Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - I asked a great Taoist master. She said I should believe in Taoism and Buddhism first. I'm sorry if I believe in Buddhism. I believe in Buddhism. What should I believe?

I asked a great Taoist master. She said I should believe in Taoism and Buddhism first. I'm sorry if I believe in Buddhism. I believe in Buddhism. What should I believe?

Buddha is the same as Tao.

Buddha Sakyamuni sighed: awesome! Everyone has the wisdom and virtue of Tathagata, but it can't be proved by delusion and persistence. Lao Tzu also said: my words are easy to know and easy to do; There is nothing to know and nothing to do in the world.

1, Tao can be Tao, extraordinary Tao; The name can be named. It's very famous. The Tao Te Ching tells the truth of the universe at the beginning, which is straightforward and true!

The boundless Tibetan monk asked the sixth ancestor Huineng, but the master said he couldn't read. She said that you can't even read, how can you read the scriptures? The master said to him, "All Buddhas are wonderful and have nothing to do with words, so Nini is very different." . After saying this for several years, the Buddha actually asked: Subhuti, what does the cloud mean? Did the Tathagata say anything? He said that all dharma is Buddhism. Buddhists are not Buddhists.

Buddhists say that "words and deeds are inconsistent, and the mind is destroyed", "from language, language and heart", and "you know what I said, like a raft metaphor. The law should still be abandoned, let alone illegal. ""As the Tathagata said, it is not desirable, and it cannot be said that illegal is not illegal. "

2, so "often no desire" sees its strangeness, and "often desire" sees its worries. The state of "often having no desire" is the state of "going deep into the prajna". "Miao" is actually the present quantity, which refers to the original face and real existence, and refers to the original state and attribute. Buddhism talks about "pure nature" and "eternal beauty".

"Yi" is a superficial thing, an external thing. "I often have no desire to see its strangeness, and I often want to see its sadness." This is epistemology. The relationship between six roots, six roots and six dusts in Buddhism is called six entrances, twelve places and eighteen realms. I only use the word "desire" to summarize it.

"Yi" has no thoughts, no actions and is silent, which is a truth to know the world. If it is not the highest god in the world, it can be here. "No thinking", "inaction" and "silence" are precisely the cognitive state of "often no desire". "The reason why the world is connected" is "observing the wonders". "The Doctrine of the Mean" said: "Only the sincerity of the world is the ability to understand the great classics of the world, establish the great foundation of the world and know the education of the world." The "sincerity" here also belongs to the cognitive state of "often no desire", and "knowing the cultivation of heaven and earth" belongs to "observing its strangeness"

Sakyamuni Buddha summed it up as: "All the reasons of color and heart are created by heart, all the reasons of dharma are revealed by idealism." When you are in your heart, you are beautiful, real and exquisite. "And Lao Tzu summed it up as:" The two have the same name but different names, both of which are called Xuan, Xuan and Xuan, the gate of Wan Qi. "This is the common experience of great wisdom and the testimony of enlightenment!

3, so I have a big patient, because I have a body and I don't have a body. What's my problem?

Confucius said, "If you don't care, you don't have to. If you don't care, you don't care about me.". Sakyamuni Buddha said, "There is no me, no me, no sentient beings and no immortality."

"Fa Sentence Jing" also said: In the past, there were four monks living in Yaju. Who is the most painful person in the world? A lust, a hunger, an anger, a horror, a total of more than one. The Buddha said, "What you said has not been studied. Nothing is worse than having a body. Hunger, thirst, resentment, lust and hatred are all caused by having a body. The body is the root of all suffering and the source of evil! "

4. Ignorance, which often makes people ignorant and have no desire, means that there should be no ignorance and no knowledge respectively. Because, "if you know what you know, you have no knowledge." "Ignorance" means no "ignorance". This is telling people not to be ignorant! When I say "ignorance" here, I mean I don't know what I see. Therefore, Lao Tzu wants people (people) to turn knowledge into wisdom, and "always make" (opening, revealing, realizing and entering) people "know the common and know the bright".

"Make people ignorant and have no desire" is exactly what Buddhists say. "Knowing" means seeing confusion, and "wanting" means thinking confusion. Seeing confusion brings people "obstacles to knowledge" and "confusion of thinking" brings people "obstacles to worry", and all the sufferings of all beings are caused by these two obstacles.

