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Who has the knowledge points of compulsory two in senior high school politics?

Senior one politics compulsory 2 political life review materials.


1. The relationship between politics and economy: economy is the basis of politics; Politics reacts on economy, politics is the concentrated expression of economy, and politics serves economy.

Our biggest politics at present is: socialist modernization.

3. The core issue of politics is the issue of state power.

4. To develop socialist democratic politics and build socialist political civilization, the most fundamental thing is to organically unify the leadership of the Party, the people being the masters of the country and the rule of law.

Unit 1: Political life of citizens

Lesson 1-Living in a country where people are masters of their own affairs

1. state: it is a tool for the economically dominant class to exercise class rule. Class is the fundamental attribute of a country.

2. The nature of our country (state system): People's Republic of China (PRC) is a socialist country under the people's democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants.

The essence of nationality is that the people are the masters of the country. (that is, the essence of people's democratic dictatorship)

3. The greatest feature of the people's democratic dictatorship is that it practices democracy for the people who account for the overwhelming majority of the country's population and dictatorship for a very small number of hostile elements who are hostile to and undermine the socialist cause.

4. The characteristics of democracy in China: extensiveness (manifested in the extensiveness of democratic subjects and democratic rights)

Authenticity (manifested in the system, the law, the material guarantee, and the full realization of people's interests)

5. The relationship between democracy and dictatorship: dialectical unity or unity of opposites

Opposition: Democracy only applies to the people (within the ruling class), and dictatorship applies to hostile forces.

Unity: the two complement each other and are the premise of each other. Democracy is the foundation of dictatorship, and dictatorship is the guarantee of democracy.

The meaning of democracy refers to the state system that manages state affairs within a certain class (not all the people) according to the principle of equality and the principle that the minority is subordinate to the majority. Democracy is a national system as opposed to autocracy. (Democracy is relative, concrete, not absolute)

Dictatorship-rule mainly by violence.

6. It is to uphold the people's democratic dictatorship. P7 .)

(1) Adhering to the people's democratic dictatorship is the foundation of our country.

(2) Adhering to the people's democratic dictatorship is the political guarantee for socialist modernization.

(3) Adhere to the new content of people's democratic dictatorship.

7. Political rights and obligations of citizens

political right

(1) the right to vote and the right to stand for election (citizens' basic democratic rights, the basis and symbol of citizens' participation in state management)

(2) Political freedom (an important way for people to exercise their rights as masters of their own country, which is the concrete embodiment of socialist democracy)

(3) the right of supervision (including the right of criticism, suggestion, accusation, appeal and accusation)

Political obligation

(1) safeguard national unity and national unity

(two) to safeguard national security, honor and interests.

(3) Abide by the Constitution and laws.

(4) Military service and participation in militia groups.

8. Basic principles of citizens' participation in political life:

(1) Adhere to the principle that all citizens are equal before the law (referring to law-abiding and judicial equality, without privilege. Inequality in legislation)

It refers to equal enjoyment of rights, performance of obligations and application of laws-but it cannot be said that rights and obligations are the same or the same.

(2) Adhere to the principle of unity of rights and obligations (unity and inseparability exist correspondingly, and the realization of rights requires the fulfillment of obligations, which ensures the realization of rights. )

(3) Adhere to the principle of combining individual interests with collective interests and national interests.

Lesson Two-Political Participation of China Citizens

(Democratic election, democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision)

1. democratic election:

Election mode

(1) Direct elections (elections at and below the county level)

(2) Indirect elections (elections at or above the county level)

(3) Equal election (official candidates = number of people elected)

(4) difference election (official candidate > amount to be elected)

Their respective advantages: direct election-giving every voter the opportunity to express his will and choose his most trusted family.

Indirect election-suitable for the situation with more voters and wider distribution.

Equal election-the rationality of the electoral structure can be fully considered.

Disadvantages: It restricts voters' free choice and affects their enthusiasm.

Differential election-provides a space for choice, and the elected people form corresponding competition, which helps voters understand the candidates.

Disadvantages: it is easy to lead to false propaganda and money transactions.

According to the nature of the country, social progress, economic development and national conditions, China adopts a combination of direct elections and indirect elections.

