Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - The origin of chemical elements

The origin of chemical elements

1. hydrogen, H(Hydrogenium, [En]Hydrogen), that is, the element that forms water, is composed of Greek Ydor (meaning

Water, which evolved into Latin, consists of hydra and root brain.

2. Helium, He (Helium) is an element found in the solar spectrum, which is called Helios (Sun) in Greek.


3. Lithium, Li (lithium), named after its discovery in phyllite, means stone in Greek.

4.Be (Beryllium), named after its discovery in beryl.

5. Boron, B(Borum, [En]Boron), is named after borax, which is Latin for boron because it can be melted.

Melting metal, Arabic boron means welding.

6. C (carbonum, [En]Carbon um, [En]Carbon), discovered in ancient times, was named after carbon.

7. N (Nitronium, [en] nitrogen, [En] nitrogen), that is, the element that forms saltpeter, is composed of the Greek nitron (meaning

Thought is saltpeter, which evolved into Latin as its name, and the suffix -gen is hydrogen (1).

8. Oxygen, O (oxynium, [en] oxygen), that is, the element that forms acid, Greek Oxys (acid), suffix-gen.

See hydrogen (1).

9. Fluorine, F (Fluorum, [en] fluoride), named after fluorite (Latin fluor, originally meaning flux), chemistry.

The chemical composition is calcium fluoride.

10.Neon, Ne (Neon), from Greek neon (new).

1 1. sodium, Na (sodium), English for sodium, made of electrolytic soda (sodium carbonate).

Named after this. Sodium in Latin also means soda.

12. magnesium, Mg (magnesium), named after bitter soil (magnesium, the place where Greece is rich in bitter soil).

13. Aluminum, al (aluminum), named after alum (Latin Alumen, originally meaning convergent alum), chemistry.

The chemical composition is potassium aluminum sulfate.

14. Silicon, si (silicon, [en] silicon), named after timely glass.

15. Phosphorus, P (Phophorus), named after its luminescence, comes from the Greek Phos (light) and Phoros (belt).


16. sulfur, s (sulfur), discovered in ancient times, was named after its yellow crystallization process (Sanskrit sulfur, meaning

Bright yellow).

17. chlorine, Cl (chlorine, [en] chlorine), named after the green color of chlorine, means chlorine in Greek.

It means green.

18. Argon, ar (Argon), comes from the Greek Argon (laziness).

19. potassium, k (potassium), English for potassium, because electrolytic wood ash alkali (potassium carbonate, the chemical composition is potassium carbonate.

) hence the name. Potassium in Latin also refers to wood ash alkali.

20. Calcium, ca (calcium), named after lime (Calx).

2 1. Scandium, Sc (Scandium), because its discoverer is Swedish, in memory of his motherland (Scandinavia, Sri Lanka).

Named after Scandinavia.

22. Titanium, Ti (titanium), named after the Greek mythical figure Titan.

23. Vanadium, V (vanadium), named after the Nordic goddess Vanadius.

24. Chromium, Cr (Cr), is named because its compounds have many colors. Chromium in Greek means "beauty"

Beautiful color. "

25. Manganese, Mn(Manganum, [En]Manganese), because this mineral originated in Mnonia (located in Turkey).

Named after this.

26. Iron and Fe (iron) have been discovered since ancient times. English is iron (evolved from Irene) and German is Eisen.


27.Co(Cobaltum, [en] cobalt, [En]Cobalt) means "underground goblin" (German Kabalt) because it can

Turn the glass blue.

28. Nickel, Ni(Niccolum, [En]Nickel), which means "cheating child" (Nickle in German), because

It has the same properties as cobalt (27) and can make glass green.

29. Copper, Cu(Cuprum, [En]Copper), was discovered in ancient times, because it was first discovered from the island of Cyprus (Aes).

Cyprus gets its name from this metal.

30. Zinc, zinc ([en] zinc), has been discovered in ancient times. The origin of the name is not clear, it may come from Germany.

Zinke (spike or sawtooth)

3 1. Gallium, ga (gallium), because its discoverer is French, in memory of his motherland (Gaul, France).

Named after an ancient name.

32. Germanium, Ge (Germany), because its discoverer is a German, in order to commemorate his motherland (Germany, Germany

, generally referring to Germany).

33. As (arsenium, [en] arsenic, [En] arsenic) is Arsenikon in Greek. About its etymology, a kind of

The saying comes from Arsen (arsenic, meaning strong), because arsenic (arsenic oxide) is a powerful poison; another

This statement evolved from Persian Az-Zarnikh (orpiment, Az is a negative article, and Zar means gold).

34. Selenium means the element of the moon (Selene, the goddess of the moon in Greek mythology).

35. Bromum, Br(Bromum, [En]Bromine), named for its foul smell, Bromos means evil in Greek.

It stinks.

36. Kr, Kr (Kr), comes from the Greek Kr (Crypt).

37. Rubidium, Rb (rubidium), named for its red spectrum (Rubidus, Latin crimson).

38. Strontium, Sr (strontium), it is said that this element comes from the Trent lead mine in Scotland, so it is named S.

