Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Death row inmates go to fortune telling.

Death row inmates go to fortune telling.

My name is Zhang Zhe. A few years ago, I was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder with a gun. Yes, I am a murderer.

Twenty-three years before I went to prison, I took a train by the Hulan River, robbed tombs in Tianjin and sold drugs in Siberia. I learned a lot of strange things. I can't finish smoking 300 bags of cigarettes. However, the escape from prison during the eclipse was the most terrible event I have ever seen in my life. There were five people who planned to escape from prison at that time, I, Lao K, Xiaomi, Huang Daya and Hu Ye. They all died, and they died strangely. Only I was lucky enough to survive, in this cold moonlit night, facing their pine memorial tablet, in the graveyard where insects whine, nagging about that change.

Our prison was located in a secret area in the upper reaches of Heilongjiang, which was still an uncultivated wasteland. Rabbits are flying like eagles, with high weeds and all kinds of wild animals in them. Once in the yard, I went to the grass to "put monkeys" (pee) and saw a bowl of thick flower pythons swallowing a hyena alive; Huang Daya met something unclean one night. He rolled and crawled to the nearby guards, and one of his front teeth was knocked out.

The prisoners in this prison are all on death row, some are dying, and some are indefinite.

At night, without the sound of prisoners working and the abuse of prison guards, this area is simply a dead sea. We are very tired from working during the day and sleep like thunder as soon as we put on linen pillows filled with yellow sand at night. I'm afraid nothing in this world can wake us up from our dreams except the whistle of prison guards and the "zi zi" sound of electric batons. Xiaomi is a habitual thief. Later, I heard from Huang Daya that Xiaomi once had a pair of white and slender hands, and those hands could actually open the special secret lock of "the lock of the sun and the lock of the rose eleven hearts". It was these hands that unscrewed the safe of the number one developer in the Yangtze River Delta and took away more than ten kilograms of gold bars and jewelry. Unfortunately, Xiaomi likes to dress up as a woman. He forged a stolen white marble Baylor ring, aged it, and put it on his thumb to show off on the black market. This ring brought him disaster. A thief with poor craftsmanship reported him, and the real estate agent had some connections with the underworld. Before Xiaomi went to prison, the hand with the ring was cut off alive.

Huang Daya was charged with drug trafficking. This silly-looking guy used to be a famous drug Lord in Sujiahang area, and his * * * actually reached 300 kilograms, which made me a former drug dealer tongue-tied. Huang Daya claimed that his tongue was worth more than a big carat diamond. As long as his tongue is rolled up, he can immediately judge the quality and price of drugs.

We bumped all the way and arrived at the prison at dusk. Looking out of the window, hundreds of prisoners are trying to weed in a wild grass. At that time, I didn't understand why I didn't just set the grassland on fire. Later, I learned that the warden tried to break his head and arrange their work every day in order to keep the prisoners' hands and feet idle and consume their physical strength, so that they had no spare heart to make trouble.

Xiaomi and Huang Daya and I were arranged in cell 204. There are two iron beds and four beds in the cell. When we were put in by the prison guard, there was a man lying on the bed by the door. He is muscular, bald and tattooed. At first glance, it looks like the underworld.

No one expected that Lao K was actually a tattoo master, and his tattoo method was very special, actually relying on the date-that is, what Feng Shui master said was "auspicious day". His craftsmanship is superb. At the age of 18, he won a domestic prize for a group of religious tattoo patterns. At the age of 30, the owner of the group of tattoos found him and said that they would get rid of the tattoos. Old K burned incense and prayed that night, stabbing the client's throat with a sharp boning knife. Then, he peeled the tattoo off his body. The client's body was deeply buried, but it was dug out of the soil by a huge thunderstorm that night. After a hearty meal, a wild dog walked to the road with the finger of the corpse in his mouth.

Old k was arrested while admiring the "work" of human skin. When the police broke into the house, the incense in the room was burning brightly, and his eyes shone like cigarette butts.

