Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Recently, many people in their fifties have left. Is there really any hurdle?

Recently, many people in their fifties have left. Is there really any hurdle?

Many people around the age of 50 have left. Is there a hurdle that you can't get through?

In fact, there is no hurdle, but the age of about 50 is indeed the most stressful stage in life and the most prone to problems. Because, at this age, the pressure on people is really great.

First of all, at this age, parents are basically old. Therefore, they have to bear the responsibility and pressure of supporting their parents.

In fact, the children have basically grown up, and it is time to talk about marriage. They should consider their children's house, car and marriage.

Also, even at this age, my career has basically reached a bottleneck. If I don't work hard, my personal and professional prospects will basically stop here.

In addition, at this age, various physical problems have begun to appear, and health problems have certainly begun to decline. After all, this machine has been running for 50 years. Therefore, if you don't pay attention, you will easily suffer from various diseases.

Therefore, in recent years, many people around 45 and 55 have left one after another, especially in the field of scientific research. Therefore, people often call this age the dangerous age of life.

This is really a wake-up call for people of this age, and everyone still has to take care of themselves.

Indeed, as the saying goes, health is the capital of revolution. No matter how stressed you are, how busy you are at work and how many things you have, you should pay attention to your health, ensure your health and get through the crisis.

My third aunt and fourth aunt had strokes before they were fifty years old, and they were both paralyzed in bed.

At the age of 54, Sanyi couldn't get past this important hurdle in life, so she gave up on herself.

Fourth aunt is sick and has sequelae, and she can't walk very smoothly. She needs crutches to move, but her old man is still alive.

Maybe you have to ask: Do they have genetic problems?

I can definitely answer that they are not genetic problems, because my grandfather never had a stroke, and he left at the age of 83.

What's more, the third aunt and the fourth aunt are sisters of the reorganized family, and their fathers and mothers are different. Third aunt is my grandfather's third daughter, and fourth aunt is my grandfather's second wife's daughter. They are not much different in age. They came to a family when they were about ten years old.

Sanyi got married very early under the arrangement of her parents. The two sisters haven't been together for a long time, so the mutual influence is not too great.

Third aunt and fourth aunt were healthy when they were young, and nothing happened to them.

Sanyi is a notoriously hard work. She worked hard all her life. She worked like a man, raised three children and built a wedding room for her only son.

The children are old and the family business has been laid. Third aunt can rest, but she has worked hard all her life and can't stop. She still exercises day and night.

In the winter when Sanyi was 46 years old, she went to help her relatives cook for three days. When she got home, she felt dizzy and headache, thinking that she had a cold after staying up all night, and it would be fine to have a rest.

My third aunt, who has never stopped, lies down, but she can't get up anymore. Third aunt had a stroke. She collapsed in bed and couldn't take care of herself at all.

After several years of treatment, Sanyi can finally stand up and basically take care of herself.

Everyone is happy for her, but Third Aunt's spirit is out of order again, because she misses her only son so much. Since she fell ill, her son, whom she regarded as the hope for the rest of her life, has never appeared again. There is no news, and I don't know where she is, let alone whether she is on the earth.

After Third Aunt's mental problems, she often went out to find her son. After many disappointments, she drank a large bottle of pesticide in despair when no one was at home, and ended her life. The departure of Third Aunt made many people feel sad. Why is she so sad?

Third aunt, she wants to be strong all her life, and she is not over 50 years old.

Fourth aunt was beautiful when she was young, cheerful, articulate, and happily married. She raised two beautiful daughters and had a smooth life.

At the age of 49, Sisi Lee was paralyzed by a stroke. After treatment, Sisi Lee was still alive, although the disease left a sequela and she needed to walk with crutches.

Why do three aunts and four aunts also pass 50, but the ending is completely different? I think there are several main reasons:

First, personality reasons

Sanyi is introverted, and she just wants to contribute in obscurity all her life. She works hard for her family and children, seeking only the recognition of her family and the filial piety of her children. Third aunt always keeps big and small things in her heart, and all the unhappiness and troubles are borne by one person until life is unbearable.

Fourth aunt is cheerful and likes to joke. She knows what she has done and what others have done. She never cares about all the big and small things at home. What will she say about injustice and unhappiness? Even if she is seriously ill in bed, she will still express her happiness and unhappiness.

Second, family relations.

Third aunt is weak, and the marriage is arranged by her parents. She has no opinion.

It may also be fate that her arranged marriage is not happy. Third aunt doesn't know how to resist. In fact, in those days, resistance was useless. So she resigned for decades, and her third aunt, who had never been warm in her family, left in front of the 50-year-old Dakan.

Sisi Lee is outgoing and cheerful. Although her marriage was arranged by her parents, she didn't get married until she was satisfied.

Fourth Uncle is a capable person with a sense of family responsibility. Fourth Aunt has a good family relationship, and their family is very happy. Therefore, when Sisi Lee was sick and faced with the test of life and death, she was obsessed with the beauty of the world and fought resolutely against the disease.

Third, the company of children.

