Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - The story composition of the photo

The story composition of the photo

In normal study, work and life, everyone will inevitably come into contact with composition. Composition is a style composed of words, which expresses a theme through language organization after people's ideological consideration. What is the composition you have seen? The following is the story composition of a photo I arranged for you, for reference only. Let's have a look.

A photo story composition 1 Whenever I open my small photo album, I will think of unforgettable stories when I was a child. Among these photos, one impressed me the most.

The background of the photo is a green vegetable garden. In the middle of the photo stood a little girl in a purple skirt, with a chubby face and big round eyes, holding a round tomato with a gap in her hand, her mouth tightly sipping and her cheeks bulging. She was me when I was four years old.

As for why my cheeks are bulging and I still have a chipped tomato in my hand, just listen to me slowly: during the summer vacation, my mother took me back to my parents' house. Grandma's vegetable garden is really big! Grow all kinds of vegetables. It's time to harvest. There are green cucumbers, purple eggplant and pepper ... among these vegetables, I like tomatoes best. I came to the tomato in high spirits and called my mother to pick the biggest and reddest tomato for me. My mother happily picked it for me, and I took it. Don't mention how happy you are. At this moment, my uncle came over with a camera and said to me, "Come, I'll take a picture of you. This tomato can only be eaten after taking pictures! " But how can I stand it? I took a bite in my mouth the moment my uncle took my picture. The result is such a photo.

I keep this photo in my photo album. It keeps an unforgettable scene in my life, the memory of my happy childhood and the love of so many relatives. I will grow up slowly, looking at the photos of hours, I will always feel infinite warmth.

A photo story composition 2 Look, this is a photo I took in Laoshan, Qingdao. Do you know what I'm doing? Why did I make a gesture of hitting my head against the wall? I'm not stupid or dizzy. I am imitating Wang Qi. Wang Qi? Who is he? Listen to me tell a thought-provoking story and you will know.

According to this story, a fairy lived in Laoshan Mountain by the sea. People call him the Taoist of Laoshan Mountain. It is said that this Taoist priest in Laoshan Mountain has magical powers, and many people want to worship him as a teacher. Hundreds of miles away from Laoshan Mountain, there was a man named Wang Qi, who admired those who knew magic since childhood. After hearing about the Taoist priest in Laoshan, I said goodbye to my family and went to Laoshan to learn magic. The Taoist priest in Laoshan knew at a glance that he was a spoiled man and said, "Learning magic has suffered a lot." Wang Qi begged again and again, and the Taoist priest in Laoshan agreed to take him in.

Who knows that at first, the Taoist priests in Laoshan Mountain were not in a hurry to teach them magic, but let Wang Qi and his brothers go up the mountain to cut wood together. Before the sun goes down, Wang Qi's hands will grind and bleed.

Two months have passed in a blink of an eye, and the master still doesn't teach spells. Wang Qi couldn't stand it any longer, so he went to the master. The master asked, "What spells do you want to learn?" Wang Qi said, "An apprentice can't stop a teacher from walking on the wall. Just learn this. " The master agreed, and under the guidance of the master, Wang Qi unconsciously reached the other side of the wall.

When Wang Qi came home, he boasted to his wife that he had learned to walk through walls. His wife didn't believe him to try, but Wang Qi didn't wear it and put a big bag on his head. Wang Qi cursed Master, but he didn't reflect because he refused to suffer. From then on, Wang Qi was still an ignorant man.

Through this story, I understand that if you don't try hard to win by luck, you will often accomplish nothing.

A photo story composition 3 An accidental opportunity to see an old photo instantly brought my notes to that war-torn era.

"Mom, mom, where are you!" A three-or four-year-old child, dressed in shabby clothes and covered in blood, sat on the ground and cried feebly. Around the child, all the debris after the house collapsed. The bridge broke and became crumbling; The railway was blown up and distorted; The house burned down and there were broken bricks and tiles everywhere ... At this time, the child's eyes were only in ruins.

