Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - How to treat the fortune-telling astrolabe _ How to treat the fortune-telling astrolabe?

How to treat the fortune-telling astrolabe _ How to treat the fortune-telling astrolabe?

How to calculate the astrolabe ~ how to look at the astrolabe ~

There are five main elements in a personal astrolabe: stars (including ten stars, five asteroids and some stars), constellations (Zodiac 12), houses (starting from the rising point, the zodiac is divided into twelve parts), phases (angles between stars) and cardinal points (mainly referring to the northern intersection of zenith and zenith at the east and west ends). Then, I explained it in the most intuitive and vivid way. (1) The rising point represents the mask of our life, which means what role we will play on the stage of life in this life. Zenith represents the peak we can reach in our life and the way to reach it.

For example, I wonder if you have ever played Legend of the Wulin? In it, gamers will play the role of the Oriental Unknown who worships shrimp (this is determined by the rising point). You can learn to choose the decent, the villain and the middle to develop. If you choose to take the decent route, there will be two endings. If you play well, you will have a decent and perfect ending-to be a martial arts champion or travel around the world like a little shrimp, but if you don't play well, you will have a decent and poor ending-to live in exile with Gu and be unhappy for the rest of your life (this is determined by the zenith). However, there are two ways to become a Wulin leader: one is to take a decent route, defeat the heroes at the Wulin conference, smash the plot of the Dragon King Sect, and be elected as the Wulin leader; The second is to pretend to submit to the Dragon King Sect, destroy all sects in the world, and then challenge all the masters of the Dragon King Sect to become the martial arts champions (which is also decided by the zenith). [PS: How do I feel that I am introducing? [p] (2) The stars are the energy source of the astrolabe and the power to shape our character and all aspects of life. Since I am a beginner, for the sake of simplicity, I won't discuss five asteroids and stars first. We will discuss it in detail after the first stage is completed. ) I am used to dividing the top ten stars into three parts. The first part is the moon, water, gold and fire that shape our character; The second part is the wood and soil that affect our relationship with the times; The third part is the three distant planets, the sky, the sea and the ghost, which affect our contemporary relationship.

As the most important star to maintain the solar system, the sun is also the most important star to maintain our personal map. This is the source that provides the positive power of the chart. It shapes a person's subjective personality and provides the energy that a person needs to complete his life path. The moon shapes our personal emotional world and also reflects our reaction to external things. It's like the sun can shine and heat, and the moon can only reflect the sun's brilliance. The relationship between the sun and the moon is just like the relationship between a driver and a car. The driver may or may not like his car, but he has no choice. Anyway, he will drive this car all his life. The relationship between ascension and the moon is just like the relationship between a character and an actor. Ruby Lin and Lin Xilei can play the role of Lin Daiyu in A Dream of Red Mansions, but which one will be better? I don't think I need to say it, do I? *^_^*

Water, gold and fire are three near-earth planets. Mercury dominates our way of thinking, language and thought, which is our reason. Venus dominates our emotional expression, love and preference, which is our sensibility. Mars dominates our courage, the way we express our desires, and our attitude towards sex, that is, our desires. Their closest to the sun is Mercury, followed by Venus and then Mars. It seems that our human body is from top to bottom: brain, heart and genitals. The brain represents reason, the heart represents sensibility, and the genitals represent desire. Maybe we have accepted the glory of God from top to bottom. Perhaps all the eminent monks who have attained the Tao first transcend the lowest desires, then transcend the feelings of the middle way, finally upgrade the level of higher reason, and finally surpass themselves to achieve the realm of unity with everything ... (Oh, sorry: P) Jupiter and Saturn are far from the sun and slow. It is not to shape a person's character, but to influence a person's initial contact with others. It basically reflects the influence of individuals in that era. The difference is that Jupiter is an expansive property and Saturn is a convergent property; Jupiter is a good star and Saturn is a bad star; Jupiter symbolizes publicity and glitz, while Saturn symbolizes depression and composure. Three distant planets, Tian Haiming, dominate our influence in the times. If the phase is good, it may mean that a person can influence his time. Uranus represents the part of personal innovation and change, symbolizing change, accident and innovation. Neptune represents a dreamy part of a person and symbolizes a person's subconscious. Pluto represents the darkest and most primitive desire of mankind, that is, the most primitive desire and potential of mankind. It symbolizes the dark side of one's mind and implies one's degeneration, death, rebirth and awakening. There is a rule in astrology that the influence of a planet is inversely proportional to its distance, which seems to be just the opposite of the law of universal gravitation! My own understanding is that according to Kepler's law, "all planets have the same orbital area per unit time", so it is concluded that the farther the planetary angular velocity is, the smaller the angular velocity is and the closer the planetary angular velocity is. Reminiscent molecular diffusion theory: "large particles move irregularly and slowly due to the average molecular impact force;" The impact of molecules on small particles is uneven, so the irregular movement is fast. "The conclusion is that the farther away the planet is, the more lasting the impact is, so the greater the impact, the closer the planet is, the more dispersed the impact is, so the smaller the impact is. Look, what a perfect explanation! (Don't throw eggs at me, I study physics ...) (3) Constellations and planets exert their strength. As mentioned earlier, in different constellations, the power of planets will be publicized or suppressed. When a planet falls into a constellation, it will bring the influence of this constellation. The so-called loss of power in entering the temple, ups and downs, is like feeling free in your own home, friendly in your good friend's home, and constrained in an unfamiliar home. The power of the planet is like an incandescent lamp. When it passes through a glass film of any color, it will show the same color. Because the red glass film only allows red light to pass through, while other light is absorbed. It can be said that constellations are filters of planetary influence. (4) The zodiac is the twelve regions of life. Falling into a different planet means that this planet will play a role in this regard.

