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Ten stone to ward off evil spirits

Ten stone to ward off evil spirits

We all know that China is a country that attaches great importance to Taoist Feng Shui. Do you know which of the top ten stones are? Come and see the top ten strange stones with me. I hope I can help you.

Top ten evil spirits stones 1 1 obsidian

Obsidian is a black gem naturally formed by volcanic lava, which has always been an extremely evil thing in people's eyes. Because in ancient Buddhist culture, there are many town houses or sacred objects to ward off evil spirits, as well as obsidian carved Buddha statues.


Ancient Egyptians would believe that malachite is a unique amulet, which can protect children if a piece of malachite is hung on the cradle of children. Then, all evil spirits will be dispelled, and the children will sleep peacefully and sweetly.

3. Tourmaline

China people have always attached great importance to homophony, and tourmaline's homophony is similar to "exorcism", so it is regarded as an important gem to ward off evil spirits and enhance auspiciousness.

4. Blonde hair

Blonde crystal is a kind of crystal with different kinds of needle-like inclusions in minerals, and its lucky function is probably the most well known to the public. In addition to bringing wealth, it is actually a very good amulet and lucky one, because gold corresponds to the sun gear, which can prevent the interference of turbidity and paranormal.

5. Red coral

In ancient China, red coral was regarded as an auspicious and happy thing, representing noble power, so it was also called "Ruibao", a symbol of happiness and eternity.

6. Cinnabar

The color of cinnabar is bright red as blood and even sunny. Cinnabar is red, and it has been the representative of exorcism and avoidance of harm since ancient times, so it is suitable for all people who have no contact with each other, and can strengthen the body resistance, soothe the nerves and detoxify.


King Kong Bodhi is regarded as "Shiva's tears" in the Indian church, which can crack all evils and is regarded as one of the evil spirits.

8.dzi beads

Tianzhu is a Buddhist relic in Tibet. The cause of the dzi bead is that after the crustal movement, the shellfish at the bottom of the sea came to the plateau to weather and formed this dzi bead.


Turquoise is one of the seven treasures of Buddhism. In this mysterious pure land of Tibet, turquoise has a very lofty position. You know, the crown of the first Tibetan king was inlaid with turquoise. Turquoise can enhance people's healthy qi, achieve the effect of exorcism and prevent liver disease.

10, Emerald

Jade is the king of jade. It is not only beautiful in color, but also valuable. Can also be psychic. Legend has it that if jade is broken, it is to avoid disaster for the wearer. Wearing jade for a long time can not only protect your body, but also enhance your immunity.

Second, what are the precautions for wearing gems?

1, worn close to the skin, exposed to sweat, cosmetics, weak acid and alkali, it is easy to make the surface lose its luster, so it should be cleaned with water regularly and then wiped clean.

2. If you don't wear it for a long time, some jade surfaces will be weathered. You can dip it in some oil or recover it, and you can return to normal.

3. Don't rub against hard objects to avoid fragmentation.

Ten evil spirits II. obsidian

Obsidian is a black gem formed by volcanic rocks after thousands of years of precipitation. Although it is not expensive in Wan Wen, it is quite popular with some players. It is said that the role of obsidian in exorcism is the most effective in Wan Wen circle, because in ancient Buddhism, the Buddha statues and utensils used to exorcise evil spirits were all made of obsidian, so now most of the obsidian on the market in Wan Wen are carved.

However, this statement is not true after all. There is also the truest statement that obsidian has a magnetic field, which can affect people's mood, relieve stress, relieve anxiety and other effects, and at the same time, it can also enhance people's temperament and make them reach a very friendly state, which is also a kind of evil spirits.

However, it is also important to wear obsidian. For example, it is best to wear obsidian on the wrist and neck, not on other parts. Obsidian also has the function of making money. If it is worn on the right hand, it is lucky; if it is worn on the right hand, it is evil. Therefore, whether male or female players, do not need to pay attention to male left and female right, but to see what their purpose is.

Second, malachite

In Wan Wen circle, malachite is a kind of gem with low price but high face value. Many players like to use malachite to make accessories for Wan Wen bracelets. In fact, malachite has existed since ancient times, and it is a kind of protective gem with a faint blue-green color, which was once favored by the emperor.

The use of malachite can be traced back more than 2000 years. People use malachite to make ornaments and wear them. In Egypt, malachite also has the meaning of protecting children, which can protect their fragile souls. In Germany, malachite can protect itself from death detection.

According to legend, in ancient times, whether at home or abroad, wizards especially liked malachite, and they would draw the pattern of the sun on malachite, so that malachite could use the power of the sun to ward off some harmful things, that is, the so-called evil spirits.

Third, tourmaline

Tourmaline is no stranger to everyone, because tourmaline is a very beautiful gem, and its value in Wan Wen is very high. Both male and female players can't resist gorgeous colors and crystal texture, so tourmaline is a well-known gem.

The homonym of tourmaline is similar to ward off evil spirits. Therefore, in China, a country that likes to write about tourism, tourmaline has become synonymous with evil spirits. It is said that tourmaline can relieve stress, improve fortune, eliminate disasters and avoid evil spirits. Even the Empress Dowager Cixi in the late Qing Dynasty liked tourmaline, a beautiful and evil gem.

Fourth, Jin Fajing

Golden hair crystal is a kind of crystal, because it contains various minerals and forms a needle, so what makes it look like this. The biggest moral of Jin Fajing is to make money, whether it is positive wealth or partial wealth, which is the goal of Jin Fajing. Because of this, many players ignore the role of Jin Fajing in eliminating disasters and evil spirits.

