Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Plot interpretation of the power of fate

Plot interpretation of the power of fate

Overture: e minor. The Power of Destiny is one of Verdi's perfect and full operas, and it is also one of the most popular famous songs. It is often played alone in concerts. This overture is almost divorced from the previous form, which freely drives the theme of the drama and implies the content of the whole drama.

First of all, the brass instruments played Allegro powerfully, showing the strength of Leonora's fate. Then insert the woodwind to play the soft allegro theme melody, which is the duet between Alvaro and Tancaro in the fourth act. Then the orchestra's stringed instruments turned to Andante. After playing the theme song of Leonora's aria "Our Lady of Mercy" in the second act, the speed of the orchestra became Allegro, which reminded people of the dramatic power of fate. After this excitement passed, the clarinet played a gorgeous allegro. This is taken from the theme melody of Leonora and Guardiano's duet in the second act. Soon it was dominated by brass pipes, playing the solemn music of the monastery, and finally ending with a powerful and tragic tune.

Act I: Marquis of Carata in Seville.

Leonora, the favorite daughter of Spanish Marquis Carata Hua, has a lover named Alvaro. She kept it from her father, because everyone suspected that Alvaro was a half-breed, and his father would never agree to their marriage. So she sang "So Sad" and planned to elope with her lover tonight. After the dead of night, the Marquis kindly asked her daughter to go to bed early, but her daughter fell into sad meditation. The Marquis thought that his daughter was madly in love only for this foreigner, and convinced her of her father's advice, she returned to her room.

Clara, the maid, is preparing for Leonora's elopement. However, when Leonora recalled her father's affectionate words, he became agitated again and sang the romantic "I'm leaving my father's home". Although she loved Alvaro, if she abandoned this family, she would be condemned by her conscience for life, so she left her hometown with tears in her eyes.

Then came the sound of hooves, and Alvaro appeared. As they were about to be together, Alvaro urged her to leave as soon as possible. However, Leonora felt sad at the thought of leaving her father and hesitated to elope. Alvaro said that the horse is ready and the priest is waiting for the wedding in the church.

Unexpectedly, Leonora begged that in order to see his father again, he hoped to postpone his departure until tomorrow. But Alvaro misunderstood her heart and doubted her love. As his tone hardened, she vowed to stay at the ends of the earth and finally decided to leave home.

The two immediately sang, "Even fate can't separate us." Just as they walked out of the house, they heard the sound of the Marquis walking. Then the Marquis appeared waving his sword, and Alvaro drew his pistol to defend himself. Seeing that the Marquis was furious, Alvaro defended Leonora, saying that she was as pure as an angel and admitted that she was the culprit. At this time, Alvaro felt guilty and asked the Marquis to punish him. In order to show no resistance, Alvaro threw the pistol to the ground, but the pistol accidentally went off and shot the Marquis. The marquis cursed his daughter angrily, then died, and the young couple immediately fled the scene. The curtain fell.

Act II Scene 1: Country Hotel

People in the village are having dinner noisily. Tankaro, the eldest son of Marquis de Carata Hua, disguised himself as a student, looking for his sister Leonora and the youth who kidnapped her everywhere, and just came to this village. The villagers welcomed him and took a seat at the invitation of the village head. Coincidentally, after Leonora and Alvaro separated, they fled here in men's clothes. When she found her brother present, she quickly hid in the hotel.

Thangkaro went to Trabucco, a donkey driver who had never been in the house for dinner, and asked about the young man who had just arrived on a donkey. At this moment, a gypsy woman, Preziosi La, appeared in front of the men who were drinking and having fun. She said that if anyone wanted to get lucky, she would join the army and go to the front line in Italy. This is her cheerful war carol "The Drum Rumble", and everyone joins in and shouts "Long live the war!"

Then she will tell a fortune, read Tankaro's palm and say, "You are not a student". At this time, a group of pilgrims walked outside, and the villagers immediately knelt down and prayed. Leonora, who went outside, prayed not to be found by her brother. Her singing is melodious in the chorus of pilgrims and villagers. After the pilgrims left, Leonora quietly returned to the house, and the villagers returned to the table.

