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Famous fortune tellers in Yichang _ What famous fortune tellers are there in Yichang?

Ten stories of karma in the world

Don't despise small evils and think you are innocent. If you don't eat small losses, you will eat big losses.

Xia Sao's shopping has always been an advantage, not a disadvantage. Even if she bought a dime of leeks, she would pull them over and let people find her two more. This morning, Hagar's sister-in-law is going to the market to cut a catty of pork belly to make steamed meat. After seeing several meat stalls in the market, she finally stood in front of a meat stall.

Xia Sao turned the pork belly with several knives over and over again, and compared it over and over again. Then she pointed to the knife that chose the meat and said to the boss, just cut here, don't cut the meat bubble below! The boss picked up a sharp knife and began to cut the meat. Xia Jie was not at ease, and ran straight with her right index finger against the tip of the knife: gnome male-",here, here, don't beat the meat bubble." ...

I didn't know that Xia Sao's finger was too urgent and hit the tip of the knife at once. This pork knife meets human flesh. Isn't that like cutting hot tofu? The knife killed it deeply. I saw blood gushing out. Sister-in-law Xia hurried to the hospital As a result, it took more than 200 pieces to get two stitches for tetanus and anti-inflammation!

(Wuhan Evening News, June 5438+065438+1October 5438 Edition 12 Reporter: Ding

All living beings have three poisons, and the first poison is greed. If Xia Sao is greedy, it is secondary. Although small, it is also a bad reason and can also cause bad consequences. The Tibetan Scripture warns: "We are all sentient beings, and we should not think that we are innocent. If there is a reward after death, I will accept it. " I refused to suffer, and finally I suffered a big loss. It can be seen that as long as there is a cause, there must be a report! As for the late speed, it's all in one word Those who have enough karma will have karma before they die, but not necessarily after they die!

Death by corruption

There is a small official in charge of a railway unit on Wu Luo Road, Wuhan, who was born in the 1960s. Corruption of public funds was discovered by the leaders during the audit and was invited to talk to the unit at night. He was scared out of his wits when he received the news. Walking on the road, I was knocked down by a car at Yinhangting Winery in Donghu Lake, and my skull was broken. I didn't die instantly. I was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment and became a vegetable. After half a year's delay, I can still walk. Seeing him like this, his wife reached an agreement with the accident unit in private, and left her husband with the compensation of100000 yuan, including the children.

For the next two years, he was normal, but gradually he became weaker and weaker and could do nothing. He was sent to a nursing home and died in the summer of 2006. This man is corrupt, and his reward is fantastic. He came back from the dead and risked his life, unaware of the ulterior motives of his previous life. He outlived his peers by several years. But I don't know how to repent, and I still can't save my life!

(dictated by Tang Zhihui)

Lying, exposure, shame, suicide.

Whitehead, a 35-year-old New Zealand woman, moved to London from New Zealand in 20001year and worked in a medical journal under the British Medical Association. On July 7, 2005, terrorists made a series of explosions in London, England, causing many deaths and injuries. Tavistock Square outside the British Medical Association building was one of the scenes of the London bombing on July 7. After the explosion, Whitehead vividly described his heroic deeds of risking his life to save people to the reporter of New Zealand Herald. She claimed that she risked the explosion and rushed to the scene at the first time to direct the treatment of survivors as a female doctor. Her story caused a sensation in New Zealand, making her famous overnight and becoming a "heroine" in New Zealand.

Afterwards, the reporter conducted an in-depth investigation. It turns out that the so-called "heroine" is not qualified to be a doctor at all, and her myth of saving people is all nonsense. After the lie was exposed, Whitehead committed suicide in shame in the face of booing from all sides.

(Chutian Metropolis Daily Comprehensive Report September 2005 1 28th Edition)

There are four kinds of evil deeds of all beings: killing thieves and making mistakes. Whitehead tried to gain glory by lying, but only a month later, he had to commit suicide to thank the people of China. Stupid and unwise, really not worth it! At the same time, we can see that what goes around comes around regardless of country, clan or religious belief. Do good things will get lucky, do evil will get hurt, no matter ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign!

