Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - The old house that used to run a small clinic was bought and rebuilt. Do you have anything to say about Feng Shui and superstition?

The old house that used to run a small clinic was bought and rebuilt. Do you have anything to say about Feng Shui and superstition?

There is an old saying that this place has "evil spirits" and "evil spirits". How the ancients understood this invisible but sensible "evil spirit" and "evil spirit" is a matter for the ancients, and modern people should think in a modern way. In my opinion, this place is in contact with all kinds of patients, and it is inevitable that unknown germs and viruses will remain. It is justified to take necessary measures for strict sanitation and disinfection. For example, using the smoke and noise of firecrackers to disinfect and drive away snakes and insects, using the smoke and fragrance of various incense (mugwort, agarwood, sandalwood, cypress and common incense) to disinfect and drive away snakes and insects, using modern medical fumigation, steaming and spraying to disinfect and drive away snakes and insects, and blocking various holes and gaps inside and outside houses through decoration to prevent snakes and insects and other organisms from hiding in these places.

From ancient times to the present, all formal geomantic omen have never talked about ghosts, especially ghosts, and have not involved a word. Feng shui only talks about evil spirits, and some people call it evil spirits. Speaking of evil, some people call it evil. This can't satisfy the ancients. I want to pass decades of research and investigation. 1, the so-called evil: expressed in modern Chinese, it means danger and insecurity. The key element of evil is to avoid danger and pay attention to safety. All the evil spirits mentioned in the regular Feng Shui books are all about the safety factor. 2. The so-called evil: in modern Chinese, it means bacteria and viruses. It is bacteria and viruses that don't know the truth, bringing diseases that don't know the truth. There is only one way to ward off evil spirits. Pay attention to hygiene. Modern research on bacteria and viruses has solved many mysteries of evil spirits. Bacteria and viruses spread in various ways, but the basic modes of transmission are generally not external: first, air transmission; The second is the diffusion of liquidity, including the movement of people, goods and livestock; The third is the spread of insects and microorganisms, which is the biggest invisible killer.

In a residential area somewhere, there are many centipedes, commonly known as maggots and urine worms. After living in the new house for less than a month, those multi-legged animals patronized the 20-storey building from underground. In another tall building, cockroaches became a disaster. Visible and invisible insects and microorganisms in the topography of residential areas all over the country are urgent research topics at present, but no one has done further analysis, discussion and anatomy in these aspects, whether it is geomantic omen or scientific research and evaluation in residential construction. In fact, those visible and invisible insects and microorganisms are the biggest problems in geomantic geography, and they are the real secrets to reveal ancient and modern evil places.

The picture shows the TV cabinet on the left and the fake window sill (low cabinet) on the right. Now the edges and corners of the red circle cabinet are just on the center line of the bed. Is there something wrong with Feng Shui? -sharp corners, edges and thorns at home are "evil" and "harmful", which shows that there are hidden unsafe factors for the human body. If you touch them, you will have different degrees of injury risk, not what will happen if you "click"! Sharp points, corners, edges and thorns anywhere inside and outside the house will hide the danger of injury. The solution is to remove sharp points, corners, edges and thorns during construction and installation, and increase "roundness" and "smoothness". This is the correct way of thinking. Don't nail at home, set up sharp points, corners, edges and thorns. Even if it must be set, it should be set at a position and height where the human body is not easy to touch and touch. The story of "a soybean killed a person" is not made up, but has a true fact: two people can play that game, joking, throwing a soybean at each other and throwing their heads back, only the back of their heads hit a nail on the back wall, and he died immediately, which led to a fatal disaster. This is the real evil. From "true evil spirit" to "false evil spirit" in imagination, it has evolved into some taboos and regulations; For example, pointing the sharp point and angle to a certain point is a progressive process of human thinking and imagination, and it is a process of meaning change from true evil to false evil. There must be a difference between "fake evil spirit" and real evil spirit.

Will splashing pig blood on the wall shed affect Feng Shui? -pay attention to this, or you will really "do evil." The direct consequence is that it stinks and is unsanitary after a long time. Indirect consequences, pig blood is the basis and nourishment for the production and reproduction of toxic and harmful bacteria, and splashing pig blood is obviously not desirable. If you do spill it, clean it up thoroughly, or there will be future trouble.

Rent a house, which houses have bad feng shui and must not live? The answer is: a house that is unsanitary, dangerous, too dark and without lighting and ventilation is problematic.