Laozi's "ignorance" is not "ignorance", but the holy wisdom to reach the truth, without the knowledge of other great wisdom and ordinary people. Being called "the foundation of ignorance" by the Tathagata is the biggest obstacle for us to reveal our wonderful wisdom. Only by removing this "knowledge" can we get rid of ignorance. Therefore, the Buddha said: "What you know is what you see, that is, you know nothing; Knowing is nirvana, no leakage. " "Because you can't understand Dharma, you can say whether your heart is clear. "

5, ordinary people "often do not know, act rashly", involuntarily, binary opposition for a while, and delusion for a while, this is a bad era. During the activity, it is a "good opportunity" for Zen master to grasp the opportunity, educate scholars and spit at the same time. Confucius sage "no anger, no anger, no anger." It is also a "good time" to raise one angle without opposing the three angles.

Living in a good place has a good heart: a person with a pure heart is pure land wherever he goes, that is, "living in a good place." "Kindness" is the liberator who really opens wisdom. He is open-minded and soft-hearted, so he can't learn from us!

6, see its head, and then see its body, stick to the ancient law. . There is no beginning before and no end after. Buddhism calls it "no beginning before, no end after", which means the same thing. Tao has existed since ancient times. Confucius said: Words without deeds. Confucius said that he was just repeating the words of ancient sages, without any invention. Mencius also said that everything is ready except the east wind. Buddhism talks about "self-nature, truth and dharma body." . . . . . "Christianity says the ultimate truth, Plato says the truth is in your heart. Truth comes from the heart, not from the development of natural science and technology.

Avenue is like this, never leaving our hearts.

7. The road is abandoned and righteous. Wisdom comes out, and there is a big fallacy. Six parents are not harmonious and have filial piety.

If you still talk about benevolence and charity, it is to leave the avenue; If the practice still shows that I am, I can, which means that I am not free yet. Laozi believes that if you always emphasize benevolence, righteousness, morality, loyalty and filial piety, it means that you have left the world of unity and fallen into the world of binary opposition, and the law of the world is in the world of binary opposition. I'm not saying that benevolence is not good. I always talk about it with high standards. If the worldly law is said, of course, benevolence, sadness and filial piety are all good, but when it comes to liberation, it is second best, because it has lost the quality of liberation.

Wisdom comes out, and there is a big fallacy. The wisdom here is the wisdom of the world, showing the wisdom and wisdom that I am, I can, and I am slow. If I always flaunt my wisdom, there will be a lot of fraud in the world.

Six parents are not harmonious and have filial piety. If everyone is kind, peaceful, respectful and equal to everything, there is no need to emphasize and deliberately flaunt filial piety.

8, abandon wisdom, people benefit a hundred times.

Lao Tzu said that "abandoning wisdom will benefit the people a hundred times", which was also mentioned in Agama's course. If you mark it as "holy, peaceful, big, small, high and low …", that is "binary opposition", the Buddha becomes a saint and we become ordinary people. Some people even think they are servants, God is the Lord, Jesus is the son of God, and others are just lost lambs.

When I say "immorality", I mean: don't turn those who give full play to their potential, excel in some aspects, have great achievements, or have high fame and status into universal models of personal values in the eyes of the people, just like making idols and stars.

Because everyone is created by nature and has his own potential and unique talents and specialties, just like all kinds of flowers, trees, insects, fish, birds and animals, they all have their own indispensable values in maintaining the natural ecology of society. However, once this society regards personal talents and specialties as universal values, it will inevitably lead to the inconsistency between personal natural needs and inner desires, as well as the inconsistency between personal actual ability and expected ability.

This inconsistency will inevitably lead to personal inner conflicts, and then lead to social contradictions and struggles, which will inevitably lead to the imbalance of social ecology. Contradictions and struggles will inevitably lead to opportunism, fraud, vanity, deceiving the world and stealing reputation.

Since I don't advocate idolatry, I put forward the fundamental measure to put an end to idolatry-"abandoning wisdom"-that is, I suggest that rulers educate people not to worship idols (sages) and give up the behavior and thought of using ingenuity (opportunism, fraud, vanity and stealing world reputation) to gain illegitimate interests. Now this country is talking about accommodating diverse ideas.

9. So saints never leave the ditch all day. Although there is a concept of honor, Yan Chaoran.

Generally speaking, Taoism is carefree, or keeps pace with the times, but this sentence shows that those who want to learn the way of saints should have the desire to bear all the painful burdens for the world and all beings, and they can't leave this sense of responsibility for one day or for too long. This is the original intention of "saints can't leave the ditch all day". "Walk one day at a time and never leave the ditch" means that people who are determined to be sages should always be cautious and have a sense of responsibility to help the world and save people anytime and anywhere. If a person with the truth reaches this position, although he is in the "glorious view", he is still indifferent and will not change his original simplicity; Although Ran Yan 'an is in the midst of prosperity, he is still detached from things and enjoys his success and wealth. This is a way to deal with your own people. The word "Guan" of "Rong Guan" here is a broken word, which should be read as the word "Guan" of ancient buildings, not as an ornamental word. The word "Yan" is often used as "Yan", which means quiet.

