Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - What animal has three eyes?

What animal has three eyes?

Some animals have three eyes. New Zealand's cuneiform lizard has a third eye behind its skull, in addition to its obvious two eyes. This eye always observes the sky. Russian scientists have found that the "third eye" has a long history about the "third eye" of mankind. The founder of Hinduism believes that the third eye is the organ of the human body, and Indians are used to drawing chakras between their eyebrows, thinking that they can get a direct communication channel with the universe. Ancient Greek philosophers also believed that the third eye was located in the center of the brain, which was the gateway for cosmic energy to enter the human body. A few days ago, research by some Russian scientists confirmed that the ancients' statements were not groundless. According to Pravdivtsev, the author of Russian "Artificial Intelligence on New Discoveries and Neuromechanical Control", "Many famous Russian super-tactile people have repeatedly demonstrated an experiment, that is, when researchers put an opaque envelope on their foreheads, the developed negative will show the desired image. This shows that some people can emit images produced in their brains from their foreheads, which may be the' third eye' considered in ancient oriental traditions. " Scientists found that the "third eye" appeared when the human embryo developed for two months, but it began to degenerate as soon as it appeared, and finally became a pea-sized pineal gland in front of the cerebellum, which is the so-called "degenerate eye". In addition, science also confirmed that the pineal gland has all the structures of the eyes and protein that distinguishes light and color. Prediff thinks that the third eye is a real organ. In rare cases, modern people will keep this function. For example, an American teacher has a third eye behind her head. She usually covers it with her hair. She said the third eye was very useful. When she was a child, other children called her cyclops, which means cyclops in Greek mythology. Prophet scientists with special functions found that the "third eye" of reptiles is very sensitive to light waves and magnetic fields, and can also perceive ultrasonic waves and infrasound waves. Sunlight travels through the nervous system to the pineal gland, which directs hormone secretion during the day. Therefore, reptiles are very sensitive to natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Tsiolkovsky, a Russian scientist, believes that the human brain gathers the energy in the universe, and the pineal gland can gain extraordinary imagination from the universe and turn it into a nerve impulse to reach the hypothalamus. Then, these signals enter the retina with the optic nerve, and a virtual image will appear on the retina. At the same time, images will continue to enter the visual cortex of the brain in the form of nerve impulses, and consciousness will follow. The picture before the prophet is the result of the pineal gland. The purer it is, the easier it is to work. Biologists in St. Petersburg, Russia, found that the constituent cells of the pineal gland are similar to the pigment cells of the retina, which can secrete serotonin and melatonin. Melatonin is secreted at night and has a calming effect; Serotonin is usually secreted during the day and can stimulate the body's activities. These results were presented at the International Society of Gerontology in Vancouver, Canada. In addition, the pineal gland is directly related to sexual function, and abstinence can activate its neural channels. Melatonin can inhibit the sexual function of young people, prolong the reproductive period, and thus prolong life expectancy. This is probably the main reason why magicians and fortune tellers use virgins, virgins or children to help them do things. Three-eyed reptile, out of his duty and hobby, consulted relevant information before traveling to New Zealand. 65.438+0.5 billion years ago, New Zealand in the southern hemisphere was also connected with Antarctica, South America, Africa and Australia, forming Gondwana continent. Later, this Gondwana ancient land gradually separated. Because New Zealand is independent of other lands and is the oldest fauna in the world, it largely retains the fauna at the end of Mesozoic. At the same time, New Zealand is also a rather poor animal area. Except for two kinds of bats, the local mammals have nothing, and there are few amphibians and reptiles. There are no snakes at all, but a reptile called the three-eyed wedge lizard is particularly eye-catching. One day, our delegation came to Victoria University on the hillside of Wellington. Ms. Susan from the Biology Department of the University specially showed us the three-eye cuneiform writing. Just the day before, I saw two male and female three-eyed wedge lizards coming in and out in the nocturnal pavilion of Wellington Zoo. Because there is no natural predator, the three-eyed cuneiform lizard, in this land of New Zealand, it continues leisurely and silently, from the dinosaur era to today, and it is worthy of being a living fossil in the Jurassic era. However, in recent hundreds of years, this animal has been extinct on the main island because of human landing, wanton killing and bringing mice. In order to keep this strange living fossil alive, New Zealand has already legislated to protect the three-eyed cuneiform lizard, and adopted auxiliary measures of artificial incubation to "return" it to the designated island without interference from humans and mice after breeding. Susan finished the projection and said, let's have a look and feel a three-eyed wedge lizard she keeps. We are ecstatic. After a while, Susan brought a box, opened the lid and gently held out a three-eyed wedge lizard that was more than a foot long and covered with scales. This is a 17-year-old male, but he is not yet an adult. Three-eyed cuneiform lizards can live up to 100 years old and enter sexual maturity at the age of 20.