Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Fortune teller Mr. Xue _ Who is Mr. Xue?

Fortune teller Mr. Xue _ Who is Mr. Xue?

Mr. Xue fortune-telling

A coup of solemn appearance-cultivating kindness and saving face zt

There is an ancient proverb: "There are no phases in the heart, and each phase is born of the heart; If you have no intention, you will die. " This sentence shows that a person's appearance will change with his thoughts of good and evil. Even though he has a fierce face now, he often shows sympathy, so the lost face will soon turn into good luck. On the other hand, even if he is full of happiness now, if he doesn't know how to do good and accumulate virtue, and often thinks of greed and hatred, then his happiness will gradually disappear. Therefore, the heart is the hub of the face, and it is better to look at the face than the heart.

The rich have thirty-six minds:

Knowing that being an official is hard, I am still willing to be a public servant and serve the public.

Do things with both rigidity and softness.

Appreciate good deeds and be close to gentlemen.

Good food will be given to others.

Stay away from villains.

It is convenient to accumulate virtue from time to time.

I have been able to help with housework since I was a child.

Don't be bored and disgusted with those who come to beg.

Restrain yourself and benefit others.

Don't promote evil, don't like killing.

Don't panic when you hear or encounter something.

Make an agreement with others, and you won't break your word.

Don't change your behavior and morality easily.

Always reflect on your mistakes before going to bed.

Go ahead, don't worry about the past, and don't be complacent about the past.

Don't be annoying.

Don't whitewash, don't hide your shortcomings.

Be considerate when dealing with people.

I will never forget the kindness and help I received.


Don't bully the good and fear the evil.

Have mercy on orphans, widows and people in need.

Do not help the strong bully the weak.

Don't forget the past friendship.

Always do things that are beneficial to public welfare.

Don't talk too much and don't lie.

It is always a shame to get gifts from others.

Speak in an orderly way and have a soft voice.

Don't interrupt when others are talking.

Always talking about good deeds and the advantages of others.

Don't dislike clothes and simple meals.

Show the appropriate Fiona Fang style anytime, anywhere.

Hear good words and deeds and do them tirelessly.

Understand the hunger, thirst and toil of others, and always be sympathetic.

Never mind other people's past and present.

When an old friend is in trouble, he will try his best to help.

If you do the above 36, you will be a very important person in the future (or the afterlife) and live a long and good life. Incomplete, the blessing is discounted; The less you do, the worse it gets. Those who reach 30 items can be honored in the secretariat (equivalent to the modern provincial chairman), those who reach 10 or above can be appointed as county magistrates or assistant ministers, and those who reach five or seven items will also be rich. (Translated from "Destiny is in Your Heart" on page 26)

A good thought changes poverty and death.

Pei Du was from the Tang Dynasty. When he was young, he was penniless and made a living by teaching in a private school in the country. Although knowledgeable, I was unlucky and failed again and again.

One day, he walked into the street, passed a temple and saw thich nhat hanh showing his face to others. He waited for everyone to leave before asking his face. Thich nhat hanh has long been familiar with it, saying, "You are born thin-skinned. Not only is there no hope of fame in my life, but my eyes are floating outside and my entrance is vertical. It's a street begging for food, starving to death! I don't think you will take the exam! "

Pei Du was very sad to hear that. He was so depressed all day that he was listless in teaching.

A few days later, Pei Du went for a walk in Xiangshan Temple and saw a woman kneeling in front of the Buddha, mumbling a prayer, and then hurried away after praying. Pei Du saw a parcel on the table and opened it. This is a very valuable item, a jade belt and two rhinoceros belts. He thought it must belong to the woman just now, so he sat waiting for the owner.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the woman, sweating and panting, hurried into the door, scanned the desk and burst into tears. Pei Du came forward to ask her, and the woman cried and said, "My father is seriously ill and his family property is exhausted. I invited a famous doctor yesterday, and I got a little better. So this morning, I rushed to my relatives' house, borrowed a jade belt, prepared a mortgage loan and paid the medical expenses. I passed by this temple and prayed in it. Unexpectedly, I was in a hurry and forgot to bring my jade belt. When I arrived at the shop, I found that I had lost my jade belt. I have no money, my father can't live, and I have a mother and siblings to support. I don't know what to do! " Say that finish, and burst into tears.

