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It is difficult to tell fortune directly.

Palm fortune telling: health

Introduction of Traditional Outpatient Clinic —— Hand Diagnosis (I)

"Looking, smelling, asking and feeling" are the main diagnostic methods of traditional Chinese medicine, among which there are many methods of looking. For example, the "eye diagnosis" of Lin Hong, a martial arts doctor in South Shaolin, Fujian, judges bruises through the distribution of black and white spots on the eyeball; Guo, the founder of Shijiazhuang Aerospace Medicine, has a unique "tongue diagnosis"; Cai Hongguang, a doctor of Guangzhou Meridian Department, is unique in his "abdominal diagnosis"; The martial arts literature in South Shaolin, Guangdong Province, can be called "hand-to-face diagnosis". Now I will make a brief introduction on "hand diagnosis" and share it with you.

In daily life, many life phenomena and physical changes, most people have no intention to pay attention to, missed the opportunity of treatment, resulting in lifelong regret. So "people don't die of disease, but of ignorance". Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the human body is an organic whole, and the physiological activities and pathological changes of viscera, qi and blood, meridians and collaterals in the body will inevitably show some signs. The changes of the whole body can be reflected in a certain part, and local lesions will also cause systemic reactions. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) inspection is based on the principle of correspondence between the inside and outside of the human body, and infers the physiological activities and pathological changes of internal organs by observing the external changes of the body. "Hand diagnosis" refers to the observation of opponents, including hand shape, nails, half moon marks, blue veins, black and white blood spots, palm prints, palm qi and blood, etc. , you can judge the physical illness and understand the health status. This is the secret of hand diagnosis in ancient medicine. Knowing ourselves and grasping health is also the key to our health care.

First, shake hands to see health.

(a) reached out to see each other:

1, thumb and forefinger below 30 degrees. Unwilling to shake hands with you, such people are timid, timid and conservative. Don't like to change yourself. Poor physical fitness.

The angle between thumb and forefinger is 45 degrees. This kind of person is more flexible, more free-loving and more independent. This kind of person is flexible and adaptable, loves freedom and independence and is generally healthy.

The angle between thumb and forefinger is 90 degrees. This kind of person is generous, cheerful, brave and independent. He likes to do things by himself and is not easily disturbed by the outside world. Easy to be self-centered, often careless and wasteful. This kind of person is angry.

(2) feel to see each other:

1, feel comparison.

1) Feeling cold: treating spleen and kidney yang deficiency. Chilling, weakness, fear of cold, no circulation of blood gas, poor absorption ability. People with yang deficiency are easily afraid of cold.

2) Feeling hot: Yin deficiency of heart and kidney. Irritability, excessive internal heat, insomnia, dreaminess and nervousness.

3) Wet hand feeling: deficiency of both heart and spleen. Emotional tension, easy to fatigue and fatigue. Sweating on the hands is mostly due to the accumulation of heat in the spleen and stomach, intense heart fire and mental tension.

4) Dry hands: deficiency of both the main lung and spleen. Lung moistens skin, and lung is not good for dry skin. Such people catch colds easily. It is easy to get respiratory diseases.

5) Sticky feeling: major endocrine disorder. Especially for people with diabetes. It's easy to sweat, and the sweat is sticky.

6) It is best to feel warm, moist and elastic.

2, the temperature of the hand.

1) Feeling hot: There are two situations: one is real heat, such as fever, and the more you touch your head, the hotter it gets. Touch it for two seconds, indicating more inflammation; The other is deficiency fire, which means it doesn't feel very hot when you hold it again. It can be seen in hyperthyroidism, liver and kidney yin deficiency, more common deficiency fire floating, insomnia and dreaminess, upset, dry mouth and bitter taste, pharyngitis, hypertension, diabetes, fatigue and fever due to yin deficiency, etc.

2) Finger fever: it is more common in constipation, thick blood and high triglyceride.

3) Palm fever: intense heart fire, which is more common in insomnia, dreaminess, upset, dry mouth and bitter taste, pharyngitis, etc.

4) Cold feeling of hands: it can be seen in spleen and kidney yang deficiency, hypothyroidism, microcirculation disorder, poor circulation of meridians, fatigue, cold and irregular menstruation.