This is "if there are countless beings, no beings can be destroyed", and the real inaction, inaction, inaction, and indifference. On the surface, I do it enthusiastically, but nothing happens in my heart. Inaction is not passive escape from the world and inaction; This is not just following the laws of nature, but moving from time to time. Confucius, a sage, also "did something wrong", seemingly "promising". This is really a misinterpretation of the original intention of the saint. The Diamond Sutra also mentions that "all saints and sages do nothing but differ." Although saints have different degrees of sanctification, they all forget things and forget themselves, and they are not humiliated, that is, as the Diamond Sutra says, "There is no life without me, no man and no sentient beings." In my opinion, Jesus is also a bodhisattva. Although it is different from us, it is also an accidental teaching. It is a saying (with the roots of westerners: at that time, the west could not accept a higher level of environment and civilization), that is, "what should be known with the heart of all beings"; Finally, take the initiative to sacrifice oneself for righteousness and atone for all beings. It seems that Jesus Christ is also a saint who broke the "binary opposition" because he knows that all beings are one, otherwise he will not give up his body; If all beings are not one, how can all beings benefit from Jesus' atonement? Therefore, the fundamental criterion for judging the inaction of real saints is "heart"!

Although "there is a view of honor", when prosperity comes, it is also "detached" and treated with a normal heart.

10 knows the world without leaving home; Look at heaven without peeking. It is far away, but it knows very little. It is based on the fact that saints can't do it, but they can't see it and can't do it.

Tao is ubiquitous, so is the truth of Buddhism, which transcends time and space. I don't have to look far away, I don't have to go to other worlds to find Tao and pure land, because I am in the embrace of Tao now, where else can I find it? ! I don't have to open the window or ask for help from outside. Last article, don't go to other worlds to find it. The following article can see heaven without looking outside. If you don't do it, you will reach the realm of no repair, no license and no income.

1 1, learning is getting worse and worse, so that there is nothing to do.

The more obstacles you have, the more obstacles you know, and the more obstacles your mind is covered with. When the ego of the Bodhisattva and Buddhism are broken, it will be inaction (a real realm of Buddhism). Therefore, Buddhists say: the law should be abandoned, not to mention illegal!

12, saints are impermanent and people are the heart.

Saints are fickle. The liberator has no fixed prejudice, no selfishness and no preset position. Taking the people as the heart, his starting point thought is to think of the world, take the people as the heart and be selfless.

13, the knower does not speak, and the speaker does not know.

In Vimalakīrti's classics, there is no other way to learn. Only Vimalakīrti was "silent", and Manjusri sighed, "Good! Very good! Even if there is no written language, it is the only real method. " The Diamond Sutra says, "If someone talks about the Tathagata, it is blasphemy against the Buddha." "Bodhi, the speaker can't speak, it's a famous saying." "All Buddhas are mysterious and have nothing to do with words." The Inscription of Confidence says: "Many words and many considerations do not correspond; Don't worry, it's everywhere. "

The dialogue between Huan Gong and Lun Bian in Zhuangzi Heaven is very clear. "Huan gong is studying in the class, and the wheel is flat in the class. He loosened his spine and chiseled it up. He asked Huan Gong: "Do you dare to ask the readers of the public what they say is evil?" The public said,' the words of saints are also.' Say,' Do saints care?' The public said,' I'm dead. Yue:' Only the readers are expensive, and the evil spirits of the ancients are already married! Huan Gong said:' I am studying, and it is my turn to discuss! Speak if you have something to say, or die if you don't. "Lun Ping said:' I also regard it as a matter for ministers. In the wheel, Xu is willing but not solid, and he is sick but not bitter. Not getting sick should come from your hands, but it should be in your heart. You can't talk, and there are a few things in it. I can't compare with my son, and my son can't be influenced by me, so I am 70 years old. The ancients can only be passed down after they die, but your readers, the evil spirits of the ancients are already husbands! Indeed, in this case-solving, the subtlety of "what you get from your hand should be in your heart, but what you say can't be said" is only known by the witness. Argument, with handy physical evidence, shows that the heart and hand are connected without any obstacles, while the language of the two phases is pale and powerless, unable to express the ease of the one phase. This just shows that the polarity of two phases can only be observed if you want to know (that is, it is not good), while the polarity of one phase can only be observed if you don't want to know (convenient but can't say).

14, the ancient goodness is the Tao, not a wise man, but a fool (simple, magnolia officinalis). The reason why people are difficult to treat is because of wisdom. Therefore, governing the country with wisdom is a thief of the country; Governing the country without wisdom is the blessing of the country.

