Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Fortune teller Li Ge _ Fortune teller Lao Li est

Fortune teller Li Ge _ Fortune teller Lao Li est

Fortune-telling Li Ge


The April mirror storm opened my eyes and I heard this familiar place.

As time goes by, we grow up, and some places will inevitably leave traces in our memories. But in a familiar place, it can be roughly divided into two situations. One is willing to be familiar, and the other is involuntarily familiar. I personally want to be familiar with places, such as basketball courts, and I can't help being familiar with places, such as here.

This is the police station.

Four boys my age sat on the bench for a while. Fourth, they immediately sat on a bench with me and announced their distance from a rope grasshopper, but I didn't agree. I feel idle, no doubt I am familiar with this feeling. People around you obviously don't think so. Unfamiliar words are not enough to describe their psychological state. At this time, the word uneasy can only be dissatisfied, but there is one word that they seem to be just right.

Word: fear.

Sweat oozed from his forehead and his eyes were distracted. I can't help but feel a little funny, because that colorful four hairs, dressed in strange clothes, look far more than a strange title, also known as "little overlord", whose attribute is small fry. Come out to hang out, there is always. It seems that they are not so afraid of death. The opposite land of geomantic omen is in sharp contrast with them. Small faint in the wild, big faint in the city. It seems that if I compare them and add another attribute, then I should undoubtedly be called a gangster.

It's true in a sense. I've been hanging out for two years. For me, even if I have been mixed up for a long time, I don't know, no one knows.

"Hey-this is the famous South African wind and shadow. Is this because the rapist came in? " The familiar voice suddenly sounded and broke the state. I have nothing to do with it. This sounds familiar, and I can say there is nothing I can do. Here comes a girl named Xiao Xiaolan, wearing a beige coat, jeans, long hair and a beautiful embryo. However, as the femme fatale said, I dare not describe such a person. Generally speaking, vicious women who say malicious words can definitely expect to develop vigorously, at least for me.

I didn't answer, not because I was so indifferent to the world, but because, to a large extent, I despised the person who quarreled with her. Some people are born with arrogance and prejudice, think they are pretentious, but remain silent. Such a person has not met before. It is undoubtedly unwise to only boost their morale, encourage their arrogance and activate their arrogance genes to help them express their prejudices better.

"Don't say anything? Will you transplant everything you told me at this time? " The tone of ridicule and provocation is very obvious. People like Xiao Xiaolan have another feature, that is, insatiable greed, commonly known as tipping. Such people always endure cowardly concessions, so it is difficult to "endure calm for a while and take a step back." Xiao Xiaolan strangled four gangsters, and I saw it clearly. It is surprising that girls of the same age inexplicably appear in the police station, but it is this way of speaking.

I can finally calm down, grit my teeth and suppress the anger at the scene. My chest is gradually undulating. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and tried to keep my heart in front of me. Although Xiao Xiaolan can't be seen, her voice is still the roar of soft air piercing like a sword and hitting my cochlear implant. Her every word and prickly war words finally made me unbearable. I suddenly stood up and stared at her sternly. She seemed to be shocked by the sudden outbreak of momentum, opened her mouth, but there was no sound. I was about to open my mouth to refute when he suddenly cut in and heard a voice.

"This guy, you come, I'll go to the interrogation room."

I paused and turned to the interrogation room.

"Nan Ying, how are you?" The young detective in the interrogation room is called Li.

"Li Ge, I called the police at that time." I suggest that I point my thumb at a few gangsters to show that I am the victim at this time.

"Catch a thief. Xiao Xiaolan, suck and despise.

"Li Ge, will you let her out? Her operator got in the way. "

"Small blue, stop that now. Xiao Xiaolan, who is on Li's side, said.

"I'm telling the truth! XiaoXiaoLan spit spit tongue, murmured in a low voice.

Second, tell the whole story.

