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Gypsy Tarot —— Gypsy's World View

Tarot cards were invented by gypsies and used for divination. They are divided into 78 cards. Including 22 large Akanaka cards and 56 small Akanaka cards. Little Acana is divided into four groups, each with one to ten people, plus the king, queen, knight and footman. These four groups are stars, swords, cups and staffs. Formally, the 56 cards of Little Akana are relatively simple. If it means anything, it should be given more by gypsy fortune tellers. But the gypsy worldview I want to talk about exists in the Great Akanaka. Every big Akanaka is different, and there is no order at first glance. But when you think about it, not only are these cards step by step, but also a complete European world can be found in the eyes of gypsies.

Gypsies live in various countries in Europe. There is a saying that they are Jews, but from the perspective of faith, Gypsies cannot be classified as Jews. Gypsies have no country, no fixed residence, and are not nomads. Although gypsies also keep livestock, they do not migrate with water plants, but walk in towns and villages.

The mysterious description of gypsies is perfect. In Europe in the past, they sold livestock, practiced witchcraft, made mending tools, performed magic tricks, started circuses and performed divination. It is almost impossible to tell the main business of gypsies. They moved from one town to another and got food and clothes directly from the settled people through their unique and extraordinary skills. It is also recorded in history that many castles lacking population are willing to accept them as permanent residents, but they are all rejected. In the eyes of other Europeans, gypsies may not even have a home, which is pitiful and hard, but it is the gypsies who are proud of it. Wandering is not forced by life, but a way of life they love. In fact, gypsies don't need Europeans, and Europeans need gypsies. Europeans who finally settled down only gave gypsies food and cloth, and gypsies gave them a lot, such as Jianghu artists, small traders, veterinarians, magicians, fortune tellers, tinkerers, animal trainers, performers and so on. Judging from this romantic and wild nation, they live an extremely wonderful life alone.

Gypsies wandering between towns and villages will naturally distinguish themselves from settled Europeans. Gypsies have their own eyes on settled Europeans. They use tarot cards for divination. Naturally, most people who come to divination are settled Europeans. Maybe they don't read for themselves. I didn't expect a god to appear in Europe, an extremely exclusive god. With the growing size of the church, the persecution of gypsies is becoming more and more serious. Gypsies do not have torture prisons, but they are often locked in them; Gypsies don't attack other people's armies, but they are often attacked; Gypsies have never driven others away, but they are often driven away. The persecution of gypsies exists in almost all ethnic groups in Europe. The most serious thing is that the Nazis killed all the gypsies they could catch at that time, with 400 thousand recorded.

Tarot cards can only be understood by gypsies, but if I only talk about the 22 cards of Grand Acana, I can also get a glimpse of some mysteries. According to the divination method of tarot cards, they infer time by calculating the grand akana, thus predicting the future or the past. The method of counting is to count backwards in the future and forward in the past, in this order. From 1 to 22 and then to 1, this itself represents a reincarnation, and the 1 1 represents the wheel of fate. Careful observation shows that the way of this reincarnation is to put aside time. Without time, everyone in the whole world and every period of history are in the same reincarnation. This cycle, interrelated, and finally back to the beginning. If we insist on adding time, we can only understand that everything is circulating, some fast, some slow, as fast as a person and as slow as the whole history.

Let's interpret the 22 cards of Grand Akana in turn and introduce each section of the next cycle:

The first one, fool. A fool represents the primary stage of ignorance, ignorance and complete ignorance of things. In the historical period, it represents relatively primitive people. In the eyes of gypsies, fools are often hordes of primitive people without wisdom, power, power and magic. They don't understand why others are greedy for strength and money. Simple and kind, not greedy, but a little ignorant. And this also represents the initial state of reincarnation and the beginning of everything.

But everything will eventually develop. When the primary stage of human life and exploration has passed, there are bound to be some new discoveries, represented by the second magician. The magician represents the initial cognitive stage of things, with appearances and regularity. People who master this law can show off fools, but they know that this is not a brilliant skill. As a magician, everyone knows that his performance is not magic, but with these, he can gain a way of thinking and a skill; With these magicians, you can get some tangible benefits, such as money and honor. The acquisition of these benefits makes this simple progress truly practical and gives discoverers and explorers more motivation and courage to explore.

With the deepening of exploration and the exploration of life, all the mysteries eventually fall on life, and the life with the most exploration value is human itself, as it was in the past and still is. The birth of life has become the most inevitable problem for explorers. This woman who gave birth to life became the first object of admiration and reverence in this exploration. In the third picture, the female pope represents this state. She not only represents the mysterious carrier of some understanding, the greatness of life, but also represents the respect for female members in history. In the eyes of gypsies, women are magical, which is superior to magicians, and it is not a boring trick, but the real magic that produces life.

