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Do you have a pulse chart for pulse diagnosis?

Pulse condition refers to the speed, strength and depth of the pulse. The pulse chart is as follows:

Pulse classification

Surface pulse

Tap to get it, and press it again to get it. Main symptoms: Exterior syndrome is characterized by exterior pulse position because exogenous pathogenic factors stay in exterior, and defensive qi does not invade pathogenic factors, so that pulse qi is excited externally. Strong floating is the real thing; Floating without strength is superficial. Long-term internal injuries are caused by deficiency of yin and blood, deficiency of yang, yang deficiency floating outward and weak pulse.

Deep/concave pulse (you can only feel it by pressing hard)

You can't press it lightly, you can press it again. Main symptoms: interior syndrome. Strength is the inner reality, and weakness is the inner weakness. Pathogenic qi is depressed inside, qi and blood block yang, and the pulse is heavy and powerful. Visceral weakness, yang deficiency and qi stagnation, rapid pulse weak gas, weak pulse.

Delayed pulse

Slow pulse (pulse less than 60 times per minute). Main symptoms: cold syndrome. Strong is cold, weak is cold. Cold is depressed, qi and blood move slowly, and the pulse is slow and strong, which is the syndrome of excess cold. Deficiency of Yang Qi, inability of qi and blood to move, and slow and weak pulse are the syndromes of deficiency and cold.

pulse counting

Fast pulse (more than 90 times per minute). Main symptoms: heat syndrome. Strong is excess heat, weak is deficiency heat. Exogenous fever starts at the beginning, viscera is full of heat, pathogenic heat is stimulated, blood circulation is accelerated, and strong pulse is excess heat. Blood deficiency, body fluid deficiency, blood deficiency, endogenous deficiency heat, pulse number and weakness are deficiency heat.

Pulse deficiency

All three blood vessels are fragile. Press empty again. Main symptoms: deficiency syndrome: mostly due to deficiency of both qi and blood, the pulse condition is difficult to stimulate, so it is deficiency.

A powerful pulse

All three veins are strong. Main diseases: Empirical evidence: evil is rampant, healthy qi is sufficient, good and evil are contending, qi and blood are full, and the pulse is strong.

A slippery/smooth pulse

Press smoothly, such as a ball. Treat phlegm, food retention, excess heat and other syndromes, and also treat pregnancy. A woman with no disease but slippery pulse can be judged as pregnant (2-9 months pregnant). Normal contact is smooth and relaxed (slightly slippery), which is a sign of harmony between health and vitality.

A pulse that beats like a wave

The pulse is big and powerful, such as rough waves, one after another. Main symptoms: excess heat. The internal heat is strong, the pulse channels are dilated and the pulse shape is wide. Due to excessive heat, pathogenic factors are blazing, qi and blood are full, and pulse conditions are fluctuating.

A weak pulse

The pulse is as thin as a line, with obvious ups and downs. Main symptoms: deficiency syndrome, mostly seen in yin deficiency and blood deficiency syndrome. It also controls wet diseases. Yin deficiency and blood deficiency can't fill the pulse, or wet evil can't fill the pulse, and the pulse is small.

stringy pulse

The end is straight and long, pointing downwards quite naturally, such as pressing a string. Treat hepatobiliary diseases, pain syndrome and phlegm. The qi is unfavorable, the liver loses the function of dispersing qi, and the pulse is tense and shows a string pulse. When the patient is sick, qi disorder or phlegm stops, which will lead to poor conduction of qi and string pulse.

Jumping pulse

The pulse comes quickly, sometimes stops, there is no definite number, that is, the pulse is fast and irregular. Excess of yang and heat, or stagnation of qi, blood, phlegm and food, can be seen in stagnation of qi, blood, phlegm and food, swelling and pain, and excess heat syndrome. Thin and weak pulse, mostly signs of collapse.

The junction of arteries and veins

The pulse comes slowly and stops at a certain time, that is, the pulse is slow and irregular, and it is yin-excess cold accumulation or qi stagnation and blood stasis, which can be seen in qi stagnation and blood stasis, phlegm stagnation, syndrome accumulation, hernia pain and so on. Deficiency of qi and blood caused by qi stagnation is seen in arrhythmia and various heart diseases caused by chronic fatigue.

Intermittent pulse

The pulse came and stopped, stopped for a certain amount, and could not return by itself. It is repeated for a long time, that is, at regular intervals. Pulse movement to a certain number of stops for a long time is a sign of the decline of dirty qi, which can be seen in the two laws and three laws of arrhythmia.