I am a ramen restaurant in the north peak of Lindao. After dinner, I walked out of the restaurant and took out my mobile phone to call my friends. On the opposite side, I found four men looking at me, telling each other about each other's affairs. I began to feel that something was wrong, and the next moment, they were coming straight across the road to me, as if they were robbing me. When I felt the danger, I ran and called the police. At the next intersection, they caught up with me. Fortunately, the police came and we walked into the police station.

My next teenager approved my speech, and they stayed to continue questioning and informed their parents. Xiao Xiaolan, I left the police station.

Walking out of the police station, it was dusk outside. The fiery red clouds are changing rapidly and dazzling. The spring breeze in April blows, the willows on the roadside sway with the wind, and the air is filled with a strong spring breath, symbolizing infinite hope and vitality. However, the external environment is often very different. This is the sadness of liking music, and the result can only be that the external environment is more vivid and happy, and the inner thoughts are more sad. Xiao Xiaolan and I walked on the road, silent all the way, unusually silent. I feel very stressed and uncomfortable. Xiao Xiaolan held her head high, as if she didn't want to give up on me. The list of foot massages becomes longer. Looking into the distance, it didn't end in such an atmosphere, but it was like silence. It seems that I have taken a positive step towards the grave.

The bell suddenly broke the silence, which was maddening. Xiao Xiaolan picked up the phone and said that when you met the screen, you became very excited.

"hello? Minhang! " The sound is as beautiful as spring, and the sunshine in early April warms the earth, but the serious feelings such as silence disappear, as if flowers are in full bloom in her heart.

"Oh ... ah ... my side ... ah ... nothing ... well, well, the worship is getting worse and worse, playing in winter, and the unpredictable trend of changing spring quickly." He "undoubtedly means that for Xiao Xiaolan, Minhang is undoubtedly her spring. She often misses Minhang, who yearns for spring, but a few years later, she developed into the beautiful air of Miss Xiao Xiaolan, and she also fell in love with spring. Change it anyway, her hair will spring one day.

The silence has been broken, the calm before the storm has been shaped, and the storm will surely come. Xiao Xiaolan and I stopped, took a deep breath and stopped at the same time.

"South shadow! You are the big boss, please restrain yourself and don't always make trouble. Finally, let me help you deal with the aftermath! "

"Miss Xiao, I didn't call you, you want to come without you. I mentioned this to the police, I am the victim, ok! "

"Hum!" Xiao Xiaolan sneer at 1, "haven't you heard of the story of" Wolf "? I'm used to other policemen arresting you. Call me every game, I promise. I don't know this shit, just because your parents and Minhang's parents are good friends, we have to spend private rights to help you know yourself every time! You failed all subjects, school, who is worthy of you? " She said it like a barrage, then turned around and left, like a whip to break the ponytail, without giving me any chance to talk back. Looking at her back, I couldn't help sneering: "I, Min Heng's parents are very good friends", and suggested that if you and Ming hung up a parent, you really should get married. "

I turned to look at Xiao Xiaolan in the opposite direction, but I heard her voice in the distance behind me: "Nan Ying, grow up! This society does not need Zorro, Robin and Ba Shen. Violence and violence are not needed in this society. It is illegal to deal with illegal people by illegal means. Put away your ridiculous chivalrous spirit and don't give it to anyone who cares about you, please! "

I didn't look back, I walked faster.

Invisible sadness will always flow away a distance with the passage of time.

I began to stroll into the city, watching people coming and going weaving the shadow of time in the street. The last light of the sunset disappeared in the sky divided by buildings. With the progress of walking at night, you can even hear footsteps, pounds, however, it is already dark, but it does not come. When the lights are on, the houses are lined up, the traffic is heavy, and you like water, which is not the end of the night, but more like a beginning.

With the sound of SMS reminder, I stopped and took out my phone number, which showed a strange number: 1 1867 19.

