Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Zhu's eloquent story

Zhu's eloquent story

1, childhood candlestick

Zhu was born in a Confucian family, and his father Zhu Song attached great importance to Zhu's education. The legend in the History of the Song Dynasty goes like this: "Xi is young and ignorant, but he can speak. His father pointed to heaven and said,' Heaven is also heaven', and Xi said,' What is heaven?' "This legend shows that Zhu was a curious person since he was a child.

Because Zhu Song is a Confucian scholar who grew up under the education of Confucianism, his requirements for his son are naturally carried out in accordance with the goal of being a saint in Confucianism. According to the Chronicle of Zhu Zi, at the age of 65,438+00, Zhu began to "learn from sages", and he was obsessed with learning The Great University, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius and Mencius every day.

He himself recalled: "When I was ten years old, I read Mencius and liked saints like me." From then on, I decided to be a saint. Later, he taught his students that "mortals should take the responsibility of saints".

2, serial artful question

Zhu was taught by his father since childhood, and he was smart and imaginative. At the age of four, his father Zhu Song pointed to the sun and said, "Today is also." Zhu asked, "what is attached to the sky?" Zhu Song replied: "Connected to the sky?" Zhu asked again, "What is attached to the sky?" Zhu Song, who asked in one sentence, was surprised.

3. On the theory of goose lake

In the Southern Song Dynasty, Lu Jiuyuan was also a famous figure. Lu Jiuyuan is also 9 years younger than Zhu. Their academic goals are basically the same, but their ways of thinking and understanding are quite different.

From the philosophical point of view, Zhu and Lu are two different schools of Neo-Confucianism in the Southern Song Dynasty. Because of different views, the two schools have had a long-term debate on academic issues. The debate between Zhu and Lu is mainly through correspondence, and the Goose Lake Conference is an exception.

In the second year (1 175), in order to reconcile the differences between Zhu and Lu, another famous scholar invited four or five brothers, Zhu, Lu Jiuyuan and Lu Jiuling, to get together at the Ehu Temple in Xinzhou (now lead mountain county, Jiangxi province), and the main topic of discussion was "learning from foreigners". This is the famous "Goose Lake Conference" in the academic history of China.

Five years later (1 180), Lu Jiuyuan visited Zhu in Bailudong Academy and asked him to write an epitaph for his younger brother Lu Jiuling. They hit it off as soon as they met. They were very friendly and admired each other.

Zhu not only accepted Lu's request, but also invited Lu Jiuyuan to the academy to give lectures to teachers and students. Lu also readily agreed that his topic was to explain the chapter of The Analects of Confucius. The audience was deeply moved and left a good impression on teachers and students. This incident shows that although Zhu and Lu have different views, they both have a generous gentleman's demeanor in academic exchanges and attitudes towards people.

4. Zhu is about to speak

Zhang Wei, the word Jingfu, studied under Hu Hong. He has his own specialty and is called Huxiang School. Zhu has long admired him. Zhu He held the most famous lecture in China's academic and educational history-Zhu Lecture, which was the first such lecture. The discussion between the two men began with the theory of Taiji, and finally tended to be consistent.

Zhu and Zhang will give a speech at Yuelu Academy, and thousands of people will come from all over the world to listen. In the lecture hall of Yuelu Academy, Zhu Shoushu was "loyal, filial and frugal" and was later regarded as the school motto by the Academy. Two months after giving lectures in Yuelu, Zhu accompanied Zhang Qian to Hengshan Mountain in Nanyue. During the tour, the endless scenery in front of them affected their poetry from time to time, and they sang while visiting.

After a few days, they got a total of 149 poems, which were co-edited as "Nanyue Singing Appreciation Collection". It's 180 miles from Gong Yue to Danzhou. Before leaving, Zhu He discussed controversial issues. They were on the boat day and night, discussing the meaning of the golden mean, and didn't sleep for three days and nights. After Zhu broke up with Zhang Qian, he returned to the East with his disciples Fan Niande and Lin Zezhi, and took turns to change chorus all the way.

