Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - What is the evidence of skull bulge?

What is the evidence of skull bulge?

Phrenology was initiated by Vienna doctor and anatomist Franz Joseph Gale (1758-1828). He was born in a Catholic family, ranking sixth among his parents' ten children. His father is a middle-class businessman. When he was a child, he was educated in a Catholic school and was instructed by his uncle who was a priest. 1777, he 19 years old. Just as his parents were considering making him a priest, he came to Strasbourg to start medical training.

There is a legend that Gail began to consider personal ability and skull characteristics as early as college. It is said that Gail noticed that some students were better at their lessons, and he thought that their success might be due to their better memories. He also noticed that these students seem to have more prominent eyes than normal people. He speculated that the memory function of the brain may be in a special position in the brain, specifically in the anterior lobe behind the eyeball. Whether the story is true or not, Gail may have formed the idea of what he called skull examination when he entered medical school-later called phrenology. Soon Gail transferred from Strasbourg to Vienna to continue studying medicine and graduated from 1785.

Gail is a sociable and popular gentleman. After graduation, he began to practice medicine and soon won the favor of dignitaries and wealthy employers. At the same time, he began to collect and sort out different types of headshots, some of which are genuine, some are plaster and paraffin models, and he collected hundreds of them in his life. Although Aristotle believed that human feelings and feelings originated from the heart, in Gail's time, it was generally believed that the brain was an organ related to these human experiences. Pioneering work in the brain has also revealed that certain areas seem to be responsible for special functions. He combined his own research with others' and several unscientific intuitions, and came to a conclusion that not only all human qualities are concentrated in the brain, but also some human qualities are stronger than others, so the brain parts related to those qualities will be correspondingly enlarged. On the other hand, if a person lacks certain characteristics or functions, the corresponding parts of the brain will become smaller or less prominent. Along this line of thought, he came to the conclusion that in the process of a person's growth, the brain will be shaped according to his temperament. In addition, because the character is formed in the early years when the skull is more plastic, the skull will reflect the shape of the brain, and the brain is formed under the skull. This is a bold reasoning that will inevitably lead to Gail's next conclusion. By carefully studying many characteristics and examining the corresponding parts of the skull, we should be able to determine which parts of the brain correspond to specific characteristics, and then draw a "distribution map" of the relationship between specific personality and skull contour.

The popular physiognomy claims that a person's personality can be reflected by the length of nose or the position of eyes, but Gail's so-called new "skull examination" provides a brand-new "scientific" system for understanding and determining human personality according to his own statement. 1796, he began to give a speech to explain his new discovery. 1798, he published his first paper and introduced his findings in detail.

In this process, phrenology [a new name given to skull examination by Johann Caspar Spurzheim (1776- 1832)] was named George Combe (1788-/).

Kangbi once listened to a lecture on phrenology in Edinburgh and was quickly attracted. He has the language ability of a lawyer, and soon wrote a series of popular articles about new scientific miracles, and at the same time founded the Edinburgh phrenology society. Kangbi is full of energy and knows how to sell. He traveled around and gave speeches in person, attracting hundreds of converts. From 1838 to 1840, he traveled around the United States and made a series of speeches with quite grand themes. The general idea is that understanding everyone scientifically through phrenology will inevitably build a better society. Can Mr. X become a down-to-earth and respected American senator? As long as we use the magical tool of phrenology to scientifically analyze his character, we will know. Can Teacher Y be an excellent teacher? We can find the answer by analyzing her personality with phrenology. Ophthalmology can help people find the best spouse, get to know their children better and hire the right workers.

Because of Kangbi, phrenology approached the public and brought hope. Finally, there is a science that can help people really understand human beings, themselves and others.

In response to the book "The Relationship between Human Composition and Foreign Objects" published by Kangbi in 1828, London News Pictorial published a commentary in the supplement of 1858, writing: "... in people's memory, there are no books. ..... This simple and straightforward work has gone deep into the hearts of countless people. I don't know when their hearts were lit up by a flash. I have heard of Mr. Kangbi. He knew very little before, but in fact, he is just a paleontologist. " This book has been published in dozens of editions, and it is one of the best-selling English books in the middle of19th century. It is said that it is as easy to find as the Bible in many traditional Victorian families. Even in 1974, the book was reprinted.

If the books on orthopaedics are deeply loved by traditional Victorian families, traces of orthopaedics can be found in the dark corners of urban streets. Like most pseudoscience, phrenology was quickly adopted by swindlers, furtive "fortune tellers" and poor swindlers. The business premises of phrenology are scattered in most big cities, equipped with cheap printed brochures and fancy charts. It is said that it can reveal the deepest secrets of people. In these dark private studios, there is always a statue in the most conspicuous position, which is a replica of a human head, and all the "organs" and their meanings are clearly marked on it.

However, it is not just ordinary people who believe in phrenology. Many intellectuals also place their hopes on this. In the United States, there are famous figures among the supporters, such as writer Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803- 1882) and psychologist Spencer (1820- 1903). Edison found uneven spots on his head, and walt whitman (18 19- 1892) sang praises for it, and so did james abram garfield (1831-kloc-0/8865438). In Britain, New Science has found some outstanding supporters, including Queen Victoria, scientist Wallace and writer Charlotte (charlotte bronte 6, 18 16- 1855) and emily bronte (emily bronte,1818-655). There are also some famous figures, such as Karl Marx (18 18- 1883) and Bismarck (18 15- 1898).

However, it is a misunderstanding to think that a large number of scientists and intellectuals in the19th century can accept the principle of phrenology. /kloc-most thinkers in the 0 th and 9 th centuries thought phrenology was nonsense, and if they talked about it, they would openly oppose it. By 1858, the year when London News Illustrated published an article, with the death of Kang Bi, this fanaticism almost disappeared. Although it has been active in the United States for several years, it has been quiet in Britain. In the 1950s of 19, even in America, public attention turned to a new miracle.