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Folk stories of Wudang Mountain

Wudang Mountain is a famous Taoist shrine in China and the birthplace of Wudang Taoism. Do you know the folk stories of Wudang Mountain? The following is a folk story about Wudang Mountain that I share with you. Welcome to reading.

The Folk Story of Wudang Mountain: The Statue of Emperor Yongle

In the palaces and temples of Wudang Mountain, the gods of Zhenwu Emperor are enshrined. He is tall, kind-looking, barefoot and looks like a living person. It was originally shaped in the image of Emperor Yongle, called? Zhenwu God, Yongle Zun? . There is a legend here.

In the early Ming Dynasty, Judy, the prince of Yan, planned to seize his nephew's throne and become Emperor Yongle. The royal aristocrats were dissatisfied, but they dared not openly oppose it. Most of them believe in Taoism, so they secretly pray for Zhenwu Emperor and punish Yongle Emperor.

When Ming Chengzu heard the wind, he also knew that swords and guns could not conquer people's hearts, so he went downstairs by ladder, built a lot of buildings in Wudang Mountain, built temples and statues everywhere, and praised him strongly. I thought: if you believe in God, I will make God and come back to be God. I will kneel at my feet and obey me. He called all the skilled craftsmen in the world and said to them: Zhenwu is a god and looks handsome. You must make it a reality. ?

Where are craftsmen who have never seen fairies shaped? Everyone thought: anyway, it is catching shadows, so it is better to hold your nose and coax your eyes. They all took out the best craftsmanship and tried their best to shape the Zhenwu God into a beautiful man, whether he was tall, strong, serious and kind, sitting in a dangerous position or standing upright with a sword. They are all arrogant and handsome.

Unexpectedly, the emperor dismissed everything, saying that the craftsmen made it with their eyes closed and deliberately destroyed the gods. Decapitation, imprisonment and exile all have good ends.

There is a master sculptor in Korea named Ji, who is famous for his superb skills. When the emperor heard about it, he called him to Wudang Mountain and asked for a statue.

After the imperial edict arrived, Master Ji's family knew that he had left and never came back, so they couldn't help crying. Master Ji thought: The emperor must have miscalculated by killing so many craftsmen. But what did the emperor think? As long as you look carefully and think more, you can find the key to this lock. So he was relieved, bid farewell to his relatives and went to Beijing to see the emperor in his spare time.

The emperor is taking a bath. When I heard that Master Ji had entered the palace, I asked him to meet him in the bath hall. Master Ji knelt on the ground, afraid to look up, but paid attention to the emperor's every move.

? I have never seen the true martial god in the sky; There are so many people on the ground, who can follow suit? It's really hard! ? Master Ji said to the emperor. ? Idiot! ? The emperor drummed barefoot and scolded: use your head and think about it! ?

Master Ji's heart suddenly lit up: Do you want me to mold him barefoot? Explore further:? I can only make statues when I am familiar with the characters and appearance to be shaped, but ┅ ┅?

The emperor pretended not to care and interrupted him. Look up! ? The voice is much milder than before. Master Ji understood and became more courageous. When he looked up, the emperor stood before him. He has a Zhang Yuanyuan face, a tall figure, a big nose and a little protruding eyes. Because I just came out of the shower, with long hair and bare feet. Master Ji understood better, but still asked the emperor: how to shape the image of this Zhenwu Emperor? The emperor didn't answer, but touched his head with his hand? UH huh? .

At this time, Master Ji finally made up his mind. Turning around, he cast a bronze statue weighing 20 thousand Jin according to the appearance of Yongle emperor at that time. When the emperor saw it, he repeatedly praised the sculpture of Zhenwu. He also cut off a pinch of his black beard and put it on his idol's chin.

From then on, Emperor Yongle was not only the king of the world, but also the god in the sky, so many people dared not oppose him any more.

The Folk Story of Wudang Mountain: Qingping Mountain

Behind Wulongzhuang in Wudang Mountain, there is a very high mountain, comparable to Tianzhu Peak. The top of the mountain is square, small on the top and big on the bottom, like a grain measurer? Barrel? . ? Barrel? At the top is a ten-foot-square purple jade table with patterns carved on it. It feels smooth and looks shiny. Legend has it that this is the imperial seal of Zhenwu Emperor. There is a female spider essence under the decree.

A long time ago, there was a plague here, and all the patients were young men and girls. Anyone infected with this disease will gradually lose weight, turn yellow, lose strength, feel weak in limbs and want to doze off when walking. Seeing young men and women falling down one by one, how to plant crops in the future?

There, there lived two brothers and sisters in the Mid-Levels. My brother's name is Da Lian, and my sister's name is Xiaolian. Da Lian is eighteen and Xiaolian is sixteen. They have no tiles on the ground and no fields at home. They make a living by digging herbs.