(5) Phase is the angle between planets, which indicates what kind of interaction between planets will be. The position shows that there will be neutral influence between planets; 60 degrees from the arch indicates that there will be harmonious influence between planets; Penalty position and impact position indicate that there will be conflicts between planets. But this is not absolute, everything should be analyzed in detail. After all, "a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise"? Life Chart Analysis Course (II)-Return to Nature

I haven't written the following part since I finished the Analysis Course of Life Disc (I), because I really find it really difficult to express my thoughts and ideas clearly. The astrolabe is the most basic and profound astrolabe in astrology, because it combines the ways and mysteries of the vast universe to shape individuals. In my tutorial, I don't want to simply list all the explanations about houses, constellations and planetary phases. Many sets of such materials can be found on the Internet, if English and French are included, even more. I hope I can give you some ways to learn astrology, and only give you some inspiration and insight with my limited thinking and understanding. All students who decide to study astrology will probably encounter three obstacles. The first is the obstacle of learning courage. Many people who come to the laboratory for the first time will be amazed: astrology is really amazing! You are thousands of miles away from me and never know me. How do you know so much about me? Then they will think, if only I could learn these magical knowledge. But when they learn that they have to recite so many things and face the weird astrolabe, many people flinch ... The second obstacle is astrological data. When you enter the astrology hall with precious courage, you will find it difficult to find a set of systematic and simple tutorials and materials. Astrology is a very old discipline in the west, even older than most religions in the world. Modern western astrology gradually spread from the west to Japan, from Japan to Taiwan Province Province, and then from Taiwan Province Province to the mainland. China's astrological research mainly relies on personal behavior. A few astrology pioneers have translated several excerpts from articles and works of western astrologers piecemeal, and written some personal experiences. At present, there is not enough manpower and material resources to systematically translate the main works of western astrology on a large scale, so at present, we can only use these fragmentary Chinese materials (many of which are still traditional) as the basis for learning astrology. Of course, all members of Sina Astrology Laboratory will try their best to sort out and summarize the study materials for everyone and organize members to compile western astrological works, hoping to provide some convenience for the majority of astrologers. The third is the obstacle of understanding depth. When you try to understand the basic concepts in astrology and use them to look at the disk, you will encounter many bottlenecks. For example, if you punish a lot of discs, does it mean that the life of the disc owner is very difficult? On the other hand, does a disk with a large number of two-thirds and six-quarters mean that the disk is in good shape? If all the planets fall into several palaces, does the owner only care about these palaces in his life? On the contrary, does the empty palace in the plate mean that the owner has done nothing in this regard? How to explain the palace master's retrograde in the air? The sun Taurus and Aries are in the second house. Does the owner like to spend money or save money, or sometimes spend money and sometimes save money? If the sun sign, the moon sign and the rising sign specifically shape a person's basic character? I have encountered these problems before, and I believe everyone will encounter them when they study astrology to a certain depth. Next, I will explain my views on how to break through the bottleneck of understanding in view of the third obstacle.

To see a world in a grain of sand,

Find heaven in a wild flower.

Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,

Eternity is collected in an instant.

