Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Qihe robin fortune-telling telephone

Qihe robin fortune-telling telephone

Age: [27]

Zodiac: [Monkey] constellation: [Cancer]


For a real crab, love contains a lot of security, kindness and pity. And love is inseparable from the care of maternal love.

Cancer people can be as passionate as Scorpio people. But because of their vulnerability, they will selectively express their good feelings. You have to wait a long time to get them to make a commitment, because mutual trust is very important to them.

When people begin to fall in love, their behaviors are very similar. For cancer, there is a maternal myth in their love. They need meticulous care and will repay each other in this way. Show your pain, helplessness, weakness and needs, and you can arouse the interest of cancer. Remember, they need to be needed. Besides, don't expect them to explain everything clearly. Few cancers will publicly express their thoughts. When you get along with cancer, you must learn to interpret his message and mood. The unhappy expression is because he feels rejected. Sticking to you means he needs peace of mind. Complaining shows that he feels sad. Irritability means that he feels uncertain. But if you try to explain the problem clearly, cancer will slip away from you. Usually he doesn't even know what's going on with him.

Cancer is usually loyal. Because safety is very important to them. But Cancer is a sign of change, so their loyalty will be tested. Cancer is good at housekeeping and is famous for its collection. In other words, if he feels safe, he will usually fulfill his other needs.

Divorce is a terrible thing for cancer. Many cancers are afraid to make a commitment because they are afraid of the separation that may follow. The safe nest was destroyed, which was a serious trauma to cancer. Any form of separation is unbearable for cancer, even if he is very eager for freedom. Once again, you must learn to interpret his information. Gradually pulling away from emotions, apathy or incompetence are all ways for cancer to express "let me leave". Cancer is rarely the one who decides to break up. First of all, it is not easy for them to face their emotions directly. Secondly, other people's opinions will interfere with them. Therefore, Cancer would rather become silent and unhappy gradually until you can't bear to throw him out of the house. In this way, he will not feel guilty.

However, they will also pay a considerable price for such behavior. They have to trample on their feelings to appear insensitive or indifferent, crush their dreams and abuse themselves to pretend to be strong. Betrayal will hurt them. Intellectually, they may be able to come up with many excuses, but emotionally, they just can't accept them.

Nests are naturally important for cancer. Cancer is a used constellation. Even if he is in an unstable situation, he should keep his usual habits-perhaps spreading out on a chair in the living room or soaking in some kind of food and wine. They need roots and a sense of security.

When love is tested, Cancer's tenderness, sensitivity, imagination, delicacy and unique courage make people fall in love with it easily. But it is not easy to put up with their emotions and self-centered inner children. Whether they play the role of mother or child (or both) in a relationship, they need constant love and security. If your emotional nature is indifference, conceit or hate to give, then you should stay away from Cancer. If you have a warm heart and an understanding of life, you may be scared by the fragile dreamer in their hearts. Cancer's greatest contribution in a relationship is that they have a profound and intuitive understanding of the nature and pain of human nature. This is rare in the world today.

Cancer man's love

Cancer man is homesick. He will spend a lot of time dealing with feelings, and he is extremely passive; He can sit there all night without making any noise. Unless you are very sensitive, you will feel that you have no interest in wood.

He is very affectionate, but the crab always takes a wait-and-see attitude to avoid injury; Although he always looks quiet at first and doesn't say a word, as long as you get to know him, you will actually find that he is quite crazy, and sometimes you will wonder if this person is the person you knew at the beginning. Don't worry, he is still him, but the moon is changing.

Cancer man is changeable, but that is his mood, not his character. He is looking for a sense of security. He just wants not to get hurt. His heart is too sensitive. Any sign of trouble will make him nervous and worry that everything he has will leave him. You have to understand that what he wants is a sense of security, but it doesn't mean that he can't protect a home.

He needs a home, a home that makes him feel safe. He is a nice young man, quite homesick, typical of many girls' dreams; And he will bravely stand up and defend his family when his family is threatened. He treasures everything, so don't waste it. You must take good care of him, otherwise it will not be an affair but his mother that will affect your marriage.

Cancer girl's love

Cancer girl is very melancholy. In fact, not only that, she is quite crazy and hysterical. She can be sad or happy. Of course it will be sad and crazy. She is gentle, feminine and shy, but she is still a woman made of water. Once she starts to cry, it is difficult to stop. You need to bring more handkerchiefs.