On my first night in prison, I lost sleep. The first quarter moon is like a knife in the west, and the moonlight falls on a piece of hay. In the distance, there was a faint sound of wild dogs and vultures fighting for food. In my farthest sight, there is the outline of a mountain whose name I don't know yet. The old king said that behind the mountain is Heilongjiang. If you can climb that mountain and tie a raft with vines, you can go down the river. That mountain is a fatal question!

Every month, death row prisoners are dragged to the foot of that mountain and shot, but we have never seen the body. There are rumors in the prison that those bodies even saved coffins and threw them directly into the sinkhole to feed wolves and goddamned vultures.

During my ten years in prison, I saw many people coming and going. Two of them are the most impressive. One is called Xiaoji, but he is a teenager. Looking at his innocent eyes, no one would have thought that he was the main character of a fraud gang. He kidnapped more than a dozen children with paper cranes and reed kites folded by hand. Those children were sold to the mainland and became child laborers. Even an eight-year-old girl was killed and became a "yin relative" with a dead boy.

1994 On that day, as soon as the yard opened, the penis crossed the iron net arranged around the farm and ran up the hill. He spent the night on the mountain and was arrested by the warden himself with a police dog the next day. The chicken looked trance-like. The prisoner asked him what he saw on the mountain. He kept shaking his head, his eyes were wide open, and he was puzzled and frightened.

He died a few days later. At noon before he died, he whispered to me, "Brother Zhang, there are ghosts in that mountain!" " "I still remember the horror in his eyes that was beyond his age. I thought at that time that children were afraid of being confused. The other man is Hu Ye.

It was 1996' s bizarre mountain trip that made us want to escape from prison. On that day, all the prisoners were loaded on trucks and escorted by armed prison guards to the mountain. The warden ordered us to "cut the mountain" in three days. Those three days we had meat to eat, which was the best day in my ten years in prison, but those three days were the beginning of nightmares.

Lao K, Huang Daya and I were arranged to open a cave because we were tall, and Xiaomi was arranged to "light a mountain gun" to ignite the fire of homemade explosives. There were more than a dozen people in charge of "lighting mountain guns" that day. Only three people did not become cannon fodder, and one of them was Xiaomi.

This mountain has always been taboo, and it is also the place we want to go. I believe all the prisoners dreamed that they fled to this mountain, and then they went down to the fertile water in Heilongjiang to eat sticky fish and arrived in Mohe County ... In those short three days, many strange things happened. First, the first night, I went to a bush to "release monkeys". A small figure flashed through the forest. This figure looks familiar. I want to go up and have a look. Just a few steps later, the prison guard scratched an electric baton on my back. I screamed and threw myself to the ground. Just as I was struggling to get up, the figure climbed up a black pine tree like an ape and looked at me motionless at the treetop, eyes wide open-oh, my God, that's a dead chicken!

Old k has been very upset since he entered the mountain, and Xiaomi and Huang Daya also feel that something is wrong. That night, Lao K whispered in the dark, "Do you know what Feng Shui is in this mountain? It is a rare' flash dragon' in the tributary of Long Mai! "

I once stole an ancient tomb, and I know a little about its secrets. Now I nodded and said, "This mountain is really a rare place for geomantic omen. Unfortunately, this place has become a mass grave for the execution of death row prisoners. It' s really unlucky,' Flash Dragon' will also be suppressed, and there will be no treasure. "

Xiaomi rolled his eyes and said, "Why did the warden let us drive this Long Mai? Not necessarily what mines are there here? "

"The warden is robbing the tomb!" Huang Daya suddenly said, "There must be an ancient tomb in such a good boundary of Feng Shui!"

But we quickly denied the warden's claim of robbing the tomb, because Huang Daya smelled a strange smell the next day, which I still remember. The mountain wind is steep and the pines are bursting. Huang Daya leaned on the hammer that broke the mountain, his nose was moving, and he looked frightened and addicted. The former drug Lord's nose is as powerful as his tongue. He smelled a familiar smell in the mountain wind-poppy! "There must be a lot of poppies in full bloom in the windward here!" Huang Daya whispered, and then looked at the mountainside with heavy eyes, where there was a dense virgin forest.