Nan Ying: Open the SMS-

& ltBR/ You pointed to the intersection in front of a noodle restaurant on Beilin Road at 2 pm on April 1 (20 10) and found that there were four opposite you. Lip reading technology, you have learned that they are going to rob you, so you deliberately show them your mobile phone to remind them to rob and call the police at the same time. After simple calculation, the location is set to the next intersection, not a place. When you have to cross the road at the opposite time, your alarm has been completed. After you ran away, they caught up. After five minutes of twists and turns, at the next intersection, you deliberately let them catch you when the police arrived. Am I right?

I gasped at the news.

Yes, it was really my idea. I took out my mobile phone on purpose, so they may see that the time when I called my friends was stated in a statement, but I called the police directly, and the phone number was 1 10. What will you find through SMS? Only God knows, I know, stand by me and know me?

Suddenly, the short message broke my attitude in an instant. I didn't do anything. I wanted to reply to the text message and ask questions, but I decided to call after thinking about it.

Wait for the busy signal.

A cold female voice rang out:

"The number you dialed does not exist, please redial later."

What? Is it empty?

I'm going to hell

I pressed the dial key again-

& ltBR/ "The number you dialed is no longer. Please call to verify. "

Just when I was a little confused, suddenly an evil wind blew, and I felt cold all over again. I looked around and the crowd was waving, but I always felt a pair of eyes staring at the flowing crowd and watching me quietly.

I looked at the screen of my mobile phone and it showed April 1.

Today is April Fool's Day.

Suddenly the screen of the mobile phone lit up and the bell rang.

I was taken aback and almost threw it out with my mobile phone unsigned, but the number displayed on this screen is a familiar name because it seems to be at the same time. Business card: Minhang.

I turned on the phone.

My name is Nan Ying, a high school student, and my age is 16.

BR/>; My parents live in other countries across the ocean and plant stars and stripes everywhere. I grew up in uncle Ming's foster family, and I have been literate since I was 18 years old. 10 years, my parents will send letters once a month and make phone calls once every two weeks.

Ming's uncle is the father of Ming's air, wind, forest and police chief. Xiao Xiaolan's father is the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. Small feeling, father, grew up together and had a noisy childhood. Fermin, my tradition, grew up with ordinary noise. Between me, Xiao Xiaolan has some mutations. We grew up together, but as we grew older, Xiao Xiaolan learned Taekwondo. As a result, if I dared to touch her, she would beat me and roll and crawl. Our three old friends Xiao Xiaolan, I am more like a feud.

The Ming uncles lived a carefree life until I was 14 years old, and it continued until I began to doubt and act, and finally found some changes in my life.

Therefore, at the end of my life, I insisted that the pilot move out. At that time, I was told that it was never hard to be born there, even children aged 14 should stick to it. But I will insist, because from this moment on, I am no longer the child who lives a quiet and peaceful life. Finally, with the consent of my parents, Uncle Ming, I rented a house in Living Cell and started my own life. This life has been going on until now, about two years.

Now, I am sitting on the stone steps of Linfeng Lake, where the breeze is blowing gently, the willows are shining, the flags are flying, and the night sky on the full moon night is bright and noble.

"Shadow. Familiar footsteps and soft voices always seem to be angry.

Minhang sat down beside me and was silent for a while. The atmosphere began to become as peaceful and quiet as this night.

For a long time, the opening of Minhang broke the silence.

"I heard the little blue said you had a meeting. In fact, every time Xiaolan doesn't want to go, I ask her to go, you know-"

"I know you want to take this opportunity to make up with us." I interrupted him, "but I wasted too much thinking." You don't know her. "

"We grew up together, why should we be enemies?"

After listening to Minhang, I couldn't help laughing. Yes, so we must be like enemies? Not because of your sailing!

"So, I said, you really don't know her."

In front of my house, I opened it and I entered a living space that has been two years. I can call it a house with this door.

Then the house outside is what we call "outside". On the phone, we often ask, "Where is this? The answers are usually "at home" and "out".

Just at home and outside, I bought a set meal.

The surface is densely knotted kraft paper, which looks like bulging bread, but it can still be vaguely distinguished that it is wrapped in a standard rectangular project. I squatted down, examined the parcel carefully, and wrote my name in the column of sender, zip code and recipient of a number. All columns except from are blank.