She is quite passive, so you should be mentally prepared, so don't think that she is indifferent to you, and don't forget that she is also shy. Don't make any excessive actions or sounds in front of her, which will make her feel that you are dissatisfied with her, thus hurting her mood. I tell you, sometimes you will find that nothing in the world is more tragic than her emotional injury.

Sometimes you will find that she has emotional problems, sometimes good and sometimes bad, but there seems to be a cycle. Cancer is undoubtedly dominated by the moon, so you will find that her mood is like the moon, with ups and downs. She needs a sense of security. She is afraid of failure, no matter what. She needs a place to take refuge.

She is a good wife, she can cook a good dish, and she will also take care of the children to make you jealous and eager that you are still a child. She tenderly takes care of everything she has, including you. She cares about many things, such as money, food, family, mother, secrets and so on.

I don't know how to express my love

I often make fun of Cancer, teasing Cancer to express emotions indirectly. My metaphor is: "A cancer writes a love letter to his girlfriend every day. Two months later, she married the postman. 」

How did this happen?

If she receives a love letter, the articles in it are well written, but unfortunately they are all romantic. At first, there was a golden rosy cloud in the east this morning. I saw the old lady crossing the road with her little granddaughter in the middle. Finally, he looked at the maple trees in the street from the window and wrote to her. Where is the theme? I really can't tell.

It is said that it is affectionate and heartless, but why should it be delivered within a time limit? If the postman adds a rose to the letter every day, the poor cancer lover will be struck out.

It's too roundabout. I don't know if your cancer has this problem. A strong sense of self-protection makes you always take "tentative" actions before you are completely sure that you will not be rejected.

I wanted to invite him to the movies and said a bunch of nonsense on the phone: "Are you at home?" , "Didn't go out?" Today's TV program is so ugly! ","I heard that there is a good movie "alive" recently. "Do you like Gong Li?" ..... When you are sure he is interested, you can only watch the midnight show.

Therefore, I want to encourage you in Cancer to speak out your love and invitation bravely. Maybe he's waiting. He's getting impatient.

If you still get up the courage, please think about my story of "Beauty and Postman"!

When you look directly into each other's eyes

In a speech, I received a question from the audience. I met a girl on an outing the other day, and I felt very good. What do you think of my cancer? "I repeated" cancer ",and then I couldn't help but sigh:" Alas! The audience burst into laughter for twenty seconds.

Cancer looks at each other and thinks a lot but doesn't do much. Perhaps his shadow appears in your heart day and night, and in your dream, there are shots of you traveling hand in hand; When you pass by the church, you will think of marrying him. When you see the doll car, you will think of how many children you should have.

However, these are just ideas. So your love stays in intuitive love, and you can't get into more practical knowledge and understanding.

So, when you see the right eye, make friends with him first! In modern society, there is more room for friendship between the opposite sex, so you should carefully observe and evaluate it with the process of communication.

Find some seemingly just reasons to attack and retreat, and achieve the result of making friends with him. For example, if you meet an American friend on an outing, you might as well ask about her hobbies. Then invite her to study computer, gardening or interior design. Meet once in a while, even if it's a large group of people.

In a word, you must turn your affection for her from intuition to feeling, and if you have feeling, you must turn it into feeling. Standing still is always a waste of time.

At the time of first love

Cancer's first love climax after climax is absolutely comparable to Ms. Qiong Yao's TV series. Obviously, it's nothing, and it will fly like a chicken and jump like a dog, offending people.

I will always remember that naive high school classmate. Although her first love was not long, it had an impact, and a group of friends still remember it.

Since she announced her love to us, we seem to be watching wonderful series every day. She reports her picturesque feelings to us every day: the grass under the starry sky exudes green fragrance, his eyelashes can always sweep away the haze in her heart, and the moths under the street lamp always fly together ... Everyone is simply envious and hopes that they have such a relationship.

Unexpectedly, two months later, the plot took a turn for the worse, and she began to be unhappy, and then complained to us every day about how hateful he was. I can't bring up those old things here. What I can tell you is that a group of our friends called the boy who changed from lover to villain. I still feel embarrassed to see him because of the terrible scolding.

Emotional, imaginative and sentimental, these characteristics make Cancer's first love a little fussy, small things turn into big things, love is vigorous and the ending is tragic.

Do you have a first love? If not, don't worry too much, even if your first love is as illogical as my classmates, it is also the most unforgettable first love in your life. Brave enough to love, love with peace of mind!

When you fall in love

You are in love, and your mood is "both expectation and fear of being hurt". Cancer is full of feelings and never stingy with the person you love. It's just that the more I get involved, the more uneasy I feel. The more you invest, the more you want to get a reciprocal return. This kind of emotion will be revealed consciously or unconsciously.

