Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - What is the custom of inviting Hakka people to get married in Huizhou, Guangdong?

What is the custom of inviting Hakka people to get married in Huizhou, Guangdong?

Marriage customs of Hakkas

On a wedding trip, the groom should pick up the bride at the right time and bring a little boy named "sedan chair". Even people who are free to fall in love must find a Vakko to go with. At this time, the groom can't bring "iron" such as keys and nail clippers. The custom of marriage requires little for the groom and more for the bride: on the exact day of marriage, the bride can't eat other people's meals, which means she won't eat two meals (from beginning to end); Go out and get on the sedan chair, and never look back. Crying at this time is also a comfort to parents. Before getting on the sedan chair, the bride's brothers and sisters will also have a "sister belt" ceremony; Don't put sewing needles (sharp weapons) on the bride's clothes, which means "profit"; Mothers will make their daughters wear obscene clothes. It is said that this is to show loyalty to love without "anti-bone"; When the bride gets off the sedan chair, she must be assisted into the bridal chamber by a virtuous and prolific woman, which is called "leading the bride". When passing through the gate, the bride must also cross the burning straw fire to ward off evil spirits. If the bride is pregnant at this time, please ask someone to carry a ladder to follow, and there is another method called "take a ladder when the time comes". In Hakka dialect, "ladder" and "tire" are homonyms, meaning to climb the ladder step by step; When marrying a bride, parents-in-law should avoid it and wait until the stars shine or meet the next day; At the wedding reception, the bride is the biggest, so the chicken head at the banquet can't be eaten, because it is the "phoenix head"; If a guest accidentally breaks a bowl, the host family will carefully pick up the pieces one by one, wrap them in red paper and put them in the kitchen. The host family will be tolerant if they don't want all the guests. One thing to add: the bride must have two sugar cane in her wedding basket, which means that the bride is in pairs, sweet and delicious, and from beginning to end, before getting on the sedan chair, the bride must sit in a big bamboo basin called "mother column" in the local dialect, and a woman who is "combing the bride" will dress up. It is said that when I stepped into the bamboo basin, I knew that I had left the home where I was born and raised, and became a person of another family. I can't express the taste of my mood at that moment. The "bride and groom" said auspicious words while dressing. When the desert saw her bride sitting and getting dressed, she was so excited that she couldn't remember the word. I only know that she read it from beginning to end, and the husband and wife were really funny. After dressing up, everyone rushed to give the bride "money for sedan chair". On the sedan chair, the "bride and groom" held a rice screen in their hands and spread it over the bride's head like an umbrella. The bride's bag contained green "evergreen grass" with unknown meaning.

Wedding customs of Hakka people

First, it is cumbersome. Since the date of birth of both men and women has chosen the wedding date, the man's family will begin to prepare for the wedding, so I won't say some details in the middle, just say the day before the wedding. On this day, the man will ask the matchmaker to send a "basket" to the woman's house. I don't know how to do it, but this basket is very particular. There are rice (I don't know how much, it must be related to Nine), nine eggs, nine apples, nine oranges, nine sweets and peanuts, nine cakes (now it's also changed to Want Want biscuits), nine pounds of fish and nine pounds of meat in the two baskets. Before the matchmaker left the groom's house with the basket, the groom's mother gave the matchmaker a red envelope (for good luck) and said, "Give and receive ..." Then the basket could not be placed on the ground casually, but only at the woman's house (of course, I sent it by car and put it in the car). When I get to the woman's house, I won't leave everything in the basket, but collect some. It's the woman's family's idea how to accept it, but I still have to please the ominous things I bring back to the man's family. I also brought back the belt, wallet and basket that the bride bought for the groom. I think this means that I will tie you firmly to my side from now on, and your money is my money. Of course, I also brought back a red envelope from the woman's home. Do you know the meaning of "give and take"? Ha ha! It's just the day before the wedding. On the wedding day, two baskets should be carried around, but there is less attention and two more umbrellas. When the bride and groom walk out of the house, they must hold up their umbrellas until the groom's house takes them away. Of course, you don't need an umbrella to sit on the float. In short, the etiquette is very complicated, and there is a strong folk custom in it, but it is for a good heat anyway.