2. Democratic decision-making:

Significance-carrying forward democracy and making scientific decisions. (See textbook P22 for two meanings. )

Mode-(1) through the system of reflecting social conditions and public opinion (2) through the expert consultation system.

(3) through the social publicity system of major events (4) through the social hearing system.

Broadening the channels of public opinion reflection is an important prerequisite for scientific decision-making by decision-making organs.

Citizens' right to know about decisions involving public interests is the premise and basis for citizens to participate in democratic decision-making.

3. Democratic management:

(1) The most extensive democratic practice of socialist democracy is also the basic work of developing socialist democracy-villagers' committees and residents' committees (they are grass-roots democratic autonomous organizations or institutions, not government agencies).

Electing one's own family is the basis of villagers' autonomy and the main way for villagers to participate in democratic management.

(2) The nature of the villagers' committee: the grass-roots mass self-governing organizations of villagers' self-management, self-education and self-service are institutions for villagers to manage village affairs democratically.

(3) Forms of democratic management of village affairs by villagers: ① Direct election of village committee cadres; ② Attend the villagers' meeting; (3) The formulation and compliance of villagers' autonomy regulations or village rules and regulations; (4) village affairs open, democratic appraisal of village cadres, and regular reports of village committees.

(4) The nature of neighborhood committees: democratic management institutions for self-management, self-education and self-service of urban residents are self-governing organizations of urban residents.

(5) Significance of implementing rural villagers' autonomy and urban residents' autonomy: expanding grassroots democracy, ensuring people to manage their own affairs according to law, and creating their own happy lives are the most extensive and profound practice of socialist democracy and the basic work of developing socialist democracy.

4. Democratic supervision: (Insist on seeking truth from facts, must be in accordance with the law)

(1) Ways of democratic supervision:

A. reporting through letters and visits B. contacting the masses through NPC deputies

C. Supervision by public opinion D. Supervision hearing, democratic appraisal meeting and online appraisal of the government.

(New forms and methods of democratic supervision)

(2) The significance of democratic supervision:

It is conducive to eliminating corruption, overcoming bureaucracy and unhealthy practices, and improving the work of state organs and their staff.

B. it is conducive to safeguarding national interests and the legitimate rights and interests of citizens.

C. it is conducive to inspiring citizens to care about state affairs and making suggestions for socialist modernization.

(democratic election, democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision)-it is an important part of citizens' participation in political life.

Orderly political participation is the basic requirement for citizens to participate in political life.

The difference between orderly political participation and disorderly political participation;

A. Compliance with laws, rules and procedures (also the criteria for judging order and disorder)

B. Whether to exercise political rights and perform political obligations according to law

C. Is the relationship between rights and obligations correctly handled?

Unit 2 the government serves the people

Lesson 3-Our government is the people's government.

1. government functions: management and service

(1) The nature of government: Our government is the executive organ of state power, the executor of people's will and the defender of people's interests.

(2) the functions of the government:

A. The functions of safeguarding people's democracy and maintaining the long-term stability of the country (combating and punishing crimes and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the country or citizens).

B functions of organizing socialist economic construction (economic adjustment, market supervision, social management and public services, so as to promote social and economic development and improve the level of productivity and people's living standards).

C. Functions of organizing socialist cultural construction (publicizing scientific theory and carrying forward national spirit; Organizational development, teaching, literature, health, sports and other undertakings)

D. Functions of providing public services (public infrastructure, cultural and health facilities, medical care, social security, family planning, natural environment protection, etc.). )

2. Government responsibility: responsible to the people.

The aim of the government is to serve the people. The basic principle of work is to be responsible to the people.

Requirements of being responsible to the people: (1) Adhere to the working attitude of serving the people; (2) Establish a pragmatic work style.

(3) Adhere to the working methods of coming from the masses and going among the masses.

National Nature-Government Nature-Government Function-Working Purpose and Principles

The government provides many ways for citizens to seek help or complain.

(1) set up a hotline; (2) establishing a petition department; (3) developing e-government; (4) Establish administrative arbitration, administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation systems according to law.

Our government is supervised by the people.

1. government power: exercised according to law.

(1) Administration according to law means that the government and its public officials must exercise their power in accordance with the Constitution and laws.

(2) The fundamental or essence of administration according to law is to adhere to the fundamental purpose of serving the people and the principle of being responsible to the people.

