Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Seeking the lyrics of Tokyo boy "-Yao marked Chinese characters with pseudonyms. thank you

Seeking the lyrics of Tokyo boy "-Yao marked Chinese characters with pseudonyms. thank you

-Far away.-(Far away)

Lyrics: Maeda Genhui

Composer: Michiya Haruhata

By Tokyo boy

See from a distance (とぉぃらぃばかり).

Just think about the distant future and you can decide the way you want to go.

こんなにちか ぃぁわ せを みすご すご す𞎁𞍼 123777

Happiness that is close at hand is ignored.

ぁたり ぇ ぁる そら ぅと ぅみ そら と ぅみ と と と と と と と と 12

The natural existence in front of us is the sky and the ocean.


It's your business that's always around.

Love (ぁぃ) をこのむねにだれもがぅまま.

Everyone is born with love in his heart.

Call (ぅち), send (ぇせる) and teach (ぉし).

This is what the ups and downs of the waves taught us.

Ⅽ (なみだ) もぃたみももぜんぶ) だきき

Tears and pain will hug tightly.

パズルのよぅにぃろずぃてくす season.

The season of adding color like a jigsaw puzzle

Hutt (きず) つぃた (つばさ )じゃじゃぁした)

A broken wing means that you can't fly tomorrow.

Subtract (そここしやすんでたまにはふりか)

Might as well turn around and have a rest.

You (きみの) forget (わす) things (もの) dreams (ゆめ) のカケラ.

What you have forgotten, fragments of dreams.

Let's go (くじ) けて (くだ )けた (とぉ )ぃなつ)

Despair and broken distant midsummer

Smile (ほほぇむになんど) and cry (なななぃてきたど).

Countless tears are followed by smiles.

Richie (ぅらぎ )られても (しん )じつつ )けて

Keep faith even if you are betrayed.

Suffer (にが), think (ぉも), come out (でも), all (ぜんぶ), and (か).)

No matter the painful memories, they are all eaten clean.

Go to またとびたてるぁぉくす𞗠 tomorrow.

As long as you keep flying high, you will have a bright tomorrow.

Spinning (つむ) ぐねが) ぃはぃつか (とど)? What about Yao ()?

The hope of weaving will eventually arrive-far away-