Second, waste. If nothing else, such as the bride's jewelry, it is said that the old people in the village (after all, their hometown) were invited to dinner the day before the wedding. This is free, but not only the elderly, but also the whole family with a little relationship with the main family will go out. This kind of banquet costs a lot. After dinner, the groom will invite all relatives and friends to wash their hair and get a haircut, then go to the hotel and sing K. In the past, we used to play until two or three o'clock to prepare for the wedding. Now it's not so early, but we should choose the right time to leave. Of course, there was a custom of bumping into doors before. Someone told me that they have all the tools to open the door during the wedding. This is what they call the "God of Luck". Needless to say, people who basically do things on this day have to give out red envelopes, ranging from how many to how many, and even all vehicles that greet the wedding can get red envelopes. The wedding banquet must have cost a lot of money, so let's not talk about it here.

Third, family thoughts. As mentioned earlier, from the day before the wedding to the night of the wedding, the whole family is eating "big family" (this is what I said). On the wedding day, the daughter-in-law of the groom's father and brother will stand outside the hotel with the groom's family to welcome guests, and other relatives will help arrange the guests to sit down. I remember someone mentioned the groom's brother-in-law when discussing who was driving the car. The groom's father immediately objected and said, "My son-in-law is very close to me, but he is an outsider after all. How can this car be driven by his own brother? " Listen, if someone is a son-in-law, don't take yourself too seriously. People don't think so.

Interesting Hakka marriage customs

1. Match making

When the boy grows up, his parents find someone to be a matchmaker and find unmarried women in the right family. The matchmaker explained the man's family background, age and appearance to the woman's parents. If the woman's parents agree, they will further blind date, which is called "exploring others"; If you don't agree, politely refuse. The so-called "door-to-door visit" means that the woman's parents invite several close relatives and loved ones to the man's house to watch Lang's appearance and understand the move, and the man holds a banquet and gives gifts. My daughter didn't even go before. With the consent of the woman, she wrote the year, month, day and hour of her daughter's birth, commonly known as "the eight characters of the hour", on a red post and sent it to the man's house, which was called "sending the Geng". The man put the "Geng Tie" in front of the ancestral tablet, and everything went well within three days, so he further asked the fortune teller to "match the eight characters". If he thinks it is "union", the marriage is settled. Some women also handle it at home. Therefore, in the old society, the lifelong events of young men and women were mostly decided by parents' orders, matchmakers' words and fortune-telling words, and some of them were limited by family status. So most of them are "married before falling in love", and many of them are from strange strange bedfellows.

2. Zading

After the matchmaking is appropriate, the woman puts forward conditions, including a certain amount of money, pigs, wine, chicken and fish, orange cakes, candy, rice, beans, noodles and noodles in rural areas; The man asked for a certain dowry, which was settled by the matchmaker of both men and women. In rural areas, this is often called "writing engagement" or "writing wedding words". On the front, it says "clear pronunciation and mellow voice", and on the bottom, it says "a match made in heaven". Parents and matchmakers of both parties personally sign, each holding one copy. When writing, men should prepare a feast. In Chengguan, the man sends orange cakes, candy and cloth, shoes and socks, rings or watches to the woman's house, and the woman's house sends back hats, shoes and clothes to the man. Some will also invite men to drink one or two tables of "engagement wine". From then on, women are men's homes. After the wedding ceremony, the man will give gifts to the woman until they get married.

Hakka people in Meixian County, Guangdong Province, in addition to general gifts, also want to send two "rabbits", one male and one female. "Rabbit" is to turn the pig's stomach upside down, stuff it with rice bran, and then make ears and eyes. Vivid image. The woman took the man and gave it back to the man. As the saying goes, "after the rabbit ceremony, you can spit on your descendants."

3. Report the date and pay the engagement fee

After the man chooses the "bed fight" and the date of marriage, he informs the woman that it is called "reporting date", usually one month before marriage, and at the same time the man gives the bride price to her. Hakkas like to use "nine" as the ending of the bride price, which is the homonym of "long" luck. When the woman fights for bed, she should send grapefruit and charcoal to the man's house, which means giving birth to a baby and warming the new house, commonly known as "exploring the sun." The man will make a lot of big balls for the woman to share with relatives and friends to show his affinity.