Strontium soil

39. Yttrium, Y (Yttrium), named after Yttrium originated in Iterbi, Sweden.

40. Zirconium, Zr (Zr), named after zircon, means cinnabar in Arabic and Persian.

It's gold.

4 1.Nb, Nb (niobium), formerly known as Cb(Columbium, columbium), because it was first discovered in the columbium mine in North America.

Element, and named after Columbus. Tantalum (73) was separated from coltan and really obtained.

This element is named after Tantalus's daughter Niobe.

42. Mo, Mo (Mo, Mo), whose sulfide is a black mineral like graphite,

German is commonly known as molybdenum ion, hence its name.

43. Technetium, Tc (Technetium), which is an artificial element, uses the Greek technetium (artificial manufacture).

44. Ruthenium, ru (ruthenium), because it was discovered by two Russian chemists, in order to commemorate their motherland (Russi

I. Russia).

45. Rhodium, Rh (rhodium), named after its compound is rosy. In Greek, Rodon means rose.


46. Palladium, Pd (Palladium), named in memory of the martial arts actress pallas discovered not long ago.

47. Silver, Ag(Argentum), has been discovered in ancient times and comes from the Greek Argyros (prefix Argos means light.

Ze or white), English is silver.

48. Cadmium, Cd (cadmium), named after zinc mine calamine, is Cadmein in Greek (probably according to the Greek god.

Named after the character Cadmus).

49. Indium, in (indigo), is named after its spectrum is indigo.

50. Tin, Sn (tin), has been discovered in ancient times, and its original meaning is hard, because copper will get more after being doped with tin.

Hard bronze, English tin.

5 1. Antimony, Sb (antimony), discovered in ancient times, is antimony in English, and the prefix means opposition.

The suffix is changed from Monk. It is said that stibnite can treat common diseases of monks, but many monks

The couple got worse after taking it, so they were considered as guest stars of monks.

52. Tellurium, Te (Tellurium), according to the naming method of the kindred element selenium (34), is called the earth element (Tel

Lus, the goddess of the earth in Roman mythology, terrace).

53. Iodine, I(Iodhs, [En] iodine), named after its purple color, means purple in Greek.


54.Xenon, Xe (Xenon) comes from the Greek word Xenon (singular).

55. Cesium, Cs (Cesium), is named because its spectrum is blue (Caesius, Latin sky blue).

56. Barium, Ba (Barita), because the ore is produced in Bologna, Italy (Bo

Named after logna).

57.La (lanthanum) is named because it is hidden in rare earths. Lanthanein in Greek means hiding.


58. Cerium, Ce, commemorates the first newly discovered asteroid Ceres (the goddess of grain in Roman mythology).

Named after the discovery of.

59.Praseodymia, Pr (praseodymia), originated from Praseodymia, is composed of the Greek Pratos (lush green).

And Didymos (twins), which means green twins.

60. Neodymium, Nd (Neodymia), means new twins. See neon (10) and praseodymium.


6 1. Prometheus, named after the Greek mythical figure Prometheus.

62.Sm(Samrium), named after Samaria, is a Russian mineralogist весама.

I'm рский (Samarski).

63. Europium, Eu (Europium), is used to commemorate Europe (Europa).

64. Gadolinium, Gd (gadolinium), named after Gadoina, commemorates the Finnish chemist Gadolin (J.

Gadolin), who discovered the first rare earth element yttrium (39).

65. Terbium, Tb (terbium), named after Ytterby of Sweden, see Yttrium (39).

66. Dysprosium, Dy (dysprosium), named after the Greek Dysprositos, means hard to obtain.

67. Holmium, Ho (Holmium), because its discoverer is Swedish, in memory of his hometown Stockholm (Stockho.


68. Erbium, Er (Er), named after Ytterby in Sweden, see Yttrium (39).

69. Thulium, Tm (Thulium), was named Thule (North Pole) in Scandinavia because its discoverer was Swedish.

Land) naming.

70. Ytterbium, Yb (Ytterbium), Sweden is named after Ytterbium. See Yttrium (39).

7 1. Lutetium, whose discoverer was French, commemorates his hometown of Paris (Lutetia, Paris).

Named after the old name.

72. Hafnium, Hf (hafnium), because its discoverer succeeded in Kobenhaven (also known as Hafnia).

Hence the name.

73. Tantalum, Ta (Tantalum), because it is not corroded by acid, Tantalus, the son of Zeus in Greek mythology (

Immersed in water for punishment, but unable to absorb water.

74. Tungsten, W(Wolframium), is named wolframite in Germany, so it is called wolf in Germany.

Ram. Its English name is tungsten, which means heavy stone, and its main component is calcium tungstate.

Rhenium was named in memory of the Rhine.

76. Osmium, Os (osmium), is named because its compound has a bad smell. Osme means bad smell in Greek.

77. Iridium, Ir (iridium), is named for its rich colors. In Greek, Iris means rainbow.

78. Platinum, Pt (platinum), a metal named after Platinum Del Pinto, whose value had not been discovered at that time.

Often mixed with gold by profiteers.

