Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Min 'an Fortune Telling _ Fortune Telling Folk

Min 'an Fortune Telling _ Fortune Telling Folk

Min' an fortune teller

Not necessarily a widow, right?

Wang Meiren, the mother of Liu Che, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, later became the Queen Mother and Empress Dowager, and married Han Jingdi for the second time. But she is not a widow, but a divorced woman.

The king got married among the people and gave birth to a daughter. Wang's mother didn't know where to find a fortune teller, saying that Wang was lucky enough to be a queen. The old lady doesn't think her son-in-law looks like the emperor. At that time, the situation was stable, the country was peaceful and the people were safe, and it didn't look like a regime change. So he forced his daughter to divorce, entered the palace, was favored by Emperor Jing, gave birth to a son, and was made a prince.

If it is placed in the later generations, the biggest obstacle on the way to the queen's counterattack is to enter the palace: Jingdi was born and raised in the palace, unlike Qianlong who likes to travel incognito. If the king doesn't enter the palace, Jingdi will never get to know her.

But how can the royal family let a divorced woman into the palace? Isn't there a draft system Isn't conscription strict? How did Wang pass the layers of inspection?

The only explanation is that the concept at that time was different from that of later generations, and the requirement for female chastity was not so high at all, and there was no difference between divorced women and widowed widows.

This can answer the questions on the topic. It's not that the Han emperors liked widows, but that they didn't distinguish widows, divorced women and first-time married women when choosing a spouse, so several widows and divorced women entered the harem and were favored by the emperor.

Of course, not only emperors, widows remarry, but also many examples of second marriage. Just like the aforementioned Queen Wang, she has a younger brother named Tian Fan. The marriage difference between brother and sister is also caused by the mother's two marriages.

Generally speaking, the status of women in Han Dynasty was higher than that in other dynasties. Liu Bang's wife, Lv Hou, was resourceful and decisive, and tried her best to help Liu Bang get rid of the princes with different surnames. She executed Han Xin and urged Liu Bang to destroy the Peng Yue family. After the death of Emperor Hui of Han Dynasty, Lv Hou reigned for eight years, exercising arbitrary power. In the Han Dynasty, the so-called "mother-party dictatorship" and "power in the family" happened frequently, and women like Dou Taihou, Wang and Wang Hui were not fuel-efficient.

Therefore, the special historical and cultural phenomenon of women's dignity appeared in Han Dynasty. Famous women in Han dynasty can not only be knighted, but also have titles and fiefs. For example, Emperor Gaozu Liu Bang once named his brother's wife Yin Anhou. After Lv Hou came to power, he named Mrs. Xiao He as Yan Hou, and Fan Kuai's wife Qilu as Guang Lin Hou.

The society is more civilized, the status of women is higher, and widows are allowed to remarry, so it is not unusual for the emperor to marry widows.