If he is an inarticulate person, your love will make him do not know how to repay and create a lot of unnecessary pressure. This is something you should avoid when you are in love.

Another mistake you may make is that it is too sticky and greasy. When you love him deeply, you want to be with him for 24 hours, and you can't wait to leave for a minute.

If he is a person who wants to have his own space, your request will make him feel at a loss. If it is more serious, you may adopt an escape strategy. It's not that he doesn't love you, but that before he met you, he had family, friends and a life, and it won't be swept away by your joining. If you love him, you have to accept the people and things that already exist. This is the real him.

Falling in love with Cancer is one of the happiest things in life. As long as you don't give too much pressure and don't be too sticky, I believe he will be the happiest person in the world and you are his favorite lover.

Take love in a horizontal knife, okay

If we ask Cancer, "How about taking love in a horizontal knife? The answer is usually: "No! But when we observe the love of cancer, we often find many exceptions.

I've heard some confusing statements about cancer, which are really ridiculous. Cancer A was involved in the marriage of Cancer B, and her husband divorced her and married Cancer A. After marriage, Cancer A and her husband (ex-husband of Cancer B) clashed again. As a result, Cancer B took advantage of the trend and became the same identity as Cancer A in those years. This complicated relationship between wife, mistress, next wife, ex-husband and husband shows how helpless Cancer is sometimes in the whirlpool of love.

Are you a cancer trapped by love and having no autonomy? When you fall in love with him who is married or has a fixed lover, you know you are sorry for his lover or spouse, but you can't extricate yourself.

Maybe he loves you very much, but shouldn't you also ask yourself, "Can you not love him?" ? You should not only consider whether the other person is more suitable than the original couple in personality, emotion and conditions. You should also consider that when he abandons his original lover and goes out with you, both you and he will face greater social pressure and the eternal shadow in their hearts.

If you decide in your heart that it is impossible to win love in a horizontal knife, it happened that you made such a decision again. Even if you succeed, will you feel comfortable? Please think it over.

When he doubts your loyalty

Cancer has deep feelings for you, and you spend a lot of time with him every day. Think about whether he loves you or not and how you want to love him. Where did you get the time and mood to focus on it?

If he still doubts your loyalty, he will accuse you of some false rumors or stupid misunderstandings. I think your heart must be more bitter than Huang Lian's.

"Why doesn't he know me?" "Why doesn't he trust me?" "Why did this misunderstanding happen to me? The more I think about it, the more annoying it is. As a result, he was angry and you were sad.

The world is like this, and many things are beyond our control. Since the misunderstanding has happened, only explaining it clearly is the most fundamental way.

When you communicate with him, there are several points you must pay special attention to:

First, don't get emotional. If you walk and sit upright, you should show a confident attitude. Don't let people think that you are putting on airs or getting angry because you are emotional.

Second, please get to the point. Explain clearly the cause of possible misunderstanding and the ins and outs of the incident. As for other things (for example, you lost sleep for a few days, failed the exam, and so on). ), just add a note.

Third, be patient. If he loves you, he must care about your loyalty and want to be 100% sure if it is a misunderstanding. So verbosity is inevitable, please wait patiently.

When love meets a bottleneck

There are three situations that are the checkpoints of cancer love. If we can't break through, love will retreat if it doesn't advance, and it will fall into a tragic era of chaos.

First, Cancer wants to settle down, but it's not ready. This kind of love can't be synchronized, which will make cancer feel insecure. It is hard for you to understand that there is still an uncertain gray area between love and non-love. What if he finally decides to go back to the field he doesn't love? Your particularly anxious emotional expression while waiting will make him hesitate more.

Second, Cancer feels that she is no longer needed. He is no longer as diligent in expressing his love as before, and he is no longer full of passion for you. You think you're dispensable. Of course, the fact may not be so bad. When love enters the mature stage, each other will inevitably put more thoughts on other levels. If you feel that you need more love protection, you might as well communicate with him and find a way of communication that both sides agree.

Third, the cancer feels that the feeling of love for him is gone. Do you feel that you don't want to love him anymore, and you don't want to be bored with him anymore? Is this feeling a temporary emotion? Or a rational conclusion? What is the reason? The question is you or him?

I think in any case, the most important thing for you in Cancer is to find what you want. Set a clear goal first, then you can put forward your expectations for him and break through the bottleneck of love together.

When the old lover turns back,

How did you break up at that time? If it is forced by circumstances, the two broke up contentedly, and now the old lover is back, which is really like the description of popular romance novels today. It's a perfect ending to meet again after separation.