4. The dowry is rich and frugal. In the old society, people married women with five-color shirts and pants, dressing tables, foot buckets, urine buckets, curtain mats, wooden boxes or suitcases. , while the rich added silks and satins, bedding blankets, gold and silver jewelry, etc. And they flaunted the market to the extreme. The betrothal is called "Qing Niang" and the man gives a red envelope. After the dowry was delivered, the man asked his relatives and friends to "see the dowry". The time of dowry is during the day, and the specific date varies from place to place. Chengguan is the day before the bride gets married, and rural areas are mostly the day after the bride gets married.

When Hakka daughters get married, parents will seriously tie some auspicious vegetables, such as celery, garlic, leeks and so on. One by one, they use red ropes or strips of red cloth as dowry to express their good wishes to their daughters-in-law. More interestingly, Hakka people also use "everlasting grass" as their dowry custom. Evergreen grass is a kind of wild grass, tied with red rope, married to her husband's family, hung in a bamboo basket at the head of the bridal chamber, and planted in a vegetable garden the next day to show its roots.

Step 5 pick up relatives and send them away

Wedding reception, also called wedding reception, used to be held during the day, but now it is mostly late at night. At noon, the man should prepare pig's head, chicken, fish, incense sticks and hi-fi guns to welcome his wife's family. "I was carried to my husband's house by a sedan chair!" This is something that women in the old society should be proud of all their lives. As the saying goes, "a broken fan is windy, and a broken sedan chair is awesome." Even numbers of people go to pick up relatives. When the bride's family saw relatives coming, she had to close the door. After setting off firecrackers three times in a row, relatives opened the door with candlelight to welcome guests. The woman should prepare a banquet for the bride-to-be, which is called "no seats". Husband and guests moved chopsticks a little and didn't eat much. After the married girl took a bath, the matchmaker and the bride dressed her up. The woman's guests should also be even, generally including relatives and friends such as the bride's brother. When going out, the woman's parents should avoid it. At the man's house, if it is not time to start work, the bride must wait outside the door first. At the beginning, gongs and drums are loud, greeting each other, and the man's parents should also avoid meeting each other when they visit the church to avoid "collision" and cause discord in the future. When he stepped into the big threshold, the cook killed a rooster and called it "stop the door chicken" Some rural customs put an axe under the threshold, and the bride enters the new house through the rice screen.

In some areas, Hakka people have the custom of "dragging green" in wedding ceremonies, that is, there is a person dragging a banyan branch behind the float, which is one hundred children and grandchildren. When a sedan chair meets another sedan chair on the road, it will exchange branches with each other according to the custom, and both sides will bless many children and grandchildren, commonly known as "changing green". Then drag them home, throw banyan branches on their own tile backs, borrow the meaning of banyan trees, and exchange red flowers in some places.

6. Go to church, eat noodles, eat bowls of chicken and drink a glass of wine.

This is the last ceremony of the wedding. The bride and groom worship the heavens first, then the ancestors, and then the husband and wife worship each other. After the ceremony, they entered the bridal chamber and lit red candles. Cooked chicken, noodles and two eggs were placed on the table. The bride and groom ate together and drank a toast. For the first time, the couple should choose a lucky time to eat with the groom. The things on the new bed are exquisite. There are generally four pomelos in Chengguan, and the word "grapefruit" is homophonic with "grapefruit". Put a red bucket in the country, which contains white rice, rulers, scales, abacus, scissors and the like, symbolizing a rich life after marriage, knowing how to plan and calculate; There is also a red light, which means "Gardin".