Pei Du offered a lower price, but the woman thanked her and left.

Pedro met thich nhat hanh again on his way home. Just a few steps away, thich nhat hanh told Pedro to turn around and said to him, "You must have done a great thing. I saw you, and the entrance of the snake turned into a jade belt pattern. Not only will you not starve to death, there will be endless blessings in the future, and it may be you in the future! "

Pei Du was afraid of thich nhat hanh's satire and replied, "Love to joke! How can the master speak inconsistently? "

Thich nhat hanh replied: "Seven feet is not as good as a foot face, a foot face is not as good as a three-inch nose, and a three-inch nose is not as good as a little heart!"

Pei Du said with a smile, "How do people feel?"

Thich nhat hanh replied, "If you want to know the meaning of heaven, you must take it out of the cloud, know what is in it, and know the God in your eyes. You have accumulated a virtue, your eyes are not floating, your eyes are purple, your mouth lines are longer than those in the pond, and your beard is even and beautiful. If you are virtuous, your face will change and you will certainly enjoy very expensive wealth! "

So Pei Du told thich nhat hanh about the jade belt he had just found in Xiangshan Temple, and the Zen master also praised his kindness.

That year, Pei Du was admitted to Jinshi. Because of his prosperous official career, he was promoted to "Bo Bo Da Bachelor" more than ten years later, and soon, he was promoted to Prime Minister. The process of his promotion to prime minister was very tortuous:

At first, Pei Du was ordered by the imperial court to go to Cai Zhou to announce a decree to the army. After Pei Du returned to the imperial court, he wrote to the imperial court to crusade against the traitors.

Wang Chengzong and Li Shidao conspired against Cai Zhou's reinforcements, so they secretly lurked in the capital, stabbed the powerful minister and killed the Prime Minister Wu. They attacked Pei Du with their swords three times. The first sword cut the shoelaces. The second sword stabbed Pei Du in the back, but only cut his underwear. The third sword slightly stabbed Pei Du's head. It happened that he was wearing a felt hat, so the sword wound was not deep. Just when the traitor came after Pei Du, Wang Yi, a follower of Pei Du, caught the traitor and cried. The traitor turned and cut off the king's hand with a knife, and Pei Du was able to escape. Because Pei Du escaped in a hurry, he accidentally fell into a ravine. The traitor thought Pei Du was dead and left.

The emperor said: "It is an act of God that Pei Du can escape from danger (in fact, it is his blessing)!" So Pei Du was appointed as "the envoy of Huaixi" to pacify the civil strife in Huaixi, and he was named "Jin Gong". He was also often ordered to be sent to border countries. The King of Siyi will definitely ask about Pei Du's age and appearance, which shows how much Chinese and Yi people respect and admire him!

Pei Du served the four emperors and always showed good moral character. He has five sons, all of whom were knighted by the court. (Book of the Tang Dynasty and Biography of Pei Du)

Comments: Pei Du found a valuable jade belt in Xiangshan Temple and returned it to the owner when she saw the woman coming. The woman was moved to tears and thanked him. Pei Du smiled and said, "You'd better go back and save your father!" Later, people who are proficient in the five senses and numerology told him: "Your Excellency has accumulated a moral career and future in Wan Li, which I didn't expect!"

Pei Du met a traitor and was hacked to death three times. Isn't this what Han Yu said: "Is it God's support that thieves are not hacked to death?" In fact, this is the result of Pei Du's good character.

Why can Pei Du turn short life into long life, turn poverty into wealth, and get such a big blessing?

Because the difference between a gentleman and a villain is greed. Pei Du's heart is relatively clean, not only indifferent to other people's lost valuables, but also indifferent to life and death. He is generous, so he is generous. If he really wants to return other people's relics, he has been glad that he has a good virtue, and even boasted to others, then his blessing will be very small. (History of Induction, Volume III, page 122)

Give up money to help others, and the lost face will disappear.