(3) Specific requirements-administration according to law, reasonable administration, due process, high efficiency and convenience, honesty and trustworthiness, and unity of power and responsibility.

(4) Reason: It is the basic requirement to implement the general plan of governing the country according to law and improve the level of administrative management.

(5) Significance: A. Conducive to protection, rights and freedoms B. Conducive to strengthening, construction and authority.

C. prevent improvement D. promote the building of democracy and legal system. (44 pages)

(6) How to improve the level of government administration according to law? (44 pages)

A. Strengthen legislation, improve,,,, B. Establish,,,,,

C. Strengthening, improving, deepening and reforming

2. Exercise of power: Need supervision

Why should we supervise government power?

The government of our country is the government of the people, and the power of the government is endowed by the people. Power is a double-edged sword. If used well, it will benefit the people. If abused, it will breed corruption and cause endless harm. In order to prevent the abuse of power, it is necessary to supervise the government power.

(2) How to supervise?

The key is to establish and improve the restriction and supervision mechanism, which depends on democracy and the rule of law.

Establish a sound administrative supervision system: supervision by the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee, democratic supervision by CPPCC, supervision by news and public opinion, supervision by the masses through legal channels, supervision by judicial organs and supervision within the government system.

(3) What is the significance of supervision?

The government's acceptance of supervision is a necessary guarantee for adhering to administration according to law and doing a good job.

A. Only in this way can we improve the administrative level and work efficiency, and reduce and prevent work mistakes.

B. Only in this way can we prevent abuse of power for personal gain, abuse of power for personal gain and trading of power and money, and ensure honesty.

C.only in this way can we make the right decision.

D. Only in this way can we truly serve the people and be responsible to them.

The establishment of the government information disclosure system (Sunshine Project) is to standardize the administrative law enforcement behavior of the government and its public officials and protect people's rights and interests.

Making public red-headed documents is conducive to enhancing the transparency of government work and facilitating the masses to strengthen supervision over government work; Conducive to the masses to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests; It is conducive to resolving social contradictions and maintaining social stability.

The authority of the government is fundamentally determined by the nature of the country. Whether the government's management is consciously recognized and obeyed by the people is the fundamental symbol to distinguish authoritative government from non-authoritative government.

Unit 3 Building Socialist Political Civilization

Lesson 5-People's Congress System in China

1. The people's congress system (also known as "political power") is the fundamental political system of our country. This is the most striking feature of China's socialist democracy. This system is based on (the people are the masters of the country).

The system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of China's * * * production party (China's political party system) is a basic political system.

The system of regional ethnic autonomy is also a basic political system. (It is also the basic policy to solve ethnic problems)

2. The organs where people exercise state power (the organs of power in China) are the National People's Congress and local people's congresses at various levels.

The National People's Congress (NPC) is the highest organ of state power (the highest legislative power, decision power, appointment and removal power and supervision power) and the only legislature in China (responsible for amending the Constitution and laws). The National People's Congress occupies the highest position in China's state organs, and other state organs are created by it, responsible for it and supervised by it. Its permanent office is the NPC Standing Committee, or the National People's Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) for short.

All power in our country belongs to the people, who exercise power indirectly (by directly or indirectly electing people's representatives to form a "people's congress") and exercise power on behalf of the people. People's deputies directly exercise state power.

3. Rights and obligations of people's deputies.

Rights: to deliberate and vote on various decisions, the right to propose (to propose a motion to the National People's Congress) and the right to inquire (to ask questions about the work of government agencies and ask for answers).

Obligation: it must represent the interests and will of the people; Close contact with the masses; Listen to and reflect the opinions and demands of the people; Be responsible to the people and be supervised by them.

4. Democratic centralism is the most important feature of the organization and activities (principles) of China People's Congress system. (refers to the combination of centralism on the basis of democracy and democracy under the guidance of centralism)

5. Building socialist democratic politics-the most important thing is to adhere to and improve (the people's congress system).

The most fundamental thing is to adhere to unity (the leadership of the party, the people being the masters of the country and governing the country according to law).

Lesson 6-The Political Party System in China

1. China's political party system is a multi-party cooperation and political consultation system led by China's * * * production party. This is a basic political system in China.

This system is based on the premise that China's * * * production party is the ruling party or leader. This is determined by the nature and purpose of the party.