5) Cold fingers: mostly due to poor blood circulation, fatigue, difficulty in falling asleep, dreaminess, palpitation, unconsciousness, dizziness and headache.

6) Cold palms: mostly due to deficiency and cold of spleen and stomach, poor digestion and absorption system of spleen and stomach, indigestion, loose stool, fatigue and anemia. Women are more common in gynecological diseases, with more leucorrhea and irregular menstruation.

7) Staggered cold and heat: the palms are cold and the fingers are hot, or the palms are hot and the palms are cold, or one hand is cold and the other hand is hot. This is called imbalance between yin and yang. It is more common to be afraid of heat in summer and cold in winter; Get angry when you eat hot, and feel cold when you eat cold; It's hot above and cold below. If you wear too much, you will be afraid of heat; if you wear too little, you will be afraid of cold. Irregular menstruation. Irritability, insomnia, dreaminess, sore throat above, cold hands and feet below and other endocrine disorders.

8) Normal hands should be warm in winter and cool in summer. If it is just the opposite, it means blood deficiency. But the temperature of your hands is not necessarily because other people's hands are too cold or too hot, but maybe it's your own problem, so you must first ensure your health.

3. The hardness of the palm.

1) Soft palms: A. The palms are thick, fleshy and elastic, and most of them are energetic, strong and adaptable. B, if the palm is thick and weak, the elasticity is poor, which is mostly caused by poor energy and fatigue. C, the palm is soft and thin, weak and faint. Soft people are mostly people who work with their brains. There is a saying in Chinese medicine: the palm of your hand is like cotton, which shows the importance of knowledge.

2) Hard palm: A, the palm muscles are stiff and inflexible. Blood gas is a little inhibited, the meridians are not very smooth, and the adaptability is poor. B, the palm is hard and thin, mostly due to the functional problems of the digestive system, the circulatory system is not very good, everything is stubborn, and there is a lack of adaptability. Most people with hard hands and thick hands are laborers. They work hard. There is a saying in Chinese medicine: palms are as hard as iron, and they don't rest.

Second, the finger health concept

The palm is yin, the back of the hand is yang, and the five fingers are just staggered. Dry leaves are generally caused by lack of water in the roots, and the qi of the five zang-fu organs and meridians reaches the fingers first, so the problems of the five zang-fu organs can be seen immediately in the hands. Therefore, fingers are very sensitive and can easily reflect a person's health. When there is nothing wrong with the human body, modern medicine has not detected it, but it can be seen from the fingers. A person dies not of disease, but of ignorance. Fingers generally represent the head, palms generally represent the internal organs, and the backs of hands generally represent our backs.

(1) Thumb. Lung and spleen related. The main headache. 1) The knuckles are too thick, which leads to fire, extreme emotions and easy to get angry. 2) flat and weak, poor physique, neurasthenia. 3) You can look at sexual function. You can see if there is enough air, press it and see if it can bounce up soon. Press thenar to see the bounce, and you can see the beating ability of the heart. 4) The blue veins in the thumb knuckles are prominent, which is easy to suffer from coronary heart disease or coronary atherosclerosis. 5) The lines on the joints of thumb and metacarpophalangeal joints are disordered, which is easy to cause heart disease in the early stage. 6) Those with thick thumb and thin thumb have poor absorption function and generally thin body; Thick on the top and thick on the bottom, good absorption function, it is difficult to lose weight. 7) If there are stripes in the middle of the thumb, it means that the absorption function is poor. The more stripes, the greater the interference to people.

(2) index finger. It is related to the stomach. Headache before god. The large intestine passes through it, so especially the problem of the large intestine. It should be smaller and smaller to the fingertips, just like bamboo shoots. On the contrary, the absorption conversion function is poor. The distance between the three lines should be balanced. The index finger is innocent and weak in bending, which is generally the function of the spleen and stomach. This situation is normal, and it is easy to get tired and depressed. The veins stood out and the index finger passed three levels to indicate critical illness; If there are blue veins between the index finger and the thumb root, you should pay attention to scapulohumeral periarthritis.

