Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - What is the principle of bird fortune-telling video?

What is the principle of bird fortune-telling video?

Bird fortune telling

Two words at the beginning of loneliness

Lonely policy, lonely beauty, lonely sleep, lonely tent, lonely light, lonely young island orphans.

Lonely Lonely Sword Lonely Lonely Temple Lonely Lonely Lonely Lonely Lonely Lonely Lonely Lonely Lonely Lonely

Lonely saints, lonely stalks, lonely hearts, lonely cowards, lonely toads, lonely flatness and loneliness.

Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely.

Lonely house, lonely nephew, lonely lonely, lonely lonely, lonely lonely.

Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely.

Lonely horn, lonely song, lonely pony, lonely support

Lonely roots, lonely souls, lonely performances, lonely armies, lonely rainbows and lonely pianos.

Lonely lights and lonely talk about loneliness and loneliness make lonely birds lonely.

Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely.

Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely.

Lonely cranes, isolated acres, lonely wounds, lonely people, lonely poverty and loneliness.

Loneliness, weakness, loneliness, loneliness, loneliness, loneliness, loneliness, loneliness, loneliness, loneliness, loneliness

Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely.

Lonely meal, lonely sorrow, lonely reward, lonely anger, lonely progress.

Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely.

Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely.

Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely.

Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely.

Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely.

Loneliness, cold, loneliness, loneliness, loneliness, loneliness, loneliness, loneliness.

Lonely base, lonely forest, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely and dangerous.

Lonely hiding, lonely children, lonely floating, lonely orchids, lonely old geese and lonely mountains.

Loneliness is better than loneliness, loneliness, loneliness, loneliness.

Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely.

The first word is an orphan word of two word groups.

Solitary minister: 1. Lonely and helpless or not being reused. 2. Ignorant courtiers.

Orphan: orphan: an isolated and helpless distant minister in the feudal court; Illegitimate: An illegitimate child born to a concubine. Metaphor meets difficulties and difficulties. ...

Loneliness: loneliness: loneliness; Pride: arrogance. Arrogant and withdrawn, difficult to get along with others.

Loneliness: loneliness: loneliness; Standard: high standard. Self-esteem, pride. Original Description of Ao Shuang's Independent Morphology of Chrysanthemum ...

Lonely figure: 1. Let me down.

Lonely exaggeration: 1. Lonely exaggeration.

Loneliness: 1. Lonely melancholy.

Loneliness: refers to loneliness without a partner.

Lonely label: lonely label: unique label; Unique: outstanding and unique. Describe the personality is extremely lofty.

Solitary brace: 1. Single pillar.

Chen Gu: 1. Ancient soothsayers' terminology. The heavenly stem is the sun, the earthly branch is Chen, and the earthly branch without heavenly stem matching is called solitary Chen. such as ...

Lonely hug: 1. No one understands this ambition.

Gu cheng: 1. Isolated cities. 2. Remote towns or villages.

Practice alone: 1. Noble moral exercise.

Lonely toad: 1. Of the moon.

Lonely sincerity: 1. Still lonely and loyal.

Solitary policy: 1. Single employee. It refers to traveling alone.

Solitary: 1. Of the spleen. The ancients used five zang-organs to match the four seasons, liver to match spring, heart to match summer, lung to match autumn, kidney to match winter, and spleen to match nothing. ...

Widowed: 1. Fortune tellers are superstitious: birth, female, widowed, that is, the Lord has no husband.

Orphaned book: refers to a book with only one version circulating in the world, and also refers to the only unpublished manuscript or original that has died. ...

Isolated: 1. Isolated, cheated.

Loneliness: 1. Lonely and cowardly; Lonely and weak. It also refers to poor, weak or lonely people.

Lonely sign: refers to the top of a prominent mountain, tree, etc.: Lonely sign appears | I saw the lonely marked mountain top from a distance.

Solitary pull: 1. Stand up straight and stand out. 2. Describe outstanding and unique.

Lone brake: 1. Isolated Buddhist temple.

Solitary Zen: 1. It refers to a lonely monk.

Orphan chick: 1. Also known as "orphans". 2. Young birds that have lost their mother birds. 3. Metaphor for young orphans.

Orphan: 1. Tomb without owner.

Lonely: 1. Lonely and scattered.

Lonely and arrogant: withdrawn and arrogant.

The first word is a four-character orphan, a four-character idiom that begins with an orphan.

Alone in the boat: it is a metaphor for acting alone, which doesn't help.

Orphans and widows: children who have lost their fathers and women who have lost their husbands. Generally refers to people who have lost their loved ones and are helpless.

