Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Common sense after death

Common sense after death

1. What is important after death?

What were the first seven days? On the seventh day after death, people's souls will go home to remember for the last time, and their families will prepare favorite food and objects for the deceased as their last greetings. China called this day the first seven.

The first seven, China people's funeral custom, is based on the time of the deceased's death, plus the date and hour calculated by heavenly stems and earthly branches, but everyone used to think that "the first seven" refers to the seventh day after death. It is generally believed that the soul of the deceased will go home in the first seven days. Family members should prepare a meal for the dead before their souls come back, and then they must avoid it. The best way is to sleep. If you can't sleep, you should hide under the bed. If the soul of the deceased sees his family, it will make him miss and affect his reincarnation.

It is also said that when you go home on the seventh day, your family should burn a ladder-like thing at home and let your soul follow this ladder to heaven. How does the first seven pay homage to their loved ones? The first seven are handled by the son, the last seven is the seventh, the third seven is the responsibility of the married daughter, the fourth seven is also the seventh, the fifth seven is the sacrifice of the married granddaughter, the sixth seven is also the seventh, and the seventh seven is also called the full seven or the round seven. The son handles it from beginning to end, and the merits are complete.

Due to the busy industrial and commercial work, modern people sometimes shorten 7749 days to 24 days. For example, the way is "the first seven days" and "the last seven days", and every other day is "the seventh day", which is 24 days. During the mourning period, there is no sacrifice before the mourning, and there is no worship when the ancestors die. Except for those who take July 49 as the last seven days, those who are not alive on July 49 are called "the deceased", and there are usually only six days from July 27, so the last seven days are actually the 43rd day.

Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, people attached great importance to funeral etiquette, which was cumbersome and extravagant, with strong feudal superstition. Customs go hand in hand, and whether the funeral is grand or not is regarded as a measure of filial piety for the next generation.

The funeral custom is wooden coffin burial. The children and grandnephew are both Dai Xiao. The filial period of children is 3 years, and that of grandnephew is 1 year. /kloc-children are not allowed to shave their heads, cut their hair or make up within 0/year, which is called "disfigurement".

Don't post Spring Festival couplets at home for three years. The main procedures of funeral ceremony include funeral ceremony, mourning, funeral service, funeral ceremony, ceremony, membership, sacrifice, burial, memorial service after burial, seven-day memorial service and so on.

Funeral schedules range from five to seven days to half a month, which is very expensive. Generally speaking, when a person is over 50 years old, the younger generation begins to make shroud, coffin (called "longevity coffin" and "happiness coffin"), repair graves and prepare for funerals, which is considered filial piety.

1. When the deceased died, his family quickly cleaned themselves and put on the shroud, commonly known as "the deceased". Shrouds are cotton or silk coats and undershirts. Satin and fur are forbidden. Black is a forbidden color. The number of clothes to wear is not double. The best is to have seven collars, some only wear three or two, and more collars need to be sewn.

Nail strips of cloth on the shroud instead of buttons. After putting on the shroud, give the deceased 1 copper coins or 1 pearls, and then let the deceased hold coins in one hand and millet cakes in the other, which is called "beating dog cakes". Legend has it that the deceased used it against hungry ghosts and evil dogs in the underworld.

Cover the deceased with a quilt and cover his face with yellow paper or white cloth. Then, move the coffin bed to the middle of the hall, and put a table in front of the coffin bed for a bowl full of uncooked millet dry rice, which is called "pouring rice".

After the family burned incense, paper and mourned, the children knelt beside the coffin bed and were buried with them. At this time, it is "obeying the ceremony".

Two, undertaker died, immediately sent to relatives and friends, neighbors home funeral. Most upper-class families in the city send invitations first, asking people from relatives and friends to help with the funeral.

The prime minister in charge of the funeral is responsible for the funeral, as well as the cabinet, foreign cabinet, chef and guests. The Prime Minister sent people to send "long class notes" and obituaries to relatives and friends. The format of the obituary needs a proper title. All the names are male, the death of father is called "orphan", the death of mother is called "sad son", and both parents are called "orphan sad son".

Family members of some officials and businessmen also issued "mourning" and "behavior" with the obituaries. Mourning is a notice named after the dutiful son, which records the life of the deceased in detail and praises his words and deeds; A statement is a biography written by a celebrity for the deceased, which is used to collect obituaries, tributes and inscriptions.