1On August 28th, 937, Japanese invaders bombed Shanghai Railway Station. Before that, children and parents came to the railway station with heavy luggage, ready to escape from this restless place. Suddenly, a loud noise broke the quiet scene, and a man shouted, "The Japanese devils are coming! The Japanese devils are coming! " As soon as his voice fell, a bomb fell from the sky. Crying, shouting and screaming filled the whole railway station. "Boom!" The sound is getting louder and louder. The japs threw bombs at the crowded railway station. People panicked and fled everywhere, and the air was filled with the smell of war and smoke. At this critical moment, mom and dad were preparing to carry the child under a relatively safe bridge, but before they had walked a few steps, a bomb fell, and everyone present fell in a pool of blood, and the parents of the child did not know when it fell. The poor little boy doesn't know how cruel the world is. He was frightened by the chaos in front of him. Just now, he was holding his parents, and suddenly he disappeared. It seems that he is the only one left in the world. He shouted in fear ... only then did he know that he had become an orphan.

I hate war and the atrocities of the Japanese invaders. How many innocent people lost their lives, how many children lost their parents, and how many disasters have been brought to the people of the whole country! Only when our nation is strong will we not be bullied by foreign powers. Everyone wants peace and hopes that tomorrow's "flower of peace" will bloom forever!

A photo story composition 4 In my photo album, there is a photo that I remember the most. This was taken by my parents and me in Century Square when the Olympic torch was passed to Wenzhou.

That day, we came to Jinxiu intersection, and the traffic police had controlled the traffic here. So we have to walk. When we arrive at Century Square, there is a sea of people here. Looking around, we can't see the end, and we can't see the end. Many people are "armed" all over, with red flags in their hands, patriotic stickers on their faces and white T-shirts of the Olympic torch. The atmosphere is particularly lively. Dad also put a little red flag on his face to celebrate!

At nine o'clock, we heard people shouting, "The torch car is coming, the torch car is coming!" " "The crowd immediately excited and boiling. We also found the right place soon, and my father picked me up. I looked intently, wow! On the expressway, people are surrounded on both sides of the road, and the torch car can only crawl slowly like a turtle.

I stretched my neck like a penguin, but I was still helpless, because my neck was not as long as a giraffe, and I couldn't see the torchbearer passing the torch at all. At this time, the crowd was jubilant, which made me feel the exciting and lively scene. Although I can't see it, I still feel very happy.

The torch car went away and the crowd slowly dispersed. I have the Olympic flag in one hand and a bucket of biscuits under my arm! Dad stood behind me, holding a big five-star red flag. Suddenly "click", my mother pressed the shutter of the camera, and this unforgettable photo entered the camera and became my beautiful memory.

Every time I look at this photo, I am very happy. I feel extremely satisfied and proud to witness this historic scene and host this prosperous time for my motherland.

A photo story composition 5 I am amazed. I feel sorry for myself in front of me. The mouse hovered over everyone's face in the photo for a while. As if the future is touching the past. Tears have filled my eyes.

I have a handsome face in the photo, but my cross-eyed and big mouth "ruined" my image. Thought of here, I can't help laughing. In the upper left corner is the "big sister" of our primary school class. Moreover, Jin Yong's novels in her hand are the favorite of Jin Yong fans in our primary school. On the right is a famous "bad student" with great courage. Seeing this, I can't help thinking of that day.

On the last day of primary school, I walked into the school gate with a heavy heart. Take a quick sniff at the flowers. The class is not as noisy as before, and everyone is doing their own thing silently. We don't know when the teacher will come into the classroom. The teacher said to us gently, "I know you are all very sad." We have gone through five spring and autumn periods together. We have experienced all kinds of things together, 38 smiling faces will always be remembered in our hearts, and we will always be a group of five (3). " The teacher's words touched us deeply. After listening to the teacher, we looked at each other and passed on the best side to each other. "So the students on duty on Friday ..." I encouraged myself: "At the last minute, we must make the class the cleanest!"