Murder your own mother and then kill yourself.

1on March 23, 994, an unusual murder case occurred in the United States. The deceased was a young man named Ronald opas. The cause of the case is negligible. Just because he couldn't get any more money from his mother, Ronald held a grudge and secretly loaded his father's shotgun six weeks ago in an attempt to shoot his mother by taking advantage of the old man's "quarreling hobby".

His father likes hunting and has a hot temper; On the other hand, mom is a nag, and they often quarrel. Once the quarrel started, it never stopped. Finally, the husband had to raise his shotgun and threatened to shut his wife up. However, the old man usually never loads a shotgun. The so-called gun threat is just a joke with his mother. Unexpectedly, this habit was used by the rebels.

It is strange that after waiting for more than a month, my mother is still alive. Out of disappointment and frustration, Xunzi had a crazy idea. He left a suicide note, resenting God's disappointment, and determined to commit suicide by jumping off the top of the tenth floor.

As a result, when the key fell to the ninth floor, a shotgun bullet suddenly hit his head from the window, and he was immediately sent to hell. It was discovered afterwards that the building was just being repaired at the time of the incident. Workers set up a safety net on the eighth floor of the outer wall, and the body was blocked by the safety net and did not fall to the ground. That is to say, if it weren't for the bullet death warrant, Ronald would never fall to the ground and die!

According to American law, if a person is determined to commit suicide, even if his cause of death is not as designed, it can still be considered suicide. The problem is that with such a safety net, the deceased should have committed suicide. It was a shotgun bullet that killed him. The police then treated the case as a murder.

A man tried to kill A, but he killed B by mistake. According to the law, he still has to bear the murder charge. However, after careful investigation and evidence collection, the police finally decided that it was a joke for the old man to threaten his wife with a shotgun, and he was completely unaware of the fact that the shotgun was loaded with bullets. According to the suicide note of the deceased, it can be proved that the bullet was loaded by the key itself. It was originally intended to murder the mother, but who knows that he killed himself in the end!

It turns out that Xunzi lives on the ninth floor. When he jumped off the building that day, it happened that his parents were quarreling again. The old man picked up a shotgun to scare his wife as he used to. This time he didn't want to pull the trigger, and the shotgun really caught fire. Fortunately, the old woman was lucky. The bullet passed by her and flew straight out of the window, just penetrating the skull of the key.

When the truth came out, the judge closed the case on the grounds that Ronald opas had murdered himself and acquitted the old man.

(Originally published in Overseas Nebula, No.8, 2004, compiled by Gan Youping)

According to Buddhist scriptures, there are only four relationships among parents, couples and children: repaying kindness, complaining, collecting debts and paying off debts. It also reveals to the world that people who are good at killing have disharmony in their families and are easy to cause enemies to get married. Look at this case, there is nothing wrong with it. The old man hid a shotgun at home and was convicted of hunting and killing, so his son rebelled and the husband and wife quarreled. The traitor killed his mother, and according to the cause and effect explained by Buddhist scriptures, he committed the five-inverse felony and fell into endless hell. The schemer didn't sell it and committed suicide. Supposedly, he didn't deserve to die, but he was ruthless, and heaven and earth could not tolerate it. Finally, he was killed by the bullet he put into a shotgun. Ten safety nets can't save him, it's fate! China people have long said: If you do evil, you should not live. The rebellious son is caused by himself, which clearly reflects the principle of Buddhist karma!

If you are young, you will eventually become a great evil. The murderer was sentenced to death.

Buddhist scriptures have taught all beings many times: don't do it with small evils. However, most people in the world are blinded by the immediate interests, thinking that small evils are neither illegal nor easy to be caught, and they do not do useless work. If you don't know how to do small evils often, you will lose your happiness and cut yourself off. You can't turn around and make a big evil, and make a big evil with a small evil. The life experience of Qiu Xinghua, a murderous maniac in Shaanxi, is the best proof of this truth.