On the third day, a large number of prisoners were loaded on trucks and transported back to the farm, ending three days of big fish and big meat. On the way back, we met three off-road vehicles, one of which was a convertible. In the car sat a middle-aged fat man dressed as a businessman in sunglasses, and next to him sat two coquettish women like poppies. We on death row haven't seen a woman for many years. We all lick our lips and scream like wolves meet sheep. Middle-aged fat man proudly smoking a cigar, deliberately slow down, as if enjoying our supercilious look. Suddenly, the middle-aged fat man's face sank, and when he stepped on the gas pedal, the SUV roared away. "He saw me!"

Back in prison, Huang Daya was blue in the face. "Do you know who the fat man is? This son of a bitch used to be my last home, and he and I took over in Laos! " Huang Daya's words made the prisoners in the cell lost in thought. In the following days, Huang Daya was afraid that the fat man would send someone to kill him every day. His teeth trembled with fear when he heard the prison guard calling his name. "I want to run away!" On the fourth night after coming back from the mountain, Huang Daya showed us his cards. "My death sentence still has three years, but I doubt that I may even live through this year!" "Many people who escaped from prison died." Old k is playing with a stone knife made of stone, which is not surprising to Huang Daya's words. "No one can climb that mountain and reach Heilongjiang!" "Under the faint starlight, I saw Xiaomi's mouth twitching and looked at the distant mountains outside the iron window. There was a cold yearning in my eyes." I'm going in! "Xiaomi gritted his teeth and said," I don't want to wait here for death. Even if I go out to see the outside world, I will be recognized by people! "Silence, the silence of death. Lao K and I didn't say anything, but from then on, we began to pay attention to every corner, everyone and every screw in the prison. We are looking for the right opportunity. Prison break has been brewing for a whole year. In this year, we all have our own "weapons", either daggers made of stones or awls made of screws. We also met Grandpa Hu that year. Mr. Hu has been in this prison for fifty years, and he has been kept here since the day the prison was built. No one knows what crime Mr. Hu committed in those years, so I won't talk about it. Grandpa Hu is the only prisoner the warden can trust. He only needs to work one or two days a month and has a single room, but no one envies him because he works as a dead man. In prison, death row inmates are killed or commit suicide every month. Mr. Hu's job is to dress these dead people up like living people and then bury them in the mountains under the supervision of prison guards. Coffins are always the same kind of coffins, pine thin skin, airtight. Why use a coffin? Why not just set the fire? The warden doesn't think so. He has his own plans, and I didn't feel sensational until I knew the reason. I still don't know how K persuaded Hu Ye to help us escape from prison. Old k never mentioned it. Xiaomi guessed that Lao K might be Hu Ye's son, because Hu Ye's unique skill of dressing up the appearance of death row with a knife is very similar to Lao K's tattoo works, and their knife skills are very close. I kind of trust Xiaomi's judgment. He is a child prodigy, but sometimes I wonder if two artists appreciate each other (please allow me to call them that). 1at the beginning of 997, cholera began to spread inexplicably in prisons, and a large number of people died overnight. We often hear Hu Ye ring the death knell at midnight, which is another death. The warden personally led the prison guards to disinfect room by room. We saw the warden's face up close for the first time. Experience tells me that it is a face with muscle paralysis caused by smoking too much marijuana. The muscles on his face are all striped and he twitches from time to time. After the warden left, Huang Daya's face was gray, and I knew what he was thinking. 1March 8, 997, Yin. The death knell rang four times in a row that night, which means four people died in a row. Grandpa Hu followed the prison guard to move the body in the cell. When his hurried footsteps sounded at the door of cell 204, the hearts of the four of us trembled violently with the footsteps. Grandpa Hu stopped and dusted himself with his hand. This is the code word that Lao K and Hu Ye agreed in advance. He told us to act tonight! Xiaomi played with embroidery needles in the dark and ground them with big screws for half a year. He smiled silently and said, "These four people didn't die in vain. "The four men were killed by millet. He sneaked into a cell with his own hand-picking skills, and the sharp embroidery needle cleverly penetrated into the temples of four death row inmates infected with cholera. Four death row prisoners died in their dreams, and the prison guards have no doubt about it. Why did you choose this day to implement the escape plan? Because Lao K said that tomorrow is a rare Tiangou food day, Mohe area will fall into a short and crazy darkness, and we have been waiting for this day for a whole year!

