Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - What are the top ten factors that determine success or failure?

What are the top ten factors that determine success or failure?

1. Don't be superstitious.

From the philosophical point of view, the struggle between materialism and idealism has lasted for thousands of years, and it is gradually coming to the end of materialism. At the same time, the remnants of idealism are still working.

Many businessmen in China believe in gods and ghosts. It is inevitable to invite a god of wealth to celebrate the opening of the store. It is also common to burn incense and make wishes in temples. Many people have various versions of books such as fortune-telling predictions at home, and they encounter major decisions. If you don't turn it over, you can't put it down.

The most fashionable thing is the superstition of numbers. Based on the combination of Chinese and Western cultures in recent years, the figures of Evonne are: six, eight and so on. It is strange that quite a few people believe in this seemingly unreasonable superstition. Are these numbers really that amazing?

Take "8" as an example! "8" is actually a dull and meaningless dead number. There is no scientific basis for believing in the good or bad meaning of this number. If it's to keep up with fashion, it's nothing. If people are fascinated by the letter, it is still very problematic. Because people who believe in this set can't control their own destiny and seriously lack confidence in what they are doing, they will turn to the gods for help and hope to be blessed. The superstitious atmosphere is often cold, low-key and pessimistic.

This kind of atmosphere is very unfavorable for bosses who need to fight hard in business wars. As we know, the competition in modern commercial warfare is fierce, the market is changing rapidly, and opportunities are fleeting. We are required to be sharp-eyed, calm-headed and calm under any circumstances. This requires not only experience, but also courage, self-confidence and indomitable spirit. If we put our enterprise and future in the hands of ghosts and gods, we will lose everything one day.

2. Spend money in moderation.

Some bosses in China are so rich that they can't spend all their lives, so that they use drugs to burn money in competitions. However, have you ever thought that you have more money? Or is the big boss of the American consortium or the Japanese consortium rich? Of course, you are short! However, when did you hear that big American bosses and big Japanese bosses were burning money? I only heard that Kōnosuke Matsushita is writing a book. I haven't heard of him taking drugs and burning money. Burning money in the competition just shows that some bosses in China are not capitalists. A real capitalist is a machine that will never stop running, making profits by investing, making profits by investing again, going round and round, and amplifying again and again. Even personal super enjoyment, such as luxury yachts, private jets and even the capitalists' own health and safety, has become part of the investment. The continuous expansion of capital is the enjoyment of capitalists. If not, where are you from today, billionaire, billionaire consortium? Do you have this realm? If there is, you won't have the trouble of having more money than you can spend.

The real liberation or transcendence is to plunge into life bravely and gain a positive philosophy of life through in-depth cultivation in all aspects. Life is short, it is not easy to do something valuable and realize the true meaning of life. You really have to get into the role as soon as possible. Otherwise, people in Sri Lanka will be old in a blink of an eye. Looking back, wouldn't it be a pity if you only remember how many bills you burned?

Wealth will never forget the villagers

Being rich and heartless is the most likely behavior to arouse China people's anger. With the development of market economy and the progress of society, the well-to-do people in China may be able to tolerate the rise of a wealthy class. The "pink eye" may only be the unbalanced psychology of a few people, but it will not become a fatal factor threatening the newly rich class. But ... if you are rich and heartless, do whatever you want and do evil, your people will definitely pay twice the price for it.

This is a truth that many businessmen still don't understand.

Some bosses think that their wealth is earned by themselves. It has nothing to do with others. They can spend whatever they like, and they are not controlled by others. So they can make a lot of money, spend a lot of money, gamble and go whoring. It seems that they can't show their value without it. As for helping the poor, sponsoring social welfare undertakings and helping neighbors, relatives and friends, it is beyond their power.