The students left one after another. We students on duty are sweating in it. Xia Hanyi, my "best friend" decided to help us. Although I only clean the blackboard, I also have to clean the computer and the podium. It is much easier for me to get help from my best friend. Everyone is sweating like a pig, but they have the same beliefs as me. /kloc-after 0/5 minutes, I feel very warm when I look at my "work". "Take a picture, Li Lingyun, you stand in front!" "Click" a photo was born. When I think of the past in primary school, I keep thinking about it. ...

Fate, let me be like you in September when osmanthus flowers are in full bloom; Dream, let me separate from you in the scorching sun in June. Friends, in the five days you spent together, friendship made me cherish it even more. It is you who make my gloomy days wonderful, and it is you who let me discover the beauty of life. For all this, let me follow the footsteps I walked with you.

A photo story composition 6 On the bookshelf at home, there is a photo of me, which was taken when I was playing Boy Scouts in a shopping mall in Guiyang. In the photo, I am armed to the teeth, wearing a helmet and a safety rope, and my expression is tense. My hands hold the rope at high altitude, one foot is on the pedal, and the other foot is slightly raised, ready to go to the next step. Whenever I see this photo, I will think of the scene at that time and bring me courage and strength.

My mother took me to Guiyang during the National Day holiday. When I was shopping, I suddenly saw a playground where boy scouts played, so I asked my mother to buy me a ticket. Although this is my second time playing boy scout, I am still very nervous. With the help of the coach, I got dressed and walked to the first floor. At first, because of the low difficulty, my speed was quite fast. But with the increase of the height and the difficulty of the track, my heart is pounding and I am afraid of every step. In this way, I staggered to the third floor and looked at the swaying pedal in front of me. I really didn't dare to walk over. My mother, who has been looking at me from the bottom of my heart, seems to see my timidity and quickly encourages me loudly. I summon up courage, even if I am afraid again, I will take a brave step. Just then, my mother pressed the shutter on her mobile phone and recorded this precious moment.

When I got home, I printed this photo and put it on the bookcase. Every time I see this photo, I recall the moment when I surpassed myself. I think that when I encounter difficulties in the future, I must never back down. I should use my brain actively, face them bravely and solve them.

Every time I see this photo, I think of that cute little rabbit. In the photo, a smiling little girl has given the rabbit cabbage. That little girl is me.

That little rabbit was a birthday present from my parents when I was 9 years old. The rabbit is hairy all over, so I call it Mao Mao.

When I just bought it back, it was only the size of a palm. I packed the velvet in a big cardboard box. One day, I was doing my homework in the house. Suddenly, I was startled by a bang. I thought something had fallen to the ground, but I looked carefully and found nothing. I was just about to do my homework when I saw a rabbit running around in our living room. I shouted impatiently, "Rong Rong, how did you get out?" Naughty boy, watch me catch you! "I quickly stood up from his chair and chased Rong Rong. As he chased, he said, "Stop, be good! Be careful I won't let you eat today! "If you want to catch velvet, it's easier said than done. Rong Rong ran around. After a while, I was sweating all over, but I still couldn't catch Rong Rong. Finally, when Dad came home, he caught the naughty Rong Rong.

Many months later, when Rong Rong grew up. One day, my mother said to me, "Lele, can we give the rabbit away?" I listened, kept shaking my head, tears welled up in my eyes, and loudly said, "No, let's all send it away!" " "However, in the end, I still beat my parents and let them give it away. Before giving it away, I said to my mother, "mom, I'll feed the velvet again." Can you take my picture? After that, if I want to be velvet, I can look at this photo. " Mother nodded her head.

After that, every time I see this photo, I always think of Rong Rong and the scene with Rong Rong. I really wish I could touch velvet again. I really want to be honored!

A photo story composition 8 I have a photo about eating stinky tofu when I was a child.