The four of us were surprised at the same time.

At midnight, Xiaomi pried open the lock of the prison with an embroidery needle, and the four of us sneaked into the darkness like ghosts. Along the way, the embroidery needle opened ten locks, and we touched Hu Ye's residence. Mr. Hu himself lives in a shabby house near the prison. The door is unlocked and there is a faint candlelight inside. The purpose is four thin-skinned coffins, the lid of which is open, and there are four bodies lying upright, with clean faces and white candlelight jumping on their faces. I even doubt that these four people will open their eyes at any time. Xiaomi's hand with the embroidery needle trembled a few times and turned away, afraid to look at the condemned man who was killed by him. "My craft is not bad, is it, old K?" Grandpa Hu's voice is hoarse like a broken gong. "Not bad." Old k replied vaguely. "I took out their internal organs and bones, and their weight was reduced by half. The prison guard won't doubt it. " Grandpa Hu added, "I used the knife technique you taught me." "Well, did the coffin open its eyes?" "You when my old man's house has a bad memory? Open your eyes early and you won't suffocate! " Hu Ye's shining beard trembled and his spit hung on it. I noticed that the half white candle on the broken table was blood red, and it said "Long life". Maybe he lived alone for several years, or maybe he complained about the four bodies. Grandpa Hu coughed, took a sip of old wine and said hoarsely, "Do you know why I painted this wooden house white? Because evil spirits like white. Do you know why this threshold is so high? Because this can prevent zombies from jumping out and hurting people! " His expression when he spoke was frightening, as if he were possessed by something dirty. "Well, my Lord! Please, my brothers walked among the dead. You want to fool us and watch our jokes, but you have the wrong person! " Old k turned pale, obviously some insincere. Huang Daya looked out from the crack of the door from time to time for fear that the prison guard would follow him. Hu Ye smiled cunningly, and his old eyes shone cunningly: "Old K, you still know my mind! Well, thieves, you should be on your way. " Hearing the word "on the road", the four of us obviously shook a few times. Only the dead have the word "on the road", and some ominous premonition permeates the whole body like a flood. "Brothers, take care. See you on the mountain! " Old k's cheek twitched and he barely smiled. "By this time tomorrow night, we will have drifted on the Heilongjiang River!" Old k gritted his teeth and lifted a body in the coffin with his hand. It's just a piece of skin, except for the head. Old K gently delivered the body to Hu Ye, and then lay down. Hu Ye shook his pale beard, hung the body on old K, and began to decorate. I watched it with Huang Daya and Xiaomi, and my heart almost jumped into my throat. Huang Daya closed her eyes and folded her hands, shaking her hands and saying, "Bless the Bodhisattva, Bless the Bodhisattva!" " We forced ourselves to calm down and do the same thing, lying in coffins one by one and entering the boundless darkness. When the coffin Gigan was covered, the harsh bell rang in the prison, followed by the rapid footsteps scattered, and the patrolling prison guards finally found that cell 204 was empty! The dog barked at the White House, and the police dog found our whereabouts! My back was cold and I turned over in the coffin. Grandpa Hu patted the coffin to signal me not to make any noise. The sound of the police dog scratching at the door shocked my heart. As soon as the police dog entered the door, he suddenly sneezed. A prison guard scolded, "Old man, why does it smell like Chili here?" "Captain Ma, I still want to satisfy the warden?" Grandpa Hu smiled strangely. "Meat pickled with pepper is delicious. You can get rid of the sour taste! " Captain Ma didn't wait for Mr. Hu to finish, so he silently pulled the police dog out. I vaguely heard that the warden actually likes human flesh! Suddenly there was an itch in my throat, so I covered my throat and swallowed a mouthful of filth. Ten minutes later, I heard the donkey barking. The coffin was carried by a donkey cart. Master Hu shouted: "Captain Ma, I want to bury the body in the mountain. Please arrange for two people to come with me! " As the miscellaneous footsteps