Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - What's the difference between having a house and not having a house in Shenzhen?

What's the difference between having a house and not having a house in Shenzhen?

The difference between having a house and not having a house in Shenzhen can really make you realize that choice is more important than hard work.

1, wealth

Came to Shenzhen in 2008. At that time, the real estate in Shenzhen was at a low tide, and commercial houses below 10,000 yuan were everywhere.

After graduating from college, three of our classmates came to Shenzhen to look for jobs. At first, the starting salary was similar. 20 12 bought a small property right house with the financial support of his parents, with a down payment of more than 400,000 yuan. 20 13 another classmate of mine, because she wants to get married, the only requirement of her parents-in-law is to buy a house in Shenzhen, so she can't have it. She hollowed out her parents' property with a down payment of more than 500,000 yuan and bought a commercial house around Pingzhou subway station. A classmate has been disdaining the house outside the customs because he works in the customs, so he rents a house inside the customs.

Up to now, in 20 17 years, I sold a small property right house, earned more than10 million to buy a commercial house, and got a bank loan of 3 million, with a monthly payment of 17000. A classmate of mine bought a commercial house in Pengzhou subway, and now he has a house with a value of10 million and a monthly payment of more than 6,000 yuan. Another student didn't buy a house because he didn't like the house outside the customs and couldn't afford it. Until last year, he went to Dongguan to buy a commercial house for Bao Xiao to go to school. Now he lives and works in Shenzhen.

A house in Shenzhen has opened the wealth of our three classmates. The distance is great, and the education of children and the people they contact are different.

Step 2 go to school

Now children basically rely on household registration plus house points to go to school. If there is no house, it belongs to the category with lower points. When I was in school, I always scored after the category.

Children go to school in Shenzhen for nine years, and compulsory education basically costs no money. Moreover, the educational resources of public schools in Shenzhen are much better than those of private schools. Private schools basically need more than 20 thousand a year, and nine-year compulsory education is more than 200 thousand The most important thing is that teaching resources are far from enough.

3. Personal relationships

In the same community, everyone's education level, income and quality are similar, so there are more common languages, more resource exchanges and everything is more convenient.

In Shenzhen, there is a difference between a house and no house, one in heaven, one on the ground, one in heaven and one in hell. . .

As long as you have a house in Shenzhen, even if you earn thousands of dollars a month, you can be very calm and have a sense of superiority. As long as you don't have a house in Shenzhen, even if you earn more than 100 thousand a month, you will be miserable, physically disabled and determined, without dignity and dignity, you will still be very anxious.

What is the difference?

In fact, there is still a big difference between having a house and not having a house in Shenzhen, especially for children to study. The application for a degree in primary and secondary schools is both a Shenzhen hukou and a school district hukou. Those who have a house and a registered permanent residence are the first class students, while those who have a registered permanent residence but no house are the third class students. It's just behind the students who have a house and no school district account but have other district accounts. If students in the former 1 and 2 categories can fill in, then you have to go to another school. This is the difference.

Shenzhen is an immigrant city. If you have a house in Shenzhen, you don't have to worry about the landlord's increase in rent and utilities. You don't have to worry about the rent price around you. You don't have to worry about the landlord increasing the rent at any time, moving at any time, and returning to the house you bought will really feel at home.

The difference is quite big. The biggest difference is as follows.

The advantages of having a house

1, children go to school and have a house, which belongs to the first batch of admission. I don't feel the importance of a house now, but I think renting a house is good. Only when children can't find a suitable school will they know the preciousness of a house in Shenzhen.

2. If you have a house, you have your own home. You can decorate the house according to your own requirements, without worrying about the landlord's rent increase.

Having a house in Shenzhen is a symbol of successful people. Shenzhen is about to break the house price by 65,438+10,000. In Shenzhen, you have a suite with assets of almost tens of millions, and people say you are awesome.

4. Showing off capital, no matter whether people drive BMW or Mercedes, as long as they know that you have a house in Shenzhen, they dare not show off in front of you.

5, Guangzong Yaozu, discuss in front of relatives and friends in your hometown that you have a house in Shenzhen, and relatives and friends will give a thumbs up. Parents also have light.

6. single dog is not afraid of not finding a girlfriend. Girls know that you have a house in Shenzhen, so they are free to approach you.

7, of course, there is room and pressure, if tens of thousands of mortgages every month are really uncomfortable.

Freedom without a house

1, rent your own house, go wherever you want, and feel at ease.