My mother took me to the county seat when I was five years old. We went to the supermarket first, and then my mother took me to the amusement park. In the amusement park, take the train for a while and take the roller coaster for a while. My stomach growled. We walked out the door. At this time, a strange smell jumped into my nose and made me greedy! I deliberately asked, "Mom, what's that smell?" It smells good! "

My mother seemed to have guessed my thoughts and took my hand: "Go and have a look!" " "

I saw a stall on the roadside, full of people. I squeezed my head in and saw a stove and a pot. In the plate by the fire, pieces of stinky tofu are neatly placed. They are like "black dolls" who just rolled out of the coal pile.

I saw the boss pick up the "black doll" with long chopsticks and swished down the pot to eat. Turn them over with long chopsticks, and the "black doll" is covered with "golden armor", accompanied by the sound of frying.

"Boss, have one." Mom calls first. The boss skillfully selected several "golden dolls", squeezed hot sauce, sprinkled chopped green onion and handed it to me. Red hot sauce, green chopped green onion and stinky tofu from Huang Chengcheng are put in a white box, and the colors are very bright. Everything looks delicious!

"Ah, it's hot!" I didn't care whether it was hot or not, so I took a big bite. The "golden armor" outside is crunchy. It's soft and white, sweet and spicy. At this time, I picked up another piece and bit it in my mouth. A stream of Chili juice came out of his mouth.

"Click", the story of a little girl with glasses and suspenders eating stinky tofu on the roadside is fixed in this photo.

A photo story composition 9 My mother is a photographer. From birth, I like to record my life with photos. Among my many photos, one is particularly interesting: our father and son are lying on the edge of the bathtub, staring at it. Want to know what we're looking at? It starts with a trip during the summer vacation.

I remember a few days when the heat was unbearable, so my family decided to go to the famous seaside town of Xiangshan for the summer. After dinner, the sunset gradually faded, and we couldn't wait to catch the sand crab hiding in the sand hole. A bucket, a shovel and a flashlight. Let's take these simple things and go!

When we arrived at the seaside, the night was completely low, the stars were shining in the sky, and the sea was patting the beach and rocks. Under the guidance of moonlight, we look for the target like night rangers.

The four of us scattered our actions and wandered aimlessly on the beach with flashlights. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a black shadow. When I looked intently, it was an extremely thin sand crab. In the light, it's staring at me, too. We have one big eye and one small eye.

The sand crab reacted very quickly. Before I jumped forward, the wind at his feet wheezed away like a speedboat. I shouted and followed closely. Not far away, my father heard the sound and quickly covered the fast-moving sand crab with a shovel. I saw my father carefully lift a shovel, then hold its shell and put the claws of "big pliers" into the sand bucket.

The first sand crab caught here is my blind cat meets dead mouse. Next, we dug a tunnel by looking for a bunker and caught three more, two of which were husband and wife crabs found in the same hole.

Back to the hotel, we put the sand crabs in the bathtub and watched them chase inside with relish. Mom also took the opportunity to capture the moment when our father and son were "stupid". Every time I see this photo, I will recall the happy time when I caught crabs.

A photo story composition 10 I saw a sad picture in a Chinese book today, and I couldn't help thinking of the sad scene of Japanese bombing of China in a TV series some time ago.

On August 28th, 1937, when the Japanese invaders bombed Shanghai South Railway Station, they were photographed by reporters.

On the same day, the child named Xiaojun was resting at home with his parents. Suddenly, there was a rumble in the sky, explosions and gunshots rang out on the earth, killing many people. Suddenly, a voice came from the street: "Japanese bombers are coming, run!" " Xiaojun's parents are busy packing up and running away. Adults, children, uncles and aunts all ran and cried. Soon, Shanghai South Railway Station was immediately bombed by missiles, and Japanese bombers put out machine guns and fired wildly. At this time, the little boy's father was shot in the chest and immediately fell to the ground. The mother of the child called her husband, and Xiaojun shouted: "Dad! Dad! " Xiaojun's mother immediately ran east, and another Japanese bomber dropped a missile. In order to protect the child's safety, her mother put her body on Xiaojun. The damn missile hit the land and her mother was killed. The child cried and looked at the fragments in the ruins. The child will become an orphan in the future. He will contribute to the country in the future and help China get rid of the poor economy.