approached, a prison guard complained, "Damn it, why do I always catch up with this kind of misfortune!" " Yo, the coffin is a little heavy. Is a fat man dead? Old man, you didn't secretly cut some meat to eat, did you? Hu Ye took a few sips of wine and scolded, "Son of a bitch, can I still eat meat with my mouth? "? Hurry up, I have to get back before dawn! "Four coffins were carried on the donkey cart, and there seemed to be a prison guard sitting on my lying coffin. Uncle Hu got on the donkey cart and shouted with a whip, and the donkey cart was on its way. The mountain road is rugged and bumpy, and I can vaguely hear the fierce cry of crows hovering in the air. After a while, Hu stopped the donkey cart and said, "Rabbits, here we are!" " As he spoke, he slapped the coffin and giggled. The birds in the mountains were frightened and screamed. A prison guard said, "Watch it, old man, you almost hit me!"! I can't clean up this coffin, you can move it yourself! " Another prison guard also laughed wildly: "The old man has no strength to make it!" Hu Ye blew his beard and stared: "How dare you! I'll tell your captain Ma later not to skin you! Angered, the jailer said, "Who do you think you are, old man?" "Don't you dare, let's go!" "Don't want to ride in my donkey cart?" Hu Ye shouted. "I don't know how many dead people are loaded in this unlucky donkey cart. I once had bad luck. There were no ladies in my dream, but all ghosts! " The prison guard cursed as he walked, and another prison guard laughed. Mr. Hu slowly took a few sips of wine on the donkey cart, dozed off for a while, and finally took a whip and began to knock on the coffin board: "Are you asleep, Grandpa Four?" Old hoarse voice sounded in the mountains, with unspeakable strangeness. The coffin lids were pushed open one by one, revealing our four pale faces. Old k jumped out of the donkey cart, stumbled and almost fell, and then helped the three of us out of the car. "You still have eggs!" Hu Ye narrowed his eyes and smiled. "I tell you, this is just the beginning!" Old k was a little puzzled and asked warily, "what start?" "Hey, the beginning of terror!" Hu Ye's white beard turned into a flying insect, and he crushed it with his slender fingers. "This mountain is so big, it will take you at least two days to double it!" ""So what? "Old K asked in a trembling voice." There are many unclean things in this mountain! "Hu Ye took a sip of his wine and his eyes sparkled with fear." Some secrets are only known to me, but I didn't tell them, so I live to this day! "The sky in the east is a fish-belly grey, and the dawn is coming. Finally, in the dark, we helped Hu Ye bury four empty-shell bodies in the scorched earth. This scorched earth is extremely fertile, which is completely different from the dry mud and stones around it. I grabbed a handful of dirt and smelled it, and my face changed immediately. " Do you know how many bodies are buried here? 3,307, haha! "Hu shook his whip and shouted," next year can be a field, very good, very good! "The four of us stood in the scorched earth, watching the donkey cart disappear on the mountain road, and temporarily forgot to run for our lives. Xiaomi was the first to react and shouted, "Run! "Four people were running in the mountains with their feet open, and flocks of birds were frightened on their way. The forest is long and deep, with layers of leaves. When you step on it, you will fall to your ankle, and a rotten smell will come to your face. I don't know how long I have been running, my calf has been cramping, and my body is floating around, as if it is not my own. There is a faint sunshine in the dense mountain forest. At the sight of sunshine, my heart sinks and I won't go far during the day. Seeing the end of a dense forest, Huang Daya suddenly slowed down and shouted, "No!" " The three of us stopped at the same time and looked at him in surprise. Huang Daya's nose twitched again and again and his face was lifeless. "Do you feel dizzy? "There must be a large area of poppies in front of the wind! We can't run any more, or we will be fascinated by poppies and never get out again! " Suddenly he patted the back of the head. "Yes, the acidity of human flesh is the best fertilizer for cultivating poppies!" "His words gave us the willies, and then I felt dizzy in my head. This feeling is by no means a symptom of