If you have the doubts I mentioned above, the fundamental reason is the lack of in-depth understanding of the most basic concepts of astrology, such as stars, constellations, houses, heads and phases. A strange phenomenon, almost all the most complicated things in the world, always looks simple at first glance, so it is often overlooked. People are always pursuing those seemingly complicated things, and people always think that understanding complicated theories can prove their intelligence and wisdom. Give a perfect example. The most basic principle of buying things is "good quality and low price", but when it comes to the securities market, this principle is immediately thrown into the trash can. Most investors in China buy and sell securities according to K-chart, expert advice and gossip. Who will study the costs and profits of enterprises over the years? Who will inspect the future market prospect of the enterprise? Who will investigate the profit model and industry status of enterprises? Who asked about the decision-making ability and moral standards of the leading bodies of enterprises? In fact, the K-line chart is the smart-ass garbage! The so-called "experts" are rubbish selling dog skin plasters! Gossip is rubbish that deceives investors with ulterior motives! And "good quality and low price" is the invincible truth of the securities market! Many students who study astrology, after mastering the basic concept of this horoscope, are busy learning comparison chart, combination chart, David chart, Marx chart, fleeting chart, flashback chart, two-limit three-limit chart, solar radian chart, divination chart, number rate chart and so on. In fact, the real level is not only the expansion of knowledge breadth, but also the expansion of knowledge depth. I think Master Izur, the top astrologer in China, probably doesn't know what a digital map is and what a Marx disk is now, right? I hope the students can learn the spirit of the masters who specialize in a certain field. After all, haste makes waste, and the breadth may not be profound. The analysis of this chart is divided into two levels. One is personality analysis and the other is fortune analysis. There are different methods and angles for the same star or phase. So when you analyze the specific components of a specific chart, you must know what kind of analysis you are doing. I have two points to remind you that no matter what kind of analysis you make, you should deeply understand the basic concepts such as astrology! ! ! Always remember that the chart is a whole! ! ! Let me give a few examples to illustrate the first point.

For stars, I think everyone will be familiar with the three kings of heaven, sea and ghost, right? Let's reflect on our understanding of the concept of "three kings" .................................................................................................................................... The three stars of ......................... represent the three most extreme potential trends of human beings, namely, divinity, magic and variation. Because of their existence, anyone has any possibility of change. Therefore, no matter how kind people fall, no matter how evil people may become Buddhas, and no matter how obedient people are oppressed for a long time, they will also defect. Heavenly King —— an uncertain factor lurking in human genes. This area of our life is full of all kinds of inertia. Objects have inertia and always try to maintain the current state of motion; People are lazy and always refuse any change in lifestyle; The social system has inertia, and has always maintained the interest distribution form and hierarchical system that has been established at present. In order to balance the unchanging power, God created Uranus, because it represents the power of change. Because of its existence, the success rate of all human beings trying to maintain something permanently is zero. Therefore, there is no absolute loyalty and trust in this world, and no matter how clever the control mode and the stupid policy of slavery can stifle the desire and pursuit of absolute freedom in human hearts. Flowers bloom and fall, clouds roll and clouds relax, winter goes to spring, the wild geese return to the south, and the stars move ... The only constant in this world is "change", whether it is good or bad. Hades, the ultimate desire of every angry soul, is an approximate crazy possession, an approximate paranoid pursuit, an approximate devil's hatred and an approximate dark infiltration. Desire, the only power that human beings possess, gives human beings the courage to transcend their destiny and dare to point to heaven and earth. With the help of Hades, the "I" in Buddhism is publicized to the extreme, and the spirit of never giving up makes people regain it after losing it again and again, lose it again after owning it, and regain it again. In the reincarnation of lost harvest, this fire phoenix without death finally suddenly understood the truth that "nothing is completely possessed", so it is a brand-new and noble soul reborn in desire! Neptune-Is it cheating? Are you drunk? Is it to escape? Is it connivance? For selfish purposes, we wear a mask of hypocrisy and a cloak of lies, doing things that condone evil, and call it tolerance, harmony and moderation. If everything has divinity, if human beings are descendants of gods, then Neptune is the last blush from ancient gods in our veins. Occasionally, a beautiful idea breeds in our hearts; Occasionally, we have a little sympathy for others; Occasionally, a little sympathy rises in our hearts ... when we reach the sunset horizon where drunkenness is inevitable and all lies are shattered, we find that the left hand is heaven and the right hand is hell. All efforts have become a river that has passed away in the East, and the only thing that remains in my heart is the sigh of life dreams ... All the small benevolence and kindness in the past meet at this moment, turning into the tolerance of all beings and turning into the great compassion for others.

For the second point, I will not elaborate on it for the time being, but simply mention it. When doing personality analysis, you should always take into account the sun sign, the moon sign and the rising sign. When doing fortune analysis, no matter which house is analyzed in detail, it should be remembered that any other house, any constellation and any planet are directly or indirectly affecting this field. The following tutorial will be divided into two parts: personality analysis and fortune analysis, which will be discussed in detail.