Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - What influence does Zhouyi have on China Putonghua?

What influence does Zhouyi have on China Putonghua?

The Book of Changes is the source of China culture. Although it is a Confucian classic, it has great influence on doctors, military strategists, Taoists, yin and yang scholars, legalists and strategists.

China culture is like a big tree and several classics. It has been noted by all ages that it has been enriched continuously, but it is not chaotic. This is a very interesting phenomenon.

For example, Yang Xiong is a scholar on the above-mentioned issues. According to the system of the Book of Changes, he wrote a Xuan Jing, 998 1 Zan, corresponding to the 8864 hexagrams of the Book of Changes, which is somewhat metaphysical.

Therefore, all cultural schools will draw nutrition from the Book of Changes to expound their views and opinions. Of course, fortune tellers are the most influential people.

First, write a general introduction to describe its profound and great influence on China traditional culture.

It is divided into two parts: first, the influence on Taoism, such as Yin and Yang, Eight Diagrams and Five Elements, can be discussed.

Second, the influence on Confucianism can easily be listed as one of the five classics, which is a compulsory classic of Confucianism, and Confucius attaches importance to it.

Third, the influence on literati. Make scholars act according to many principles revealed in the Book of Changes, such as the ninth five-year plan, the flying dragon is in the sky, and the ninth five-year plan just can't hold on, so that scholars know how to retreat quickly, such as modesty and generosity, and scholars know how to be modest.

Fourth, the influence on ordinary people, such as fortune telling, such as our weddings and funerals, many truths in daily life come from the Book of Changes.

Fifth, the influence on China's neighboring countries, coupled with the continuous absorption of foreign cultures, is integrated with our own culture in our historical development, and so on.

Questioner's question 2010-08-3114: 08

Can that influence the world culture be more specific? Thanks for the team's supplement: 2010-08-314:13 The Book of Changes is one of the oldest cultural classics in China, and has been listed as the first of the Five Classics. For more than 3,000 years, it has been radiating the light of wisdom in the cultural history of China, which has a wide influence in the eastern countries and has been paid more and more attention in the western world. In recent years, there has been an upsurge of learning Zhouyi at home and abroad. An ancient cultural book, with such lasting power, is unique in the history of world culture. However, there are different opinions on the value of Zhouyi in society, so it is necessary to clarify it.

Zhouyi is a precious classic in ancient times.

Since the Han Dynasty, the Book of Changes has been included in the Five Classics, which has played an important role in the development of ancient political thought. Throughout the ages, wise men, wise men and people with lofty ideals have studied it carefully and learned the principles and principles of governing the country, stabilizing society, developing economy and improving moral and ideological level.

Zhouyi is a philosophical work full of dialectical wisdom.

College philosophy class, I have been talking about Zhouyi every year since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Professor Feng Youlan of Peking University said that Zhouyi is a dialectical "cosmic algebra". German philosopher Hegel praised: "The Book of Changes represents the wisdom of the people of China". The Book of Changes does contain rich and profound thoughts of simple dialectics. The most famous philosophical proposition in Zhouyi is "The Way of One Yin and One Yang". The word "Yi" in the Book of Changes mainly means change. It is a book about all things in the universe and the changing law of human society, and it is the most important source of ancient dialectical thought. It regards the category of Yin and Yang as the central category of its philosophical system. "the way to establish heaven, say yin and yang; The way to stand on one's feet, softness with rigidity; The way to establish a person is benevolence and righteousness. " Both heaven and earth and human beings contain the contradictory side of yin and yang, "yin and yang change again and again", "rigidity and softness help each other to promote change", everything is in the process of constant movement and change, and the whole universe is constantly changing; More importantly, the Book of Changes points out that the root of the infinite change of everything in the universe is not from the outside of the world, not dominated by supernatural gods, but from the inside of things. This is the internal contradiction of Yin and Yang, which is the internal driving force for the change of things.

The Book of Changes opposes the metaphysical world outlook of "the sky remains unchanged and the Tao remains unchanged". It has always held a positive attitude towards the changes of everything in the world, pointing out that "the great virtue of heaven and earth means life" and "the great cause of virtue is great! Rich is great, new is great, and life is easy. " Zhouyi holds that the whole universe is not static, but the birthday and birthday of a new "big" stream. Consistent with this endless world outlook, Zhouyi exhorts people to establish a life philosophy of "self-improvement" and guide people's political practice. It believes that human beings are not idle in the face of natural and social changes. On the contrary, they should give full play to their positive role in the process of transforming nature and society. In the change of objective things, we should not stick to the old rules and follow the old chapter, "We should not be routine, but become appropriate." The Book of Changes emphasizes "what you see is what you do", which requires people to be good at observing trends, seeing signs, seizing the most favorable opportunity and taking the boldest action. "A gentleman can see and do, not all day long. The Book of Changes warns people not to go too far in everything. "If you lose, you will benefit" and "If you win, you will definitely decide". You should always think of the truth that' things must be reversed' to prevent the situation that' Kang Long has regrets'. " Say it out loud and you'll know, and then you won't retreat; If you know it, you don't know the loss; If you know existence, you won't know death. Kang long has regrets, and poverty is also a curse. "That is to say, advance and retreat, gain and loss, existence and death can all be transformed into each other. We should not only see the temporary progress, gain and existence, but always be alert to their opposites, that is, retreat and loss. Death. Going to extremes will inevitably lead to bad consequences. The simple dialectics thought in Zhouyi has been highly valued by philosophers of past dynasties and has a prominent position in the history of dialectics in China. Many philosophers, thinkers and scientists have absorbed ideological nutrition from Zhouyi and exercised their dialectical thinking methods.

