Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Mr. Black Ink's Fortune Telling _ Is Mr. Black Ink's Fortune Telling Accurate?

Mr. Black Ink's Fortune Telling _ Is Mr. Black Ink's Fortune Telling Accurate?

Fortune telling and composition writing

1. Read comics, write a composition, and tell a fortune 300 words. The child eats at his aunt's house, and her aunt cooks fish for him. The child said while eating: this fish is delicious, it would be better if it didn't put thorns!

A frog called the priest and asked about his fate. The priest said, "Tomorrow, a young girl will know you." The frog jumped up happily: "Oh, really? Was it at the prince's wedding? " The priest said, "No, it's in her biology class tomorrow."

Mr Zhang and Mr Hou are good friends.

One day, Mr. Zhang went to Mr. Hou's house, and Mr. Hou was not at home. His wife said to Mr. Zhang, "What's your name?"

"My surname is Zhang."

"Is it a longbow or an early chapter?"

"The bow is very long."

After returning home, Mr. Zhang praised Mr. Hou's wife to his wife. Zhang's wife is very dissatisfied.

One day, Mr. Hou visited Mr. Zhang's house. Mr. Zhang is not here either. His wife asks Mr. Hou, "What's your name?"

"Free of charge, surnamed Hou."

"Are you a male monkey or a female monkey?"

"Xiaoming was fired for cheating."

Because he counted his ribs in the physical examination, the result was found. "

A farmer was carrying a bucket of shit, and a foreigner saw it! Come and dip it in your hand and ask, "How much is this sauce?" The farmer didn't speak. The foreigner was very angry and thought, "old man, you won't tell me how much the sauce is." I won't tell you, your sauce stinks!

A Fu teaches in a primary school. He is tall and dignified, but he stammers when he is nervous. When he invigilated, he found that some students cheated. He angrily pointed at the cheating students and shouted, "You … you … you … you … you … you … you … you … you … you dare to cheat, stand up for me!" ! "After that, nine students stood up.

The teacher reprimanded the students on duty in the class and said, "The blackboard is so dirty, the rag is dry, and the globe is …" Then he wiped it with his hand, "It's all gray."

"Oh, teacher," said the student on duty, "the place where you put it happens to be the Sahara desert."

Mother often tells the sheep: "Don't sway when wearing a skirt;" Otherwise, the little boy will see the little * * * inside! "

One day, Yangyang said happily to his mother, "Today I played on the swing with Xiaoming, and I won!" "

Mother said angrily, "didn't I tell you?" Don't put on a skirt! "

Yang Yang proudly said, "But I'm so smart! I took off my little * * * so that he couldn't see my little * * *! "

Melon vendor: "Come and eat watermelon, it's free if it's not sweet!" " "

Hungry Niu Niu: "Wow! Great, boss, have a sweet one! "

Mom told Shuangshuang to get up: "Get up quickly! The rooster has crowed several times! "

Both of them said, "What does a cock crow have to do with me? I am not a hen! "

2. I often feel confused about how to write the composition of the little fairy fortune-telling on the road of life. Maybe it's the fog!

When I got up in the morning, there was already a thick layer of fog outside. It seems to have isolated you from the boundless sea of clouds. Although it looks spectacular, I can't find the direction of my life ... because of the foggy weather these days, I dare not go out, for fear that I will get lost in the fog as soon as I go out. At this moment, a man dressed in strange clothes and calling himself a fortune teller came in. Said he would read my palm. So, the fortune teller held my hand, studied it carefully and nodded thoughtfully. "You have a good life and a bright future." E5a48de588b6323131335323635438+03431303231363365438 I don't understand. "Then why can't I find my direction in life?" "In fact, you have found it. Look at your hands. " The fortune teller stroked his long beard. "no! I only have fingerprints on my hands! " I'm even more confused. "You know what? The reason why fortune-telling depends on handprints is actually because everyone's handprints are their own destiny! I nodded slightly. " You found the direction of life, but you didn't clench your fist! "I suddenly understand that fate is in our own hands, but we are not sure. I clenched my fist to keep my fate from slipping away. But soon, I found a question, "Why are some handprints still exposed?"? "I asked curiously." Yes! There are still some who can't catch. Explain that a person's success depends on opportunity. Only in this way can we reach the finish line smoothly. "

As soon as his voice fell, the fortune teller disappeared into the clouds. I gently parted the clouds and looked up at the sky. An eagle crossed the sky with a vigorous posture. The sun also rose, and the hot sunshine dispersed the white fog. The wind dispersed the fog, and my heart seemed to warm up. It seems that there is a ladder leading to the peak of life in front of me. I clenched my fist and tried my best to climb up. ...

