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Fortune telling+love+palm _ fortune telling love palm chart

How to read fortune marriage according to palm reading?

In palm fortune telling, you can see fortune and marriage from your palm, so do you want to know how to see future marriage and fortune from your palm? Let's get to know the master together.

Wealth marriage based on palm reading

Look at the palm marriage line and see if your wealth is strong after marriage.

First, people with deep, long and clear marriage lines will become rich because of marriage.

A person with a deep, long and clear marriage line means that his marriage life is better, which means that he can get what he wants in love and gain wealth and love easily. He will greatly improve his status because of marriage, and will not be tired because of marriage. His married life will be happier and he will become rich economically.

Second, there is a treasury on the marriage line, which will become rich because of marriage.

The lines in the wedding line form triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, etc. These shapes represent wealth, which means that they will get good wealth because of marriage. Before marriage, their life was ordinary, flat and nothing. After marriage, you will get real estate and luxury cars, whether they are given by your elders or the other half. In short, such people will become rich by getting married.

Third, the multiple forks at the end of the marriage line will become rich because of marriage.

There are several small forks at the end of the wedding line, shaped like wheat ears. These people pay more attention to their economic status in the concept of marriage. When choosing who to marry, they think less about love and more about each other's economic conditions and property. These people are unwilling to marry people who have nothing, and their feelings are relatively weak. Because of this concept of marriage, the people they choose to marry are often in good financial condition and will get married because of marriage.

Fourth, there are many small branches on the marriage line that will become rich because of marriage.

There are many oblique twigs on the marriage line, indicating good luck after marriage, especially in terms of money, which will be obviously improved by marriage. In this way, palm readers usually get wealth through the joint efforts of husband and wife after marriage. They are more professional and have a lot of property through their careers and become rich.

Fifth, the remarriage line will become rich because of marriage.

There are two marriage lines in the palm of your hand, equal in length and parallel. Although such people are relatively dull in the relationship between husband and wife, they don't have much passion, but after marriage, their wealth will increase. Although these people become rich because of marriage, they generally focus on how to do business and manage money, and less on their emotional life. Wang Shuiqing suggested that this kind of palm readers should strengthen the emotional communication between husband and wife, and don't let love become indifferent just for money.

Six, there are crosses or stars on the marriage line, which will become rich because of marriage.

A cross or star pattern appears at the end of the wedding line, which means that you will marry a person with status and wealth, that is, the other person belongs to a person with status and wealth. Therefore, after marrying such a person, your status will be greatly improved, your life will be better, especially economically, you will become rich, well-fed and prosperous.

Seven, there are many island lines on the marriage line that will become rich because of marriage.

There are many roundabout lines on the wedding line. They may have twists and turns on the road of love, but in the end they will have money savings because of marriage. Both husband and wife are good at saving money and will have multiple incomes to make their small families richer and better. This kind of palm reading belongs to pre-marital love, and after marriage, happiness, wealth and many twists and turns.

How to read palm fortune-telling charts

Palm reading has something to do with fate. This is not idealism, but materialism. Perhaps the existing scientific theory can not fully reveal the law, but this does not hinder the accumulation of people's experience and feelings. Since palmistry can be regarded as an academic discipline, it is as complicated and profound as any other academic discipline. The purpose of palm reading is to understand people's character and morality, their ability tendency, their health status and their future destiny.

The law that men are left and women are right, but in modern palm reading, the left hand represents congenital and the right hand represents acquired, present and future. In other words, hands should be mutually causal. If the lines of the left hand and the right hand are greatly different, the personality is more complicated and the fortune changes obviously.

Next to the lifeline and fate line is age. Where there are numbers, if there are changes, it means that the fortune will change at that age.

Teach you how to read the lifeline of palm reading.

1. Lifeline Lifeline is the lifeline. The line from the edge of the palm between the thumb and forefinger to the bottom of the palm. The length of life tattoo does not represent the length of life, but represents the strength of vitality, so life tattoo should actually be called life tattoo. Lifeline is long, deep and rosy, with strong vitality and strong disease resistance, and it is not easy to get sick; On the contrary, if the lines are shallow and weak, they will be weak. Coarse grains, suitable for labor or sports; Fine lines are suitable for the brain.

Teach you how to read the emotional line of palm reading.

2. Emotional line Whether the emotional line is an antenna or a parent line. From the palm of the little finger to the direction of the index finger, walking into the seam between the index finger and the middle finger is the golden mean. If it reaches the index finger, it belongs to the soul field and pays more attention to spiritual love; The middle finger goes down, which belongs to physical love and does not pay attention to vows of eternal love. The middle finger bends down, which means willfulness and recklessness.

Smart line to teach you palm reading.

3. Smart line Smart line is the brain line. This is the most important pattern in your palm. This pattern represents yourself in the palm of China's hand, which is also called human pattern. The starting point and lifeline are the same. It's best to walk in the direction of the little finger and stop between the ring finger and the little finger. If it is too short, it means that it is not smart enough. If it's too long, it's too smart, not good. Deep and thin brain lines are better, indicating that the mind can concentrate and the mind is smart.

Teach you how to read the palm of your hand.

4. Under the little finger of the wedding line, the palm of the wedding line is between the little finger and the emotional line. Some people have only one, while others have several. Numbers don't matter. There's always a deeper line. If it's as deep as two, I'm afraid I'll easily fall into a triangle dispute. If there are more than six marriage lines and the main line cannot be found, the marriage relationship is chaotic; Marriage takes a long time, the conditions for choosing a spouse are harsh, and the requirements for spouses are high, so there will be pressure in marriage.

Teach you how to read the career line of palm reading.

5. Career line is a pattern rising from the bottom of the palm of your hand. Some people can reach the root of the middle finger directly, which can also be called fate pattern. Some career lines are not straight lines, but intermittent, indicating that the work is unstable or the working environment changes frequently.