Zhouyi is a golden key to open the maze of the universe.

The thought of Zhouyi is inextricably linked with the development of ancient science and technology in China. The Book of Changes itself is not a book devoted to natural science, but it does provide an exquisite ideological weapon for ancient scientists to study and understand nature. 16th century ago, the development level of ancient science and technology in China was far ahead of the west, which once caused the "surprise" of the famous scientist Einstein. He said: the development of modern western natural science mainly benefits from two magic weapons of scientists: one is the formal logical thinking method represented by Euclid geometry; One is the modern scientific experimental method represented by bacon. Einstein said that these two magic weapons were obviously not available in ancient Tessa, China. Surprisingly, however, many achievements made by western scientists have already been made by ancient scientists in China. What is the reason? One of the reasons is that ancient scientists studied Zhouyi from childhood and mastered a set of golden keys to open the maze of the universe that ancient western scientists never mastered. So ancient scientists in China were able to decipher many mysteries of the universe earlier and faster. The philosophical thought of Zhouyi provides advanced philosophical worldview for ancient scientists in China as a guiding principle for them to explore the mysteries of the universe and life, such as the new concept of universal development and birthday; Everything is changing, and extreme contradictions must be reversed; Looking up and down, materialism understands the principle of exhaustion; People can "praise the cultivation of heaven and earth" and so on. This philosophical worldview is obviously superior to the medieval scholasticism. More importantly, the Book of Changes also provides a unique way of thinking about images and numbers for scientific research, which is completely absent in western culture. The image-number thinking mode of Yi-ology highlights the characteristics of oriental thinking and is still fascinating. To sum up, the image-number thinking method has the following characteristics:

First, comparing images with classes is the basic feature of image-number thinking. From the point of view that thinking depends on "hexagrams", it has the characteristics of thinking in images; As far as the purpose of taking images is "analogy", it has the characteristics of logical thinking. Therefore, image analogy is a special way of thinking which is induced by image thinking and logical thinking.

Second, the symmetry of Yin and Yang and the harmony of rigidity and softness are the thinking principles of image-number thinking. One yin and one yang, one rigidity and one softness, are opposite and complementary, and form a unified and harmonious universe. This principle of symmetry and coordination has been widely used in traditional medicine, pharmacy and prescription science, cleverly expressed in qigong, martial arts and even calligraphy art, and more incisively and vividly applied in traditional architectural structure and garden layout.

Third, holistic thinking embodies the reasonable core of image-number thinking. Yi studies regard the small universe of human body and the big universe of nature as an organic whole. To treat every specific thing, we should first consider the overall relationship between it and its related things from different angles and aspects. This way of thinking actually contains the original system theory. Traditional medicine can be said to be holistic medicine. It adopts holistic diagnosis and holistic treatment, and it is its essence to seek the balanced development of the overall mechanism from openness.

Fourth, emphasizing order and rhythm is the outstanding advantage of image-number thinking. I have always been concerned about the periodicity of the movement and development of nature from celestial bodies to vegetation. Advocate "nature does not go against nature, but the day after tomorrow", and people who go against nature will be punished by nature. Zhu, a Neo-Confucianist in Song Dynasty, wrote He Tu, Luo Shu, Fuxi Eight Diagrams, Wang Wen Eight Diagrams, Sixty-four Gua Fang Tu and Yuan Tu. At the beginning of the book of changes. These simple and easy-to-learn schemas reflect the characteristics of wonderful image-number thinking methods, which have attracted the attention of scientists at home and abroad so far. Chinese-American scholars Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao praised it. It goes without saying that Leibniz, the originator of modern computers, has long claimed that the binary principle he founded is "completely consistent" with Yi Tu (referring to the 64-point six-pointed star chart). Bohr, a famous quantum physicist, even designed the Yin-Yang Taiji diagram in Yi-ology in the medal awarded to him by the King of Denmark. This shows that the thinking method reflected in Taiji diagram is highly respected by western scientists.