War is so ruthless and cruel. We want to live in a quiet home. The whole world should act in unison to maintain peace and stop the war! Let tomorrow's world truly become a human home full of sunshine, flowers and love!

A photo story composition 1 1 A photo often carries a sweet memory or a vivid and interesting story. This photo looks ordinary, but it records an incident that happened when I was six years old.

In the photo, there are several white clouds floating in the blue sky, behind which is the majestic Great Wall of Wan Li. The chubby little boy in the middle, holding the wall in one hand and posing for victory in the other, is me. This photo was taken on May 4th, 20xx. That day, my mother took me to Beijing and the Great Wall. When we arrived at Haohanpo, my mother was exhausted and out of breath, so she stopped to have a rest with a group of tourists. "How can I climb this heroic slope?" An aunt speaks Mandarin very well. I ran to my aunt and said to her in Mandarin with too many dialects: "It's not easy! Learn from me and climb like a monkey. " As I spoke, I made a naughty face to show them. As a result, all the tourists laughed, and several foreigners looked at me and smiled. One of them even said something to me. An uncle said to me, "How lovely! How old are you, little friend? " "I am six years old!" I replied proudly in a gentle tone ... during the break, I became the happy fruit of my uncles and aunts, and they kept teasing me. Fatigue slipped away in laughter, and I don't know who said, "such a small girl can climb up." Aren't we adults worse than children? " ! Go, heroes, climb the hero slope like little monkeys! "Say that finish, everyone was talking and laughing, full of energy, and set off for Hero Slope. ...

Whenever I see this photo, I think of the majesty of the Great Wall, my innocence and the smiling faces of my uncles and aunts who climbed Hero Slope with me. ...

A photo story composition 12 A photo is an interesting story; A photo is a beautiful memory.

It was a hot summer vacation, and my parents took me to travel to Beidaihe. We came to the pigeon square by the river. From a distance, those pigeons are white, green, yellow and gray … colorful and varied. Some of them are soaring in the sky, some are looking for food, and some are walking leisurely in the crowd. There is a lively and peaceful scene in the square. So, I asked my father for 2 yuan money to buy pigeon food to feed the pigeons. I squatted down to observe the pigeons carefully. Their feathers are of different colors, shining with colorful luster, with jewel-like eyes, small pink beaks, small flesh-colored noses and two small orange claws, which are very beautiful. I couldn't help pouring out the pigeon food in my hand and gently walked over to feed them. At first, I was afraid, because their sharp mouths would peck me, so I scattered pigeon food on the ground for them to eat. Then, I saw dad and others put food in their hands, raised their hands a little, and the pigeons flew over and ate it automatically. So, I boldly reached out and did it. Sure enough, two pigeons flew to my arm and ate. Pigeons are not afraid of people at all. They skillfully pecked the pigeon food in my hand with their mouths. I don't feel any pain, just a little itchy! At this time, some pigeons were eating at dad's house, and mom was quick-eyed and caught this shot at once.

My mother told me that these pigeons are peace pigeons. They symbolize peace. After listening to my mother's words, I like these pigeons better.

Although this is a thing of the past, in one's mind, memories are priceless, true, naive and sweet, and they are the diaries of the soul and ourselves. Until now, that photo has been placed in the most conspicuous place in my room-the bedside table.

A photo story composition 13 I was packing my moving luggage and accidentally rummaged through the photo album. The photos in it are unforgettable. At this moment, my hand stopped at the moment when I wanted to turn the page, and I saw a photo of my childhood-a photo of me and my grandfather.

This photo was taken when I was about five years old. In the photo, I'm sitting on my grandpa's lap, holding a new gadget he bought me. We all laughed happily.