It should be said that the boss of contemporary China can stand out from the crowd, whether in the struggle against fate or in the grasp of opportunities, there are indeed differences. However, there is no doubt that the contemporary boss class in China is the product of our time. Imagine, if there is no great development from planned economy to market economy, if there is no vast fertile soil brought by system transition, and if there is no tolerant policy adopted by the state on ownership for the needs of economic development, the boss class in China, as a social phenomenon that has long been destroyed by history, cannot be reborn. Shouldn't we be grateful for the gift of society? Shouldn't we do some responsibility to our society? It is true that as long as it is a proper way, it is legal to spend the money you earn, and of course others can't interfere. But from emotion to reason, is there something owed? Therefore, please remember that businessmen should not be "rich and heartless".

4. The money you earn should be clean

The first generation of businessmen in China grew up in a very special environment after the reform and opening up. Because the system reform has just started, the old system has been broken, the new system has not been fully established, and the market is neither mature nor chaotic. The laws of the country are also very imperfect and have many loopholes. Taking advantage of this special opportunity, there are indeed some people who go astray, speculate, eat black and eat white, and as a result, they make a windfall and get rich in one fell swoop.

This gives people the illusion that you can't make a fortune doing business in China without taking crooked ways. Therefore, there are still some businessmen today, instead of delving into proper business methods, thinking about making use of legal policies to make an unexpected windfall. What is fake and shoddy, and what is smuggling and drug control? As long as they have a lot of money to earn, they dare to take risks and try their best to end up in jail. Don't say rich, people have been locked up and even played with their heads.

In fact, no matter what society or era, it is absolutely taboo for legitimate businessmen to take advantage of the law and violate the law. It's not a question of not worth the candle. First of all, it involves a person's evaluation of self-worth and the determination of his position in society. As long as you don't indulge in depravity, you should be an upright person in society. His behavior will never intentionally violate laws and other social norms, because it will endanger normal life and life path. I believe that most people in society will see things this way. Otherwise, there will not be only a few criminals in society.

Doing business requires taking risks, and the last thing a businessman wants to do is taking risks. Who wants to take risks unless necessary? The biggest risk in doing business is breaking the law.

The more people are slaughtered, the faster they die.

Everyone is working hard in business, working day and night. For what? To make money, of course. The more money you make, the better. However, making money also has the morality of making money. The ancients said that a gentleman loves money well, and he talked about the morality of making money. Except for a few profiteers, I think honest businessmen can agree with this morality. Businessmen all talk about professional ethics, which is good for society and businessmen themselves.

Some businessmen are eager for money and always fantasize about making a windfall and getting rich in one fell swoop. Unfortunately, there is no unexpected gain, so I do some shady things in my daily business. For example, customers from other places, or customers who don't understand the market, always try their best to "kill him", and some people even cheat customers by unscrupulous means, making the fake genuine and shoddy. These people probably have a self-deception idea: the world is so big, there are so many customers coming and going, and the idea of "killing" you is ridiculous and hateful. The world is big, but sometimes it is small. According to the "80/20" rule. Most of your sales come from a few old customers. If you kill customers, your repeat customers will decrease. The more people killed, the fewer repeat customers. I'm afraid there are very few people in the world who are cheated and don't know it, but they will wake up sooner or later. Knowing that the deceived person will come to you again. If they bother you again, they will definitely bother you. Therefore, it is not only prohibited by national laws to covet close interested customers, but also to ruin one's own wealth, which really harms others and does not benefit oneself.

It is easy to kill customers and their business partners, so it is easier to kill yourself. Every businessman has more or less his own business partner, either he buys from you or you buy from him, or there is some kind of service relationship between them. Business is like a net, and you are also a knot on the net. This is a relationship of coexistence and common prosperity. If you are greedy for near profits, or cheat old customers, or take advantage of some favorable opportunities to profit from old customers, or fail to pay back money to old customers for a long time, or even prepare to default, your business will not be done. Business partners must always treat each other on the principle of mutual benefit, making money by themselves and letting others make money is the most basic truth, and business can last for a long time. Don't be blinded by interests, or even have a foothold.