A piece of white paper is pasted obliquely on the gate and door of the funeral home, which is called "closing the door". Then use a 2-foot straw to clamp some fire paper and insert it on the big door frame.

The male funeral is inserted on the left and the female funeral is inserted on the right, which is called "out of the bill", indicating that there is a funeral at home. Third, wearing mourning clothes is commonly known as "Dai Xiao".

The family members of the deceased wore white robes and sewed white cloth on their shoes to cover the uppers, which were called "mourning" and "wearing shoes" respectively, collectively called "breaking filial piety". The sons, daughters-in-law and unmarried daughters of the deceased should wear linen towels and hemp ropes outside their mourning clothes. The dutiful son wears a white cloth towel with a linen crown on it, and two cotton balls are dropped next to the towel. If the father is still alive, he will be nailed to the right, and if the mother is still alive, he will show extreme grief and turn a deaf ear to foreign affairs.

Filial daughters wear white cloth (called white hair) and white hair ropes. In the old funeral system, intimacy was regarded as equal difference, and there were five kinds of funerals, namely, declining, Cui Zi, meritorious service, meritorious service, and hemp removal, which were collectively called "five clothes".

Interception is the heaviest mourning, and the service period is 3 years; Cui Zi is second to Shuanfei, with a service period of 1 year; The service period is 9 months, 5 months and 3 months. On the night of the tour guide's death, the family bought all kinds of paper sticks (commonly known as colored sticks) and burned them outside the gate.

If the deceased is male, the paper horse and groom will be burned, and if the deceased is female, the paper sedan chair and bearers will be burned. When it was burning, the children turned around the fire three times and then turned around three times, shouting the title of the deceased and shouting: "Go to the southwest!" " It is also called "burning the head of the son of man" to guide the dead.

5. Reporting to the temple is also called "sending pulp". On the day of his death, the dutiful son led his children and grandchildren to carry a wooden tray with incense burners, incense and fire paper on it, and carry a bucket of pulp to the earth temple or crossroads to burn incense and paper and pour water.

Legend has it that after death, people go to the earth temple first and then to the underworld. This move is to bribe the earth god to take care of the dead who went to the underworld and give water as a gift to the wild ghosts to prevent the dead from being bullied.

The pulp needs to be delivered for three days, and for the last time, the son-in-law and nephew will also go together. After delivering the water, I went home crying, and then burned incense and paper to mourn.

Six, send the money to send the pulp, and then send the money, that is, send the money to the west. Most people in the city are at the street corner not far from the gate, while in the countryside, at the crossroads outside Zhuang, they burn some gold and silver paper ingots, kerbs and burning paper printed with money, and then burn some paper colors, including cattle and horses.

2. Is there really a soul after death?

Rollins, an American cardiologist, has saved many heart patients, some of whom came back from the dead, and told others how the soul came out of the body after death, how it entered another world and what it saw and heard.

These vivid experiences shocked Dr. Luo, who began to investigate people's experiences after death. From 65438 to 0976, Dr. Luo became a member of the national professor group of the American Heart Association, and had the opportunity to visit many countries and get to know more experts, doctors and nurses from various countries. They also provided Dr. Luo with materials about the patient's experience after death, and Dr. Luo also collected materials from newspapers and periodicals.

1984, he published a book about his experiences after death, which aroused great interest from the medical community and ordinary Americans. This book has also been translated into Chinese. It's called "Death, what's wrong?" In the investigation, Dr. Luo found that after death, people's previous experiences are roughly the same, but after entering another world, they are divided into two different places: good and bad.

They usually lose consciousness when being rescued, and then find themselves outside the body, floating under the ceiling of the roof, or moving among doctors and nurses to watch his rescue. He clearly sees everyone's clothes and actions and hears everyone's conversation, but people can't see him or touch him. Then, after a very dark and long passage, no matter how fast you can't touch the wall. After leaving the passage, it's different, yes. Most of them will meet their deceased relatives and friends, and they will also see their own life events, play movies and attend court trials.

Finally, when I reached an insurmountable fence, I had to turn back. At this time, I suddenly felt the impact of current and chest pain, and found myself back in my body. Most of these people changed their outlook on life after they came back to life.