5. Zhu He

When Zhu went to Tongan County for his post, he passed by the thatched cottage and dismounted to meet him. Welcome Zhu into the door politely, and then bring out a plate of ginger and a plate of salt. Zhu's extremely unhappy after seeing it, but he didn't interrupt his master.

Zhu took out the manuscript he had written not long ago and handed it to him. Please revise it. Zheng Qiao respectfully took the manuscript, put it on the table, and then lit a incense. Cigarettes curled up, and the room was suddenly full of fragrance.

Just then, a gust of wind blew in from the window and blew the manuscript on the table page by page. Zheng Qiao at this time is like an intoxicating spring breeze, standing quietly.

It was a long time before I recovered and returned the manuscript to Zhu. I talked with Zhu for three days and nights, and Zhu gained a lot. Before he left, in order to express his gratitude, he specially wrote a pair of couplets entitled "Clouds and bamboos meet and mountains and rivers flourish" and presented them to Zheng Qiao.

When Zhu and extremely went out, extremely discontentedly said to Zhu, "This old man doesn't look like a saint, and he is quite rude to" xianggong ". Not to mention taking out good wine and good dishes, but you can't just take a plate of ginger and a plate of salt! "

Zhu said with a smile, "Salt comes from the sea, ginger grows in the mountains, and there are mountains and seas. This is a great gift! "

The extremely boy went on to say, "But the" xianggong "asked him so seriously, but he didn't even read the manuscript."

Zhu explained: "when the wind blew the manuscript, he was already reading it and finished reading it." Besides, he also specially lit incense, which is already a great respect for me! Then he gave me a lot of good advice and made me gain a lot. "

Extremely dissatisfied, he said, "But you came all the way to see him, but he didn't come to see him off when the guests went out."

Zhu smiled and said, "I sent it to the door of the thatched cottage and did my best. An inch of time and an inch of gold, we scholars, every minute is precious. "

Just then, a colorful rooster flew out of the grass, and the master and servant couldn't help turning their heads. I saw Zheng Qiao standing in front of the door with a book in his hand. Zhu turned his face to the pole and said, "Look, he is still standing at the door, and he doesn't forget to study. He is really a saint. "

In the eighteenth year of Shaoxing (1 148), Zhu Kao was a scholar and later served as some local officials, but his main energy was spent on studying Confucianism. He learned Cheng Xue from another disciple of Cheng Hao, Dong Li, and formed a Confucian system different from Confucian classics in the Han and Tang Dynasties. Later generations called it Neo-Confucianism, Taoism or Neo-Confucianism, which completed the revival of Confucianism.

He founded Bailudong Academy and Yuelu Academy to train students and popularize Confucianism. His moral knowledge is highly respected, spread and penetrated into every corner of society.

His greatest influence on later generations was not the profound philosophy of "reason" and "qi", but the popular Confucian enlightenment. In "University", he concretized and popularized the words "learning things, honesty, self-cultivation and keeping the family in order to rule the country and level the world", and built a careful social order.

He edited Notes on Four Books, reinterpreted The Analects of Confucius, Mencius, Daxue and The Doctrine of the Mean, and made Neo-Confucianism deeply rooted in people's hearts through the four books. To this end, he devoted himself to compiling children's books such as Notes for Primary Schools, The Analects of Confucius, Ways to Cultivate Monarchy, and Instructions for Children, and put forward moral norms for children's daily words and deeds and living habits.

These rules are too pedantic and harsh for today's "new and new mankind", but they are not. If it is difficult to cultivate good habits in the details of daily life, then there is nothing to talk about "self-cultivation", let alone "governing the country and leveling the world."

Such an admirable master was severely suppressed and imprisoned by the court for political reasons, which became a remarkable strange thing in the cultural and ideological circles of the Southern Song Dynasty. In the history of China, it is not uncommon to imprison a school or a theory by administrative orders. This is not an academic struggle, but a political struggle to exclude dissidents.

Baidu encyclopedia-Zhu