Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Four-character idioms begin with words.

Four-character idioms begin with words.

1. What are the first four words of the last word?

There are no tiles at the top and no cones at the bottom.

On ling,

Jump up and down,

Climb the ladder,

The upward effect,

Above the sword,

The fish began to stink,

On behalf of Xialing,

Up and down,

Report on steaming and steaming,

Smart men and stupid women,

Upper leakage and lower humidity,

Report to the superior,

Go to war,

Up and down,

Not enough on the top, more than enough on the bottom.

There are no tiles on it, and there is no place to nail them.

Push up and down,


Harmony up and down,

It's stormy,

Go upstairs, go upstairs,

Regarding the published situation,

Not touching the sky or the ground-suspended in mid-air.

Harmony up and down,

At best, at worst,

There is no tile on the top and no place to stand under the cone.

Climb the ladder,

Flattery and blasphemy,

Heaven and earth,

It's hard to get up and down,

Be punished,

Up and down,

Be diligent and obedient,

Overflow and leakage,

Up and down the same door,

Medical country,

About the last article,

Slow down, violently,

Making friends is not flattering,

As good as water,

The same desire up and down,

There is neither a road to heaven nor a door to the earth-there is no escape; In a desperate situation; get into trouble

2. The four-word idiom at the beginning of the above words describes the poverty at home and the dilapidated houses.

Push up, push down, pull up, push down. Introduction to metaphor recommendation.

Next newspaper: the younger generation of men commit adultery with older women; Newspaper: Old men commit adultery with young women. Generally refers to men and women.

Wisdom above fools: smart; Stupid: stupid. The smartest person and the stupidest person. Confucius believes that all decisions are innate and cannot be changed.

Go to the army to make a plan: superior, extending to the best. Soldier: refers to war, extended to the use of soldiers. Crushing: Crusade, attack. Cutting: the tactic of crushing the enemy by stratagem. Fight with soldiers.

You were cheated, and you won't be cheated next time.

The sword above is dedicated to the emperor. When the ancient emperors sent ministers to handle major cases, they often gave them a sword from above, indicating that they were granted full power and could act first and then act.

Climbing a ladder is not as good as climbing a tree ladder. Metaphor to lure people forward, cut off his retreat.

Take root in Daqi Buddhist language. Plants with well-developed root organs. It also refers to people with great talent and ability.

Harmony between upper and lower levels refers to the harmonious coexistence between young people and old people or between upper and lower levels.

Up and down refers to disorder, and discipline is abolished. Ling, pass "Ling". It's the same as "changing the tomb".

Up and down means that the monarch is arrogant and extravagant, and the people are * * *. With "slow and violent".

Slow and violent means that you are arrogant and slow, and the people are * * *.

Go up and down in the south and talk about where to go, or go to the north and south.

The first part of the paper is well-founded by quoting classics.

Diligence: Diligence. Shun: Yes, yes. Work hard as a leader, and the people below will obey his leadership.

The next generation refers to the chaos from top to bottom, and the discipline is abolished. Ling, pass "Ling". It's the same as "changing the tomb".

Heaven goes to earth, heaven goes to earth. Describe the miraculous. It is also a metaphor for running around to achieve a certain goal.