The alarm clock beside me woke me up from sleep, and I woke up from the fog. ...

3. The fortune teller's composition is the most common one walking on the street now. Apart from vendors and beggars, it is the fortune teller under the banner of "Half Immortal".

Fortune tellers have a uniform suit, wearing ancient clothes, usually wearing a black felt hat and a black cheongsam, and then wearing a pair of exaggerated sunglasses, preferably old-fashioned edging. Of course, there should be tables and chairs, plus flagpoles and flags, and the word "Half Immortal" should be written. In this way, it's a bit decent.

In this pile of "half immortals", the older you get, the more popular you are. The older generation are superstitious about them, and generally believe everything they say, especially if there are blind dates at home, you must first show the date of birth of the blind date to the fortune teller.

If the fortune teller says it's a good marriage, he will definitely let you choose another auspicious day. If you can't get along, you should put more money in and try to get along.

I never trusted fortune tellers. On the one hand, I have studied science, but I still know a little, not too superstitious. Secondly, I have always felt that if he knows astronomy and geography, how can he make a living by fortune telling? Three years ago, my cousin and I wandered in the street and walked past the concentration of fortune tellers. One of the fortune tellers said, "You two will be a happy couple in the future." Is this just nonsense? In this way, we no longer trust fortune tellers. If mother is going to tell her fortune, we will teach her what we have learned from books.

If you have the energy to believe in fortune tellers, you might as well believe in yourself. Each man is the architect of his own fate.

4. When I was in the third year of high school, I was trapped in my imaginary "fate" and almost became an outcast of fate; Later, I learned the secret of writing Destiny from a teacher, which changed my destiny.

At that time, there were a lot of troubles at home, constant friction with teachers and classmates, and academic performance plummeted. The college entrance examination is just around the corner, but I backed out in advance.

00 once, I met a fortune teller in the night market. Out of curiosity, I took out half a month's living expenses and asked him to tell my fortune. As I thought, I was doomed to be unable to go to school, no matter how busy I was.

00, I believed it, worried about fate all day, and completely forgot to study. In class, I secretly wrote the word "fate" in different fonts on the paper, which filled two notebooks. I still can't see where my tomorrow is.

In order to excuse myself, I preached my unfortunate fate to my classmates everywhere, and at the same time advised them to try, so as not to waste time. I don't know who tipped them off, but Miss Guo, the head teacher, knows me.

One night, Miss Guo called me to the playground to talk. I polished my experience and deliberately explained my fatalism again and again.

To tell you the truth, I thought it was natural for me to do so. I think, since fate abandoned me, I chose to give up my struggle with fate and let nature take its course. Teacher Guo, who has always been gentle, is angry. He grabbed my right hand and my forefinger and wrote two words "fate" in the sand.

Teacher Guo's writing habits are completely different from mine. I felt very uncomfortable, and subconsciously resisted gently. But it's no use. His hands are very strong. I had to bow to his wishes and write those two words awkwardly under his control. I can hardly recognize what I wrote.

Mr. Guo crouched down and looked at the handwriting crawling like an ant on the ground. He didn't say a word, but stretched out his right hand to smooth the ground and motioned for me to rewrite it. I can write easily without his intervention.

But I still don't understand. Besides, what's the difference between the two kinds of "fate"? Teacher Guo looked at me, raised my index finger just written in front of me, and said in a calm and calm voice, "You also noticed that if I write with your hand, you will feel uncomfortable, and the words written after secretly resisting are far from your true level. You will feel smooth when you write, and only what you write is your own destiny.

For many people, the word "fate" means "people knock one after another". As long as you bow your head first, you can kneel to it as a surrenderer; But on the other hand, it will become "knocking" and "human"-it only bows to the strong. "Cloud" means that "cloud" is "walking", erratic, ten years east and ten years west, but the steering wheel is controlled by you, which can completely turn it into your somersault cloud and go against the wind.

Destiny is in your own hands, see how you write it. I quit. Think for yourself. "

00 Teacher Guo left, leaving me alone to look at two different Chinese characters on the ground, which made me meditate on my fate ... After half a year, I was admitted to a university that satisfied both myself and Teacher Guo. In college, the first thing I do after getting up every morning is to say to myself that fate is in my hands and I want to be a good writer of fate.

Now, as a teacher, I tell my fate story to every student, which has changed the fate of many people. Storms are inevitable in life. Through wind and rain, we learn to keep a normal heart in the noisy world; We learn to keep smiling on the crowded road of life.