collapse after running. " What should we do? "Xiaomi has been wiping the sweat on his forehead with one arm." Go around! "Huang Daya spat in his hand and waved against the wind to test the wind." Follow me! "We followed Huang Daya along the edge of the forest, and from time to time something furry flashed through the forest. After running for a while, Xiaomi suddenly cried, "Go the wrong way. Isn't this the way back "When Lao K and I looked at the trees around us, we were shocked. Huang Daya licked his chapped lips and swore, "Damn it-"Suddenly, his eyes opened wide. He looked at the forest outside and his mouth was like a dead fish. We followed his eyes. Oh, my God! Those are death row inmates who were shot! In ten years, they left one batch after another. I thought I had completely forgotten them, but when I saw those familiar and unfamiliar faces, my memory came back to life! They walked naked in the sun, with hoes in their hands, and their limbs were stiff and silent. " Ghosts! "Huang Daya crying, a full face of sweat, legs shaking badly. Old k quickly covered his mouth: "don't talk nonsense, they have shadows, they are people!" "It's a living person!" Xiaomi trilled and said, "The way they walk is very stiff. Are they zombies? " "No, they were injected with drugs!" I interrupted him and said in a heavy voice, "The warden didn't shoot them at all. They became free laborers!" " "This is the most reasonable thing I can think of. It happened that my head was rising badly. I don't know whether it's the poppy or my desire to survive. I took off my prison uniform, followed in the footsteps of old K, and walked stiffly to the group of "dead" prisoners. Xiaomi and Huang Daya also took off their prison uniforms and caught up breathlessly, even falling a few times. We blended in with the living dead. In the crowd, I saw Xiaofeng again. The chicken is still so small, even though its head is so big. Suddenly, he turned around and grinned at me. Don't! In broad daylight, I suddenly felt creepy. Chickens have been dead for years. Why hasn't he grown up yet He is still the same figure, even his teeth are so big! When I was robbing a tomb, I heard an old man say that only ghosts in this world will never grow up ... I took another look at the chicken, and my stiff body trembled badly. Old k also thinks there is something wrong with the atmosphere. He looked up at the sun and shrugged his shoulder blades. Not to mention Huang Daya and Xiaomi, who gasped in the silent crowd, Huang Daya's "monkey" ran down his thigh and left a watermark on the stone soil. The sky suddenly darkened, and the bright sun was only half left in the blink of an eye-the dog ate the sun. Our tight heartstrings are slightly relaxed, and old K is very accurate. The total solar eclipse will provide a good cover for us to escape. A charming fragrance of flowers came to my face, and there was an unspeakable temptation in the aroma. Over a ravine, we saw Wang Yang with poppies, butterflies everywhere, and the buzz of bees was as harsh as a chainsaw. There are several cars parked in front of the flowers. I saw the warden and the middle-aged fat man leaning against the car body, gulping cigars, and two delicate and charming women standing next to them. The sun has always been the shape of the first quarter moon, and the light shines on the bodies and faces of four people, which is unspeakable. When the living dead saw the poppy, their eyes shone with horror, and suddenly they rushed in like crazy, catching insects and weeding, like clockwork robots. The four of us panicked, and the smell of poppies made us breathless. Huang Daya stumbled and fell to the ground, and immediately countless feet stepped on him. " Help-"Huang Daya collapsed and cried. Hearing the shouts, the middle-aged fat man suddenly raised his face, and his eyes were fierce. The warden pulled out a pistol from his waist. Several prison guards were drilled out of the car, followed by gunfire like fried beans. With a whoosh, old K threw a stone knife hard, and the stone knife drew an arc in the air and accurately inserted it into the middle-aged fat man's throat. As if the end of the world came, the earth suddenly sank into the darkness and could not see my fingers. I ran with my head in my arms with a miserable cry, and bullets whizzed past my ears. I kept running like a walking corpse, and my consciousness