6. Don't kill yourself.

The boss is very busy, but what on earth is he busy with? This is still very particular. It is common for some bosses to be as busy as a bee, no matter how big or small, they all do it themselves. At the end of the day, my eyes are full of flowers, my head is dizzy, my thoughts can't be straightened out, and my reaction becomes dull. We should understand that doing business is a university and a high-intensity mental work. To do a good job, we should not only have certain experience and knowledge, but also be clear-headed and responsive. Only when there is something can there be countermeasures, good ideas can be made in decision-making, and problems can be considered carefully without mistakes. If you only work hard all day, you can't cope with routine work and have no time to think. If you can't talk about good ideas, how can you make a careful decision? As a result, most of them have picked up sesame seeds and lost watermelons, and their daily affairs have not been done well, and many opportunities for making a fortune will be lost.

It can be seen that being a boss is not hands-on. The most important thing is to be able to manage, be good at arranging and directing employees to complete their business, and rely on their labor to realize their intentions. Maybe you will say, I don't want to do everything myself, but I can't hire more people just because the profit is small! This is definitely a practical problem. Increasing manpower will increase expenses, which is often unbearable for small shops, but it is not unimaginable. One way is to improve the efficiency of shop assistants. Appropriate material rewards and spiritual encouragement can improve people's efficiency. It's a cliche, but it works every time. Many shops work intermittently, sometimes idle and busy, with fewer busy people and more idle people. The best way is to use social services, and now there are some social services in cities, such as handling. For some emergencies, people can be invited temporarily, even if it's over.

In short, the boss's work should be rhythmic, flexible and relaxed. Only when you are busy and not chaotic will there be long-term development.

7. A hot-headed business is unreliable.

In the recent market in China, some young businessmen are eager for their own careers. They are not fickle and discard the old for the new, but eat what is in the bowl and scrape what is in the pot. Go to your own shop if you can, and take whatever you want. The old ones don't go, the new ones keep coming, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger, but your own characteristics are gone. This is called a four-way attack, and the main line is unknown. I'm afraid this is a common problem of some small successful businessmen. They are ambitious and always think they are old hands in business. There is no impossible business, and there is no unsuccessful business.

The idea that you are an omnipotent businessman is absurd and dangerous. When a person's mind is so hot that he doesn't even understand the simple truth of interlacing like a mountain, and he is not omnipotent, will his business future have a good result?

Remember, private enterprises rarely fail because there is no market, and rarely fail to develop because there is no market. Most problems lie in poor management. Because in the vast market, your market share is really insignificant. Therefore, don't always worry that you can't develop, and don't think that a few more projects are reliable.

Of course, it's not surprising if you have become a very powerful rich man and run several projects at the same time. Our business community in China already has such an omnipotent tycoon. But I don't know if you have noticed. Although there are many projects, some smart tycoons are still scattered but not chaotic. The main line is clear, and there are always more or less connections between projects. Is this an accident?

8. Squeeze in a place with more money, not a place with many people.

It is a matter of life and death to choose a business route, whether for a businessman who is doing business for the first time or wants to change careers. It's really not easy for a person to choose the right industry for the first time in business. Without a certain vision and experience, a lot of investigation and thinking, and a good independent opinion, it is extremely difficult to succeed in one fell swoop. Even those who have started a business for a period of time will hesitate to start a new business. Because although he has some business experience, he is still a layman in the face of new choices.

This is a difficult problem! Besides. If you want to do business, it is inevitable to solve such a difficult problem. But as long as you act cautiously, you can always solve it.

The most terrible thing is that some people choose business projects very rashly. Without careful inspection, they rushed to invest, otherwise they would lose it soon. Therefore, they hastily withdrew their surplus capital and invested in another industry. This kind of person opens it when he says it, and closes it when he closes it. They tried everything in the East and the West, but they almost lost all their money and got nothing. More importantly, every time I fail, my confidence will be reduced by three points, and my credibility in people's hearts will be reduced by three points. The more times you fail, the less chance you have of success.