Some people say: I used to think that social status and wealth are the most important things in life, but now I know that neither of them is important, and material is really nothing. This life is nothing compared with the afterlife. In Dr. Luo's book, there are many examples of coming back from the dead. Now, I can only choose a few: 1) There is a doctor in America named Wilts. After he was in a coma due to typhoid fever, he didn't breathe for 30 minutes and had no heartbeat for 4 hours.

His doctor announced his death. But he came back to life and told the story of his death. He said: when I was about to leave my body, I was like a soap bubble attached to the mouth of a pipe, floating up and down, left and right. Finally, I left my body and floated in the air, gradually expanding into a human figure, which looked like a translucent body with a little light blue.

When I turned to leave the room, I passed the person standing at the door, my arms collided with each other, and I didn't feel any pain, and the other party didn't respond. I looked back at my body and lay there straight, surrounded by people.

There are two women kneeling on the left crying. I found that it was my wife and sister. I nodded, waved to them, comforted them and told them that my soul was not dead, but they couldn't see me. I was lifted up by a force, pushed forward gently, and laid out an air path. Later, a big stone stood in my way.

There is a dark cloud above my head. Something has entered the cloud, and it is covered with clouds. Like a wise spirit, it gently perches on both sides of my head, telling me that this is the road to eternal life, and that boulder is the boundary, separating the two worlds from each other. Once you are gone, you can't go back to your body, but your work in this world is not finished. Go back to your body! I really want to go there. As soon as I stepped out of my left foot, a dense cloud floated towards me and touched my face, and I was unconscious. Without much effort, I opened my eyes and realized that I was back in my body.

Although I am weak, I clearly remember what happened just now. 2) A patient with hypertensive heart disease died suddenly. After he was rescued, he said, when you saved him, I felt like I was leaving my head and floating in the air. Later, I stood aside gently and watched the nurse try her best to * * * my chest.

Soon two more nurses came in. A man wears a rose on his uniform. Then the doctor was called. He took off his coat and pressed my chest instead of the nurse. He wore a blue striped tie. The room began to get dark, and I found myself walking quickly through a dark corridor.

At this time, I suddenly felt a sharp chest pain, and I knew I was back in my body. Later, another death occurred. Afterwards, he said that when my chest ached violently again, the room became dark again. He floated to the far corner of the room, looked down close to the ceiling and saw my body lying straight. The nurse pushed the electrocardiograph and electric shock meter, and a tube was stuck in my nose. I guess it came out of an oxygen bottle and there was a tube stuck in my arm.

Then, I crossed a dark tunnel and soon saw the light. In the vast sky, I fly freely like a bird. There is a river below. I flew along the river and saw a beautiful city. The streets are paved with shiny gold. I landed in a street and people gathered around me to welcome me. They look happy in shiny clothes.

Someone came to see me, my dead parents. At this time, I was awakened and returned to my body. I really want to stay there and not come back.

3) An assistant engineer fell into the lake and was rescued 45 minutes later. This is what he said about his experience after death: from this world, I am dead, but I am alive in another world, and I have not wasted my time. After my soul left my body, I still clearly remember what I saw and experienced. I stood by the lake of sulfur fire, and the blue flame rolled as far as the eye could see. I saw some dead relatives and friends, and a primary school classmate. He died of cancer. They are all in pain, and no one wants to talk. The fear in my heart is beyond description. I have to tell everyone what I saw.

4) A village postman suffered from a strange heart disease. When Dr. Luo gave him a stress test, his heart stopped beating and died silently. During the rescue, he woke up screaming: I am in hell! When other patients woke up, they cried and said, get your hand off me! You are hurting me.

But this patient has been begging: don't stop! As soon as you let go, I will go back to hell. Please don't let me go back to hell! His face was frightened, his face was scary, he was shaking and sweating like a pig, and his hair seemed to stand on end.

3. Where will people go after death?

According to our common sense, people will have nothing after death.

But is the fact really what we think? Do people really have souls, and will they be reincarnated after death? Will you really enter another country? Do people have souls? Is soul and body one? Science has confirmed that people will experience near-death experience when they die, and what is usually called out-of-body experience is often part of near-death experience. When a person dies in close proximity, he will feel that the soul and the body are separated.