Third aunt has no position at home, only a working life. Children are rebellious because they come from unhappy families, and everyone doesn't want to stay in that family.

Third aunt doted on her son in her early years and pinned all her hopes on her only son.

But her son is spoiled and has no gratitude at all. When she was ill and needed his reward, he hid. This is a fatal blow to Third Aunt. Her son has been unwilling to show up, which dashed all her hopes and she left in despair.

Fourth aunt is different. Although her super-born child is still a daughter, it does not affect family relations. Without sons, they raised their daughters well and had good jobs in their hometown. Therefore, when Siyi is sick, the two daughters can take care of her and accompany her at any time.

Because of the differences in personality, family relationship and children's companionship, Sanyi and Siyi have different life endings when they cross 50 years old.

Write at the end:

At the age of 50, both men and women have accumulated some pains in their bodies, especially women, who have to undergo the test of menopause. Therefore, for friends who are approaching 50 years old, it is necessary for us to slow down, know how to let go, know how to choose, treat diseases with an optimistic attitude, and treat all the bad things in life.

When we are almost 50 years old, it is necessary for us to pay attention to our machine that has been running for 50 years, do physical examination on time and actively treat diseases; Manage your life well, don't eat and drink willfully, don't let the "three highs" and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases bother you, don't smoke and drink less, don't stay up late, and exercise frequently; More importantly, we should manage our emotions and let go of everything.

As long as we have a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, even if there is a hurdle at the age of 50, as long as we are strong, we will certainly be able to cross it.

As long as we don't lose heart, everything will have hope!

May all friends cross the threshold of 50 safely, and a better life is still waiting for us!

No threshold is normal. Take me for example. I am 56 years old, but I have suffered from various diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes. I have to rely on drugs to maintain pulmonary nodules every day. Let's just say that this should be lucky. If I am unfortunately diagnosed with lung cancer that day, I will die in a short time. In this way, I will not live to be 60 years old. I have to fight the disease every day. Too much hard work will eventually affect our flesh and blood, and illness is inevitable. If it is a treatable disease, it is possible. If it is a malignant disease, it is at this age that we will die. There are no people of all ages on the road to death. As long as we leave this world without pain and feel at ease, that is a comfort.

There are no obstacles. There is only one disease in this world, and that is poverty. Fighting for money has dragged down my health, and I don't want to go to the hospital for examination to save money, and I don't want to spend money to see a doctor.

It used to be said that 73 and 84 were a hurdle, and the ghost king didn't ask him to go. Now that this hurdle has passed ahead of schedule, terrorists are beginning to like the lucky number 8.

Many male friends around me died at the age of 48 or 58, one of whom died at the age of 38. The earliest 28-year-old was stabbed with a knife and took a taxi to the hospital. It is said that the doctor didn't want to take care of this fight. The doctor was very busy and died in time. At that time, his wife had been pregnant for four months. When he died, she aborted the child. Then I got married again, not long after. Now I'm still alone, working as a nanny in Beijing!

When people reach middle age, they are old and young, and their lives are under great pressure. Coupled with the bad habits of smoking and drinking, it is easy to suffer from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Those 48-year-old friends and classmates all died of brain stem bleeding. Parents, wives and children live in infinite pain.

There is also a 58-year-old friend who is a heavy drinker. He has advanced pancreatic cancer. Although the operation was performed, the doctor said that it would take several months and he would not survive the end of the year.

When a man is 8 years old, he must pay attention to his health, which is really a hurdle in life. After the age of 60, you can basically live a long and healthy life.

I think: people who leave at the age of 50 have nothing to worry about. As the saying goes, "seventy-three, eighty-four leap jun uninvited." Those who live to be over seventy-four may live to be eighty, and those who live to be over eighty-two may live to be ninety. Human furniture says this is an obstacle. In real life, many of my friends and colleagues left in their fifties, mainly due to physical diseases, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, bad heart, etc ... Some of them died of illness before and after retirement. Some of them are friends and colleagues, and they were particularly shocked when they heard about it. They think it is impossible. Some of them were in good health at that time, and people had great energy to work together and made friends soon. Through this incident, I understand that for some people, life is not long. People live in the present, as long as their desires are not too high and they spend enough money. They should enjoy the beauty of eating, dressing and playing, and feel happy every day, so don't complain that they will go once in their lives, and live one day at a time. Don't they all enjoy the beauty and happiness of life?

Fifty years old is not a hurdle. It's superstitious to say that when you are born, you will rush to the law. To tell the truth, most people in their fifties are exhausted and die in various ways, but no matter how they die, they are irresponsible to themselves. In addition to accidental death, there is some conceit.

The most common way of death is at this stage, when you die of a heart attack, brain or other diseases. This kind of people do not pay attention to their physical condition, never check their bodies, and think that they have a long way to go compared with the elderly, and their physical function is not serious. When they found the symptoms, it was too late. This kind of thinking is extremely irresponsible to yourself.

There is a kind of person who is exhausted. At this stage, there are old people to support in the world and children to support in the world, and prosperity is not bad. People in adversity are exhausted physically and mentally. They work day and night and try their best to make a living, which makes their mental stress high, which leads to high blood pressure and damages their health. They have no time and energy to take care of themselves. From bad to worse, they are exhausted.