On the evening of July 15, 2006, Qiu Xinghua, who lives in Daheba Township, Foping County, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province, fled to Fenghuang Mountain, Pingliang Town, Hanyin County, killing Xiong Daocheng, the director of the Taoist Temple Tiewa Hall (built in Qing Dynasty and famous in the local area), and then fled. In the process of escape, he committed robbery and murder. After Qiu Xinghua was arrested, the court sentenced him to death. However, he refused to accept the verdict and said that he would "resolutely appeal."

Tracing back to Qiu Xinghua's life, all the heinous crimes he committed today were caused by minor crimes in the past. It is reported that Qiu Xinghua is recognized as a smart person in his hometown. Diesel engine repair is better than others, but his character has been criticized, and he is also famous in several towns and villages in Fiona Fang. The diesel engine that the villagers sent for repair was not a big problem, but he said it needed overhaul. In fact, this is just an exchange of parts with another diesel engine. On another occasion, he knocked a wooden rafter into the machine as a part and said it was repaired. It took a while for the owner to find out and shouted.

Qiu Xinghua also likes to borrow money from others, but he often can't repay it, and gradually loses the trust of the villagers. If he wants to do something, he can't get help. In particular, on one occasion, a neighbor's cow stepped on the broken corn, and Qiu came to claim compensation. Later, he went to the village head, and there was no result. In a rage, he killed the cow and lost more than two thousand dollars instead.

Qiu Xinghua was fined 3000 yuan for long-term discord with neighbors and violation of family planning policy. Can't stay in the village. In just seven years, he moved five times and moved further and further. In the shortest time, he only lived in the relocation place for more than ten days. He fished, raised silkworms and dug herbs, but his life still didn't improve.

In March 2006, Qiu Xinghua visited Shiquan County and met a fortune teller with gray hair and beard. The other party said that Qiu Yisheng was unhappy because the two stone tablets of his ancestors were beaten by wind and rain and lacked fragrance. On June 14, 2004, when the couple boarded the Tiewa Hall of Fenghuang Mountain in Hanyin County, they found two stone tablets engraved with Qiu's name in the open air at the entrance of the main hall. Although I don't know whether it has anything to do with myself, Qiu Xinghua still vaguely recognized his ancestors, went up the mountain to worship them three times, and then secretly moved the stone tablet under the eaves. This move caused the dissatisfaction of Xiong Wancheng and other managers, and the two sides fought. Qiu Xinghua was finally forced to move the stone tablet back to the open air.

Qiu Xinghua was frustrated by this and thought that the management of Tiewa Hall prevented him from moving the monument, which shattered his dream of "establishing a family and starting a career by relying on the protection of his ancestors". So he blamed all the setbacks he suffered in his life over the years on the managers of Tiewa Hall, and killed people in a rage to vent their anger.

In fact, all the setbacks in Qiu's life are caused by his bad personality. If he doesn't cheat customers, treats others with integrity, and embarks on the road of electrical maintenance with his own smart ability, he may have a bright future. But he was greedy for temporary benefits, and finally people lost trust in him and cut their own path. However, he did not know how to reflect, and pinned his hopes on the protection of ancestral tombstones in an attempt to change his destiny through superstition. Once his wish failed, the social psychology of hatred contained in his heart exploded violently, and he became a murderous maniac.

According to the investigator's investigation, Qiu Xinghua also drew up a murder list on the way to escape. The above are basically his closest relatives, even including his wife who gave birth to three children. The reason is that these relatives all blame him, so he wants to take revenge crazily. Its paranoia is so great! When killing people, he doesn't regret other people's lives; After his arrest, he was reluctant to go. Arguing in court that there is a plot of surrender should be given a lighter sentence; It is a matter of justice, and no one will accept the law, so they have to appeal and beg for their lives.