As Hemingway, a famous American writer, said, "At that time, I felt my soul coming out of my body, just like pulling it out of my pocket with a corner of a silk handkerchief. Spar floated around, and finally returned to her old place and went into her pocket. "

Many people who came back from near-death rescue can clearly describe the scene when they were rescued after regaining consciousness. It stands to reason that those who are dying have been judged to have stopped their activities and lost consciousness. They should not know what is going on around them, but the facts always make people feel unbelievable.

Out-of-body experience, especially for us in China, is no stranger. In countless TV dramas and folklore, we have been very clear about what it represents.

Soul and body are separated. You can think, see things around you, hear sounds around you, and even go anywhere you want. There are many out-of-body experience experiments in history.

The first person in the world to prove the existence of "soul" by scientific experiments was the British doctor Sam? Penny. He put a board on the ceiling above the operating table to save patients, and some small objects were put on the board.

He believes that if the patient is really dying and can see the doctor save himself, then he should also be able to see the objects placed on the board. The experimental results were successful. Seven patients were able to clearly tell what their "souls saw after leaving the body, and could clearly describe the objects on the small board".

In our country, it seems that there is no professional team to study this aspect. Of course, even if there is a team in this field, it will not let you and me know.

However, it is undeniable that our country has had the concept of out-of-body experience since ancient times. Li Yuanzhong became Tie Guai Li after burning, and the Monkey King ate ginseng fruit after out-of-body experience, all of which are extensions of this concept.

Is there really reincarnation? Near-death experience can only show whether a person has a soul. However, where will people go after death? Is it really reincarnation as Sakyamuni Buddha said? Even after reincarnation, how can you judge that this person is reincarnated? Fortunately, there are more and more examples to prove the authenticity of reincarnation.

The west has collected hundreds of cases to prove the authenticity of reincarnation. In these cases, those who claim to be reincarnated can clearly tell their identity, location, relatives in previous lives and so on.

And with the deepening of research, even scientists can use hypnosis and other methods to arouse human memories of past lives. Of course, reincarnation is not uncommon in our country.

In the Dong nationality gathering place at the junction of Guizhou, Hunan and Guangxi, there are such a group of people who claim to be reincarnated after death and can even tell about "past lives". Of course, the most familiar is the reincarnation of Tang Jiangshan, a popular network.

Tang Jiangshan's reincarnation not only became popular on the Internet, but also was reported by many domestic TV stations. When Tang Jiangshan was 3 years old (1979), he suddenly said to his parents, "I am not your child. My former life's name was Chen Mingdao, and my former father's name was Third Father.

My home is in Danzhou, near the sea (north of Hainan Island, more than 60 kilometers away from Dongfang City/KLOC-0). At the age of six, his parents took a bus to Tang Jiangshan's previous life under his guidance.

Six-year-old Tang Jiangshan went straight to Chen Zanying's old man's house, called him "Third Dad" in Danzhou dialect, and said that he was his son Chen Mingdao. After his death, he was sent to gancheng town, Dongfang County, and now he is looking for his former parents. Then he recognized his two sisters and other relatives and friends in the village. What is particularly interesting is that he can meet his girlfriend Xie Shuxiang in his last life.

Space after death? What about the world after death? If the soul is reincarnated and immortal, then the number of the world should be basically balanced. How can it be more and more? Is it true what Buddhists say about the six paths? What kind of brilliant and happy world do those who are experiencing near-death experiences see? What are those places of infinite terror? Is there really a heaven and a hell? I hope that scientists can give us a perfect answer when science is more and more developed in the future.

Dear friends, has anyone around you ever had a near-death experience or reincarnation memory? Tell me about it.

4. What are the customs on July 7th after death?

The old funeral customs of the Han nationality are very popular all over the country.

That is, after death (or after the funeral), a coffin seat is set up from the "first seven days" for the wood owner to cry and worship every day, and sacrifice in the morning and evening. Buddhist ceremonies were held every seven days, and fasting ceremonies were held, which ended on the 49th day of July 7th. This custom was not recorded in the Han Dynasty, which was related to the introduction of Buddhism into China. It was implemented in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and it will remain unchanged in later generations.