At this point, the limitations of wisdom can no longer be exerted. The real secret that breeds life cannot be directly solved, so exploration has taken a back seat. From worshipping mystery to being dominated by mystery. There are four female popes-the queen. At this stage, cognition ranks second to application, and the queen becomes the dominant, creating mystery and possessing mystery. Historically, this was a matriarchal clan society, and women became kings.

The fifth picture is the emperor, representing the mysterious complete retreat. The charm of domination has ended the exploration, and the mysterious power gained has been dominated. The emperor is like this. As an emperor, on the one hand, he dominates, on the other hand, he myths himself. This kind of dominance is difficult to achieve a stable balance, and it needs a stable and balanced approach. The persistence of power can abandon everything and have no more energy to do other things. You have control, you have power, but you can't escape.

The next sixth picture is the Pope, with men and women. He represents the supremacy of the clergy, which also happened in European history, that is, the separation of church and state. The church has higher prestige and greater power. In the eyes of gypsies, Christianity believes that everything is given by God, and when something is incomprehensible, it will explain everything to God. All people can do is pray, repent and repent. Religion has a kind of repression, which suppresses everything and classifies everything as sacred. At this moment, God is the master of all people, and faith has become an indispensable thing, with less rationality and more persistence. After accepting the emperor, the Pope turned to faith because his behavior was uncontrollable, which made his behavior depressed and firm.

The next seventh card is lovers, and this card is a turning point. From this card, the "self" appeared, which is also the uniqueness of European thought. In the next few cards, the ego became the main force leading the behavior. Gypsies accurately grasped the point where they started. In Europe, the ego stops at religion and begins with love. Love is not too old. In tarot cards, love comes after religion. God loves the world first, and then people love the world again. The first six cards will gradually aggravate self-repression, and by the Pope, it has been suppressed to the most serious extent. But when it comes to lovers, this pressure is instantly abandoned and a strong sense of self is generated. Lovers represent freedom and freedom. From a personal point of view, they pursue happiness as they understand it.

The eighth chariot, war is the inevitable result of self. From the competition between reindeer, we can see that the oldest war comes from fighting for lovers. From this photo, the change of self-centered values is reflected. If the lover card is the pursuit of freedom, the chariot card finds a reason for this pursuit. With the belief of struggle, the driving force of progress, and the ambition to win. When this passion broke out everywhere, war appeared. At this stage, I dare to struggle and make progress, and I am ready for sacrifice. Conceptually, he also abandoned the awe and worship of mysterious forces.

The next step is strength. Strength is the key to winning the war, and it is also the most worthwhile thing to pursue in the war. Now gypsies see the real meaning: struggle is not an end in the end, but a means. If you gain strength, you can often win without fighting. Seeking strength has become the most direct way and the most perfect way to realize self. Overcome, progress, improve and persist, whether it is the strength you gain or the process of fighting for it, you can bring yourself to the extreme.

After gaining strength, the next thing I face is the tenth picture, the hermit. Ego means uniqueness. When the pursuit of power becomes the goal, naturally avoid fighting. As a hermit, he was naturally superior in strength and was eliminated by the war. Hermits are lonely because they have power but can't play it. No matter whether you are active or passive hermits, there are always some powerful people who will become hermits. Because the pursuit of power is endless, the demand for power has its end and way in every era, not every power can be used, and hermits will inevitably appear.

Then there is 1 1 card, the wheel of fate, which puts forward another master-fate. This kind of dominance is completely impossible to pursue and cannot be forced. The wheel of destiny controls which forces will be exerted and which forces will be hidden. With the help of fate, even weak forces can be invincible. If fate is ill-fated, the pursuit will never be realized. The wheel of fate raises a question, the pursuit of strength, in order to realize personal wishes, while facing fate, we are praying for his care. Question: What should we do to pursue our destiny and strength when it is difficult to realize them immediately?

12 Zhang zhengyi gave a clear answer. This painting tells us what we should do with our energy at this moment when our personal ideals and wishes cannot be realized immediately or pursued through hard work. In the concept of gypsies, the essence of human nature is mentioned at this time, and the source and cause of justice are explained skillfully through tarot cards. Regarding justice and kindness, different cultures have given different concepts. Where is humanity? This is a question worthy of in-depth discussion. Any conclusion, in a way, is hasty. In Christian civilization, people are born guilty, and before God, people are guilty. In China, there is a saying that human nature is good, which is just the opposite of the West. Among the Buddhist thoughts spread in India, Buddhism has intellectual roots; In other words, some people are born good, while others are born evil. In the same environment, different levels of good and evil can be distinguished. There is also the saying that environmental influence leads to good and evil. There is also the same person, and human nature itself has good and evil. In the concept of gypsies, tarot cards contain the philosophy of good and evil, and the answer to justice is very clever. Justice comes after fear of mystery, power, religious belief, love, war, pursuit and fate. In other words, justice will be defeated when it conflicts with what any of the above cards represent. Justice also appeared after these cards appeared, which means that justice appeared later and gave way to these in form. Gypsies don't seem to believe that there will be so-called justice if nothing exists. This is also the true and very appropriate explanation of human nature by gypsies in tarot cards.