If he failed you when we broke up. Now he wants to go back to the grass. It's good for you to come back. Are you willing to accept that it will cause ripples in cancer's heart?

I want to accept it, but I feel that old grievances are hard to get rid of. How can the sad memories be easily forgotten? I want to refuse, but it is also an old love. I wish I could go back to the good old days. It is difficult to decide whether to accept or refuse.

When an old lover turns back, it is inevitable that people will recall the past. However, although people are the same person, the environment has changed and so have you. In fact, he has changed. How to judge correctly if you just wander around and recall the past?

So, although the old lover returns, you should take it as a new object. Carefully evaluate the interaction between him, you and the environment. If you accept it, it's because he is suitable for you now. Then don't hate his rudeness and injustice at that time, because that's not him now. If you refuse him, it is because he is not suitable for you now. You don't have to look forward to reliving the sweet old days, because he is not what he used to be.

In the long river of time, we can only move forward. Looking back at the old lover, time can't go back. Only by looking to the future can you make the right choice.

Doubt about love

"He doesn't love me! This is a nightmare that often appears in Cancer's heart.

Why do you think he doesn't love you? Of course, you have every reason to prove that this is not groundless and suspicious.

"You didn't kiss me when you went out this morning." "I promised to call me at noon, but I didn't call. He refused to have dinner with me in order to go shopping with his friends. In the keen mind of Cancer, this reason is enough to make you think of words like "change your mind" and "abandon".

Although I hate to remind you, you are too sensitive. Things may not be as serious as you think.

I didn't kiss you when I went out because my neighbor just said hello to him. I didn't call at noon because the meeting was open until two o'clock; I went shopping because my friend came back from vacation in America, and the only gap was to make an appointment to see the familiar places before.

If you really don't trust and don't know if he loves you, why don't you just ask him? If you suspect that he may not love you, make it a rule that he says he loves you ten times a day. He doesn't kiss you, you kiss him: he doesn't fight, you fight. Taking the initiative can at least reassure you.

Of course, the most important thing is that you should have psychological construction. Knowing that love is not only an external romance, but also a feeling of caring for each other in life. When you can see love from the ordinary, you will not feel uneasy at any time and ask, "Does he still love me?" 」

Facing the choice of love and bread

I know a brave cancer girl. She and her husband have been on and off several times and lived a dramatic life. She loves her husband very much, but his livelihood skills are extremely lacking. Every time she is with him, everyone admires the greatness of love; Every time she separated from him, everyone felt the cruelty of reality.

Love is especially important in the heart of cancer. If you have to choose between love and bread, I think 80% of you will choose love.

Male cancer thinks that making money is his interest. I will be responsible for choosing love and bread. Female cancer thinks she can bear hardships and stand hard work, and even make money to supplement her family. Even if there is love, it doesn't matter how small the bread is.

Feeling plays a very important role in your life. However, when you pay attention to the beautiful feeling that love gives you, you can't ignore that real life is also an important reason that affects your feelings.

Male cancer won't choose a wife who doesn't feel right after twenty years of struggle. For the sake of wealth, female cancer will not be willing to hide in the golden house. I especially want to remind cancer women that if you choose an object with no life guarantee for love, it may be gambling on the feelings of a lifetime. These beautiful virtues really show the preciousness of love. However, if you don't want to feel that life is hard all your life, please consider your choice carefully.


Cancer _ _ is burdened with emotional debts and is overwhelmed.

Cancer is extremely sensitive and sometimes misinterprets what others mean, especially because of this. Cancer should learn not to "keep people away" and have the sincerity to communicate with others when arguing with them. Don't always take it to heart, even if your plan idea is not supported by others.

Cancer will be sad for a long time when it is injured. Your mood is always unstable, and your self-confidence is a little insufficient. As long as there is an argument with people, no matter who is right or wrong, the mood will fall into an unsafe state. In the face of whether or not to fight back, you sometimes choose to "let nature take its course" or "turn against each other mercilessly"

Review key points: conflict is the main reason why you miss opportunities. Please don't keep your worries in your heart, open your mind.

Cancer celebrities: Chen Guimiao, Ma Ying, Zhou Quan, Zhang Aijia, Jacky Cheung, Tony Leung Chiu Wai, Cao Qitai, Tayu Lo, Jonathan Lee, Zhu Weiyin, Nakamori, Kondo Makhiko, Sylvester Stallone, Tom Hank, Robin Williams, Chris O 'Donnell, Harrison Ford and Liv Taylor.