When Da Lian saw that someone was ill, he said to located. Sister, try to stop the plague. ? Sister said:? Let's dig ganoderma lucidum! Ganoderma lucidum can bring back the dead. As long as people drink Ganoderma lucidum water, all diseases will be eliminated and there will be no disaster. ?

One brother and sister went to Beishan and the other went to Nanshan. Big face climbed in Beishan for three days and nights, his legs were swollen and his clothes were rotten. Finally, he found Ganoderma lucidum on a very steep rock head. Xiaolian climbed on Nanshan for three days and nights, her feet were bleeding and her hands were worn out. Finally, in a deep valley, she found Ganoderma lucidum.

People drank Ganoderma lucidum water from Da Lian and Xiaolian, and their illness soon recovered. However, there are too many sick people and too few ganoderma lucidum. In order to cure all the patients, brother and sister get up early every day, go hungry and travel 800 miles around Wudang Mountain, making their hair swollen and sour and out of breath.

This time, Da Lian searched in the mountains for seven days and seven nights. Thirsty, hungry, sleepy and tired, he came to the bamboo garden to have a rest. As soon as I sat down, I found that the green bamboo was made of a thick net of glistening flowers. Inside, a girl wearing black clothes, black skirt, black shoes, black socks and black hair is busy weaving. Pink face, like a blooming flower.

The girl in black stopped the bus and shouted, Young man, it's past noon. Come up for a bowl of rice! ? There is no one in the mountains. If you miss this village, how can you pick Ganoderma lucidum without this shop and food? When Darien thought of this, he agreed rudely.

The girl in black asked about Da Lian's life and laughed. She said:? There are such coincidences in the world. You are brother and sister, and we are brother and sister. You have a younger sister and I have a younger brother. ? Having said that, she smiled again: what can I say? Our two families are together, just in pairs. My brother is sixteen years old, and his skin is fine and tender. He can draw, play the piano, play chess, recite poems, sing four times, and have good facial features.

Da Lian is a cultivator and doesn't understand these literary words, but he knows that he must be a handsome and capable person. Black sister saw that he was a little tempted and blew it to Big Face. Can such a good person be found under the sun with lanterns?

The day after Da Lian came home, the girl in black and her brother came to visit and brought a lot of gold and silver. She said:? Dalian, let's get married! With this money, I am happy enough. No need to dig for medicine. Why worry about others? You can't row a boat. ?

? Don't! ? Da Lian answered her: save one life and add ten years; It is convenient for others and for yourself. I just want to cure my brothers and sisters and enjoy the joy of heaven and earth together. ?

The white-flour scholar and Xiaolian discussed: Good girl, as long as you don't dig medicine, I will support you for a lifetime. Want gold, give gold; Want money, give money?

? How can we do that? The whole village is sick. Can I watch them die?

The girl in black and the scholar in white flour hold a banquet to entertain the host every day, for fear that brother and sister will go out. In the evening, located whispered to Da Lian. Brother, you greet the guests at home. I will go up the mountain to dig medicine tomorrow morning, and I can't watch the villagers suffer. ? The next day, Xiaolian walked alone on the mountain and met a Qinglong, lying limply on the ground, panting, as if she had been exhausted.

? Brother Long, what's wrong with you? Xiaolian asked.

? I once subdued goblins, but I was entangled in spider spirits. ?

? Fairy? Xiaolian doesn't believe Qinglong's words. ? I was born and raised here. Why didn't I see a demon?

? Demons are cunning. They become scholars, beautiful women, harm people, and want to gain the immortal roots of people. ?

Lillian knows what the dragon said. No wonder the white-flour scholar and the girl in black pestered them not to dig Ganoderma lucidum again! She asked again:? Brother Long, can you think of any way to subdue the goblin?

? Yes ? The dragon said, who can stabilize the goblin and stop it from running away? I went back to Taihe Palace and told Zhenwu Emperor that our ancestors would definitely curb the goblins. ?

Xiaolian took out a little freshly dug ganoderma lucidum and let the dragon drink it. The dragon nodded to her and thanked her. Huh? I got into the clouds and flew into the sky.

Xiaolian went home and passed on the dragon's words to Da Lian. At the same time, both brother and sister said to the goblin. Good brother and sister, tomorrow is the double festival. Let's have a wedding wine and get married. ?

The next day, the four of them came to the top of the mountain in pairs and let go of the wine. When the two goblins saw the plot succeed, they got carried away and hugged the hip flask? Goo goo? Put it directly in your mouth. Suddenly, there was a flash of red light in the sky, Jin Xiawan said, and Zhenwu's father Zhu Sha Yin flew in. The white-flour scholar was a worm, and he rolled away on the spot. Squeak? Ran away; The beauty in black is a spider essence, and she can't climb fast. She is under the seal of cinnabar and will never turn over.