Lonely men and women: refers to single men and women.

Isolated and helpless: only one person or one party has the strength and can't get outside assistance.

Looking in the mirror alone: a metaphor for the grief of a widowed or widowed person over his own fate.

Lonely cloud wild crane: a cloud floating in the air alone, a crane roaming freely in the wilderness. Always refers to people who are idle and do not seek fame and fortune.

Lonely and confident: lonely: withdrawn. Refers to aloof and lofty, pretentious.

Suspension alone: Jude said suspension alone. Describe isolation and helplessness.

Loneliness: loneliness: loneliness, helplessness. Lonely and miserable, with no support.

Orphans and widows: refers to children and women left behind after the death of men.

Loneliness: loneliness: loneliness; Hong: Hongyan; Widow: a widowed woman; Siniperca: Swan. A lonely swan without a partner. Metaphor for men and women who have lost their spouses.

Widowed: generally refers to a helpless person.

Lonely label: lonely label: unique label; Unique: outstanding and unique. Describe the personality is extremely lofty.

A lonely bird, a rotten mouse. Metaphor is a humble person or thing that is not worth talking about.

Fight alone: do your best. The helpless army fought alone. It also means that a person or a group tries to fight without support or help.

Go your own way: go your own way. Don't listen to advice and act according to your own wishes.

Loneliness: I still say I'm lonely.

Ignorance: humble: shallow; Rarely: rarely. Describe a shallow knowledge, knowledge is not wide.

Put all your eggs in one basket: bet all your money on it at once to win or lose. Metaphor is to take the last risk with all one's strength at a critical moment.

Widowed: generally refers to people who have no ability to work and are helpless.

Solitary sentence: refers to fragments and isolated sentences.

Loneliness: loneliness: loneliness; Single: Alone. Describe being alone and having no relatives or friends.

Loneliness: loneliness: loneliness. Describe being alone and having no relatives or friends.

Alone: a single person. This is a metaphor for working alone without any support.

Orphan: orphan: an isolated and helpless distant minister in the feudal court; Illegitimate: An illegitimate child born to a concubine. It is a metaphor for people who encounter difficulties and hardships.

Lonely shadow: refers to being alone.

It takes two hands to make a sound: it takes two hands to make a sound. Metaphor depends on strength, it is difficult to accomplish anything.

Loneliness: A lonely person. Describe orphans without relatives.

Isolation: refers to no one to support and no one to help.

Lonely brigade: brigade: army. Refers to a weak army or other forces.

Learning classics that will be lost.

Ungrateful: refers to abandoning kindness.

Loneliness: loneliness: a friend without a spouse is a metaphor for a man who has lost his spouse; Widow: Widow's metaphor. Refers to men and women who have lost their spouses.

Lonely words have a unique meaning: they refer to fragmentary written materials.

Loneliness: refers to loneliness without a partner.

Stick to your own opinion: don't accept other people's opinions and stubbornly act according to your own ideas.

Lonely and dangerous: refers to lonely and unique behavior.

Lonely crane: a bird that has lost its spouse. Later, it was also used to describe a widowed person.

Ungrateful: refers to ingratitude

Alone: a metaphor for finishing a job without help.

Loneliness: loneliness: loneliness; Standard: high standard. Self-esteem, pride. Original description of the independent form of chrysanthemum in Ao Shuang. Metaphor is arrogant and unconventional.

Loneliness: Being single and helpless, feeling lonely.

Alone: describes isolation.

Lonely dolphin rotten mouse: a despicable person or thing that is not worth talking about. Both are "lonely young rotten rats".

Withdrawn: Do not accept other people's opinions, and stubbornly act according to your own opinions.

Lonely yin is not long, and lonely yang is not born;

Orphans and calves touch their breasts: the original intention is that the only son is spoiled and encourages arrogance, and his parents suffer greatly. After metaphor helpless people ask for help from others.

Single pillow: A single pillow means being alone at night.

Isolation: only one person or one side has the strength and can't get outside assistance.

Loneliness: generally refers to helpless people.

Loneliness: loneliness: loneliness; Pride: arrogance. Arrogant and withdrawn, difficult to get along with others.

Loneliness and bitterness: describe loneliness, hardship and helplessness.

Ghost: a metaphor for a person who has no dependence and is in a difficult situation.

Go deep alone: Go deep into the enemy's combat zone alone.

Independence: the proposition of ancient emperors. The latter refers to people who are divorced from the masses and isolated and helpless.

Loneliness and self-appreciation: loneliness: a fragrant flower, unique for a period of time. Compare yourself to a fragrant flower and appreciate yourself. Metaphor pretends to be lofty.