Such people don't have their own opinions when choosing enterprises. They either follow the crowd and squeeze wherever it is hot and profitable. Either see a business with less investment and less difficulty in operation. Without thinking, I cut in. Supposedly, this choice is reasonable. However, unfortunately, it is a good choice in your opinion, and it is not bad in others' view. You can get in, so can others. Therefore, in these hot businesses, the competition is often very fierce. The market is so big and there are many people competing. Of course, the elimination rate will be high. If your competitive strength and skills are not so good, then the object of elimination is of course you.

9. Look at the market from the perspective of change

Experience is very valuable to businessmen. It is not easy for a person to have business experience from ignorance. His experience and knowledge are all money and hard work! So most experienced businessmen attach great importance to their own experience. When I encounter any difficult problem, I am always used to solving it in a way that has been successful before. If there is no big change in the market, his method is often successful.

However, in the market economy society, the situation changes rapidly and new tricks emerge one after another. If you are rigid in thinking and stick to past experience, you will stagnate and even lead your company to a desperate situation.

In a big company, if a president can't solve the problem, he can still be replaced, hire another smart person and adopt new laws, and the problem can always be solved. Small businesses are different. The boss can't fire himself. The only thing I can do is change my mind. But it's true. It's not easy to really do it. When experience accumulates in the brain and even forms a mindset, it is difficult for him to look at the problem with a new eye, and he is always used to judging the situation with his own value standards and thinking mode. This is called rut and rigid thinking. The more successful a businessman is, the easier it is to get into such a predicament and the more difficult it is to adapt to the new environment. Especially when he has a certain fortune, he is more inclined to be conservative. He must keep this hard-won property. Experience tells him that this cannot be unconventional, but the experience is reliable, and the new things outside are terrible and full of risks for him.

To avoid this, first of all. We should learn to look at this unpredictable world with new thinking mode and value standard. Always remind myself that the world is so big and changing so fast, how can my original one be enough? This kind of introspection may be difficult or even ridiculous for conservative people. But it is very effective to do so often.

Secondly, we should always reflect on the operation in the previous paragraph to see if there are any problems and mistakes and whether we can do it better. This is not to make you regret, but to understand a truth: any successful experience is flawed and not worth persisting in.

Third, read more books, newspapers and TV, accept all kinds of new information and listen to other people's different opinions. This can inspire your thinking and inspire you to look at the problem with a new eye.

Finally, when making business decisions, don't worry too much about what to do if you lose. There are always winners and losers in business. How can we forge ahead if we are always afraid of losing? Dare not take risks. You can't do anything.

10. Never die. It's never too late to study.

Doing business in a standardized market is difficult to stand on without excellent technology. We all know that capitalists have money, but we don't know that real capitalists are still very capable. What is a capitalist? Capitalists are experts in managing capital. Without rich experience, a set of ideas and skills, extraordinary courage and a little talent, how can we overcome many competitors and become an expert? How can I become a millionaire or even a billionaire? Think about the truth, think about the road to entrepreneurship that will never be smooth ahead, how can we treat it lightly?

Unfortunately, most business novices are hopeless optimists. They regard business as simple and simple, and the future as wonderful and wonderful. They spend all day thinking about how I make money and how I spend it with relish. I just didn't think that there might be a time when I couldn't make money, or even a day of bankruptcy. Correspondingly, I am self-righteous in business. I am blind and reckless. I didn't want to wake up until I hit the wall. This kind of person is very dangerous at the moment, let alone successful.

Even if you have been in the sea for many years, you are already a senior private enterprise boss, but your experience is limited and there are still many things you don't understand. Because the market is ever-changing, there are many new situations, such as changes in market conditions, new situations of competitors, new sources of goods, new terminals and so on. , may not be known. How can you stick to your own experience and not adapt? Experience has proved that sometimes a real layman is easier to get into the role than a half-ignorant person. This is because laymen are inexperienced, often cautious and pay attention to learning with an open mind. But people with certain experience tend to be self-righteous, so there is little progress.

In short, whether it's a novice or a veteran; To survive and develop in the rapidly changing market, we must be invincible in the fierce commercial competition. The biggest taboo is to be self-righteous and not pretend to understand!