Buddhism "Yoga Theory" says that after death, in order to seek fate, seven days is the first period. If fate cannot be born at the end of the seventh day, it will last for seven days, and a place will be born at the end of the seventh day, so there is the custom of "July 7" period and pursuing recommendations every seven days. On the one hand, people were born as wax in July, and a wax became a spirit, and after 7749, it became seven spirits; Seven days to avoid death, one to avoid one soul to disperse, and seven souls to dissipate in 7749 days, this is the Taoist theory of gathering souls to disperse souls.

July 7th is also called "Breaking Seven", "Walking Seven" and "Full Seven" by the people. Pay more attention to the top seven, the last seven and the last seven.

History of the north. "Biography of Hu Guozhen": "From the beginning of the imperial edict to July 7, it was a thousand monks' fasting. "

Beiqi book Sun Huiling Biography: "After the death of Ge (Nanyang King), from the seventh day to the end of the hundred days, monks were always invited to set a fast for Ge."

Peony Pavilion. Meet my mother: "How do you know that when you are empty with him, he becomes a close couple?" "The Scholars" goes back to the fifth time: "After that, I fasted seven times, held funerals, and spent four or five thousand taels of silver.

The fourth time: "Time flies, the period of July 7th has passed." See Yoshida Yoshida's Spring Rain.

According to the ancient funeral custom, the coffin should be stopped for at least three days. It is said that I hope the dead can come back to life.

If you can't be resurrected within three days, your hopes will be completely dashed. In fact, it takes a long time to stop the funeral, because the funeral at that time was very complicated, especially for emperors, who needed huge graves and a lot of funerary objects, which required a lot of manpower and time.

Besides, parents should be buried together after death. If the father dies without knowing the mother's tomb and the mother dies without knowing the father's tomb, the deceased shall be buried temporarily until the father's tomb or mother's tomb is found.

It is hard to say when the coffin will be parked. After modern times, coffins were generally buried after "seven days".

People think that people don't know they are dead until seven days after they die, so they have to hold a "seven-week" ceremony, seven days and forty-nine days. This is mainly influenced by Buddhism and Taoism.

Buddhism believes that in addition to committing heinous crimes and going to hell immediately, people with many virtues will ascend to heaven immediately, and their souls generally cannot be reincarnated immediately. The undead without metempsychosis is not a ghost, but a body in the process from death to metempsychosis, waiting for the opportunity of metempsychosis to mature.

Therefore, if filial piety or relatives and friends can ask the monk to do some Buddhist services for him seven times after his death, the deceased can be reincarnated in a better place. Therefore, Buddhism advocates that it is best to cross over the undead during the July 7th period.

If after the July 7th period, the category of the deceased's afterbirth has been finalized, and Buddhist practice will only increase his blessing, but will not change the category of afterbirth. If a person has done a lot of evil before his death, he is destined to keep animals in his next life. When he died on July 7th, if his filial relatives and friends did a big Buddha thing for him, so that he could hear the monk chanting, repent now and be a good person, he could be saved from animals and reborn as a human being.

Taoism also believes that it is best to turn over the dead before his "seven spirits" are exhausted. There are many specific etiquette during the period of "doing seven", which are practiced everywhere.

In Guangzhou, the fifth seven days of the old funeral custom must be returned by married women, and the cost of this day is entirely borne by married women. If the deceased has no married woman, it will be done by a married niece or grandniece. The first seven days, the last seven days and the last seven days after death are called "Big Seven".

There is a custom of "walking seven times" in this day's memorial service, that is to say, in this day's memorial service, the married daughter and daughter-in-law each carry lanterns and race like kites in the prescribed ceremony to get the first one to run home, commonly known as "fighting for heroes", thinking that the soul of the deceased can protect well-being. Because people think that although people are dead, the soul still has feelings like the living.

5. Where did people go after death?

Within 8- 16 hours after death, the gods gradually leave the body. At this time, the deceased felt like an old cow peeling, which was extremely painful. A slight touch will make the dead man look like a fragment and make him angry. Usually after 8 hours, the great gods leave completely, and then they can try on, change clothes and make up. Some people will leave completely after 16 hours.

After death, the whole body is cold, and only one place is hot. After leaving the body for 8- 16 hours, you can touch the way to judge the reincarnation of the deceased: foot fever: hell knee fever: animal abdominal fever: ghost road (most abdominal fever after death) chest fever: humanitarian eyebrow fever: heaven road five, because Asura contains five roads, it is called six roads. Top door fever: going to the Buddhist world.