(Wuhan Evening News reported +65438 in the fourth edition of In-depth Report on October 20th, 2006/KLOC-0. Special correspondent: Bing Wang; Reporter: Cai Zaoqin)

Qiu Xinghua's life path tells us that only by not committing small evils can great evils be stopped. As for doing good deeds, we should also start from the nuances to cultivate and implement them. As the ancients used to say, it doesn't take long to know what you are doing. That's right: I've never seen anyone who can sweep the world without sweeping the house!

Employees who speculate on violence will eventually speculate on themselves, and the result is exactly the same.

With his own skills and hard work, Zhang won the trust of his boss and was hired as the factory director by a private enterprise in Guangdong. After taking office, the management regulations were re-formulated: "If you are late for one time, you will be fined 50 yuan; if you are late for three times, you will be fired! The working hours are increased from ten hours to twelve hours a day, and no leave is allowed ... "When the new factory regulations were introduced, the whole factory was in an uproar. In order to show his authority, Zhang opened the door except the workers who took the lead in making trouble. But then, the workers resigned one after another, and the factory director Zhang did not hesitate to approve them all.

As we all know, the factory is at the peak of production and lacks manpower. The newly hired workers are not familiar with the production process, and the efficiency is low, so the production task cannot be completed. Zhang, who was at a loss, had to report to the boss truthfully. When the boss heard this, he flew into a rage: "The ultimate goal of factory rules and regulations is to produce benefits. If you fire employees indiscriminately, I am sorry, I also fired you! " Zhang not only lost power, but also lost his job. He can only lower his status in the job market and find a new job for himself. ...

(Wuhan Evening News, July 3, 2006140th edition. The new factory director fired the employees and made them lose their jobs. Reporter: Shang; Correspondent: Wang Fen)

Buddhism explains the cause and effect: what you have done to others, cause and effect will surely repay you. The murderer is killed, the deceiver is cheated, the victim is killed and the helper is helped. When Zhang became the factory director, he was hot-headed and self-expanding, thinking that Laozi was the best in the world and did whatever he wanted. So he bullied the workers and fired the employees. Unexpectedly, I was fired before it worked. I don't know if this Zhang Can factory director has come to his senses after this lesson. It's better to keep a low profile Even if you can bully the whole world, you must never bully cause and effect! Are all historical facts rare?

Pharmacists suffer from strange diseases and eat meat all over their bodies.

There is a Mr. Li in Yichang who is a pharmacist by profession. He has been suffering from a strange disease since 2004. When he eats meat and fish, his whole body aches and his lips are numb. In severe cases, the throat will be red and swollen. Especially eating beef and pork is the most serious, and the pain usually takes a day to disappear. You can't even drink soy milk and milk during this period. Ask an expert to have a look, guess that it may be an allergy in protein, and tell me that the incidence rate is one in ten million.

(Wuhan Evening News reported on the front page on August 8, 2006. Correspondent: Three Gorges; Reporter: Zhang Zhenjun)

In fact, this is the result of killing animals and eating meat. The so-called strange disease, in terms of cause and effect, is really not surprising!

It's amazing to owe a huge debt and have no choice but to buy a murder.

Zhou Ruohong, nicknamed Sister Cat, 53 years old; Her husband is Lin Baosheng, 59 years old. The couple are both heads of VIP rooms in Macau's Lisboa Casino. Since July this year, they have owed more than 1 billion yuan, including relatives and friends and casinos. The couple had no choice but to die. But if you commit suicide, you will not only have nothing behind you, but also involve your children. To this end, the couple thought about it and transferred some of their property to Zhou's younger brother before their death. At the same time, let the younger brother contact the killer and end his life when the couple went to the mainland to collect debts. In order to win the sympathy of all people, including creditors, and because she died in the line of duty, she can get a settlement fee from her gambling house, so that her daughter studying in the United States can live and study carefree.

On the morning of August 18, 2006, the couple arrived in Zhuhai from Macao and were cut by the murderer. A tragic death occurred in Tangjiawan Golf Villa in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, which ranked eighth among the top ten super luxury houses in China. However, the case was quickly solved and the truth came out. They have been gambling all their lives, and now, before the results show, they have to spend money to kill themselves. It can be described as an anecdote in the world, and the cause and effect are strange.