(3) middle finger. It's about the heart. Principal responsible person. The pericardium meridian mainly controls people's emotional intelligence and consciousness. If the middle finger is thin and there are many horizontal stripes, it means that this person's life is irregular and often indicates cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. When you see a vein protruding from the root of the middle finger, you should pay attention to the fact that the cerebral artery is easy to harden. Note that many protruding veins are prone to stroke, and severe bending and twisting must be a stroke. Thumb has a lot of blue veins, which is often a heart problem.

(4) ring finger. It is related to liver, gallbladder and endocrine. Main migraine. The triple energizer meridian is a membrane system, which is equivalent to endocrine, nutrient intake and waste discharge. If the ring finger is too short, it means that the vitality is insufficient. People with triple energizer meridian disorder always have unspeakable discomfort, indicating that the metabolism of the whole cell is problematic.

(5) little finger. Related to the heart and kidneys. I have a headache and a headache. When the heart meridian and the small intestine meridian pass by, the problems of heart and kidney are closely related to heart, kidney, uterus and testis. The little finger is long, thick and straight. Just pass the third level or be even with the third level. If it is less than the third grade, or even bent, it means that the congenital kidney and heart are not very good. If the little finger is small and short, lesbian gynecology is prone to problems and irregular menstruation. If it is particularly small, her reproductive function will be hindered; Gay men are prone to kidney deficiency, backache and weakness, and poor renal function. If the little finger is congenital deficiency, it has the greatest impact on the whole human body. The other four fingers are good, but the little finger is not good, indicating congenital deficiency. Therefore, the key to the maintenance of people's physical quality is to look at the little finger and rub it more at ordinary times. The ancients said: "If the little finger passes through three levels, people can live without a fixed place."

(6) the concept of finger shape:

1) refers to strength: which difference means which related viscera has problems.

2) Straight fingers: Straight and powerful fingers indicate that this person is straightforward. Empty-handed is also a poor hand. The digestive system is not good, the absorption is not good, the meat can't grow, and the money is always gone, so it is called a money-leaking hand.

3) Finger length: People with long fingers are suitable for mental work, while those with short fingers are suitable for manual work.

4) refers to soft and hard: people with straight thumbs are more confident and have strong hands-on ability, but they are easy to get angry; People who bend over are more likely to think, and if they think too much, they are prone to insomnia and dreams.

5) Blood color of fingers: white indicates deficiency of qi and blood, emaciated body and cold hands and feet; Red people are full of blood and fire, and everything can't be overdone. Too red blood gas is not smooth, people are easy to get tired; Finger self-contrast is particularly red, indicating that this person is particularly tired, with high blood viscosity and high blood fat; Red, purple and black are very dangerous, indicating insufficient blood supply to cerebral arteries and myocardial infarction. If the whole palm is dark and bloodless, you should pay attention to the tumor problem (just like the pear looks good outside, cut off the bad part and the good part still stinks). This is difficult to treat and requires a lot of emergency detoxification. People who are particularly green in the middle of their fingers indicate that their digestive function is particularly poor.

(7) Finger shape law:

1) means thick and short: blood returns quickly, physical strength is better, energy is more abundant, reaction is faster, and sexuality is straight; On the contrary, excessive blood gas and hyperactive liver are prone to hypertension, diabetes, stroke and cerebrovascular problems. This kind of person is suitable for playing Tai Ji Chuan and Qigong, which are relatively quiet sports, and practicing the methods of keeping fit.

2) Slender fingers: slow blood return, prone to respiratory problems and cardiovascular problems. This kind of person doesn't like to push hard, but he likes to be quiet, but his head is smarter and he thinks about problems. This kind of person prefers to sit in an office and engage in art, and is prone to nervousness, nervousness, timidity and weak constitution. This kind of person is a little thin, often thinking about transition, spleen and stomach, reproductive system and other aspects will appear different degrees of problems, "tea is not thought, rice is not fragrant." This kind of person can easily walk into a dead end. Such people must take part in more sports.

