Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Legend of the Sword and the Chivalrous Man 6- Deciphering the Story of Le Jin and Qi Yue

Legend of the Sword and the Chivalrous Man 6- Deciphering the Story of Le Jin and Qi Yue

The story of "Legend of the Sword and the Chivalrous Man 6" has been sought after by many fans. Do you know the story of Le Jin and Qi Yue? Let's take a look at "The Legend of the Sword and the Chivalrous Man 6" shared by "Waiting for People".

1. What does prayer have to do with the present?

Bingxu lotus, the lotus in the lotus, represents a whole. Gu Shu said that the fate of two people is inseparable, but is it like this? Forget the dust, Siming said that a lotus represents a life. Under normal circumstances, a lotus will undergo germination, flowering and withering, but three years ago, the double-moon lotus appeared out of thin air. Now we can easily understand this. After all, Bian was bought with his own existence three years later, not through normal reincarnation, but through prayer? In other words, praying for blessings is not the result of asexual reproduction as we thought before, but the life given by the secret method in the constant path. Immortal six is set to have a soul when there is life. Su He also said that the soul is doomed and cannot be increased or decreased. So where does the soul of prayer come from? Other souls reborn? It seems like you like it, but it's not true, because after the secret method is given life, it is still gestated in the message body, and then it sleeps in the horizontal Petri dish for a long time. In this case, Qi was born much earlier than today. Even so, it is in line with the birth mode of ordinary people. Therefore, Qi's life lotus should germinate and grow like ordinary people, instead of appearing out of thin air today. From various indications.

So from the birth of Qi State to the birth of Qi State, where did the lotus flower of Qi State go? Here, let's review that before they entered the cold marrow, Gu Jie's divination of "Showing Love to Mingxiu" had no result, but today's divination has a little result. Although Gu Shu is not an expert in fortune telling, the screenwriter deliberately arranged the play not for the plot, because he told Ming Xiuxian Qing, the two people who know him best, and the subtext of Ming Xiu's sentence is that Gu Shu's fortune telling is still accurate, and Ming Xiuxian Qing will believe it. Then why can't you predict the fate of prayer? Now, please let me open my heart: Qi's soul is not complete. Her life was given by the Taoist secret method, but she was not reborn (if she was reborn, how could Uncle Gu not divine? ), the fate of heaven cannot be increased or decreased. Heng Daozhong obviously does not have the ability to create soul life out of thin air, so where does her soul come from? A: Third Brother Bian.

Don't scold in a hurry, think about the relationship between the third brother and Qi, resonance, command, familiarity, and important people. In addition to today, even if the third brother and Qi Yuan are the deepest, today is also exchanged by the third brother, and I am afraid that even her mother can't compare with the third brother. In my opinion, the secret method of Heng Daozhong's prayer creation is to give life to the creator through a small part of the caster's own soul, and a series of secret methods such as resonance and command can also play a role around this foundation.

Even so, it can't explain why Qi's life lotus appears in the form of parallel lotus today. Then, continue to analyze: Qi must have a life lotus when she was born, because she has a life, and her life lotus is also on the tree, but it is not alone, but in the form of juxtaposition with her third brother's life lotus, just like her later and today's, but why is her life lotus born today? This will involve some Longtan operation mechanisms.

First of all, the exchange mechanism can't violate the principle that fate (soul) can't be increased or decreased, so A exchanges B, A and B are actually a soul, just formatted and reprogrammed.

Then three years later, the third brother exchanged the present three years ago in the timeline three years ago, but the leading group after three years did not forget the third brother immediately because of the timeline three years ago. What Su He said is that you will forget when you go back, because the third brother in this timeline has not disappeared. There is a saying: Longtan will charge after you go back.

Inferred from this, Longtan substitution mechanism is also set: you can owe loans!

That is to say, service first, then charge, no interest!

However, this service should be limited to those who want the future. Let's put it figuratively: the timeline is abbreviated as A three years later and B three years ago. Third brother A and B exchanged the current B in time and space, but third brother B didn't exchange, so third brother B didn't disappear, but the host responsible for the transaction was B time and space, and he didn't receive the exchange fee immediately. After the protagonist group returns to a time and space, the owner of a time and space will charge a fee, which is for all creatures in six worlds. But just do this, why is B's time and space insufficient, and the customer does not give money after doing it himself, thinking: If you don't give money, you have to write an IOU! Therefore, the soul of brother b time and space is branded with debt.

But I'm not in YY because of this IOU brand. Everyone thinks: how did the present of B space-time come from? It was exchanged by a third brother of time and space! Then I mentioned Su He and said that the number of souls cannot be increased or decreased. What if there is one more in B-space? Then you have to subtract one. The celestial orbit will correct all the mistakes by itself. What is the most scientific? It is to erase the life of B space-time corresponding to the wishing person who exchanged A space-time, that is to say, to erase the third brother of B space-time, but this is also against justice, because space-time cannot be chaotic, so the best way is to let the life of the third brother of B space-time not count until he exchanges it three years later!