Others died in too much sex, living in extreme disorder, overeating, drinking and having fun, exhaustion of physical function, irreparable loss of instruments and pipes, and unconsciously died of failure.

In short, you are not young in your fifties. Besides doing things thoroughly, you should take care of yourself. Never give up on yourself and let yourself go until you regret it!

It seems that there is indeed a big hurdle around 50, that is, Yao, who died young.

Qin Shihuang died at the age of 49, and Li Shimin died at the age of 51. These are all famous emperors in history. Even so, there are many ordinary people! Therefore, there is a saying in history that "fifty will not die", that is, people are most likely to die at the age of fifty.

Why do people die easily around the age of 50? Fifty years old is the pinnacle of a person's career, and it is also the most easily exhausted age. Didn't Zhu Gekongming die a few years after he was fifty? He is a world miracle who is proficient in medicine from astronomy to geography! This strange man is doomed, too Is he mortal?

In modern times, 50 years old is also a robbery. The man got married at the age of 20 to 30, gave birth to a child around the age of 30, and began a difficult entrepreneurial journey after the age of 30. At the age of 40, his career began to flourish. At the age of 50, there were a lot of oppositions and many contradictions within the family. At this time, people were so busy that both Qin Shihuang and Emperor Taizong died of external troubles and internal troubles.

That is the age of ordinary people now, such as unit leaders, scholars and professors, doctors and so on. , is also a hurdle. The job competition in the unit, the promotion in business or not, and the fierce academic debate all involve fame and fortune. In addition, family conflicts between the elderly and children have also contributed to this situation. It can be said that ordinary people are also under siege. If there is no good way to deal with heart disease and cancer, it will be a narrow escape!

Facts have proved that fifty years old is really a hurdle and the biggest hurdle in life.

Half a month ago, a man here died in Italy, less than 50 years old. Because he was infected with COVID-19, he was cremated locally, and even his ashes were gone.

Because people left in a hurry, and the family didn't know. Fortunately, this man was with his distant relatives, and their relatives sent a message in Tik Tok informing this man's son to go through the necessary formalities in China.

This is a sad news. In a situation like this, there are basically no bones outside, not even ashes. Going abroad in a hurry at this time requires a lot of money, and there are all kinds of complicated procedures. There is no point in getting to the point. The family was very sad and really confused.

Listen to the villagers outside, the local people in China, like this situation, there are several people whose families don't know. They think that going out is gilded, they can make a lot of money, and they can return to their hometown beautifully, but they can't even return to their roots.

Two of the relatives around died at this age. One of them died of a heart attack. On the first day, he was still planning his own career. In the evening, he happily eats and drinks with his family and sleeps at night. People left quietly without leaving a word.

A woman is old, becoming a grandmother, doing housework during the day, cooking three meals a day, taking her grandson and doing some small business at home. In the evening, it is this woman's carnival. This woman especially likes playing mahjong, and she also likes playing big ones. She was very nervous. When she lost and won, her blood pressure went up and down. After touching a handful of yards, she fell unconscious on the table and left three days later.

There are few women in this situation, but there are many middle-aged men.

Middle-aged men are introverted and especially like to suppress themselves. They like to fight their stress by smoking, staying up late and drinking, and even suffering all night. Pretending nothing happened during the day, busy with work, irregular life and poor diet are particularly prone to problems.

At this age, I suddenly left, and I haven't had time to enjoy the wealth I earned in my life. I left it to future generations. What a pity! As long as you think about this, it is estimated that everyone can figure it out. Don't think too much and don't work too hard. Think for yourself, and enjoy yourself when you are alive, just for a word. Thanks for your support.

Last month, a male relative of mine just sat at the mahjong table this morning. Before Qi people played mahjong, he suddenly fell to the ground with chest pain and never got up again. He will live to be 49 years old at most. Although he won't live long, he is living too well. It's a long story When one of my relatives was in junior high school in his teens, he asked the teacher for leave, saying that his mother was ill and needed to be taken care of, but he ran to the street to play cards with gangsters. After graduating from junior high school, his family asked someone to arrange a job in the factory. He still missed work for three days to play cards and mahjong. Two years later, the factory fired him, and his family asked someone to return to the factory. But a few years later, the factory closed down and he became a social person completely. In the meantime, getting married and having children, housing, eating and going to school all depend on parents, brothers and sisters, and have never suffered anything. Besides hanging around the mahjong table on the street every day, I also drink alcohol, of course, all of which are low-alcohol blended wine. He often eats only one meal a day and drinks four and a half pounds a day. His life is seriously irregular and his body is seriously overdrawn. I heard that he often had chest pain a few years ago. Once his sister spent money to complete the medical examination. When he heard that the medical examination would take one day, he delayed playing mahjong and simply didn't go to the medical examination. Played for most of my life and died at the poker table. This is treating human life like dirt. I want to feel that his life is really boring, but there are too many such people in society.