Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - What the poor lack most is the ambition to become a master.

What the poor lack most is the ambition to become a master.

What the poor lack most is the ambition to become a master.

What the poor lack most is the ambition to become a master. Ambition determines your goals, actions and results. For the poor, many people say that the reason between the poor and the rich is that the poor lack ambition. This is what the poor lack most.

What the poor lack most is the ambition to become a master. For some people, especially those who are very successful in the industry, the reason why the poor are down and out is that they lack self-motivation and enterprising spirit, and continue their muddled lifestyle, which is inferior to the economic and social status caused by their innate origin. There is some truth in this statement, because most rich people are not born rich and expensive, but rely more on the efforts of the day after tomorrow to achieve their later glory. It is obviously incompetent and absurd to blame everything on "bad luck and not being reincarnated in a rich family"

Of course, the poor are in deep trouble, not always because they have no ambition and laziness. In today's society, the existing social strata are increasingly solidified, even poorer and poorer, and richer and richer. Many young people try to display their ambitions, but because of their lack of economic conditions, low social status and many intangible social rules and other restrictions, they have never been able to do so. Just like Julian, the protagonist in Red and Black, no matter whether his means of pursuing success is glorious or not, his desire to become an upper class and strong self-motivation are all on the paper. Although he was born in poverty, his style of doing things is quite different from that of those who lack the ambition to be an excellent person.

But even though he has many advantages that rich disciples don't have, such as outstanding appearance and extraordinary talent, his road to success is still full of thorns, and even in the end it will inevitably end in failure. The reason is his own, more from his background. If he hadn't been born in poverty, he would never have been excluded from the upper class, nor would he have been defeated repeatedly. When he was determined to enter the thorny journey of competing for interests, it was doomed that his battle was not a simple one-on-one confrontation, but an enemy of the whole social aristocratic group, fighting alone-trying to snatch a piece of "interest cake" from the vested interests of society, which was a tiger's mouth to grab food. Whether in or out of books, past, present or future, the law of the jungle is an eternal truth, and with the growing strength and stability of vested interests, the road to success of "poor scholars" will be more rugged and narrow, and the hope of victory will be more and more slim.

In short, self-motivated and self-motivated, no matter when, where and to whom, are not to be ignored in the process of trying to become a master. Poor people may not succeed if they are ambitious, but if they don't have the motivation and courage to be human, everything will be over. After all, even if a pie falls from the sky, no one is interested in picking it up, and the cheap one will fall into someone else's pocket. Don't smell: lazy people will die of thirst even if they sit by the well.

What the poor lack most is the ambition to become a person. In my opinion, poverty does not mean how much money you have, but whether you have a heart that you want to change. The poor are people who are content with the status quo and do not seek progress. What they lack most is the ambition to change, not the status quo. If you don't want to accept the status quo, please cultivate your ambition from now on, or you will be crushed beyond recognition by the wheel of fate. When you look back at the road you have traveled, you will find that you are really poor and desperate. Believe that you are not worse than others, all you need is the ambition to succeed.

There was a young man in France named Baranjo. He was poor and bitter. Later, he started by selling decorative portraits, and in less than 10 years, he quickly became one of the top 50 richest people in France and became a young media tycoon. Unfortunately, he died of prostate cancer in 1998. After his death, a French newspaper published one of his wills. In this will, he said, "I used to be a poor man. Before I stepped into heaven as a rich man, I left the secret of becoming a rich man. If someone can guess the secret of becoming rich by answering "What the poor lack most". He will get my congratulations. The 6,543,800 francs I left in the private safe of the bank will be used as a bonus to reward those who wisely uncover the mystery of poverty. It is also my cheers and applause in heaven. "

After the will was published, 4856 1 person issued his own *. These are all kinds of things. Most people think that what the poor lack most is of course money. With money, you won't be poor again. Others believe that what the poor lack most is opportunity. The poverty of the poor is the poverty on their backs. Others believe that what the poor lack most is skills. I have nothing, so I am poor. Only when you have a skill can you get rich quickly. On the anniversary of the rich man's death, his lawyers and agents opened the private safe in the bank under the supervision of the public sector, revealing the secret of his wealth. He thinks that what the poor lack most is the ambition to get rich.