Grandpa loved me very much since he was a child, and he bought me almost everything at the first time. I remember once, my neighbor's little sister and I played with her cat. The kitten is very good and I like it very much. Inadvertently, I said, "If only there were."

The next morning, I was awakened by the meow of the cat. I opened my eyes in a daze and saw a snow-white kitten lying beside me. I quickly got out of bed. At this moment, my grandfather came in and said to me, "Do you like it?" Now, I knew the cause of the incident and threw myself into grandpa's arms happily.

When I was a child, my sister loved to bully me because she was older and stronger than me, and I lost to her every time. Every time she lied to me with some fallacies and heresies, I couldn't beat her, so I cried and went to my grandfather to let him clean her up. I am very happy. Once, my sister had a stick in her hand. She was scared and accidentally hit me on the head with a stick. At first, I felt the stars, then I froze for a few seconds, and then I burst into tears. After hearing the crying, my grandparents rushed to the yard at once. I am so sad that I can't breathe. Grandpa saw the situation and slapped my sister. I cheered in my heart and my sister fell to the ground.

There were many stories about my grandfather when I was a child. Although my grandfather has passed away, I still remember him clearly.

A photo reminds me of my happy, sad and angry childhood with my grandfather.

A photo story composition 14 summer vacation is coming, and my mother assigned me a task to tidy up my bookcase. So, I used this evening to start tidying up my bookcase. By chance, I found an old photo. ...

This old photo was taken at the seaside when I was six years old. That morning, Wan Li was clear and breezy. I went to Moon Bay with my best friend Cai Ying.

Walking on the beach, stepping on the soft beach, the breeze gently stroked our hair, making people feel very comfortable. After a while, we began to build castles. First, build a high "hill" with sand, then water it with buckets to "shape", then find shells, circle around the castle, and finally insert a flag on the top of the castle, thus completing the beautiful castle.

After piling up the castle, we began to dig puddles. We dug hard with a shovel for almost two or three minutes, but the pit was still bottomless. After another four or five minutes, we finally dug a big pit, and then we poured water into it. But soon, the sand on the beach filled the pit again. With cheerful laughter, we began to prepare for surfing.

We rolled up our pants first, made a start, and then ran out. At first, the water overflowed my calf, and then my thigh felt icy. I retreated to the beach and looked at it. I didn't notice it just now. As a result, my pants were "touched" by the water girl and got wet.

Time passed quickly, and in the evening, we were ready to go home. Along the way, the rosy clouds shine on Moon Bay, and with the singing of the band, they are getting farther and farther away from us. ...

Happy times are always short. Looking at this old photo, I remembered the good times with my good friends. I believe I will cherish this friendship more in the future.

A photo story composition 15 open the old photo album, which is full of my memories. I watched it again and again. A photo of visiting nanxi river caught my attention. I miss it so much. Let me tell you something:

One summer vacation, it was hot and sunny. My parents and I went to nanxi river to play. I was only two years old at that time, and I can't remember. I learned all this from my mother. The scenery in nanxi river is beautiful, and I want to sigh in my heart, but I don't know how to say it. A fishing boat passed by my father and held me on the shore to see the mountains and water. What I saw was not these, but sausages spinning in a canteen machine. My father tried to distract me, so he put on his swimming trunks and carried me to the river. I didn't know when I first entered the water. It was fine at first, but when I felt cold, I found myself in a clear river. I raised my voice and said the two words I had just learned: "No". My father answered me in that gruff voice: "Don't what? How happy it is to swim once. "

I can swim, my father swims around with me in his arms, and I gradually get used to enjoying the fun of playing with water. I splash my brother, my mother and my cousin. They are a little dry and wet. I had a good time and smiled. "Ha ha." Very unhappy, I was playing in the river, flapping the water. When my mother saw it, she immediately took all this with her camera.

I opened the photo album and saw the photo. That's my childhood memory.