The nature of the Party: the vanguard of the working class in China, the vanguard of the people of China and the Chinese nation.

Party's aim: to serve the people wholeheartedly (this is also the aim of the government).

2. Basic contents of multi-party cooperation:

(1) Friendly and cooperative relations: China's * * * production party is the ruling party, and eight democratic parties are participating parties;

(2) The political basis of multi-party cooperation: adhere to the leadership of the China Party and the Four Cardinal Principles;

The basic principles of multi-party cooperation: long-term survival, mutual supervision, honesty, sharing weal and woe;

④ The fundamental principle of multi-party cooperation is to abide by the Constitution and laws.

China People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), an important institution of multi-party cooperation. The nature of CPPCC is a patriotic United front organization (it is not a state organ, so it cannot be said that it performs any state function), and it is also an important form to carry forward socialist democracy.

Functions (or functions) of CPPCC: (1) Political consultation (2) Democratic supervision (3) Participation in the discussion of state affairs.

Multi-party cooperation-it can't be said that * * * is in power (China * * production party is the ruling party and democratic parties are participating parties).

2. China * * * production party is the leading core of China's socialist cause, why? Reason:

Only under the leadership of the Party can we always maintain the socialist orientation of modernization.

Only under the leadership of the Party can we create a stable social environment for socialist modernization.

Only under the leadership of the party can we mobilize all positive factors to do a good job in socialist modernization.

3. The ruling mode of China * * * production party:



4. The guiding ideology of the Party: Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, Theory of Three Represents and Scientific Outlook on Development (Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping).

5. Theory of Three Represents Theory


(1) represents the development requirements of advanced productive forces in China.

(2) Representing the orientation of China's advanced culture.

(3) Representing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of people in China.

How to carry out the thought of "Theory of Three Represents"?

The key: persistence-keep pace with the times. The core is: persistence-the advanced nature of the party. The essence is: building the party for the public and governing for the people.

6. Always achieve the "Theory of Three Represents"-the foundation of China's * * * production party, the foundation of governance and the source of strength.

To practice the "Theory of Three Represents", we must take the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people as the starting point and the end result of all work.

7. Superiority (function) of China's political party system:

(1) is conducive to promoting the construction of socialist political civilization.

(2) It is conducive to promoting the construction of socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization.

(3) It is conducive to the realization of the great cause of peaceful reunification of the motherland.

It is also conducive to coordinating the interests and demands of all sectors of society and consolidating and developing the political situation of stability and unity; This is also conducive to the scientific and democratic decision-making.

China's national nature and basic economic system determine that we can never copy the western multi-party system.

Lesson 7-China's system of regional ethnic autonomy and religious policy

Box 1: (1) New socialist ethnic relations: equality, unity and mutual assistance. (2) The basic principles of dealing with ethnic relations in China: ethnic equality, ethnic unity and common prosperity of all ethnic groups. (3) The first principle of dealing with ethnic relations and the meaning of ethnic equality. (4) the important principles of dealing with ethnic relations and the significance of national unity. (5) the fundamental principle of dealing with ethnic relations, adhering to the meaning of * * * and prosperity; (6) Deal well with the relationship between the three basic principles of ethnic relations: ethnic equality is the political basis of national unity, ethnic equality and national unity are the premise of realizing the common prosperity of all ethnic groups, and * * * and prosperity are the material guarantee of ethnic equality and national unity.

Box 2: (1) The meaning of regional ethnic autonomy system. (It is a basic political system in China) (2) Three-level ethnic autonomous areas: autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties. (3) organs of national self-government: people's congresses and people's governments in autonomous areas. (4) The core content of the system of regional ethnic autonomy: autonomy. (5) Why should regional ethnic autonomy be implemented? This is determined by the historical characteristics and reality of our country. (6) Advantages of the system of regional ethnic autonomy: A is conducive to maintaining national unity and security; B is conducive to ensuring the rights of ethnic minority people to be masters of their own affairs; C is conducive to the development of socialist ethnic relations of equality, unity and mutual assistance; D is conducive to promoting the vigorous development of socialist modernization.

