not astringent fine bloodline at this time, we finally liberated, students.

The children picked up their pockets and ran to the golden orchard. I saw the students climbing trees and picking oranges.

Children, like sparrows flying freely in a golden orchard, are busy. Of course, I am no exception.

However, it is often said that children in the city are not as good as those in the mountains. But to prove the truth, I

I want to climb the tree to pick oranges, so I climbed the orange tree and thought, who said that children in the city climb trees?

Not as good as children in the mountains! I picked a big red orange carefully, and my heart was full of joy.

But I accidentally fell from the tree and fell to my knee. Ah! It's a good thing it's a lawn, otherwise I'll

Peeling oranges is a glorious sacrifice, and the fresh pulp reveals my bare little head. I sat alone on the lawn.

Enjoy this sweetness, sweet but not sour, sour but not astringent.

After this experience, I really realized that the beauty of nature is endless.

8. Write a cartoon composition (with pictures) Today I saw a picture of "Pseudoilliteracy" painted by Hua.

This painting is a story that happened at the waiting station: I saw a sign standing on the platform, which said "Mother and son get on the bus". However, there are several tall men standing in the mother-child boarding house, and a mother and son stand outside this "mother-child boarding house" instead. Those men are either smoking with their heads up or talking loudly as if they can't see.

Brand and the little mother and son.

After reading the comics, I was very angry-"fake illiteracy" is really selfish. I pretended not to see anything in order to get on the bus first. Seeing the weak mother and son, I bullied them. If the mother and son are not so weak, go forward and argue with them; If there is an administrator to manage them; If everyone consciously abides by civilized conventions, this kind of thing will not happen.

From this cartoon, I think there are many such things in life. For example, on the bus, there is a row of seats that say "the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled hold baby seats", but some people turn a blind eye and sit there grandly, even if there are old people, babies and children standing next to them. In some places, it is clearly written that no parking is allowed, but there are still cars parked there; There are trash cans on the roadside, but there will be a lot of garbage around them. In some bus stops, the younger you are, the less you understand "queuing to get on the bus" ...

We shouldn't be selfish and have no social morality like those people. We should not be ugly "fake illiterate", we should be caring and be good citizens who can care about others and bring happiness to others. As my Chinese teacher Qiu said, "Don't be a fake illiterate, be a useful person." . True kindness can't be said only by words, but by actual actions. "

The adoption rate of и pencil answers: 40.3% in 2008-10-2516: 56.

One morning in winter, the north wind roared and the wind was biting. There are too many people in the station. There are long queues behind many entrances, but there are not many people waiting at the "mother and baby boarding house".

In a cold winter, four well-dressed men stood under the sign of "Mother and Child Boarding House" in the parking station, but in the corner not far from the sign, there was a real mother and son. Mother is like a rural woman, wearing thin clothes, wearing a scarf on her head, holding a young baby, shivering with cold, and looking at four men with timid and helpless eyes. The four men who occupied the "mother-child boarding house" remained indifferent and stood with a clear conscience, with no intention of giving in.

You see, the first man looks at the front with his hands in his pockets, like a gentle manager, as if thinking about something; The second man, wearing a cotton hat and coat, is closing his eyes and looks like a soldier; The third man was wearing a hat that just covered his forehead, a down jacket with bulging pockets, and his small eyes were staring down. The fourth man wears a mask and a long trench coat, and looks like a doctor.

Obviously, it is a "mother-and-baby boarding house". Why are there really a group of men standing by? Don't they know the five big characters on it? Wrong, they just want to get on the bus in advance, take a seat first and pretend to be illiterate. They are illiterate without love and morality! But why doesn't the woman next to you submit to it and argue with it? If she goes to regain her strength, she may be the first to get on the bus. It is because of her cowardice that four big men have done bad things!

The ancients said: "Don't do it with small goodness, don't do it with small evils." To change our life, we must start from every little thing around us, improve our own quality, make the "flower of civilization" bloom everywhere, and make the whole world a beautiful world!

10. Read comics, write a composition, and tell a fortune. The child eats at his aunt's house, and her aunt cooks fish for him. The child said while eating: this fish is delicious, it would be better if it didn't put thorns!

A frog called the priest and asked about his fate. The priest said, "Tomorrow, a young girl will know you." The frog jumped up happily: "Oh, really? Was it at the prince's wedding? " The priest said, "No, it's in her biology class tomorrow."

Mr Zhang and Mr Hou are good friends.

One day, Mr. Zhang went to Mr. Hou's house, and Mr. Hou was not at home. His wife said to Mr. Zhang, "What's your name?"

"My surname is Zhang."

"Is it a longbow or an early chapter?"

"The bow is very long."

After returning home, Mr. Zhang praised Mr. Hou's wife to his wife. Zhang's wife is very dissatisfied.

One day, Mr. Hou visited Mr. Zhang's house. Mr. Zhang is not here either. His wife asks Mr. Hou, "What's your name?"

"Free of charge, surnamed Hou."

"Are you a male monkey or a female monkey?"

"Xiaoming was fired for cheating."

Because he counted his ribs in the physical examination, the result was found. "

A farmer was carrying a bucket of shit, and a foreigner saw it! Come and dip it in your hand and ask, "How much is this sauce?" The farmer didn't speak. The foreigner was very angry and thought, "old man, you won't tell me how much the sauce is." I won't tell you, your sauce stinks!

A Fu teaches in a primary school. He is tall and dignified, but he stammers when he is nervous. When he invigilated, he found that some students cheated. He angrily pointed at the cheating students and shouted, "You … you … you … you … you … you … you … you … you … you dare to cheat, stand up for me!" ! "After that, nine students stood up.

The teacher reprimanded the students on duty in the class and said, "The blackboard is so dirty, the rag is dry, and the globe is …" Then he wiped it with his hand, "It's all gray."

"Oh, teacher," said the student on duty, "the place where you put it happens to be the Sahara desert."

Mother often tells the sheep: "Don't sway when wearing a skirt;" Otherwise, the little boy will see the little * * * inside! "

One day, Yangyang said happily to his mother, "Today I played on the swing with Xiaoming, and I won!" "

Mother said angrily, "didn't I tell you?" Don't put on a skirt! "

Yang Yang proudly said, "But I'm so smart! I took off my little * * * so that he couldn't see my little * * *! "

Melon vendor: "Come and eat watermelon, it's free if it's not sweet!" " "

Hungry Niu Niu: "Wow! Great, boss, have a sweet one! "

Mom told Shuangshuang to get up: "Get up quickly! The rooster has crowed several times! "

Both of them said, "What does a cock crow have to do with me? I am not a hen! "