Three dogs died at the same time. What is this feng shui? -Houses and homes should be thoroughly disinfected, and there are unknown infectious viruses. This is the true image of Feng Shui. Burning high incense at home, incense such as agarwood, wormwood, sandalwood and cypress incense should be smoked to ward off evil spirits, which is actually disinfection.

An answer to the question "A house is uninhabitable"-if the house is built at the gate on the second floor, people should live in it. What is the house maintenance for? Not for beauty, not for fun, not for feng shui. Building a house is for people to live in, and this is the purpose. The house is empty, unoccupied, empty. Feng Shui calls it "empty death". When the house is empty, mold, worms, bacteria, worms and other organisms will be produced to spread the virus. In ancient times, people called this phenomenon evil spirits. In modern times, it is called a virus-borne disease. Feng Shui is called "committing evil". So it's better to live with people.

For example, the fortune teller said that the baby could not go to the north before 120 days? -The answer is: before the child is fully developed, it is forbidden to wander and run around outside the door, which is contagious and dangerous. Not only in the north, but also in other places. The fortune teller said that the baby couldn't go to the north before 120 days, so he didn't go according to the fortune teller's statement. Be careful not to lose your step.

Another example: rural bungalows have been empty for two years. If you move in now, is there anything particular about Feng Shui? The answer is: Feng Shui doesn't work, so it's absolutely necessary to stay on the outside. First, it is necessary to strictly disinfect and take necessary and effective disinfection measures to ensure the safety of occupancy. Second, take necessary measures to prevent the harm of snakes and insects. Such as andrographolide, rhizoma Atractylodis, folium Artemisiae Argyi, lignum Aquilariae Resinatum, and lignum Santali Albi. Third, it is necessary to carry out necessary sanitation and sorting. In fact, these are some taboos in Feng Shui, and it is more direct, concrete and intuitive to express them in modern language.

Another example: there were many flies in the kitchen overnight. Is it related to Feng Shui? The answer is: there is a source of odor, there is a gap, or the window is not closed properly. Flies can come in, but they can't. This is why there are so many flies. Flies spread viruses and bacteria. Suppose that once people living there are infected, they will definitely think that Feng Shui is not good.

Another example: What does the domestic myna mean by vomiting blood from geomantic omen? The answer is: vomiting blood, catching an unknown disease, if it is transmitted to people, people used to call it evil, and the feng shui is not good, but now it is called infection in medicine.

Another example: Does the henhouse around the house affect Feng Shui? The answer is: it has been completely proved by science that poultry and livestock are easy to spread diseases. In the 1970s and 1980s, the central government clearly proposed to separate people from poultry and livestock to avoid mutual infection. It is definitely not desirable to have a chicken coop around the house, which seriously affects people's health. Of course, the feng shui is obviously not good.

Another example: the building was built in the original meat joint factory. What is the concept of Feng Shui? The answer is: the building was built in the original slaughterhouse. As long as the slaughter activity does not continue, it will be safe. There are a lot of slaughter residues in slaughterhouses, which will induce unknown germs and viruses to infect people and do serious harm. In the past, due to the problem of understanding, there were evil and evil.

Another example: the gate is in the passage, how about Feng Shui without sunshine all the year round? The answer is: such places are very common, and there are still many. There must be problems, such as tide, mildew and darkness, and unknown germs and viruses must have been derived. 1, only strengthen the ventilation facilities. 2. Choose better lighting and reflective building materials. 3. Try to enhance the light by reflecting it. 4. Install fluorescent lamps.

Another example: there is a garbage station in the west of the store, feng shui? The answer is: the garbage station must be related to hygiene, so we must pay attention to cleaning.

Another example: according to feng shui, which wall should the deer head hang on? Can you be in the middle? The answer is: if it is the bone of a live animal's deer head, it can only be left at home after special technical treatment. If you leave it at home without certain technical treatment, it will cause the trouble of viruses and fine poisons, which is called Feng Shui committing evil.

Such as: why do wasps come to bed, many, good or bad, feng shui? The answer is: wasps come to bed, and there are many, not individual accidents and chaos, which obviously shows that there are odor sources that attract wasps in some parts of the bed and home. Thinking from another angle, we need to pay attention to the hygiene at home and clean up the source of unhealthy incentives. If you use cosmetics, you should also pay attention Don't be the source of Huang Feng's attraction, pay attention to it instead. You know, insects can carry germs and viruses, and wasps are no exception. Once people are infected, they will be in trouble. In ancient times when science was underdeveloped, I'm not sure. In a word, the two words boil down to "evil in the middle", which is the root cause of some incredible and unexpected things that happen at home after some people, animals and insects get home. Some people pass through some special places, and suddenly feel some discomfort due to physical resistance, and have some serious illness, which is unclear. Also known as "China evil", it is actually an unknown pathogen or virus infection.

