Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Fortune-telling Death Signal _ Fortune-telling Death

Fortune-telling Death Signal _ Fortune-telling Death

Are there any omens before people die?

There will be.

If a person is sick or something, he suddenly acts as if he is better.

So his/her family should pay attention.

This is only temporary.

Here is some information:

What does it feel like to be dead? In 1975, American psychiatrist Modi published a shocking report. People have a strange feeling when they die. Dr. Sabum, an associate professor of psychology at the Affiliated Hospital of Atlanta University in Georgia, USA, became interested in this phenomenon. He investigated 67 people who came back from the dead and wrote a book "Memories of Death" through research. Divide the "experiences" of dying patients into three types.

The first is transcendental existence. Dying patients can often see their past lives. In other words, they seem to have entered a dark cave, a particularly bright "cloud". During this period, they seem to have heard wonderful sounds, and then quickly rose, alone, to an unknown place, where they met their ancestors and dead friends, and then returned to their original place. Or, they will have "unfinished" work in front of them, which will be completed before their final death.

The second is the illusion of the body. Their feelings seem to be particularly clear. They can look down on their bodies from the outside, watch the medical staff save themselves, and sometimes hear the voices of the medical staff.

The third type is comprehensive. They have both experiences.

Modi's report and Sabum's findings caused an uproar. Many people are surprised and interesting, but some people say it is extremely unscientific. Opponents know that facts are the most convincing. As a result, many famous experts in mental illness, heart disease, psychology and other disciplines participated in this work and began to investigate and study. However, the survey results are contrary to the opponents' wishes: 40 ~ 60% patients who are still alive after death have had such strange feelings. Therefore, many originally skeptical scholars turned to the research teams of Mo Miao and Saab. They hope to reveal the truth of this strange phenomenon as soon as possible.

The work of Puxi, a famous Canadian death science expert, has led this research to a deeper level. He believes that people who feel dead are not really dead, because all cells in the whole body, including brain cells, stop moving after death, and it is impossible to feel anything at this time. The so-called sense of death is only the product of clinical death. At this time, although people's breathing and heartbeat have stopped and their pupils no longer respond to light, people's brains are still active. In this critical state of death, under various psychological and chemical influences, the brain may have hallucinations, which is the feeling of death.

1979 American cardiologist confirmed this guess. He measured and studied the brain waves of 55 patients who were clinically dead, and found that during this time, the consciousness of the patients' brains recovered and inexplicable brain waves appeared. This brain wave is a record of the feeling of death.

However. Why do many people mean the same thing to Donny Dakota? This is still a puzzling mystery. In this regard, American psychiatrist Noyce explained. In his view, the feeling of death is the expression of losing self-feeling, which is a kind of mental self-defense system spontaneously produced by schizophrenics in order to get rid of their pain when they are hit. From a physiological point of view, the brain in this case must be highly intelligent and imaginative: the scenes described by the deceased and the memories of the past are the results of this mechanism.

What makes people feel strange is that many of Modi's and Sabum's descriptions of the feelings of death coincide with those preached by Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and other religions. For example, Christianity preaches that "people will go to heaven after death", which is exactly the same as part of death. Why is this? Some scientists have explained that even people who don't believe in religion will leave an impression in their brains, because people will be influenced by religion more or less in their lives. This impression will play a role when people are really dying and feel extremely disappointed. This is the spontaneous self-defense mechanism of the brain when it "loses its self-awareness", which can make the illusion that has been formed coincide with its own hope, thus achieving the effect of "masturbation".

In recent years, a research upsurge called "death experience" has arisen in western countries. With the joint efforts of experts in related disciplines, this research is deepening step by step, and one problem after another has been scientifically explained. However, these explanations are only speculation, analysis and hypothesis, which need further exploration and verification.