The line number is 1 1867 19.

A familiar feeling, but also fatal.

I took out my cell phone, opened the phone records and dialed that number.

1 1867 19。

Exactly the same.

"Interesting, finally come to this?" I muttered, my hand raised the parcel and opened the door. When the rotating key is in the keyhole, I feel another life.

Enter the room.

BR/>; I took out my package and threw it on the bed, washing the front desk. In the mirror is a young face, a little naive, but a little frowning, full of tiny dark circles, which is associated with words such as "tired" and "decadent". Now, this face can easily remind others of another word-ominous.

"Pale Tang Yin Blake. According to the fortune teller, this is a standard catastrophe! " I looked at my face in the mirror and muttered to myself.

Open windows and mysterious packages lay there quietly.

Slowly stretched out his right hand, and at the moment when his finger was about to touch the knot, his stiff finger suddenly seemed to freeze in the air.

I hesitated.

Before, it looked like a door. You live in a place called Earth. When you open the door, you may go to heaven or fall into hell. But one thing is certain, you will no longer stay in the world.

Fingers still stiff in the air, continue to hesitate.

"What are you afraid of?" The inexplicable voice in my heart questioned.

When your heart really yearns for something, but you are worried, you won't hesitate.

A paradise to yearn for? Fear of hell? ....../a & gt;

It doesn't matter, as long as you're not walking.

I tied it.

This is a pure white cardboard box, which feels like a toy box model. However, there was no word, no pattern and no ring on the box. I shook it and the contents seemed to be fixed.

I am hesitant about capital.

But this time I didn't hesitate, I just opened the box.

In the box is a silver-white watch embedded in foam. The dial is hexagonal, the diameter of a circle is about 10 cm, and the picture is dark gray. This should be a spreadsheet.

I took off my watch and looked at it carefully. Silver-white dial, silver-white bracelet, dial with exquisite patterns carved by advanced technology, and strange lighting seem to charm the eyes of ancient demons and witches into the audience's minds. For a moment, I felt a little dizzy and floating. A large area appeared in front of the cloud and galloped away. The outline of the surrounding color began to blur, and finally it became a smooth white snowfield, which seemed to come from around my feet. The ground is white, the sky is white, and the surrounding air is white, like autumn turned into a powerful glass of milk. Let's focus on a voice: "Put it on, put it on, put it on ..." It sounds like it comes from the surrounding white, and it seems to come directly from my heart. This voice can't resist this hint, and I am full of unspeakable temptations. The last cold is from my left wrist to my heart. Unconsciously, this is a skin feeling of close contact with metal. It seems that the next moment, the white low tide around the colors and corners appears in the room again, and everything is like an illusion.

I looked down and found that this is the watch I was wearing.

The next moment, there is no warning of the terrible pain. This bracelet looks beautiful. The chain caught my wrist, and the sharp barb seemed to extend from the bracelet and pierced my skin. Then, I saw all the blood vessels in my left arm protruding into a terrible blood red, which was very scary. Some decent poured into my body, and these blood vessels flowed through the meridians and internal organs of the human body. Dark gray screens began to appear, unlike kilowatt incandescent lamps. I closed my eyes with strong light and caught a strong wind from my eyes, as if something ran out of the screen. At the same time, my left hand felt pain as if it had evaporated in the air. Is this an illusion?

/& gt; When I opened my eyes, I found that my body was soaked in cold sweat, and I began to breathe heavily. My chest fluctuated violently, and a lot of air squeezed into blood vessels, which accelerated the blood flow and achieved the stability of my body at the fastest speed. Put forward the blood vessels on the arm, and the terrible red color has disappeared without a trace. The watch screen turned dark gray again, and there was nothing. I'm tired if I only run marathons.

BR/>; I closed my eyes and wiped my face, but I felt that my palms were all sweaty.

Happy Valentine's Day!