7. Make trouble in the bridal chamber

Making a wedding, with or without it, is not a wedding. Generally, after the guests' banquet, some young men, women and relatives enter the new house to amuse the bride and groom, and ask them to rap and tease, such as the bride and groom biting red flowers (red envelopes), the bride and groom sharing a candy, singing and dancing. There used to be a bad habit of "piling on oil", that is, pressing the brides one by one. This phenomenon, which is somewhat a legacy of early barbaric group marriage, has been abolished. In some places before, housing reform was carried out in the hall because of the narrow new houses. For three consecutive days, regardless of size, men, women and children can participate in these three days. Hakka noisy rooms are also dominated by a concept, and the louder the noise, the more auspicious it is. Four sentences, which rhyme with auspicious, blessing and festive language, stand out in the custom of Guangdong Hakkas making trouble in the bridal chamber, which runs through the whole process of making trouble in the bridal chamber, elegant and funny. If some say four words: moonlight, look at the bride, the bride's stomach is full of shit, sow today, and give birth to cassia seed next August. These four words, both playful and blessed, often make people laugh.

8. The perfect house

Hakkas in Taiwan Province Province are the funniest. When the bride and groom are consummated, a rooster will be heard under the bed. Oh! "The hen's cry, the hen's" giggle "sound of laying eggs. It turned out that after the girl negotiated the marriage, her mother carefully fed her a pair of chickens, and came to the man's house as the "leading chicken" on the wedding day and sent it directly to the wedding bed. After the rooster crows, the groom will ask the bride, "Why is there a rooster crowing under the bed?" The bride told him, "it's almost dawn, the chicken crows and the chicken lays eggs." "The groom lifted the sheets and saw that the hen had really laid a big egg under the bed. The groom was moved by this scene, hugged the bride tightly and said happily, "Sure enough, it was born! I gave birth! Good omen, we are going to be born! " This custom is commonly known as "consummation".

There are many ancient customs, as well as the custom of consummating marriage and testing chastity. In the south, especially in Guangdong, during the Three Dynasties, the bride would send roast pigs to show her chastity when she returned home. The bride is respected by the male family, and the female family is proud of it. . "Eating roast pig" has become synonymous with whether the bride is chaste or not. On the day of the Three Dynasties, the groom accompanied the bride back to the door, and the woman's parents were looking forward to it. Seeing the "roast pig" coming up later, they put down their long-held hearts. The daughter is a virgin, and her husband's family is satisfied with her, so parents are gratified that her daughter has lifelong care. For this old custom, there is a cloud in Lingnan: whoever teaches the arm to print red in the alley will always have a hazy shadow in the bridal chamber; Who will preside over the ceremony in Lu Qing, and three pigs will guard the palace.

9, please three dynasties

On the third day after the bride gets married, the bride's family will hold a banquet for her daughter and son-in-law. When a daughter goes back to her parents' home as a guest, she can be the chief. After the party, she took off her red shirt in public and put on ordinary new clothes. On this day, I can't stay at my parents' house, and I have to go back to my husband's house no matter how far away. In some rural areas, my parents will invite some relatives (women) to my daughter's house in a few days. Some mothers invite their daughters home to brew full moon wine when they are married for a full moon. Men and women in-laws choose their own dates and hold banquets to invite each other to drink, which is called "going to the door". The echo of these festivals can strengthen the communication between the two families.

Wedding reception for guests, commonly known as "wedding reception", is very grand, especially in the past. The wedding banquet is located in the hall, and the dining table is divided. The top left is the chief, and the right is the second seat. Sit on the old man and accompany the guests. Guests are seated according to seniority, distance, age and family. The main guests, the groom, must come to him one by one with respectful invitations, take them to the prescribed seats and offer bowls and chopsticks. The wedding reception was hosted by the bride's parents. The mother-in-law of the bride and groom is a distinguished guest, sitting at the first table. When a woman visits a man's house, the guest is called a "big guest". When they come, they should set off firecrackers in front of the door to welcome them. They can't hold a party until they arrive. The groom will hold a pot at the first table of his mother's uncle and pour her wine. You don't have to invite guests to get married in the countryside, but if you don't invite the woman, you will be blamed by relatives and friends, because the man's family has sent a lot of chicken, wine and fish to the woman's family. In addition to providing food and drink for the guests, the wedding banquet also requires the guests to take some home for the family to share and even the neighbors to share. Therefore, in the past, guests were invited to bring some wine to the city.