(Wuhan Evening News, 28th edition, September 14, 2006, reported by Guangzhou Daily)

Macau's gambling industry is booming, and corrupt officials in the mainland gamble more than that. The huge amount of money lost is the blood and sweat of the people. These corrupt officials are rewarded. And open a casino to promote gambling, harm him first, and then harm yourself. Evil lives are alive, and they have all been reported!

The illicit money was caught in an "accident".

Yuan, 53, has served as deputy secretary and secretary of the Party Committee of Xin 'an Town, Urad Qianqi, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, director of urban construction, director of forestry bureau and director of science and technology. Later, he retired from the position of the flag science and technology director and moved to a new house.

After the doorman moved, he found two large bankbooks missing. He and his wife thought for days and nights behind closed doors, but they just couldn't remember where the passbook had "flown". On May 26th, 2006, when a group of migrant workers demolished the dormitory of Urad Qianqi, a small courtyard of an old brick-wood bungalow, they accidentally found these two large passbooks on the roof of the South Building. Results The procuratorate traced the matter and found that the amount of unidentified property defended by the hospital was as high as 4.2 million yuan. Among them, the bank deposit amount was 3.6 million yuan, which was deposited in 29 passbooks respectively. On June 7, Wei Yuan was arrested on suspicion of corruption.

(According to Xinhua News Agency's Wuhan Evening News, September 2006 14, 28th edition)

Don't say people don't know, no matter how tight you hide it, it will be exposed one day! Those who embezzle and accept bribes should understand this truth: Skynet is long, sparse and not leaking.

Mills of God grind slowly but sure. The unsolved case of stealing paintings was finally solved.

Han is thirty-two years old. Originally from Cangxi County, Sichuan Province. 1994- 1997 studied at Xi Academy of Fine Arts and studied under Professor Kei Ma. Coincidentally, Professor Ma's old residence is separated from Han's dormitory by a wall. The walls are worn out with age, and the bricks are loose. At night, King Hanwen can even see the lights from the dormitory through Professor Ma's room.

King Wen of Chinese knows that Professor Ma has a high reputation and his works are more valuable. When he saw a room full of paintings by his tutor, he had a crooked brain. 1994165438+1One night in early October, he and two classmates in the same dormitory dug a big hole in the wall, got into Professor Ma's house and stole more than 200 works and some old photos from Professor Ma's collection. Later, King Wen of Chinese got more than 40 paintings and more than 20 old photos. After the incident, when the police conducted an investigation at the scene, because the student dormitory was next door, they didn't expect the students to steal the tutor's paintings at all, so they let go of this wall and put the investigation direction in other places, so they couldn't find any clues. Soon, the bungalow was demolished and the case became an unsolved case.

12 years later, Han thought that Professor Ma had died for many years, and the value of Professor Ma's works was getting higher and higher (the market value of all stolen works was over 6 million), so he decided to sell all the stolen paintings and make a big profit. For the sake of insurance, he chose the way of online auction, considering that no one needs to come forward; Secondly, it is taken for granted that few people knew that Professor Ma had been stolen, and insiders would not see his information. Who knows that one of the paintings is a portrait of Professor Ma's four-month-old son. At that time, due to the lack of photography technology, this painting became the only portrait of Professor Ma's son's childhood. Professor Ma told his son about it before he died.

The king of Chinese sent word that he would sell all the stolen paintings. Unexpectedly, a student of Professor Ma's son saw the news and told Professor Ma about it. According to this childhood portrait, Professor Ma concluded that these paintings were stolen in those years. So he immediately rushed to Xi from Beijing and reported the case to the police. 10 10 On October 25th, the criminal police of the two places rushed to Nanning, Guangxi, and arrested Han, and collected more than 40 paintings and 20 old photos from his residence. After two hours of silence, the king of Chinese knew that he could not deny it and finally confessed his criminal facts. It's really been a long time, and there is no water leakage!