What is peace of mind? It is a kind of quiet leisure like drizzle, a mature atmosphere after baptism, an indifferent attitude that sees through success or failure, a tolerant and open-minded attitude towards everything, and a profound connotation of not making public or being extreme. It is an inner beauty to experience the storm without complaining.

Some people are calm in the face of social reform and conflicts of interest; Some people face the severe test and unfair treatment calmly; Some people face setbacks and hardships. Some people are calm in the face of sudden changes and difficult choices. After experiencing the "Wutai" storm, Su Shi was open-minded and relieved, abandoned thousands of miles away, and "painstakingly became a Lingnan person".

After decades of officialdom turmoil, Wang Wei got the tranquility of Zen. "There is moonlight in the pine forest and crystal stone in the stream". Experienced wind and rain, mature, is a realm of still water and deep flow.

In Su Dongpo's book Breakthrough, Mr. Yu once explained the maturity of breakthrough. "It is a bright but not dazzling brilliance, a mellow but not greasy voice, a calmness that does not need to observe others, an atmosphere that stops appealing to the surroundings in order to survive, a smile that ignores the hustle and bustle, washes away extreme indifference, and is thick and does not need to tell, which is not steep." How well this is said. But teacher Yu's attitude of criticizing others always makes people feel a little sorry. Why can't a real hero gently brush off the spider silk of others intentionally or unintentionally? In the prime of life, Confucius experienced numerous lobbying and finally ended in failure. All his ideas were sold, and he even ran around like a lost dog for the rest of his life.

In his later years, he returned to Lu, where he fled. He retired from the political arena and went to the apricot altar, but he reached the peak of ideology and culture. Changing the hillside is also downhill.

In fact, accepting injustice, failure and even absurdity frankly, like Sisyphus in ancient Greek mythology, and smiling at the "boulder that tumbles instantly" are the signs of human maturity. Beyond the storm, tolerance is great and magnanimous.

After the storm, "don't be surprised, look at the flowers in front of the court." There are many masters: Ji Xianlin, Sun Li, and Qian Zhongshu, all of whom returned to the true purity after suffering.

Their attitude towards the biting wind and rain is not trembling but calm; Their attitude towards success is not complacency but indifference. Understanding and recognizing the hardships of life and saying "yes" to life is a way to gain inner peace.

There are also some people who can't go beyond the storm, commit suicide, become crazy, become buffoons, and release sewage.

5. The 400-word composition about fate should be divided into chapters.

With the enrichment of life content, the contents of many concepts are also diversified. Like fate. The word fate comes from the religious category. Refers to people's life and death, wealth and opportunity. In religion, people's fate is predestined. In the past, people believed in superstition and this theory of fate.

However, with the progress of people's ideology, the connotation of fate has gradually changed. People's ideology has changed from negative to positive. Those who once believed that fate was predestined and resigned have become convinced that their own destiny is in their own hands. Isn't this a progress in the history of human thought? Some people say: character determines fate. Whether personality can completely determine fate is another matter. But it's better than believing in superstition and accepting fate.

What is fate? What are the factors that determine fate? This is a proposition worthy of our consideration. I think fate should be the product of the combination of objective conditions and subjective consciousness (and action). In reality, everyone's conditions are different. Such as heredity, genes, material basis and cultural environment. . Wait a minute. If there are predestined fate factors, please refer to these. For a person, the objective condition is that he can't change if he wants to. But this factor can't play a decisive role in fate. People are like locomotives. Although the quality of the machine is inherently different, it can be repaired and improved. What matters is direction, speed and function! If the most advanced machine doesn't work well-it's a pile of scrap metal.

I think the main factor that determines fate is not the objective conditions mentioned above, but the ideological factors of people. For example: self-confidence, advanced consciousness, courage. .. the right choice, the right direction, methods and ways. People often say: Hard work pays off. In fact, this sentence is not completely correct and incomplete. Because hard work alone is not enough. Efforts need the correct direction, methods and methods. Maybe fate is the success rate. It is the degree and speed of development. To develop or succeed, there is a more basic point: it is to be authentic.

Fate is the result, not the cause, nor the process. Not the future. Therefore, it is reasonable for people to describe the past with the theory of fate.

From a philosophical point of view, objective conditions are external causes and subjective consciousness is internal causes. Objectivity is the foundation and subjectivity is the driving force. The best combination of object and subject is fate.

I believe in fate. Believe that fate is a dialectical whole. Rather than a fixed definition.