In other words, the exchange of the third brother means that the debt has been paid off, and now it is the successor of the third brother's soul, so the current soul has no debt, then there is no debt three years ago, and the third brother has debt three years ago.

For example, the life of others is a solid line, and the life of the third brother is a dotted line to distinguish it. So back to the previous topic, the third brother changed the present, and now he and the third brother are the same soul. Qi is a part of the soul of the third brother, and it was originally with the life of the third brother. Third brother was suddenly pulled into the dotted line. Why did Qi's life lotus suddenly appear with the present life lotus? Don't you get it? Prayer and this life lotus together, not because of the secret method, but because of the soul, because the soul of the third brother lacks the small part of prayer, so today is also the case. When the third brother drew with a dotted line, the life lotus that he prayed for naturally stuck to the present life lotus, and it should be normal to say that the fragments of the soul are attractive.

So the conclusion is: both the prayer and the present soul are Bian's soul, and the prayer is only a small part, so although I woke up at the same time, my mind was duller than today, but after my death today, my soul was combined with the small part of the prayer, so I became much smarter after praying.

2. What are the present and prayer in the ending?

This is not so easy to say. Although everyone can guess that winning the boss+praying for change, how does it work? Why didn't Shuangyue and others finally know each other? Answer the last question first. Before answering, I complained a lot: who said that the ending is resurrected now?

(The role of winning the boss is actually to send the soul, because his original time in Shou Yuan is less than 1 year, and so is the person being exchanged. Then why did he send the head in the end? Is to send a soul, ask for a soul, he is a soul, so that he can finally come out for a secular prayer, and win the boss originally wanted to exchange the third one, but it's a pity that when I first discussed with Su He, the leading group had returned to his timeline, so he had forgotten the third one. Although the third child said that he would pay for bimonthly, the last sentence of their conversation was the boss's "Qingfei and Xiao Yuan are looking forward to your return." )

Su exhorted Wan to say: There is no resurrection, no creation, only exchange. Lao Tzu is not a god, but a wage earner who manages memory!

Why do so many people think that Surh can revive people? Just because of one sentence: "I can live the life it expects." ?

Why don't we stop thinking about whether "what we expect" is a very subjective thing? If I make a wish: "I look forward to making a person exactly like my memory." Su Can Ho did this? Obviously not, because this is a paradox: I exchange myself, but my existence will be erased and there will be no me. How can there be my memory?

So if you carefully understand what Su He said "what you expect", you should find that it has a certain scope of use. So, what is the scope? I think, actually, I'm not sure myself. Why? Because after he completes the exchange for others, he will forget the person who made the wish himself, and naturally he will not remember: What did the person who made the wish promise? Have you finished your own work? Is it what the wisher expected? Unless there is a traveler like third brother, he can see his achievements, but this is rare, right?

The celestial orbit correction is not only to change the memory, but to make these memories and reality completely come true, not like, how to correct the celestial orbit about resurrection? Others ran to ask the resurrected people: How did you resurrect? The resurrected man replied: I don't know. Is it over? The celestial orbit is bound to correct a real thing and bring it back to life, but how?

Resurrection is a fate. Will Heaven correct a resurrection potion that violates its own settings? Isn't that a BUG?

I think it is impossible for the dead to be resurrected, so I dare to speculate that the people who are bought by Longtan will not exist, they will be brand-new and can be like the dead before, but the existence of the dead will disappear with the emergence of new people. Finally, now I don't know everyone with the prayers, and no one knows them. That's what it means. (All premises are the same timeline)

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, before making a wish, the boss will let Su He exchange himself and Qi for new gifts and new prayers. There is no previous memory, because there can be no exchange for Qi, and it is impossible to remember her today. However, if you can really revive the present, then others will remember the present, but they will find a partner and leave Qi, so they will not be happy together. So, the boss made a wish and asked for a gift.

I think the plot of Shenzhou VI is quite powerful, not only in terms of sensationalism, but also with almost no loopholes. Even a small detail will have a corresponding plot. For example, the boss wants to change the future and send Qingfei to that stockade. As a result, the third child quietly told the second sister that he was going to transfer classes, and he took the initiative to correspond to the established future. As a result, he was hurt by prayer and had to exchange gifts. There are many similar ones, which I can't remember at the moment. In a word, I think the plot is worthy of scrutiny. It can be seen that the screenwriter is trying his best to make Liu Xian's world outlook and settings conform to the requirements of the plot, which is very serious.