Thangkaro felt suspicious when he saw the young man who had just entered the hotel, so he went up to Trabucco and asked him if the young man riding on the donkey was a woman, but the donkey driver was very alert and refused to answer truthfully, waiting for an opportunity to escape to the horse. Seeing this scene, the village chief and Preziosi La couldn't help laughing, and then forced Tankaro to tell his life story. At this time, he sang the ballad "My name is Pelida", in which he described the tragedy that happened in his home as something that happened to his friend.

He said, "My friend's sister, lover and schemer killed my father. My friend chased them for revenge, but he couldn't find any trace of them. I looked for my friends everywhere to spread this tragic story. My friend has sailed to America to find an enemy. " People were deeply moved by this, but Preziosi La diploma intuitively judged that this was her own experience, so she laughed and teased Tancaro. After listening to the story, the villagers said good night to each other and then went home.

The second scene; monastery

Under the guidance of moonlight, Leonora came to the monastery on the mountain. At first, she thought Alvaro was dead, but when she learned from her brother's words that he was still alive, she mistakenly thought that he had abandoned himself and fled. At this time, in the dramatic aria "The Merciful Virgin", she prayed to the Virgin to forgive her sins and asked God not to abandon her.

At this time, there was a chorus of prayers from the monks in the temple, and her spirit gradually recovered. Soon, she rang the bell of the monastery and asked the monk Meltoni to let her see the abbot. When Father Guardiano came out, she asked to talk to him alone, and the priest ordered Melitone to leave. The friar muttered, "Only saints can know the secret, and we are just fools", and then reluctantly left.

Only when there were only two people left, did Leonora show that she was actually a woman, told her all her misfortunes, expressed her determination to devote her life to God, and asked the priest to save her. After listening to Leonora's narrative, the priest kindly guided her to rely on the cross. After her mood gradually calmed down, she asked to live alone in a cave and spend the years praying to God.

Considering her young age, the priest advised her to enter the monastery, but she firmly refused. The priest finally realized that she had a firm belief and agreed to her request. This is the duet "In a Calm Mood". The priest made an appointment with her to keep her identity secret and send the food near the cave.

The priest called Meltoni, ordered all the monks to gather at the central altar, and urged Leonora to put on the holy robe. She thanked God and went to the monastery. At this moment, the door of the monastery opened, and the priest blessed Leonora in the holy robe in front of all the monks, and ordered no one to go near buddhist nun on the mountain. Then the priest announced that anyone who tried to find out her name and secret would be cursed, and then all the monks swore to obey orders.

Finally, the priest told Leonora that if there was a serious accident, he must ring the bell as a signal and pray for the blessing of the Virgin Mary. This is the last chorus "Our Lady of Mercy".

Act III Scene 1: The Italian Battlefield

After Alvaro and Leonora separated, they joined the army under a pseudonym and lived as non-commissioned officers on the Italian battlefield. He thought that Leonora was dead and lamented that although he was still alive, it was extremely unfortunate. Recalling Leonora's handsome figure, he sang the romantic angel Leonora sadly.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of fighting and the cry for help from comrades. He immediately ran to save a comrade-in-arms. Unexpectedly, this man is the enemy, Tancaro. Tankaro admits that this is his first gambling, but there was an argument and he almost lost his life. Because both of them used pseudonyms, they didn't realize each other's true identity, and then they vowed that friendship would last forever.

At the beginning of the war, guns rumbled everywhere and bullets rained down. Alvaro was injured and sent to the military doctor. Alvaro made a final request, gave a small box to Tancaro to burn after his death, and they sang a song "Last Please". Tancaro vowed to do it, and Alvaro said he could die peacefully.