A strange sound came from the thin air in the sky. The room belongs to no one but me. I was surprised and quickly opened my eyes and saw a wonderful scene. At that moment, a spherical face was suspended in front of me about 180 centimeters from the ground. His hair rustles like visible air, and the flow of his body (or field) is milky white, like the air quality composed of a string of smoke.

I looked at him, he looked at me, face-to-face eyes, eyes, we stopped talking, so deadlocked, the room gradually quieted down.

"ah! Are you okay? Are you scared out of your wits? " He was the first to break the silence, with standard pronunciation of Mandarin, melodious singing and, more importantly, a little boy's voice.

"ah!" I return to absolute being, but whispered. He looked at me. It was funny. Ha ha smiled, and I smiled shyly, and the tension suddenly eased.

Under the letter of appointment "plastic foam box", I can tell you the basic situation now. "

I picked up the box and looked at him suspiciously. He nodded. I deleted the plastic foam, and it really conforms to the standard black font file:

BR/>; Respect the shadow of the south:

On April 1 day, 2006, at 5438+00, Guangming Church (Light) awarded the trainee detective L code status. Observer Sauer will support you in everything. BR p> Source: Guangming Church Headquarters

Date: April 1 20 1○.

Introduction to LMN:

& ltBr/L, short for light. Light means "light, sunlight, luminous body, lamp, light, luster, brightness, light and illumination". Here, it is the name of an organization. According to China's translation, the name of the organization is Guangming Hall. A mysterious intelligence agency has existed independently for thousands of years, conducting research without any country, nationality or influence. There is a corresponding organization, called night. China is a dark court. M stands for mystery, no one knows who this organization is, but the middle of M, L and N in the broadest sense in the Middle East is a middle, which is a coordinated influence, which is also in line with the balance of the layout of L, M and N letters. M covers the top of Mingtang and Dark Court, and Mingtang's "Dark Garden" influences right-handed people in the world. , m, n, known as the world's three mysterious spy organizations, its existence is a major secret. "Tang Ming official detective number is 12. ABCDEFGHIJKL arranged a letter to correspond with a detective. Similarly, in the dark, the imperial court had 13 staff on the basis of NOPQRSTUVWXYZ. The "unknown" of M organization.

More detailed information needs to be known by a formal person.

After reading this appointment, countless questions began to emerge in my mind. I looked up at this sphere suspended in the air, and he should abide by the observer mentioned in this book-Sauer.

"Sauer?" I was a little nervous and tried to ask.

"Ah. He grinned, revealing the air between his teeth. " In the bright hall of my observer Sauer, my main components are C, H, O, N and P (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus). You can consider me as a person's soul. "

His exaggerated facial expressions and voice are full of youthful vitality and childishness. My nervousness gradually disappeared, and the tense relaxed atmosphere was relieved at one o'clock.

"Soul? So, are you a friend of a ghost? "

"In a sense, you can say that." He tried to signal with his lips, "It's easier to understand."

"Hmm ... yes, doesn't the number 1 1867 19 mean Mingtang?" This number is the sender's number of a mobile phone message and the postal code of the sender on the package. This is obviously an implied number.

"oh? How do you know? " Sa revealed a trace of surprise.

"Simple passwords corresponding to letters and numbers. 0 = A, 1 = B, 2 = C, 3 D, inferior, and finally Z = 25. Tang, who has just been appointed as Guangming, said that the book, that is, the luminous character, is completely 1 1867 19 according to the translated password. Is this the only hall with bright numbers? "

"wow! That's right. But this number is not the only number, and the church of light is not the only number, only you and me as a joke. It can mobilize all satellites in the world and eavesdrop on all electromagnetic signals. Bright halls and bright churches don't need unique numbers. Call Guangmingtang at any number, including110,911. These numbers can be used in a bright hall, such as two o'clock this afternoon. I believe your idea can be combined by satellite and cell phone signal. Say, show dole seems to have found a little mysterious hall of light from his words.

