Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Wuguanzhuang Wealth _ Wuguanzhuang Village

Wuguanzhuang Wealth _ Wuguanzhuang Village

General situation of Huang Ronghai

Former consultant of Guangzhou Military Region. Comrade Huang Ronghai is from wanan county, Jiangxi Province. 193 1 joined the Chinese red army of workers and peasants, 1932 joined the Chinese communist youth league, 1935 changed to party member and China. He has served as a soldier, squad leader, deputy political instructor, instructor, instructor, section chief, division deputy commander, colonel, deputy brigade commander, division commander, deputy commander of the provincial military region, and deputy commander of the Guangzhou Military Region.

During the Agrarian Revolutionary War, he participated in the fourth and fifth counter-campaigns against "encirclement and suppression" and the 25,000-mile Long March in the Central Soviet Area. During the period of War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, he participated in and directed the anti-"mopping-up" campaign in Yimeng Mountain area and the campaigns of Xiaojiaping, Shijiadian, Wuguanzhuang, han cun, Pingxingguan, Yangguang, Pubin and Xinyang.

During the War of Liberation, he participated in the battles of Liaoshen, Ping Jin, crossing the river, marching into the south of the Yangtze River, liberating Guangzhou, chasing down the remnants of the enemy in Guangxi and liberating Hainan Island.

After the founding of New China, he actively participated in the combat readiness, training and management of the vanguard troops, and vigorously strengthened the construction of border and coastal defense. During the ten years of turmoil, he fought resolutely against the counter-revolutionary groups of Lin Biao and the Gang of Four. Support the party's line, principles and policies, and maintain a high degree of ideological and political consistency with the CPC Central Committee. Comrade Huang Ronghai is an alternate member of the 9th, 10th and 11th Central Committee of China. 1955 was awarded the rank of major general. During his revolutionary career of more than 60 years, Comrade Huang Ronghai studied diligently, took the overall situation into account, worked diligently, kept close contact with the masses, worked hard and lived simply, and maintained and carried forward the fine traditions and style of our party and army. Comrade Huang Ronghai died in Guangzhou on June 1996+ 10/3 at the age of 8 1.