3. It takes a hundred years for a person to start a career → talented people come forth in large numbers → unexpected → pretending → becoming famous in one fell swoop → becoming famous overnight → never coming back → having plenty of time → managing the day with a long rope → missing the good opportunity → avoiding the heavy ones → drawing inferences from others → rejoicing → disaster comes from the mouth → getting ahead → being knowledgeable. Such as the sea → the sea is vast and the sky is high → the sky is vast and the sky is high → the years are long and the days are deep → thinking long and calculating long → thinking in mind → being top-heavy → being frivolous and useless → hiding and using the house → giving up others to follow the crowd → people will conquer the sky → flowers will disperse → keeping the heart right → saying what they say → saying what they say is different from what they say → I see small and dark → adapting materials → being invincible → changing the enemy and changing me. → So we can't live without the end of music → the end of the road → the end of the road → the end of the Qin Dynasty → Qin Er → 28 beauties → talented people come forth in large numbers → famous people on the list → people's lives and things → fighting with others → fighting for long and short → fighting for short soldiers → fighting for war → flying to the sky → Tianbao in that year → weak crown in that year → crown against it. Try → Try before you hire → Use troops as a god → Calm down → Stop chaos and help decline → Decline grass and cold smoke → Smokers → Disciple Chen → Literati and soldiers carve dragons → Take back the dragon → In the final analysis → Love is deep in the bottom → Unable to help others → Curse diseases and prolong life → Eliminate evil and hide traitors → Treacherous court officials are in power → On the road. The old dog → the dog approaches the potential → the potential is incompatible → simple and clear → does not grow → harms the virtuous → is a gentleman → is not strange → is absurd → helps the world and the people → is passed down from generation to generation → is a straw pillow block → is a lump of eight hairs → is a turtle treasure → is a turtle crane with a long life → is longer than Nanshan → this move should be followed → the strain will be slightly → Young people in Chang 'an → Year after year → Mature age → Tongue is tongue → Tongue is lost → Lip scorched → Death at the bottom → Inappropriate birth → Constant change → Constant change → Vulgarity → incurable disease → Medical treatment → Rotten chariots and horses → Lengthened horse teeth → Long talent and short control → Control phoenix and crane → Crane returns to Yangzhou → State officials set fire → Poor salary → Self-help → Return to China. → Turn the machine into a spirit → concentrate → brainstorm → discuss mistakes → misplace the gold medal → name the gold medal → keep it → argue the wind → life is worse than death → dying → collapse the mountain → ruin the front → stand firm → defeat the attack → learn from each other → hand-to-hand combat → one after another → 300 cans. Unique talent → precipice → unique precipice → Never justifying a fault → Eat less and wear less → See things in a blur → Don't watch → Turn white into black → Black and white are indistinguishable → Support → Rely on → Enthusiasm is high → When you are dissatisfied → Respond when you change → Be resourceful → Now or never → A chicken that has lost its promise → A chicken that has lost its internal organs → → Zhehuan Tianxia → Xiaoban Maru → Maru Mud Seal → Caring → Honest and High Festival → Festival Change → Move Jane → Jane Broken → Cruel → Renyi Millet → Su Chen Official Rotten → Rotten and Blunt Armor → A, B, C, D → jingling → making a fool of yourself on the spot → ugly things → personal safety of property → staying still → staying still without revealing the machine → being broad without revealing → life is like a year → years are high and beautiful → young and graceful → arrogant and high → high shore and deep valley → mother's father and mother → mother's kindness and filial piety → old people in the field → those who have inherited their father's footsteps → people with outstanding achievements. Forks are useless → relying on naughty bones → seeing wealth → saying that there is no evidence → being firm outside and soft inside → knotting in sorrow → knotting grass → blocking the environment → reading → holding on to books → building a room by the roadside → the distance of the room. It should be → improvise → convenient door → keep the door open for guests → stay in the sun and the moon → clear moonlight → light tea and rice → rice cellar wine bag → empty bag → washing soldiers without people → outstanding talents → many different things → 150 days → thin garden far away → micro-siege pool → deep → heavy. Drugstore dragonfly → Longbo fishing Aos → Aos becoming angry from embarrassment → breaking Aos → extremely poor sources → different sources → treasures → gathering bones and blowing souls → dead souls → observing people's feelings → I can't help it → banning violence and chaos → disturbing ministers' rebellion → stepfather doing business → doing business → doing my best → being sincere. → The heart is higher than the sky → The high shore is the valley → The ancient horse sharpens the soldiers → The defeated soldiers will die → Never look back → Never leave → The end of the road is difficult → Inseparable → The painting is not connected → Simple → In short → Die unsatisfied → China will not be promoted again at the age of 28 → Make full use of its strengths and avoid its weaknesses → Cut to the chase. Eat and drink → drink the northwest wind → wind shock → beat bowls to urge poetry → preach poetry → blow bamboo and tune silk → grudge → complain about the political ladder → step on the ladder → Lu impermanent family → semi-armed family → the army has no blood → the blade is useless → no discussion → more discussion → one after another → defeat is like water → water waves ripple.