Of all the *, a 9-year-old girl guessed right. Why does only this 9-year-old girl think that what the poor lack most is ambition? On the day when she received the bonus of 654.38+00000 francs, she said, "Every time my sister brings home her boyfriend who is 65,438+065,438+0 years old, she always tells me not to be ambitious! Don't be ambitious! So I thought, maybe ambition can make people get what they want. "

After the mystery was uncovered, it shook France and spread to Britain and the United States. When talking about this topic, some newly rich people openly admit that ambition is the eternal special effect of "treating the poor" and the germination point of all miracles. Most of the poor are poor because they have an irreparable weakness, that is, they lack the ambition to get rich.

What the poor lack most is the ambition to become a master. God arranged for you to be a poor man. If you accept your fate, you will be poor all your life. The world is the jungle, and the poor love the rich. Rules are made by powerful people. If you have no ambition, you will only be teased by them and trampled under your feet forever! If you don't accept your fate, it's up to you! After all, in a word, no matter what you do, you have to rely on yourself. "

If you are a student, from today on, you should have an ambition to always be the first.

If you are a soldier, you should have an ambition to be a general from today.

If you are a politician, you should have the ambition to become president from today.

If you are a salesperson, you should have an ambition to become a manager from today.

If you are a webmaster, you should have an ambition to change the Internet from today.

The poor are you now, the rich are your goal, and ambition is your motivation. Come on, all poor people! ! ! The first step to get rid of the status quo is to find out what your ambition is.

What the poor lack most is the ambition to become a person. The road to successful wealth creation is paved by goals!

People who have no ambitions are fulfilling their mission for those who have ambitions!

People who have no goals are accomplishing their goals for those who have goals!

People with big goals make big money, people with small goals make small money, and people without goals always worry about food and clothing! What kind of person are you? To make money, you must have the ambition to make money! What is ambition? Ambition is the goal, the ideal, the attempt and the source of making money! See which wealth heroes in the world are not careerists, such as Rockefeller, Bill Gates, Masayoshi Son and so on.

Without wealth ambition, there is no wealth! Ambition is the motivation, method and action! The bigger the ambition to make money, the better, and the smaller the ambition to do bad things, the better.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and it is not difficult to have goals. Creating wealth begins with setting goals. There is no unprofitable industry, no way to make money, only people who don't make money!

"People are poor and burn incense, but they are short-term fortune tellers". To make money, you must have goals and ambitions! If you have no ambition to make money, you will always be a small employee. A student, if he only takes 60 points as his learning goal, will certainly not be outstanding; An employee, if only for the purpose of supporting his family, may struggle for meager wages all his life; If an athlete's life goal is only to make a living in the national team, he will never break the world record. You must look at yourself with a higher vision than ordinary people, otherwise you will always be a small employee.

Baron is a French media tycoon. He started from selling decorative portraits and became one of the top 50 richest people in France in less than 10 years. 1998, before he died, Balang wrote this passage in his will: "I used to be a poor man, but I went to heaven as a rich man. I don't want to take the secret of becoming rich to heaven. Now the secret is locked in the safe of the central bank. If someone can answer:' What do poor people lack most?' And guess my secret, he will get my gift of 1 ten thousand francs. "

After the will was published, many people sent their own answers. On the anniversary of Balaam's death, lawyers and agents opened the safe. Although they received 485,665,438+0 letters, only a 9-year-old girl named Tiller guessed Balang's secret: what the poor lack most is the "ambition" to get rich!

Ambition is the starting point of success. Most people are poor because they have an incurable weakness: lack of "ambition". Yes, everyone has the same potential. Everyone has 65.438+0.4 billion brain cells. As long as you are ambitious and good at tempering yourself, everyone can achieve commercial success!

If you want to be a billionaire, you may become a multimillionaire; If you want to be a multimillionaire, you may become a millionaire; You want to be a millionaire. If you die, you may be a wage earner.

Well, from now on, you should "dream" immediately and be an ambitious person! If you don't suffer any more failures, setbacks and difficulties, please set big goals to make money: lifelong goal, 10 goal, five-year goal, three-year goal, annual goal and monthly goal. Then make specific plans, start bold actions, and constantly adjust, modify and persist in the process! Let's see what happens to you.

Ambition determines your goals, behaviors, methods and results!