Although the worm spirit escaped. However, it was so scared that it ran near Tian Ming and died. The head is on that mountain and the tail is on this mountain. Since then, this place has been named? Snake gall? .

The goblin was strangled. The plague has dissipated. People are planting crops safely again. Since then, people have called this mountain? Qingping Mountain? . People didn't forget the brothers and sisters who dug medicine, so they called Dashan Big Face? Dalianfeng? Call the mountain Nelly went to? Feng Xiaolian? .

The Folk Story of Wudang Mountain: Jinxian Cave

A cave is deeply embedded in the cliff of Zhang Qian, opposite the cornice of Wudang Mountain. The lintel flies loose and cranes dance, and the cave wall is shrouded in clouds. Legend has it that in the Ming Dynasty, a doctor with a golden coat and hat flew around the cave with magical skills and the ability to change his mind and bring him back to life. People call him Jin Xian.

To say the origin of this Jin Xian, we have to start with plums. Legend has it that there was a fruit tree grafted by hawthorn and plum trees in Wudang Mountain in ancient times. The fruit is as fragrant as red plum, as sweet as apricot and as beautiful as Xiantao. Once you eat it, you will never forget its delicious taste. People call it? Plum fruit? .

A Taoist priest, seeing that there was oil and water in plum fruit, decorated it and boasted that it was a fairy fruit planted by Zhenwu Emperor. Eat it, you can cure all diseases and live forever. It was called plum fruit and was dedicated to the emperor. The emperor believed, rewarded the Taoist priest and sealed him? Langmei is a real person? , build? Langmei Temple? .

Langmei real people used Langmei fairy fruit to treat diseases, which caused many minor illnesses to drag into serious illnesses, and serious illnesses dragged them to death, which really suffered the people. On this day, Li Shizhen came to Wudang Mountain to collect herbs. He is wearing an old straw hat, a coarse coat, a pair of hiking shoes, a bamboo basket and a small shovel. He waded through 24 streams, climbed 72 peaks and collected more than 400 kinds of medicinal materials such as Datura flower, Ganoderma lucidum, red ginseng, golden hairpin and Hericium erinaceus. He was surprised to see that many people ate almonds instead of taking medicine when they were sick. After investigation, it was found that the fruit of Prunus armeniaca was good, but it could not cure all diseases. So, he told the patient to stop eating it and take medicine to treat the disease.

Lang Mei, a real person, went to Li See Shizhen when he saw that the patient stopped looking for a doctor. He was very angry and ordered the arrest of Li Shizhen.

100 More than one Taoist priest came from all directions, all wearing coarse robes, hiking shoes, cages on their backs and shovels in their hands. They all went up the mountain to collect herbs, and none of them were Li Shizhen.

In reality, Langmei thought that Li Shizhen was scared away, so the patient had to eat Langmei Guo Xian to treat the disease. However, day after day passed and no one came to beg him. Just know when I ask, there is a A Jin fairy in the cave opposite Feishengyan, who treats people every day.

In order to see the truth, the real person Lang Mei walked to the cave, and heard people say that Jin Xian treated the disease like a god, and he saved the dead. Some carry it back; Some people have been blind for years and can see as soon as they take medicine. He doesn't believe in such a miracle. When he looked carefully, he saw thousands of feet, a cliff and a cave halfway up the mountain. Two thin ropes, one red and one green, hang down from the cave, both of which are like kite-flying strings, pulling tightly and trembling slightly in the wind. Anyone who comes to see a doctor only needs to pull the red and green rope, and the red and green line invades people's blood, so Jin Xian can diagnose his illness, and then put down a bamboo basket from the hole.

The patient was praising Jin Xian's wonderful hand for rejuvenation, but the real person Lang Mei kicked over the medicine basket and roared, "Look, smell, ask and feel everything. How can you pull the red and green rope far away? " ? You need an elixir to cure the disease. How about this grass root bark? There will be no doctor in this cave. Someone must be cheating. Please go away quickly.

Before Lang Mei's real life was over, she had a fever, an unbearable stomachache and was very ill. He invited a famous doctor again and again, and the more he treated him, the more ruthless he became, and his life was not long. In order to survive, he had to come to the cave again, holding a red and green rope and begging for Jin Xian's help.

Jin Xian said in the cave? Since you have almond fruit, which can prolong life and cure all diseases, why did you want to see me?

The real Langmei thinks it is very important to be alive, so she has to tell the truth. I made it up to deceive people, and I won't dare to do it again. Please ask Jin Xian to save my life. ?

? All right, it's my treat. ? Jin Xian said, pulling the red and green rope and floating down from the air. So Jin Xian is Li Shizhen. Later people called it a cave? Jinxiandong? .

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