Fingers connected to the heart, unique. Fingers dominate cardiovascular problems, and toes have a great relationship. "Rub your fingers and toes, don't worry about insomnia and headaches, often rub your thumb to strengthen your brain, often rub your index finger for good gastrointestinal function, often rub your middle finger to strengthen your heart, often rub your ring to soothe your liver, and often rub your little finger to strengthen your kidney." ; Exercise method of hands: "align your fingers to strengthen your heart, align your hands to clear your heart, rotate your joints to open the meridians, stretch the back of your hand to loosen your bones and muscles, rub your fingers to get rid of headaches, cut your nails, refresh yourself, make your blood pass through the four levels, shake your shoulders and loosen your cervical spine."

Third, the concept of healthy nails

Every nail corner is where the twelve meridians and his blood are, so like the source, it is the key place where Yin and Yang alternate. It is more important for the close relationship between the five internal organs and six internal organs. Blood is yin and qi is yang. Qi and blood are important substances to maintain human physiology. So looking at nails can also show many physical problems. It is like a window and a fluorescent screen. A lot of information about the human body, where yin and yang alternate, is reflected in the nails.

(a) the function of the nail:

1) hand guard.

2) Only people with nails can do fine work.

(2) the structure of the nail: the thickness of the nail is about 0.5-0.8mm. ..

(3) Growth rate of nails: All nails should be replaced once every six months. Fingernails grow about four times faster than toenails, especially the index finger, middle finger and ring finger, which have to be cut every half month.

(4) Vertical and horizontal lines of nail plate:

1) The vertical line of the nail indicates easy neurasthenia. There are several vertical stripes that symbolize long-term neurasthenia and physical aging. The more fingerprints a person has, A means neurasthenia, long-term insomnia, dreaminess, insomnia and difficulty in falling asleep. The thicker it is, the more obvious it is; B, said consumptive disease physical overdraft (such as physical and mental fatigue syndrome); C, poor immune function, easy to catch a cold and repeated colds; D. If the vertical stripes are particularly obvious, it means that the body has been seriously injured by diseases. E. If it is a straight black stripe, what comes out of the deck is black, indicating that the liver and kidney function is weak, and it feels very painful, and it is all black and toxic. Liver and kidney are detoxification organs, but if external pollution and food toxins are too high, it will cause liver and kidney dysfunction. Black vertical stripes are a sign of weak liver and kidney function and excessive accumulation of toxins, so the waste in the body cannot be excreted.

2) nail stripes. It means that there is a disease in the stomach. A, if the stripes are small and numerous, it indicates long-term chronic digestive system diseases, such as gastroenteritis, colitis, stomach diseases, etc. B, if there are deep horizontal stripes, it means that there have been serious gastrointestinal diseases. The deeper, the more serious. The shallower, the more chronic. C. If the stripes are raised, it means that there is something wrong with the heart and the liver, and most of them lack vitamins B, C, A and so on.

(5) Color of nails:

1) Glossy nails: If the nails lose luster, it mostly reflects that a person suffers from consumptive diseases such as tuberculosis and chronic gastroenteritis.

2) Color of nails: On a flat desktop, pink is better. If it is white, it means that this person is cold and bloody; If it is reddish, it means hot; If it is yellow, it means phlegm-dampness or gastrointestinal diseases. If it is blood stasis, black is toxic or sick, and it is a blood stasis virus or a serious illness.

3) Spots on nails: A, no matter which nail has black spots, it is prone to cerebrovascular accidents; The right hand is the problem of the left brain, and the left hand is the problem of the right brain. B, if there are white spots, it is patients with indigestion and long-term overdraft of the liver. B, adults are more likely to see the problem of liver function metabolism or damage, especially patients with chronic liver B. Such people must drink less; Children are more common in gastrointestinal stagnation, indigestion, moth-eaten or calcium deficiency; If it is habitual constipation, long-term gastrointestinal stagnation will also appear punctate white. C, nail epithelial epiphysis, like a rainbow, red, purple or even black, generally this is also a head problem. If it is purplish red, it usually means poor sleep, unconsciousness, dreaminess and cerebral arteriosclerosis, but if it is purplish black, it means dizziness, headache and even a tumor in the head. D, the red line on the nail, that is, the fingertip above the nail, indicates that it is also a head problem, yin and yang imbalance, cold and heat mixed, easy to lose sleep and dream, unconsciousness, even dizziness, headache, and easy to neurasthenia. This red line is fire, which means it is easy to get angry. E. Press the nail for three seconds, and it will turn red as soon as it is released, indicating good blood circulation. If it is slow, it means that the blood circulation is not good and there is something wrong with the visceral function. There is a reddish stagnation like a "little red flower" under the nail bed, indicating that there is liver depression and qi stagnation in the body. People with chronic hepatitis B often have this stagnation, so it is best for such people not to drink alcohol.