The more the first four words, the better, the more promising, the more promising, the more promising, the more promising. Many people are doing many things. Heavy rain, torrential rain, Dayu flood control exhibition, great aid, great anger, great tolerance, great kindness, great virtue, great generosity, great anger, great absurdity, great talk about Dafa, small generous family, great compassion, great talk, strong wind. Big waves, big belly, great achievement, great selflessness, great success, great success, great success, great success, great success, great success, great success, great success, great success, great success, great success, great success, great success, great success, great success, great success. Great books and special books are good for enjoying the cool under the big tree. Their characters are big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big If you are all thumbs, please be greatly influenced by power, and power will be dominated by power. A big man will become a tiger. My Lord will be benevolent and the scenery will be ruined. It will be funny and loud, and it will disappoint people. Great rivers and mountains will be red, green, red and purple, and they will be ready to come out and win a great victory. Great craftsmen in the north and south of the great river have lost a lot. You can't make a scene without making a scene. If you don't stride, you can be a great talent, not a great talent. You can use a big cart to achieve a big picture, and you can get a big shock.

5. There are many four-character idioms beginning with the word "to" ~ ~

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Fighting violence with violence: using; Yi: change, replace; Violence: brutality. Replace cruelty with cruelty. Refers to the change of rulers, but the autocratic rule has not changed.

Flies caused by ice: attraction. Use ice to attract flies. This is a metaphor, and things will be difficult to achieve.

Sticking to words and misinterpreting the author's original intention.

Good for good: kindness. Repay kindness with kindness.

Good for good: kindness. Complain: hatred. Don't remember other people's enemies, but give them benefits.

Fight poison with poison: cure. In Chinese medicine, it refers to the treatment of toxic drugs and other malignant diseases. Metaphor uses the contradiction of bad things themselves to oppose bad things, or for the benefit.

Throwing eggs at eggs: sharpening stones. Beat eggs with a millstone. Metaphor attacks the weak and wins.

Pass it on: take it and put it; Error: fallacy. It means to spread the original incorrect words incorrectly, and the more you spread them, the more wrong you are.

Replace what you saw with what you heard. It means not to investigate and understand in person, but to listen to what others say.

Defend by attacking, and defend by attacking.

Mistake the past: blame and deny. Attack current politics with historical stories.

After the effect, after the effect: future effect. It means to punish the criminal lightly and then see his future performance.

Fill the crown with a crown: a hat; Footwear: shoes. Mend shoes with hats. It is a metaphor for matching expensive things with cheap things.

Look at the sky with a tube: bamboo tube; Peep: to look through a small hole or gap. Look at the sky through the hole in the bamboo tube. Metaphor is narrow-minded or one-sided.

Take rules as rules: exhortation; Tang: The jade that the ancients crowned hung on both sides of their ears. Turn a deaf ear to exhortations. Metaphor is not listening to other people's advice.

Put out the fire with fire. Put out the fire with fire. Wrong metaphor is not only useless, but also harmful.

Measure yourself: guess, guess. Guess others with your own mind (mostly bad).

Control complexity with simplicity, and handle complex things with simple and straightforward methods.

Make an example of others: make people alert and not make mistakes; Effect: imitation, imitation; You: Neglect. Dealing with a bad person or a bad thing is used to warn those who learn to do bad things.

Relieve smoking addiction with wine: drunk unconscious. Relieve alcohol with wine. Metaphor is to use harmful methods to save the emergency.