There are many slugs in the bathroom, okay? -No, it will spread unknown bacteria and viruses. The spread and diffusion of bacteria and viruses could not be explained by scientific methods in ancient times. In a word, two words boil down to one point: doing evil. Try to get rid of it.

Such as: fortune teller, what omen did the mouse bite? The answer is: 1. There are many mice at home, so we should try to kill them. 2. Rats can be infected with viruses and bacteria. When you are bitten, you should pay attention to the abnormal changes in your body and do a deeper medical examination if necessary. 3. Pay attention to hygiene. There must be hygiene problems, skin and family incentives, which make human flesh the favorite taste of mice, so it will be bitten. At home, you should pay attention to cleaning up the residual food and fragrance. Don't throw leftover food everywhere, lest it become a source of attraction. Pay attention to cleaning clothes and other items at home frequently, and pay attention to bath hygiene before going to bed at night to reduce the source of attraction to rats. 4. Attention should be paid to spraying sterilization and pesticides indoors to improve the odor source at home. 5, there are many mice, mice are rampant, and viruses and bacteria spread. Once a person is infected, in ancient times when science is underdeveloped, it can't be said clearly, and it comes down to the evil of Feng Shui. In today's advanced science, it is not necessary to blame the evil spirits brought by Feng Shui, but it is only natural to pay attention to hygiene.

For example, someone pours unknown liquid into the corridor every day. Do you have anything to say from the perspective of feng shui? Every day, all over the corridor? The answer is: it is worth exploring. If it is poisonous and harmful, it is a very dangerous signal. Not toxic and harmful substances, liquid may also cause the growth of mold and bacteria, which is harmful to people. Even if mold and bacteria don't grow, liquid substances may cause stairs to slide down, which is easy to make people fall and hurt. Anyway, it's not a good thing.

For example, in a seven-story wooden building, does spitting and sniffling affect the corresponding wooden building? The answer is: spitting and squeezing your nose are opposite the corresponding wooden building. Modern science says it is unsanitary, uncivilized and contagious. It used to be "evil". In the past, due to the underdevelopment of science, people were infected with corresponding germs and diseases. In a word, it was "Chinese evil".

Feng Shui says that grasshoppers enter the house at night? -The answer is: 1, light temptation. 2, the taste of inexplicable temptation. At the end of autumn, insects seek their own destruction, and the house becomes their arbitrary choice. In order to continue the offspring population, lay eggs for the winter and find a safe place, the corner of the house is the best place. The reasons for entering the house can be found in these four aspects. No matter what kind of insect, there is a key problem, which will carry viruses and germs with unknown truth. Infected people used to be called "evil spirits" and "committing evil spirits", but nowadays they are called "infection". Pay attention to hygiene and prevent grasshoppers from entering the house.

Renovation of old houses is a feng shui problem for new houses! A six-story old house with a patio has three households on the first floor. The new house in the picture is the second household. The picture shows the plan and the house plan. The newly renovated balcony wall has been opened, and half of the wall connecting the kitchen and dining room has been opened. The biggest problem at present is that one door in the bedroom door and the middle aisle is not good. The second door, the kitchen on the right. The third room has a patio with windows on all sides. At present, the windows near the kitchen have been sealed. Ask the expert for help to see if there are any problems and solutions. For example, can you block it with a curtain? -The answer is: 1. Look at the problem from the perspective of modern people. The old house was converted into a new house, mainly for sanitation and disinfection. The reason is that due to various unknown reasons, bacteria and viruses may remain in old houses, which is not good for new residents. As the old saying goes, "evil spirits are haunting", which is actually a residual factor to the disease. 2. Avoid excessive changes in the decoration and modeling of the house, which will cause structural damage to the interior of the house and reduce the service life of the house. In fact, it is a direct manifestation of bad feng shui. 3, a door in and out, there is no second door can enter and exit the complete set of houses, is not to avoid door to door. No door is a dead room, and the extra doors are empty and idle. A door must have a door, and it is not taboo to have a door. 4. The patio is a passage connecting heaven and earth. Without patio, ventilation and lighting, the house is like hell. What's the point? Therefore, if there is a patio, it will "live" and if there is no patio, it will "die". The reason is that simple.