During Guangxu period of Qing Dynasty, there was a very famous fortune teller named Chen Qi. Because of his effective physiognomy, everyone nicknamed him "Ghost Eye Seven".

At that time, there was a wealthy businessman named Xueer in Hangzhou. He invited two friends to see a photo.

"Ghost Eye Seven", the first friend of physiognomy judge Cher said, "You will be promoted after you fall!" Judge the second friend and say, "You will be rich in one month!" " When the physiognomist saw Cher, he was surprised and said, "Your skin color is like plaster." . I'm afraid I'll die if I don't escape for 50 days, and I may not make it to the Mid-Autumn Festival! "

Cher's first friend is a yamen document. One day, when he was walking on a mountain road, he heard that the governor was hunting on the mountain and stopped to watch. Soon, I saw a grizzly bear chasing a man. In order to save people, he picked up a wooden stick on the side of the road and rushed forward to fight with the grizzly bear. After a while, several military lords came, and they killed the bear together. Afterwards, it was discovered that the man the grizzly bear was chasing was the governor. In order to thank him for saving his life, the governor promoted him to the position of a small county magistrate.

Cher's second friend is a scholar, and his grandfather is critically ill, so he informed his descendants to come back to die and told his family that whoever goes home first will give him 5.2 thousand gold to be buried in the back garden. Because of the scholar's strong filial piety, he rushed back to his hometown overnight; At home, grandpa gave him 5200 gold before he died.

Cher saw that the two friends who visited him together had done their duty, and felt that she was probably in born to die, so she took out money to do good deeds, build bridges and roads, and put medicine in the coffin. He thought: Death will come sooner or later. What am I worried about?

One day, when Cher was walking by the Qiantang River, he saw a man preparing to throw himself into the river. Cher immediately stepped forward, hugged him and asked him why he committed suicide.

He replied, "My name is Hu Rui, and I'm from Yangzhou. I pooled the funds of several brothers to purchase goods in Hangzhou. Unexpectedly, a hurricane sank the cargo ship last night. Although I saved my life, I thought about it and went back to my hometown. I might as well die, so I want to throw myself into the river. "

Hearing this, Cher coaxed him and donated him two thousand five hundred and twenty pieces of silver. Hu Rui asked Cher to leave his name, but Cher refused.

Half a month after the Mid-Autumn Festival, Cher wandered in the street and met his physiognomy. Ghost eye seven said in surprise, "Mr Xue! The plaster on your face is gone! You shouldn't die, you must have done great kindness, and you will live a long life in the future! "

At this time, Cher realized the truth of "heart for heart, good for evil" in her heart. He smiled at his face, explained the reason and thanked him for his advice.

Later, Cher-Yi was very kind and didn't die until she was 90. (Destiny is in Your Heart, page 19)

Building a dike to promote learning is extraordinary.

Wen Zipo was born in Longshan Town, Shunde County, Guangdong Province. Forty-nine years after Qianlong's entrance examination, he was a scholar. Before he was developed, the fortune teller said that he could only reach four levels in his life.

In the fifty-ninth year of Qianlong, Guangdong's direct dike burst. Wen returned to his hometown because of Ding's worries and witnessed the displacement of the people. He knows that building a dam is not an easy task. According to the old practice, taxes were levied according to the size of the field, but he didn't exactly follow the previous method. He suggested that the rich people in Shunde county donate money to complete the dike construction. In addition, he established a voluntary school and was willing to do good deeds and help others.

Later, when he returned to Beijing, the fortune teller looked at his face and said in surprise, "You must have planted a lot of blessings when you went back to your hometown, otherwise how could your face and bones have changed greatly?" Can be promoted to two product officers! "

Wen Shiru told the story to the master, who smiled and said, "Your future is limitless!"

Later, he served as examiner in Guangxi, Sichuan and Shandong, presided over Shaanxi-Gansu Academy, and was promoted to assistant minister of the Ministry of War. His son, Wen Chengti, was a scholar in Daoguang's six-year exam, and entered imperial academy, where he became the chief of punishments. (The Theory and Facts of Karma, p. 277)