In fact, the golden hair crystal, because it has the effect of crystal, and because it contains a lot of other minerals, the magnetic field is stronger, and it contains more trace elements, which is effective to the human body in any way, so it can not only be used as an amulet, but also as a lucky one.

Verb (abbreviation of verb) red coral

Needless to say, red coral is one of the three most famous organic gems and one of the few Wan Wen from the deep sea. Since ancient times, red coral has been a sacred object to ward off evil spirits, but ironically, it was used most in ancient Rome, not China. In ancient Rome, red coral was made into ornaments and worn on children to protect their safety.

In China, the most commonly used red coral is a symbol of power. In the Qing dynasty, red corals were found in second-class officials, hats and beads, while red corals were not allowed to be used privately below second-class officials. So red coral also represents the meaning of high power.

Red coral is one of the seven treasures of Buddhism. Buddhist monks will make red coral into beads and wear them on their bodies, which can not only get the blessing of mana, but also keep mindfulness from being disturbed by demons. This shows that red coral plays a great role.

Six, cinnabar

Cinnabar was also called Cinnabar and Cinnabar in ancient times, because cinnabar was always used in ancient alchemy, but cinnabar was toxic, especially at the high temperature above 386℃, and mercury was extremely toxic, so many emperors in ancient times died because they ate cinnabar-containing pills.

However, the evil spirits of cinnabar have not been buried. Since ancient times, people think that cinnabar is the most positive thing, which can ward off evil spirits and soothe the nerves and detoxify. Therefore, cinnabar was used in many places in ancient times, such as the charm used to exorcise evil spirits, the Zhu Pi used by the emperor, etc., which is enough to show that cinnabar has the effect of exorcism.

Seven, King Kong Bodhi

In Hinduism, Vajrayana is especially valued, because in Hinduism, Vajrayana is Shiva's tears, which not only has the power to destroy everything and drive away all evil, but also means awakening. Therefore, whether it is foreign or domestic Buddhism, it is useful to make Vajrayana into a bead to wear.

Vajrayana Bodhi is a very masculine Bodhi, and it is also the most positive thing in the world. It has the effect of eliminating yin and evil spirits. Therefore, often wearing and playing Vajrayana Bodhi can eliminate disasters and avoid evil spirits.

Ten evil spirits 3 1, black tourmaline

Tourmaline, also known as tourmaline, has a strong ability to release negative ions. Especially the black tourmaline, made into bracelets to wear on the body, can drive away disasters and evil spirits and enhance people's life atmosphere.

Making decorations at home can also keep the house safe, promote family harmony and accumulate wealth.

2. Obsidian

The cause of obsidian is that the molten salt of the volcano cools rapidly after spraying, so obsidian has a primitive vitality and is hidden like a silent flame.

Therefore, obsidian is also very effective in driving away disasters and evil spirits, which can protect the wearer from ghosts and gods.

However, pyroxene is full of energy and is not suitable for friends who are sub-healthy or sick all the year round. If you really feel uncomfortable, just take it off in time ~

3. dzi beads

Tianzhu is a Buddhist relic in Tibet. The origin of dzi beads is that after the crustal movement, the shellfish on the seabed came to the plateau and weathered to form dzi beads.

Therefore, dzi beads contain the power of mountains and seas and are not afraid of vicissitudes. Wearing dzi beads can broaden one's mind and enhance one's insight and foresight.

4. Red coral

Coral stone is a world-famous protective gem. The ancient Romans believed that wearing coral could avoid disasters, increase wisdom and enrich blood. Therefore, coral is also called "red gold", which has mysterious power and fiery color.

Among all corals in all habitats, Aka coral is the most precious, and the best color is bovine blood red, followed by Sardinia. Attention should be paid when purchasing, the richer the color, the better, and the coral surface should not be flawed as far as possible.


Turquoise is one of the seven treasures of Buddhism. In this mysterious pure land of Tibet, turquoise has a very lofty position. The crown of the first Tibetan king was inlaid with turquoise. Turquoise can enhance people's healthy qi and prevent liver disease.

Turquoise is best produced in Hubei, China, and high porcelain blue is the best.

When buying, try to choose the raw ore turquoise with no iron wire on the surface and close texture.


Jade is the king of jade. It is not only beautiful in color and priceless, but also psychic. Legend has it that if jade is broken, it is to avoid disaster for the wearer. Wearing jade for a long time can not only protect the body, but also enhance immunity.

When buying jadeite, you must look for natural A goods. In addition, it should be evaluated from four aspects: "species, water, color and industry"


Amber is oily and sour, which can make the soul gas field incredible. Amber can stabilize the surrounding airflow magnetic field, making people undisturbed and calm.

The fineness is a very important symbol to measure whether amber is the top grade! Amber can be divided into transparent yellow, golden yellow, red, burgundy, opaque yellowish brown and dense yellow due to the change of succinic acid, and the prices of different colors of amber vary greatly.

Among amber, beeswax is the most popular. In addition, Jin Po, Lanpo and Huapo are also very popular. But now amber is the hardest hit by fraud, and it is difficult for the naked eye to identify it. Look for the certificate when you buy it.

8. Tianhe stone

Tianhe stone is a member of feldspar family and a blue-green variety of microcline. Its color is also fresh and refined in the gem circle.

People think that Tianhe stone is a kind of gem that helps to enhance self-confidence, and it can also help the wearer to save the day, get rid of the entanglement of negative energy, drive away evil spirits and avoid danger.

Moreover, when you sleep at night, taking down the Tianhe stone and putting it beside you can also purify the surrounding magnetic field to a certain extent, so that nightmares can't get close.