2. Worried about rising rents, but avoided 30 years of mortgage oppression.

3, with the money to buy a house, you can rent a better house, be free, spend and travel without worry.

4. Freedom of movement. You can leave Shenzhen at any time and go to other cities for development.

For everyone, is there a house or no house in Shenzhen? Are very different. Let's talk about several important points in detail.

Besides, to be honest, the house I bought ten years ago is not in a good geographical position. If I am in Shenzhen, I belong to the customs. And if you didn't buy it then, you can't afford it now. Because the ability to make money can never compare with the proportion of rising house prices.

Finally, having a house in Shenzhen is definitely better than having no house, but you can't aim too high. We must consider on our own strength and make the right choice.

What's the difference between owning a house in Shenzhen and buying a house? To tell the truth, it's quite big! Mainly from the application for a public degree, the pressure of life, the mentality of living and living, and the sense of gain in the development of the district.

1. Apply for a public degree. In particular, some well-known schools, which have houses and are registered in Shenzhen, are basically satisfied. However, if there is no room, even if it is a household registration in Shenzhen, some schools are not good at applying.

Second, the pressure of life. If you have a house, no or only a small amount of mortgage, the pressure of life is still much smaller. Moreover, there will be certain expectations for the appreciation of real estate, which is why there are often some posts on the Internet that "sold 10 million houses and returned to their hometown to support the elderly". The premise of buying a house for the elderly is that you have to have a house. If you want to sell a house, the landlord may not agree.

Third, the mentality of being alive. China people have the idea of living and working in peace and contentment. Even if you have a household registration in Shenzhen, but you don't have a house, you always feel uneasy. If you have a house, even if you have a mortgage, you will feel stable and at home.

Fourth, the sense of acquisition of regional development. Subway construction, community development, the construction of libraries and cultural and sports centers are all good things. But for friends who rent a house, it is not necessarily, because the perfection of supporting facilities and the opening of the subway often mean that the rent may rise. But if you have a house in the district, the construction of the above facilities will increase your sense of acquisition.

Nowadays, in addition to their own houses, more and more housing forms are wandering in Shenzhen, such as public rental housing and talent housing. Although there are still some restrictions, once you get on the bus, you can basically solve the big problem of living.

There is a big difference. Let's not talk about the rest. Let me give you an example first. I didn't buy a house in Shenzhen, but rented a house. I moved eight times in Shenzhen. Why did I move? The main problem is the price of renting a house, and another is that the house is too far from the workplace. From the original downtown of Shenzhen to the real suburbs. Away from the border between Shenzhen and Dongguan. Even now I want to move to Dongguan.

Slowly, it is estimated that the location will shift and it will not be in Shenzhen. However, if I buy a house in Shenzhen, I will definitely not transfer ownership, and I must live in my own house. Of course, it is also possible to sell the house in Shenzhen and buy another house elsewhere, and the remaining money is enough to live.

Ok, let's talk about children's reading problems that others care about. If you have a house, it is convenient for you to study as a son. You can attend some public schools or something, but if you rent a house, I'm sorry. Public schools can hardly rank you. Private schools are not necessarily around your home, but they may be a little far from where you live. Even if you want to row, you have to row a house before it's your turn.

If you have a house, you will feel that you are from Shenzhen. If you rent a house, you will never feel that you are from Shenzhen, because you never know when you will be eliminated by Shenzhen. Think about it, you will find a way to stand in Shenzhen, but there is nothing you can do. After that, you will escape from Shenzhen.

In Shenzhen, there is a big difference between buying a house early and not having a house. After all, the pressure of life is greatly reduced, and the appreciation of the house is equal to double happiness. If you buy a house in the future, you might as well have no room. One month's mortgage payment is several times higher than that of renting a house, and the pressure of life can be imagined.

There is still a big difference between having a house and not having a house in Shenzhen. Houses should be divided into areas. People who own houses in the west basically look down on those who buy small property rights, but it feels better to buy small property rights than not to buy them. This is also the reason why the transaction of small property houses in Shenzhen is hot now. The price of small property houses is also rising year by year. Therefore, if there is no house in Shenzhen, we should pay close attention to it and can't afford commercial housing. Otherwise, we will be looked down upon.

There are only two kinds of people in Shenzhen, those with houses and those without houses. People who have a house in Shenzhen will have a sense of belonging and feel that they belong to this city, and everything in this city is related to themselves; People without houses are passers-by in Shenzhen. The development of this city has nothing to do with you. You will go back and forth from the last place you went. There are no less than 5 million houses, and it is hard to say that there is no room.