79. Gold, Au(Aurum), was found in ancient times, and the English word is Gold.

80. Mercury, Hg (mercury), consists of Latin Hydra (water) and Argyrum (silver). See hydrogen (1.

) and silver (47). English is Mercury, the messenger of the gods in Roman mythology, which means that metal has fluidity.

Has been discovered.

8 1. thallium, Tl (thallium), named after its green spectrum (thallium, Latin for green branch).

82. Lead, Pb (lead), originally refers to lead (lead black, black lead) and tin (lead white, white lead.

), has been found in ancient times. English is Lead, which originally means leadership, and may gradually be extended to lead and plumb.

83. Bismuth, Bi(Bismuthum, [En] Bismuth) comes from German Wismut (probably named after white metal, or

This is brown iron ore.

84. Polonium, po (polonium), was started by Madame Curie to commemorate her motherland Poland (Latin Polonia).

The name of.

85. astAtin, at (astatin, [En] astatin) comes from the Greek Astatos, which means unstable.

86. Radon, Rn (radon), also known as laser gas, is an element that decays from radium (88), and the suffix -on means inertia.

Sexual spirit.

87.francium, Fr (Francim), as the discoverer is French, commemorates his motherland (France, France).

And name it.

88. Radium, ra (radiation), means the giver of radiation.

89. Actinium, Ac (Actinium), named after radioactive decay, means active.

90. Thorium, Th (Thorium), is named after Thor in Nordic mythology.

9 1. praseodymium, Pa(ProtActinum), which means the original (prefix Proto-) actinide, because praseodymium can

Decay to actinide (89).

92. Uranium, U (Uranium), was named to commemorate Uranus (a Greek mythological figure) discovered not long ago.


93. Neptune, Np (Neptune), according to the naming method of uranium (92), uses Neptune (Neptune, in Roman mythology.

Named after Poseidon.

94. Plutonium, Pu (Pluto), according to the naming method of uranium (92) and neptunium (93), uses Pluto (Pluto, Pluto).

) naming.

95.Am (americium), because the discoverer is an American, to commemorate his country (the United States).


96. Curie, cm (Curie), in memory of French Polish scientist Marie Curie (1867- 1934).

She discovered polonium (84) and radium (88), and was the winner of 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics and191kloc-0/year Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

97. Technetium, Bk(Berkelium), named after this element was discovered in Berkeley.

98.Californium, CF (California), named after California (C), found this element in Berkeley University.


99. polonium, ES (Einstein), in memory of Jewish German physicist Albert.

Einstein), who founded the theory of relativity, won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 192 1.

100.Am, Fm (Fermi), in memory of Italian-American nuclear physicist Enrico Fermi, 1.

1938 Nobel Prize winner in physics.

10 1. 钔, Md (Mendeleev) in memory of Russian chemist Mendeleev (дименделее).

в, D.I. Mendeleev), who discovered the periodic law of elements.

102. Huang,No. (Nobel), is to commemorate the Swedish chemist Alfred Bernard Nobel, who is

He is known as the father of explosives and the founder of the Nobel Prize.

103. technetium, LR (Lawrence), in memory of American nuclear physicist Ernest Orlando

Lawrence), he is the winner of 1939 Nobel Prize in Physics.

The elements after 103 are named according to the atomic number.

Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Prefix Njogu Bis 34569 Octene

104.Unq (Unnilqiudium), also known as Rf(Rutherfordium), in memory of British nuclear physicist Rutherford.

(Ernest Luther-Ford), who won the 1909 Nobel Prize in chemistry, also discovered the nucleus and protons (after winning the prize).

) contribution.

105.Unp(Unnilpentium), formerly known as Hahnium, commemorates the Jewish German nuclear physicist Hahn.

(otto hahn) discovered the nuclear fission reaction of uranium atom, 1944 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, now known as.

Db(Dubnium) is named after Dubna Nuclear Research Center in Moscow.

106.Unh (Unnilheum), also known as Sg(Seaborgium), in memory of American nuclear physicist Seeburg (Gle

NN Theodore Sea-Borg, 19 12- 1999), who discovered neptunium (93) and was the winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 195 1 year.


107.UNS (UNNILSPTIUM), also known as Bh(Bohrium), is to commemorate Danish physicist Niels.

Henrik David Bohr (1885- 1962), one of the founders of quantum mechanics, won the Nobel Prize in physics from 65438 to 0922.

Winner., also known as Hs(Hassium), the atom is made by Darmstardt.

) heavy ion research center, named after Hesse, where the laboratory is located.

109.UNE (UNNILENTIUM), also known as Mt(Meitnerium), commemorates the Jewish Swedish nuclear physicist Mai.

Turner (lise meitner, 1878- 1968), who discovered the uranium nucleus together with Hahn (see element 105).

Fission reaction.

Elements after 109 are no longer named after scientists.