(6) the shape of the nail:

1) standard nail: generally, the length-width ratio is the best. Congenital inheritance is better and healthier.

2) Long nails: Generally, those with a ratio of three to five in width belong to this category. They all belong to good thinking ability, sensitive sensibility, easy to do things according to their own feelings and hobbies and are longer than artistic temperament, mostly for mental work. Such people are often in poor health and thin, prone to respiratory and digestive diseases, dizziness, headache, insomnia and other symptoms.

3) Short nails: generally four wide and four long, or even shorter. This kind of people can really bear hardships, but their heart, liver and lung functions are poor, and they are prone to heart disease, neuralgia and rheumatic joint pain. The shorter the nails, the easier it is for people to quarrel with others, regardless of the advantages of hatred, but the longer the people, the more they can remember you for a lifetime.

4) Hard nails: The nails are hard and brittle and easily broken, indicating that there is something wrong with the digestive system or malnutrition. This kind of nail indicates a lack of protein.

5) Soft nails: Soft and thin nails indicate chronic wasting disease, liver blood deficiency and lack of energy.

(7) Half-moon marks on nails

1) What is a half-moon mark? 1/5 There are white half-moon marks under the fingernails. Some people call it the little sun. Half moon mark is the intersection of yin and yang meridians, like a sand pad or sponge pad in high school, which is the buffer zone of yin and yang. There are rich blood vessels under the nail bed, which is the window for people to really observe the operation of qi and blood. Huangdi Neijing said: "Yin and Yang alternate vividly, and those who are angry are the foundation of the twelve meridians." Therefore, the nail half-moon mark, also known as the health circle, is the representative of human nature. The formation of half-moon scar is deeply influenced by nutrition, environment and physical quality. When the digestion and absorption function is not good, the half moon mark will be blurred, reduced or even disappeared. Therefore, the half-moon mark is a very important window to show the state of human body's righteousness and evil, and to infer the state of disease recovery.

2) the role of the half moon mark: Chinese medicine believes that "qi is not consumed by the liver but by blood, blood is not consumed by the kidney, and essence is not consumed by the bone but by the marrow." The essence, the essence is like this. Many people's osteoporosis is a lack of essence and energy, and such people are prone to calcium deficiency. The half-moon sign is a window of energy and essence, just like a car's oil meter can tell whether there is oil in the car. The essence is the materialization of advanced energy in human body with information, which is called vitality. The function of primordial qi: a, the primordial qi of the kidney nourishes the internal organs of the whole body; B, promoting the normal transportation of qi and blood in viscera; C, resistance to exogenous pathogens (immune function); D, longevity and anti-aging substances; E. genetic material. Too much staying up late, nightlife, sex life, etc. Consume people's energy, make people lose their vitality, easily lose their appetite, catch a cold, catch a cold repeatedly, and the half moon mark will disappear. There is a saying in Chinese medicine: "Essence is not enough to make up." Protein must be the main source of energy supplement. It is best to choose high-quality protein, such as milk, eggs, beans, fish, black food (Chinese medicine says: kidney is in the dark, kidney is in the dark), seed food (such as beans) and embryo food (such as sheep placenta and wheat germ). People who don't have half moon marks will greatly strengthen nutritional supplements. A month later, they will find that the thumb grows a half-moon mark first, then the index finger, long middle finger and ring finger are too long, and the little finger is more difficult to grow. Chinese medicine says: "The essence is strong, but weak, and people are sick (the half-moon mark should be white, but it has turned into other colors), and the essence is less (the half-moon mark disappears). When people are old, they are exhausted." Therefore, a person should pay attention to strengthening nutrition even if he is not sick.

3) Normal half moon mark. A, quantity: 8- 10 Both hands and fingers should have half-moon marks. B, shape: the half-moon mark area accounts for 1/5 of the nail. C color: milky white, the whiter the better, indicating stronger energy.