After Alvaro was sent to the tent, Tankaro remembered that Alvaro was very excited and suddenly felt suspicious when he talked to the military doctor about the Carata China Medal. Although condemned in my heart, I secretly opened the small box. When he found a portrait of his sister in it, Tancaro knew Alvaro's true identity: it turned out that he was his sister's lover and killed his father's enemy, and Tancaro vowed to kill Alvaro. At this moment, the military doctor just came out and told him that Alvaro had been saved. Thangkaro was very happy to hear this, because he could finally get revenge, so he sang an aria: "My destiny is in it", and then received the horse racing song "I was saved".

Scene 3: Field camp on the battlefield.

At dawn, the patrol walked back and forth and patrolled the camp. When the thoughtful Alvaro appeared, Tancaro followed. After he told the whole story, he asked for a duel with Alvaro. Alvaro was angry at first because his friendship oath was broken, but he was glad to learn from Tancaro that Leonora was still alive. So I suggested going to find her together, but Tancaro said, "Sister wants to kill you, too!" In desperation, Alvaro drew his sword to fight, but was stopped by the patrol. Alvaro felt that his fate was really terrible. His heart was frightened and he was determined to pray for peace and redemption in the monastery.

At dawn, the peddler came to the camp and the soldiers quarreled again. Preziosi La from Spain began to tell fortune for soldiers and women and cheer for recruits. Trabucco, who became a businessman, bought and sold decorations among soldiers. At this time, brother Meltoni also came from Spain. He was surprised to see the cheerful noise and began to preach, condemning that Holy Sunday had become a pagan festival. Although Spanish soldiers defended him, Italian soldiers tried to drive him away.

Soon, drums sounded, and Preziosi sang a gorgeous song "Lataplan" against the background of people humming "Lataplan, Planan, Planan".

Act IV Scene 1: Abbey Backyard

Five years later, Alvaro, who came to seek atonement, has become Father Raphael, and he has found peace in the hands of God.

At this time, Brother Melito distributed relief food to the poor. The poor are scrambling to get it. When Meltoni was stingy, Father Rafio sarcastically said, "Aren't you as kind as an angel?" The friar flew into a rage and roared, "I have endured this work for eight days!" " "Then get rid of these sarcastic people and finish the picking work in the noise. Father Guardia, who came out for a walk, advised Meltoni to be kind at work, but he sarcastically said that Father Raphael, who was loved by the poor, seemed to be a black hybrid or an Indian.

At this time, Tankaro came and asked to see Father Raphael. Alvaro became a monk under the pseudonym Raphael, and he was frightened by the appearance of Tancaro. Tancaro said, "I've been looking for you for five years", and then gave him a sword and forced him to fight. Alvaro said that he would never hold a sword again. Even if he was insulted one after another, he would no longer be angry and just pray to God calmly. However, Tankaro's slap angered him. In order to accept the challenge, they ran to the mountains together. This is the duet "Alvaro, it's no use hiding."

Scene 2: In front of the cave

Leonora has lived in seclusion in a monastery for five years. She lives next to a monastery. She prayed to God and sang, "Lord, give me peace! Even so, she can't get rid of the pain of missing Alvaro. She said in her prayers that she hoped her death would bring peace.

At this moment, she found someone coming, so she hurried back to buddhist nun in the cave and closed the door. Then Alvaro appeared, with a bloody sword in his hand, knocking on buddhist nun's door, demanding to hear the dying man's last confession. After Leonora came out, Avaro was shocked. It took a long time to tell her that he had killed her brother again. When Leonora came running in panic, his brother took the opportunity to kill his sister. Leonora accepted his fate. Leonora said to Father Guardia and Alvaro in a weak voice before he died, "My brother has avenged himself with my blood!" Alvaro bitterly cursed the cruel fate. The priest stopped him and advised him to kneel down and pray for her. Leonora said to Alvaro, "I went to heaven first", and then he died quietly. Finally, the finale is the trio "No affectation".

Note: In another version of the play, there is also the last scene, which shows that Alvaro committed suicide by jumping off a cliff.