I think the key to writing an article about fate lies not in materials but in understanding, and the premise is a correct understanding of fate. Understanding here is the direction. If you choose the wrong direction, the further you go, the greater the loss, which is not progress.

6. Fairy Fortune-telling Composition When I was in the sixth grade, I was a fairy with magical magic, but I wouldn't use magic to satisfy myself, but I would help others. This is the rule of our heaven.

One day, a child's cat jumped into a tree and the sun was about to set. He was very anxious and said, "My cat is going to fall!" " What should I do? "

Fairy, I happened to pass by, so I ran to him to comfort him: "What's wrong with you?"

He said with tears, "I, I, my kitten is about to fall."

I quickly read a spell: "chop, bump, touch!" " "

The kitten jumped down from the tree without a scratch. The boy thanked me very much and gave me a big watermelon. I shook my head and said, "Take it back to my parents!" " "Say that finish, I immediately disappeared.

There is a saying that "helping others is the foundation of happiness". A little fairy who is responsive and does good deeds every day is very happy anytime and anywhere.

Refer to it and adopt it.

7. Fairy fortune-telling composition I am a fairy with magical magic, but I will not use magic to satisfy myself, but will help others. This is the rule of our heaven.

One day, a child's cat jumped into a tree and the sun was about to set. He was very anxious and said, "My cat is going to fall!" " What should I do? "

Fairy, I happened to pass by, so I ran to him to comfort him: "What's wrong with you?"

He said with tears, "I, I, my kitten is about to fall."

I quickly read a spell: "chop, bump, touch!" " "

The kitten jumped down from the tree without a scratch. The boy thanked me very much and gave me a big watermelon. I shook my head and said, "Take it back to my parents!" " "Say that finish, I immediately disappeared.

There is a saying that "helping others is the foundation of happiness". A little fairy who is responsive and does good deeds every day is very happy anytime and anywhere.

8. Write a short essay on the topic of fate. Everyone's fate is different. Perhaps, you have complained about the injustice of fate; Or maybe, you laughed at fate's overreaching. To this end, you may be willing to be a slave to fate, or you may claim to be the master of fate. However, in my opinion, the really smart people only make friends with fate.

Thomas once said: "Everyone has his own way and has the ability to get rid of fate. But the tragedy of life is that you took the road that others told you to take. "

Looking back on the long corridor of history, many emperors will feel that they are the only thrill, and of course they are the masters of fate. Therefore, they enjoy the wealth, supreme power and beautiful treasures endowed by fate. When they indulge in debauchery, it seems inevitable that they will become conquered and prisoners. At this time, they could not accept their fate, and most of them ended their lives tragically. For example, Li Yu, if he can manage state affairs with his heart and remind himself to be prepared for danger in times of peace when he is lucky, he will not leave the regret, sadness and sadness of "a river flowing eastward". Humble people believe in fate. When you gain and lose, you feel doomed to failure, powerless and overestimating the power of fate. This is probably the reason why the fortune-telling profession can last for a long time and the business is booming! Such people live a passive life.

After letting Lux take off his boots, the imperial concubine grinding ink and the son of heaven spooning, he saw that he could not pursue the fate of assisting the king to govern the world and riding a donkey with a hip flask, and happily accepted his fate and opened another door of his destiny: traveling all over the great rivers and mountains of the motherland and making immortal masterpieces. When he lived in the temple, he did good to the people and did his best; When you are far away from the rivers and lakes, you don't feel inferior, don't feel sorry for yourself, don't walk in the rain, and don't laugh at yourself under the moon. "But there are few idle people, only two people are my ears." There are still many people who don't give in to fate and don't persist. Only regard fate as a friend and accompany you through life. We were moved. Xie Kunshan accepted the fate of losing his arms, amputation and blindness. But he was not timid. He lived by his own wisdom and hard work and created famous paintings at home and abroad. We admire Ceng Zimo, who has become a star on Wall Street. When Morgan Stanley's career reached its peak, she did not indulge in the success of fate, but devoted herself to Phoenix TV and pursued real life. Fate can't stop him from sublimating his own value, nor can it dominate his road to success.

Fate, seemingly nonexistent to the naked eye, is deeply rooted in everyone's heart and affects people's attitude towards life. Some people "resign themselves to fate" and are willing to be servants of fate, while others are arrogant and swear to dominate fate. However, only being a friend of fate is a rational choice. Think of fate as a gift of life! You don't belong to it, and you can't control it. You can only regard it as a friend and pursue self-worth along the way with him.