Daphne odora, who died in the western paradise, was soft as cotton, blushed with fever and smelled of sandalwood (this fragrance is not human, but it can be clearly smelled). There are relics or flowers after cremation. There are countless auspicious images of Buddhist practitioners all over the country, and anyone who wants to see them can see them with their own eyes.

Amitabha! When the patient is dying, his family members should not look at him in front of him, lest the patient feel distressed. If the family members believe in Buddhism, they must not cry when chanting Buddha, lest the patient cause sadness and lose mindfulness.

Family members must not cry, which will increase their love, implicate their troubles and pains, and even make patients feel disgusted because of * * *, and will not delay their lives! Before and after the patient's death, if there are people who eat wine and meat, don't go near the patient, otherwise the patient will easily lose his mindfulness and fall into three evils. After the patient died, he was still conscious and knew something about God.

After a period of time, the whole body is cold, and god and knowledge are separated. Life, warmth and knowledge all leave the body before death. After the end of life, before the knowledge of God disappears, this is a very painful moment for the soul.

And some shed tears because of sentimental past events, some are hard to give up because they are greedy for the treasures of their children and grandchildren in the world, some are sad and distressed because of unfulfilled wishes, and some are unwilling to be satisfied because of grievances. Therefore, at this moment, it is the intersection of sorrow and pain. No matter how touched you are, smelling the crying will not greatly affect the heart that won't go. Can the living be so patient? The world does not know that death is death, which often leads to a big mistake. The patient's family and filial children must know.

Generally speaking, when a patient dies, he will cry bitterly, or cry bitterly in his arms, or move him to sleep at will, or bathe and dress him while his body is still cold, or inject him with a cardiotonic or preservative, or immediately send him to the morgue, or move him to the funeral home that day. Even cremated in two or three days.

These cruel acts can be regarded as cruel abuse to patients who are still aware of God's knowledge. What the living do is really harmful to the dead, and it will make the dead suffer and degenerate. The opposite of love is enough to hurt them, which is the most terrible.

I don't know if God didn't leave. The pain he felt was no different from that of ordinary people. Ordinary people can also call for help and resist.

Although the patient gave up breathing and didn't ask the gods, he still insisted on treating him as a dead body, causing the patient to be in great pain and unable to complain. I'd rather not be sad, because I don't know the common sense of death. The patient's heart is full of hatred because of suffering, and his knowledge of God is degraded and disgusted because of hatred, although his dutiful son and grandson know nothing.

Therefore, we appeal to the world that it should be 10 to 12 hours after the death of the patient, before the gods leave. During this period, the ward should be quiet, and it is not allowed to do all the above acts that harm the patient's body, so as to maintain the peace and safety of the gods. The patient should sleep naturally and don't move.

After this time, if you see that your body is stiff, you can apply a hot water towel to your elbow to make it soft. During this time, don't feel its warmth and coldness, don't let mosquitoes and flies touch it, and don't chat and cry in the ward.

It will take ten to twelve hours to carry out effective rescue, guide the patient's knowledge to a bright future and enjoy happiness forever in the sacred land. This is the only responsibility of the family and the only filial piety to the children.

If it has expired and you are still consciously dying because of your knowledge, such as in public and private hospitals or at home, you should be given 10 to 12 hours of quiet time based on the spirit of humanity and cautious attitude, and air conditioning or ice cubes should be supplied to reduce the temperature of the ward. At the same time, you can't move the patient slightly, and you can't make all the wrong actions as mentioned in the last article.

As for lying posture, that's it. In the future, you can apply a hot water towel to its bent joints, which can be as soft as life.

Keep quiet in the ward and don't gossip. If you don't ask someone to enlighten you before you die, you need a good friend to enlighten you loudly in the patient's ear as mentioned above, so that the heart of the deceased can be aware, and the heart can return and rely on it.

Family members, relatives and friends should read the six-character Buddha's name in shifts for more than ten minutes, and then read the four-character Buddha's name of Amitabha, clearly and clearly. It is best to follow the tape of Master's chanting, and at the same time think, ask the Buddha for mercy and accept it.

Don't interrupt the voice of chanting Buddha, let the patient understand God, hear every word clearly from his ears, let him feel the will of Buddha, and die with him in the western paradise. If you help recite the Buddha's name in the ward, be careful not to disturb other patients.