"Listen to you, is Mingtang omnipotent?" Listen to the tone of the show, the CIA, the Security Bureau, the British military intelligence agency, the military intelligence agency, it seems that every family has a difficult experience.

"Well ... apart from Diablo Academy and M.L., M and N are three mysterious organizations, but M is higher than L and N, and the influence of the principal coordinates is balanced. Well, don't talk about it, you can know the identity of your intern, and it is limited to part of the letter of appointment. Don't always ask me, I also have questions for you! "

"ah? Almighty hall of light, you still ask me? It's really strange. "

"... your tone is mixed with anger, 20%, 15%, 40% sadness, ridicule, and 15% hope. Xiuer is like a reimbursement machine, and she speaks these words fluently.

"Ah?" Shore's words puzzled me.

"40% sadness ... I really didn't expect, in order to meet for the first time, what kind of mentality you should have ..." Sa seems to be talking to me, but more like mumbling.

"What are you and I trying to say?" I heard her voice.

"Two years ago, where you moved out, you lived in 14, and you came here. Why? What prompted you to make this decision? " He asked.

Hearing this question, my mouth unconsciously rose, revealing a sly smile.

Mix "Your smile-"

"hey!" I held out my hand to stop the war. "Stop analyzing, I can't stand you." I jumped out of bed and took out a carton. From under the bed, all letters.

I can take out a few letters and spread them out. These letters are opened by several skylights, and the marked edges are muddy.

"Very strange, isn't it? These skylights just open your eyes, gouge out the contents, and then stick them on a piece of paper with each letter of the same word. " I said, he opened the bedside table, and a sheet piling came out of it and spread to Seoul.

The paper is covered with the word "Gao", with each row of 10, a total of 16 rows, arranged neatly. 160 word "Gao", from a person's handwriting, looks similar except that the size is slightly obvious.

"These words come from the letters just now. My parents sent a letter from one month to ten years after I was 6 years old and illiterate. It was not easy. I didn't feel anything at first, but after reading too much, I always felt a little too literal. These words are handwritten, but if you look closely, you will find that the same word is exactly the same. Every letter is cut from the word "Gao" and then put together to like it better. " I pointed my finger at the words on the paper. "Don't think they are exactly the same, but from a person's hand, the difference is like coming out of a printer? The angle at which two strokes are combined. Regular printing is 90 degrees, and handwriting generally meets this standard. When I saw this sentence, although it was handwritten, I measured it with a protractor. The angle between the two is between 88.5 degrees and 90.5 degrees, and so is the word "three". I don't think this is a coincidence. Ten years 120 letters, even larger than thousands of letters, is no exception, not a word and all letters have been crossed. Look at this ... ",a piece of waste paper came out.

"I also found these words, big and small, but not all of them. Some words are the same size, but in different positions. If all the words "Gao" are arranged in descending order, you see, "-the words on the paper are all arranged in descending order, and the vertical lines of the words are the same size, which gives people the impression that the words are actually the same font, but the fonts are different, so although they look like handwriting, I think they are actually imitating handwriting and then arranged according to different font sizes. In other words, these letters are not handwritten, but printed by computer.

"If parents write letters to their sons, why use computers? Computer, why not send an email, imitate the handwriting with the computer, and then pretend to print out a personal letter and send it to me by post? What is the purpose of doing this? I really don't understand. They are not like my eyes, nose and face when I grow up. Every time they come back, my attitude and enthusiasm are like a heartless performance ... 14 years old, they come back to see me, and I take their blood samples to see a doctor. I know the labs there, and the results are inconsistent. Their DNA matches and we have no parent-child relationship. " Then, I took a deep breath and glanced at the shore. Now, he looks at me straight, like a sculpture suspended in mid-air.

"Maybe I was adopted by them. This is the only reasonable reason. But I checked all the data, including the data of Chinese and American household registration, and uncle Ming's innuendo, all of which showed that there was no doubt about its biology. What the hell is going on here? I really didn't. But what about now?