13, hanging people, can also be understood as victims. Taking on justice puts forward the possible sacrifice of justice-suffering. And the benefits that justice can get are not included in any card. Justice itself is the interest of justice. Hanging people here is to warn those who uphold justice that they need dedication, sacrifice and test. And justice can be rewarded, good deeds can become immortals, and good deeds can enter heaven. There is no such promise from god in tarot cards. But tell everyone directly and realistically that justice is here. If you do, you will make sacrifices. Don't think about returns. You can't find that card. The gypsies who invented tarot cards must have philosophical thinking, wild and fearless courage and kind heart.

14, dead. After accepting the hanged person, it means that the suffering hanged person is closest to death. Death is also an unavoidable god. Without death, there is no ideal. Undead, your dream can finally come true. When death comes, everything will end. As a person, you can't avoid it, and you can't escape it. Man can contend with fate, but not with death. Don't leave regrets. When death comes, it will end life and continue regrets. Death also raised a question, how to act before his arrival? Temperance This implies a way of behavior. Temperance means realizing your life in a simple and plain way. Reduce desire and pursuit, so that you can face the contradiction between death and ideal calmly. This way of dealing with life is to face a life with nothing and no desire, and it is a realm of doing things. The contradiction between ideal and reality can be resolved through self-restraint. 16 demon. Another behavior that is opposite to temperance. In the European concept, the devil is evil and has abundant power and magic. The devil has horns and hooves, can bind and corrupt people, and is the embodiment of evil. People who are controlled by demons can gain powerful energy. The behavior mode represented by the devil is to use the power of evil to maximize his only power by any means. This is to abandon everything in order to achieve the goal. Pursuing the goal is a desperate act. Next is the result of two behaviors, 17 diagram, tower. Tower is a kind of building, which has unusual significance in the west. Stands for miracle, and the tower can create miracles. I once watched a very popular game. You can win by building a tower and keeping it for a while. Besides, it is very difficult to build a tower. It will collapse if it is too high. If it is too low, it is not called a tower. Temperance and devil's two ways of behavior are impossible for tower building. The doctrine of the mean will make the tower short and not a real tower; The devil's road will build the tower too high and collapse. Therefore, the construction of the miracle tower is not a simple act, but needs the help of the devil's strength and desire to control, in order to ensure that the tower is high enough to stand.

From the first fool to the completion of the miracle tower in 17, the things created by human beings need such a complicated process, which runs through magic, strength, strength and wisdom. From card 18 to 22, the attribute of the card is divorced from life, all of which are external natural forces. 18~20 are stars, moon and sun respectively. Their cycles of operation are year, month and day respectively, and their brilliance gradually becomes stronger. The energy of the sun, the moon and the stars, together with human wisdom, push the cycle to the end. From the stars to the moon and then to the sun, the external energy is getting bigger and bigger, and finally the powerful natural forces will devour everything of human beings, and all the advantages of human beings are no longer obvious. Nature is the ultimate leader, and human beings cannot be detached from nature because of some limitations.

2 1 trial, this suddenly appeared here. If you live in other parts of the world, you must believe that the judgment is before death. But the trial of tarot cards is after the sun, which represents the dominant force of nature. No human activity can change the arrival of the trial. In the eyes of gypsies, there is an end of the world, which will eventually come, destroy everything and open a new future. If there were no concept of doomsday, perhaps the gypsies would have settled down long ago.

The last one: the world represents a new beginning and an old end, and it is the common whole of human beings and themselves. The previous trials did not mean disillusionment, but rebirth. A new cycle can be a progress, a rebirth, or entering a new field. Can't see the earth-shattering ambition, can't see the supreme emperor, the devil took back his power. This seemingly eternal peace permeates between heaven and earth. A new fool is about to appear.

From these 22 grand Akana cards, we can get a glimpse of the unique world view of Gypsies. Gypsies, like bystanders of European Christian civilization, explain various signs of society as outsiders. Looking at the Pope Card, Gypsies are diligent in exploration, but they yearn for mystery. Look at the cards of the pope and the lover. They do not shy away from religion, but yearn for freedom. Look at the wheel of fortune and the hermit card. They admire strength, but fear fate. Looking at justice, hanging the card of the people, they do not flaunt justice, but are prepared to make sacrifices. Look at temperance and demons. They have a unique way to realize their wishes. Look at death, they admit the limitations of human beings. These views are romantic and full of wisdom, full of magic, and willing to face the reality seriously. A nation with such a character will never be nobler than others, because no one in the world is happier than them. Why can't gypsies stop wandering after many efforts? Because they are proud of wandering.