became more and more blurred. Behind me were the cries of Xiaomi and Huang Daya: "Let me go, let me go ..." I was taken back to prison by the prison guards. They asked me to explain the whole story of my escape, but I was already insane and crazy, and pepper water could not stop me. I was put in cell 204 again, and now I'm alone. The multi-person cell has become a single room, and Lao K, Xiaomi and Huang Daya may become fertilizer in that scorched earth. After half a year, I gradually came to my senses, but in order to protect myself, I continued to play the fool. The prison guard gave me all the dirty work in the prison. The warden saw that I was not a threat, and I was still a free and good worker. Didn't tidy up me, gave meat to eat every day. That night, I heard familiar footsteps. It's Hu Ye. Grandpa Hu stood at the door of the cell and dusted himself with his hand. At midnight, the death knell rang in the prison and another man died. Under the guidance of the bell, I pried open the lock with an embroidery needle and sneaked into Grandpa Hu's white house like a ghost, just like six months ago, except that I lost three companions. Mr. Hu is not in the room. I don't know why, but there are no candles in the room. A thin-skinned coffin was parked in the dark room. I opened the coffin and vaguely saw a man lying inside. I have no time to watch it. I quickly rolled over and closed the coffin. Maybe I was too tired during the day and soon fell asleep in the coffin. A donkey barked and woke me up. Someone carried the coffin onto the donkey cart, which bumped over several ravines and stopped for a long time. A prison guard said, "bury it, this coffin will not be used again." Then there was a crack of mud banging on the coffin board. I hung my heart in my throat and said, Grandpa, stop these sons of bitches! My breathing is getting faster and faster, and there is less and less oxygen in the coffin. I tried to dig the coffin lid by hand, but the soil covered it was heavier than the mountain. I'm dying, my hands are bleeding and my nails are broken. I finally gave up and lay feebly in the coffin. When death came, my hand touched a messy thing, a messy beard. I finally know why the prison guard said, "This coffin will never be used again. "Lying in the coffin is grandpa hu. Thinking is getting more and more vague, and I seem to see old K, millet and rhubarb teeth in confusion ... Suddenly, there was a strange sound overhead, as if someone was scraping the soil with their hands, and soon a cold air swept over my face, and someone opened the coffin lid. After breathing fresh air for a while, my brain regained consciousness. I sat up from the coffin and saw two naked men pressing two guards to the ground and squeezing hard. The guards remained silent and scratched their feet for a while. I was shocked and suddenly felt someone around me. I suddenly looked back and saw that it was rhubarb teeth! He was naked, his eyes glazed over, and he looked straight at me. I asked him a few words, but Huang Fang didn't respond at all. He turned around and walked slowly to the depths of the jungle with two other naked men. Those two people are familiar with their backgrounds. They are Lao K and Xiaomi. After burying two prison guards, I crossed the ravine in the dark and found the sea of poppies. Far away, I saw a large group of naked men standing like punished primary school students, with their eyes closed and motionless, as if they were standing asleep. I finally found rubber duck, Lao K and Xiaomi in the crowd. Their eyes were closed and they couldn't wake up. It's strange that the three people who just saved my life don't seem to know me at all. I lit a spark with two sharp stones and two torches with tears, burning this sea of poppies and burning the walking men, including Lao K, Xiaomi and Huang Fang. But I can't go out, because the only mountain road leading to Heilongjiang is guarded by the warden, and going back to prison is of course death. I have no choice but to stay in this mountain and become a wandering Shan Gui. I carved four memorial tablets with pine wood and wrote the names of four people, rhubarb teeth. Every night, when the full moon is in the sky, I will talk to myself about changes in front of their pine tablets in the mountains where insects are singing.

(End of full text) (I hope the landlord will adopt it)