Confucius said, "People can make it happen, but they can't make it known." This is the same as Laozi's "goodness in the past was the Tao, not a wise man, but a fool". "Let things be as they are" means to get rid of the shackles of people's binary opposition. It is wrong to educate people to "have desires" and indulge in sensory pleasure. Don't polarize people's instinct of "having desires" and "make people's hearts not chaotic". Therefore, Zhuangzi called it "carefree travel", which turned saints into citizens, freed people from desires, and freed people from desires.

Since ancient times, a truly enlightened person should not show more wisdom and wisdom if he wants to educate or absorb all beings, showing that I am, I can, I am slow, I am smarter and I am stronger, because this is the expansion of human self. Don't think that the liberator pursues the policy of ignorance, but let you return to the nature of simplicity, simplicity, honesty and integrity.

"People are difficult to treat" Why are people difficult to treat? "Deal with a man as he deals with you" is because a person is smart and deceitful, and the world is smart. The more wrong education methods, the more cunning people will become, and the more they will take advantage of the loopholes in the law or commit intelligent crimes. These are all wrong education and teaching. Therefore, governing the country with wisdom is a thief of the country. If you govern the country with secular thinking and wisdom, you are a thief of the country, and the more you govern, the more chaotic it will be. This kind of education popularization is not necessarily good, but the people have lost their sincere quality and are getting farther and farther away from the Tao.

15, I have three treasures, and I want to keep them. One is kindness, the other is thrift, and the third is not daring to be the first in the world.

Kindness is universal; Thrift is indifference, no desire and no desire, and a pure heart; I dare not do anything for the world first, because I realize that the whole legal world is a selfless spirit. If you are enlightened, you will "not compete with all beings" and be content to lag behind others.

Laozi's three treasures are exactly what Buddhists say: charity ("kindness"), solemn kindness ("frugality"), not seeking happiness for oneself, and wishing all beings to avoid suffering ("dare not be the first in the world").

16, know, don't know, go; I don't know. I know. I'm sick.

You know "you don't know" is the real knowledge! If you know how to say "Oh! I really don't know. We talked the deepest when we talked about the twelve origins, but I was attacked when I said this! He said: "other classics don't say so! "good! Whatever! The Buddha talked about the twelve origins, which was the first cause of discussion, and finally talked about "ignorance". As I mentioned in agama's course, the final answer to all questions is "no answer". The final answer to the question is "no answer". If you think you are very good, I am very knowledgeable, knowledgeable and know everything. On the one hand, it is because you are in an ignorant world and you don't know; On the one hand, you are showing that I am, I can, I am slow, but you don't know; On the one hand, you are in an ocean of pain, but you don't know that you are still paralyzed. So knowing "not knowing" is the real "knowing".

Buddhists say: if you know what you know, you know nothing; If you know what you see, you will be nirvana. In the same way.

17, and there is a lot of resentment, there must be more resentment; Anke feels good? He is a saint who holds a left deed and does not blame others. There are German companies, but there are no German companies. Heaven has no relatives, but often with good people.

It is not the best way to solve grievances by harmony, so it is not good. Because reconciliation is two-phase harmony, not one-phase integration, only one phase, regardless of the same body, no resentment, let alone resentment. Lao Tzu asked people to be honest with each other without complaining, which is very good. Laozi advocated "repaying evil with virtue", while Buddha advocated that "if people lament, they will all praise", while if they don't complain, they will take "harmony", and if people lament (beat and scold), they will naturally regard it as praise. "Therefore, the sage holds the left deed without blaming others", and owns the creditor's deed (contract), but has no claim for creditor's rights. Buddhists call it three rounds of emptiness (creditor's rights and debts, emptiness without self), and there is nothing to do. Pay without asking for something in return, and pay without asking for something in return. How can Tao have anything to do with books? ! Therefore, where there is a road, there is a road, and there is nothing for anyone. What is the responsibility? A virtuous man is a stage of human nature ("a Covenant of virtue"), without asking for anything, without me. In life, it is full of dedication and dedication, "doing without struggle" and "benefiting without harm" People who have no virtue are persistent and know their hearts separately, so they climb up and take in like chasing taxes. They are polarized, people are opposed to me, they are happy and rebellious, their selfish desires are endless, their closeness is different, and they treat them differently, which violates the equality of heaven and is different from the selflessness, no desire, inaction and nature of Tao.

The Diamond Sutra says: Bodhi! For example, humiliating paramita, not humiliating paramita. Why? Sublime! If I had cut my body for King Goliath, when I was in your life, I had no self, no people, no sentient beings and no immortality. Why? In the past, when I was explaining one thing after another, if there were me, someone, all beings and people with long life, I should be disgusted.

If you are out of touch with others, you will naturally not be harsh on others.