4) Abnormal half-moon marks. A, the number is small, the less the half-moon marks, the worse the energy, the colder the constitution and the weaker the immunity. Traditional Chinese medicine says: Yang deficiency produces internal cold, and it is even more afraid of cold. This situation shows that a person is either not sick or more difficult to get sick. B, divided into three types: cold bottom type (the place with less half-moon marks is colder, and the one without half-moon marks is cold type, suggesting that the yang in the body is weak and the yin is cold. Yang deficiency means that your resistance is decreased, the function of viscera is decreased, and the blood circulation is slow. People are prone to fatigue, listlessness, poor absorption function, pale face, cold hands and feet, panic, lethargy, easy to catch a cold, repeated colds, decreased energy, physical decline, and even phlegm and blood stasis, phlegm-dampness nodules, tumors. People with cold buttocks are prone to accidents. ), hot bottom type (whoever has a half-moon mark on his little finger is hot bottom type. The increase of half moon marks shows that the human body is full of yang, the viscera function is vigorous and the physical quality is good, but in the case of illness, the yang is high. Hyperfunction of zang-fu organs can cause redness, excessive internal heat, irritability, constipation, dry mouth, bitter taste, large appetite, chills, hyperactivity, and even hypertension, hyperglycemia and stroke. People with hot buttocks are prone to burst blood vessels. ) and alternating hot and cold (the boundary of the half moon mark is blurred, and the color gradually approaches the color of the nail body, which belongs to this category, and the yin and yang are unbalanced. Many times, you should pay attention to observing the half-moon mark when you see a doctor, otherwise it will hurt the kidney essence. The disease was cured, but the whole person collapsed. Grasp the law, at first, the edge of the half moon mark began to be unclear; In the middle period, the half-moon mark began to shrink; Later, it was found that the half moon mark gradually decreased and disappeared). C. Half-moon mark area: The half-moon mark area is less than 1/5 of the nail, indicating that the energy is insufficient and the gastrointestinal absorption function is poor. The semilunar scar suddenly darkens, shrinks and disappears, often suffering from wasting diseases, tumors, bleeding and so on. It is normal for children (before boys 16 years old and girls 14 years old) to have no half-moon marks before development, indicating that the kidneys have not yet developed; When the area of semilunar scar is larger than 1/5, it is mostly myocardial hypertrophy, which is prone to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, hypertension, stroke and other diseases. D, the color of the half moon mark: milky white, normal means vigorous vitality, good physique and physical and mental health; Gray, thin and weak will affect the digestion and absorption function of the spleen and stomach, which is easy to cause anemia, fatigue and fatigue; Pink (indistinct from color A), decreased visceral function, excessive physical exertion, yin deficiency and hyperactivity of yang, which are easy to cause diabetes; Purple is easy to cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, poor blood circulation, insufficient blood supply and oxygen supply, and cerebral arteriosclerosis; Black, more common in severe heart disease, tumor or long-term medication, drugs and heavy metal poisoning.

5) Half-moon mark and five fingers: A, thumb half-moon mark, related to lung and spleen. If the half-moon mark of the thumb appears pink, it means that the pancreas is dysfunctional and will seriously cause diabetes, which is an early warning signal; B, the half-moon mark of the index finger is related to the gastrointestinal tract. When the half-moon nail of the index finger is pink, it means that the circulation of the stomach and large intestine is not smooth, and the appetite naturally decreases; C. The half-moon mark on the middle finger is related to pericardium and consciousness. Among them, the pink half-moon sign indicates mental stress, intense work transition, dizziness and headache, unclear thinking, insomnia and dreaminess; D. Half-moon mark on the ring finger is related to triple energizer meridians and endocrine. If the ring finger is pink, it means that the triple energizer meridians operated by the ring finger are abnormal, the blood circulation of the whole body is not smooth, the physique is declining, and yin and yang are out of balance. Lesbians are most prone to irregular menstruation, good, but not worse, indicating that unnecessary things will be born in the body; E, the little finger half moon mark, close to the heart and kidney, beware of sudden heart problems when pink, which is the least likely to attract everyone's attention.