Cancer's maternal love makes you want to find a working environment, provided that you feel warm. Work is an extension of your life and family space.

Simply put, this job should make cancer feel loved and loved, which is the ideal job. If you are a grass-roots worker at present, you can show your concern for the crowd by being a supermarket clerk and a restaurant waiter.

Once the funds are sufficient, opening a warm shop is the dream of a cancer woman. For example, a coffee shop with strong coffee, a restaurant that can show your cooking skills, or a store that sells all kinds of groceries can all play the warm characteristics of cancer.

Cancer likes to play family wine games since she was a child. Although it is only a game, she can concentrate on playing the role of mother. Even when they grow up, many cancer women are often indispensable right-hand men at home, and they are quite centripetal to their families.

Cancer, who likes to tease children, can also take care of children at home. Of course, you can also gather good sisters with common ideals and open a baby-care center. Establishing a kindergarten and joining early childhood education is the expression of Cancer's love for family and children. Nursing school is an excellent nursing staff, nurse, you are compassionate and suitable for choosing a job with maternal characteristics. Cancer, married as a hostess, can be a competent housekeeper.

The way Cancer gets along with his boss.

If you can get rid of the mood of cancer, your promotion will make great progress! Perhaps the interaction mode between you and your colleagues can be arbitrary, but in the face of your boss, Cancer should be more natural and graceful.

Cancer has one advantage, that is, it will help the boss think about something from the boss's standpoint, but it is unwise to give advice to the subordinates of Cancer: if you have any questions about the boss's practices or attitudes, you can ask the boss for advice, and don't look suspicious about the boss.

Cancer and the boss get along a bit like "parent-child". Don't think that the boss will take care of you! On the contrary, your chances of dealing with the boss are much greater. From daily life to emotional counseling, you can give full play to your maternal love, just like an old maid invited by the supervisor. According to the situation, you will also take the initiative to defend the boss, making people think that you are in charge too much, right? !

Cancer can win the favor of the boss because your rich emotions drive the care between people.

Cancer's way of getting along with colleagues

Being good at looking at "faces" is a trick for Cancer to get along with colleagues. You are unobtrusive in the group. In fact, you know very well that "unobtrusive" is because you don't want to be an "arrow target". You can accumulate contacts among your colleagues with more confidence. This is the advantage of Cancer.

Living in harmony with your colleagues can bring you a sense of security, especially if you have to stay in the office for a long time every day, and you should pay more attention to maintaining a harmonious atmosphere with your colleagues. Cancer knows how to use "human feelings". If the colleagues in the office have a harmonious relationship, it will make you feel comfortable and work easier.

Getting along with colleagues is not just business. You will approach them, care about unhappy colleagues and listen to their complaints. The communication between you and your colleagues is limited to "one-way", that is, you take care of others without giving them the opportunity to take care of you. In the eyes of colleagues, you are like a mother, and you are good at coaxing children, but children don't know what their mother lacks. On the surface, you don't make people worry, but in fact, others don't know how to give you back and let them complain. Cancer might as well open up and have a heart-to-heart talk with colleagues.

Motto of success

Sensitive nature turns small things into big things! Cancer people must get the support and encouragement of their families if they want to succeed, and making good use of their memory will promote their success.

Investment guide

Investment concept: Willows grow into shadows unintentionally.

Suitable financial management tools: fixed investment and real estate.

Cancer-focusing on "housework" means that she wants to "put something" professionally.

Personality characteristics: caring, caring, caring, caring, tolerant, sentimental, nostalgic, good at courtship, protective, melancholy, imaginative, simple, reflective, reserved, suspicious, changeable, sensitive, strong and sincere.

Talent Show: On the surface, you won't over-publicize your talent and authority, but in your heart, you also have an ambitious spirit. Know how to master people's hearts, be willing to share the established achievements with others, and never forget the benefits. It is easiest to show the talent of personnel handling in the workplace.

Suitable professional nature: housewife, restaurant operator, nurse, wading profession, bar operator, shipbuilding operator, grocery store, bakery, cannery, laundry operator, hotel operator, nursing operator and nursery operator, obstetrician, historian, antique operator, garbage disposal operator, etc.

Suitable industries: teachers, administrators, housewives.

Treat work as a family matter.

Cancer people are very kind and gentle, and it is best to let him know the harmony and atmosphere of the family at work. Caring for others also needs others' care. For him, the mood of working hours is very important, which can easily cause him to dislike some trivial things and make him unable to concentrate on his work.

I hope these are helpful to you!