Box 3: (1) China's religious policy: the policy of freedom of religious belief; Manage religious affairs according to law; Adhere to the principle of independence and self-management, and actively guide religion to adapt to socialist society. (2) The accurate connotation of freedom of religious belief. (3) The connotation of managing religious affairs according to law. (4) Insist on the connotation of independence. (5) Actively guide the connotation that religion adapts to socialist society. (6) Treat religion with a scientific attitude.

Lesson 8-Entering the International Community

Box 1: (1) The most basic member of the contemporary international community: the sovereign state. (2) Three important types of sovereign states: socialist countries, developed capitalist countries and developing countries. (3) The basic elements of a sovereign state are population, territory, political power and sovereignty, among which sovereignty is the most important element. As the unified and indivisible supreme power of a country, sovereignty is the life and soul of a country. (4) The basic rights enjoyed by a sovereign state include independence, equality, self-defense, jurisdiction and its connotation. (5) The main obligations that a sovereign state must perform: not to invade other countries, not to interfere in their internal affairs, and to resolve international disputes by peaceful means. (6) The main members of the contemporary international community: international organizations. (7) Different types of international organizations: between government and non-government; Global and regional. (8) The role of intergovernmental international organizations: promoting exchanges and cooperation; Coordinate international relations; Regulating international disputes; Relieve ethnic contradictions. (9) The most representative international organization in contemporary international society: The purpose of the United Nations is to maintain international peace and security and promote international cooperation and development. (10) Principles that the United Nations and its Member States should follow. (1 1) The positive role of the United Nations. (12) The role of China in the United Nations.

Box 2: (1) The meaning and content of international relations. (2) The basic forms of international relations: competition, cooperation and conflict. (3) The decisive factor affecting international relations: national interests. (4) Reasons for cooperation and friction between countries. (5) How to coordinate the interests between countries: No country should infringe on the sovereignty and security of other countries and interfere in their internal affairs on the grounds of safeguarding national interests, which is unfair and wrong. (6) An important factor affecting international relations: national strength. (7) The main contents of China's national interests: security interests, political interests and economic interests.

Lesson 9: Maintain world peace and promote common development.

Column 1 (1) Today's theme: peace and development. (2) The issue of peace refers to safeguarding world peace and preventing a new world war. (3) Peace should become the mainstream of the times: because after World War II, the growth of peace factors exceeded the growth of war factors. (4) The main restless factors affecting the world peace today: hegemonism and power politics; Ethnic and religious contradictions; Border and territorial disputes. (5) The basic situation of the current international situation: overall peace and local war; Overall relaxation, local tension; Global stability and local turbulence. (6) Development: refers to the development of the world economy, especially the economic development of developing countries. (7) Today's world development trend: pay attention to improving quality, the knowledge economy is in the ascendant, and pay attention to sustainable economic development. (8) The problems existing in the development of the world today and their causes: the gap between the rich and the poor in developing countries and developed countries is getting bigger and bigger, and the development between North and South is unbalanced; The fundamental reason is the unjust and irrational old international economic order. (9) The main obstacles to solving the problems of world peace and development are hegemonism and power politics. (10) Establishing a new international political and economic order based on the Five Principles of Peace: Four Guarantees.

Box 2: (1) The outstanding feature of today's international situation is that the world multipolarization is developing in twists and turns. (2) Factors leading to multipolarization of the international pattern: the old bipolar pattern has been broken; There are new divisions and combinations of various forces in the world; The relations between major powers have undergone major and profound adjustments. (3) How to understand the various forces in the world: the United States strives to maintain its status as the only superpower; Japan and Germany strive to become political powers; China unswervingly takes the road of Socialism with Chinese characteristics; Developing countries are the main force in promoting the establishment of a new international order. (4) The long-term focus of international struggle in 21century: the contradiction between unipolar and multipolar, the struggle between hegemony and anti-hegemony. (5) The essence of today's international competition is the contest of comprehensive national strength based on economic and scientific and technological strength.

Box 3: (1) The meaning of foreign policy. (2) China pursues an independent foreign policy of peace because of its national nature and national interests. (3) The basic goal of China's foreign policy is to safeguard China's independence and sovereignty and promote world peace and development. (4) The purpose of China's foreign policy is to safeguard world peace and promote common development. (5) The basic position of China's foreign policy: independence and its significance. (6) Basic norms of China's diplomatic relations: Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and their specific contents. (7) China is a positive factor and firm force for maintaining world peace and stability, and an important force for promoting world economic development.