Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Interim Measures of Jilin Municipality on the Administration of Night Market

Interim Measures of Jilin Municipality on the Administration of Night Market

Article 1 In order to strengthen the management of the night market, these Measures are formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state and the province and combined with the actual situation of our city. Second night market management should adhere to the principles of prospering the market, invigorating the economy, facilitating circulation and facilitating the masses. Article 3 All units and individuals that run night markets and engage in night market business activities within the administrative area of this Municipality shall abide by these Measures. Article 4 To start a night market, the following conditions must be met:

(a) does not hinder road traffic.

(two) does not affect the integrity of landscaping and public facilities.

(three) does not affect the normal life of the surrounding residents.

(four) a spacious, flat, easy to maintain order and clean up the site. Article 5 A unit that runs a night market must apply to the local district administrative department for industry and commerce, which, in conjunction with the district urban management and public security traffic departments, will conduct an audit, which will be reported to the municipal government for approval after being audited by the district government. Article 6 The organizer shall strengthen the management of the night market, maintain the order in the venue, arrange the stalls reasonably, and organize the opening and closing of the market according to the time stipulated by the relevant departments. Seventh night market environmental sanitation management by the organizer, and after the dissolution of the market to organize special cleaning, keep the market clean and tidy. Eighth night markets can handle food, agricultural and sideline products, local products, light industrial products, audio-visual products, books and periodicals. Ninth units and individuals engaged in business activities (hereinafter referred to as operators) must hold a business license issued by the administrative department for Industry and commerce. Engaged in food business must also hold a food business hygiene license, and employees must hold a health certificate issued by the food hygiene management department; Operators of audio-visual products must also hold a distribution license issued by the administrative department of radio and television; Book operators must also hold a business license issued by the book management department. Article 10 The commodities handled by business operators must be neatly arranged and clearly marked. Eleventh operators engaged in business activities in the night market must abide by the following provisions:

(1) Mobile hawking is prohibited.

(two) are not allowed to use the national banned and unqualified measuring instruments.

(three) no inferior quality, counterfeiting, adulteration, short weight.

(four) are not allowed to buy and sell, drive up prices, dominate the market.

(5) It is forbidden to practice medicine and sell medicines.

(six) are not allowed to issue obscene books, audio-visual products.

(seven) gambling, divination and fortune telling are not allowed.

(eight) are not allowed to enter the field in advance and delay the appearance.

(nine) do not litter, dumping sewage.

(ten) are not allowed to trample on green space and damage and pollution of public facilities. Twelfth food business must comply with the provisions of the "Regulations on the implementation of food hygiene management in urban and rural fairs in Jilin Province". Thirteenth operators should pay market management fees (including booth fees) and related taxes and fees according to regulations. Fourteenth operators must accept the supervision and inspection of food hygiene supervisors, and the meat products they operate must be quarantined by the meat inspection department. Fifteenth in violation of the provisions of urban management, industry and commerce, health, price, taxation, public security, etc., shall be punished by the competent authorities in accordance with the relevant provisions, until criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law. In violation of these measures, the industrial and commercial department or the relevant contract department shall be punished according to the following provisions:

(a) in violation of the provisions of article fifth of the night market without authorization, in addition to be banned, punishable by a fine of one hundred yuan to two hundred yuan.

(two) in violation of the provisions of the eighth category of business, it shall be ordered to stop business and impose a fine of less than 30% of the value of the goods; If you continue to operate, you can double the punishment; Despite repeated warnings, the goods were confiscated.

(three) in violation of the provisions of the eleventh (a) and (eight), in the night market, not according to the prescribed time, and impose a fine of twenty yuan.

(four) in violation of other provisions of article eleventh, practicing medicine, selling drugs, gambling, fortune telling, buying and selling goods in the night market, shall be punished according to the relevant provisions. Article 16 The administrative department for industry and commerce shall exercise unified leadership and management over the night market, and relevant departments such as urban management, public security, health, industry and commerce, animal husbandry, culture, taxation, etc. shall, according to their respective division of labor, cooperate with each other to invigorate and manage the night market. Seventeenth of these measures shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.