What does Feng Shui portend when a mouse hole is found under the stove? The answer is: there are too many mice, so we should take necessary health and safety measures to kill them. In the past, there were many mice, and mice would carry viruses and infect people. Once a person is infected, it is regarded as "committing evil spirits". If they repeatedly contact the mouse hole under the kitchen, they can come to the conclusion that "when the mouse hole under the kitchen appears, natural disasters and man-made disasters continue", and the saying that there is a mouse hole under the kitchen to ward off evil spirits and cope with disasters comes out! This may be the true side of the Feng Shui fulfillment effect of the mouse hole.

What does it mean to grow mushrooms on the concrete floor of a house in geomantic omen? The answer is: mushroom growth must meet two conditions: 1, wet infiltration. 2. Nutritional basis of fungal growth. At the same time, the ground with these two conditions may also be the breeding ground of unknown viruses and bacteria, which is called "air barrier" in geomantic omen. Living in such a lot for a long time, there will be rheumatism patients, which may be the moral of Feng Shui. The reason is: unknown viruses and germs infect people, 1, and drugs can be effectively controlled. 2, it will cause doctors to misdiagnose and delay the opportunity for effective treatment. For this house with mushrooms, we should pay attention to strengthening communication and other scientific methods, not too careless. It is absolutely necessary to carry out necessary routine disinfection frequently.

There are eight hollow pipes on my house. Today, I found a mouse falling into the pipe. Is there any feng shui? The answer is: it is best to seal both ends of the hollow tube so that animals, insects and sundries who don't know the truth can't fall in or climb in. As the old saying goes, there are evil spirits. Modern saying is that it will become the storage and transmission source of viruses and bacteria. If a mouse falls in, it will die if it can't get out, which is a dead corner of disease storage and transmission. I used to think that there were evil spirits, even evil spirits, and there was something fishy about it, which led to the bad feng shui of the house, the prohibition of monsters and ghosts, and the abandonment of the house.

What was the omen of the snake in the bedroom the day before yesterday? The answer is: don't think there are any supernatural signs, let alone supernatural appearances. The sign is: there is a snake moving. If it is not moving, the snake will make a nest. There is an environment suitable for snake activities and a material basis for attracting snakes, mainly food. Snakes themselves are very toxic and can carry infectious bacteria and viruses, as well as infectious parasites. Attention should be paid to repelling snakes, mainly drugs, such as realgar, atractylodes rhizome and heavy aromatherapy. Prevent possible dangers and hazards.

"... sweep away the haze and arrange for yourself ...": Put some potted flowers in the dead corner of the house and at the end of the bed. Haze is a virus. Why? The answer is: a word of advice, flowers and plants can't sweep away haze and virus. If not handled well, flowers and plants are accomplices of bacteria and viruses under certain environmental conditions. Therefore, the real smog and virus should be dealt with scientifically, healthily and rationally.

There are often many small insects and animals in bungalows. Is there any feng shui problem? The answer is: I believe that everything has advantages and disadvantages, and interests must coexist. The key lies in how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. From the perspective of analyzing problems from different directions in the Book of Changes, this is a controversial land of geomantic omen. First, there are many small insects, animals and other creatures here, indicating that life here is rich and prosperous, suitable for the growth of creatures, and there will be signs of various biological activities such as small insects and animals. The vitality of small insects and small animals is extremely weak, and they are not as strong as human beings in disease resistance and resistance. From the group point of view, nature gives these small insects and animals great vitality, which is the secret of nature. The individual's resistance ability is obviously lower than that of human beings, and small insects, small animals and other creatures can appear in large numbers, which shows that there is more room for human survival. The reason is simple, human beings are also one of the natural biological groups. If we can make more in-depth research through these small insects and animals from the perspective of scientific analysis, such places will have advantages that are more suitable for human survival in those aspects, so as to make rational use of them. This is the real problem that Feng Shui has to solve today. Second, there are many creatures such as small insects and animals, and there are certainly many viruses and bacteria carried by small insects and animals. These are all problems that threaten human life, and they are also problems that need to be solved by scientific methods in the development of Feng Shui today. We can't cling to the past "evil spirits, evil spirits, suffocation and fishiness", but we should use modern scientific common sense to answer this question. But there is a basic common sense that it is absolutely necessary to try to drive away small insects and animals with existing scientific methods.

Feng Shui: Why can't I use the old bed? -In terms of folklore, it is just a custom taboo that the old bed can't be used, which is a regret based on some unpleasant cases caused by some special circumstances. Modern scientific analysis is "residual harmful substances". 20 16+2 1:39 "police dog root" in a CCTV program "Challenge Impossible", after a drop of blood is diluted to hundreds of billions of times, samples containing blood factors can be selected from it, indicating that "residual harmful substances" cannot be completely eliminated under general treatment.