Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Does Sakyamuni in Buddhism really exist?

Does Sakyamuni in Buddhism really exist?

Sakyamuni in Buddhism really exists.

He was a Sakyamuni in Kapilowei, central India, and he existed in the middle of the first millennium BC. He lived from 565 BC to 486 BC, almost the same as Confucius in China (55 BC1year to 479 BC), and died seven years earlier than Confucius.

Sakyamuni was born in Khrushchev caste. According to legend, he is a descendant of the famous sugarcane king in ancient India, and his father Sudoku is the king of Kapilao Weiguo (now the border between southern Nepal and India). Before Sakyamuni was born, his mother, Mrs. Moyev, went back to her mother's house to give birth according to the custom at that time. She gave birth to him when she passed by Lumbini Garden (in present-day Nepal). This day is the eighth day of April, and later Buddhism designated this day as the "Buddha's Birthday".

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The life story of Sakyamuni:

1, Sakyamuni became a monk

After Siddhartha left the palace, he first lived a life of begging from door to door. Then he went to visit a saint named Karama, a hermit who lived in Hassan, Laguerie. After Siddhartha discovered Santacara Ma, he followed him to learn how to acquire four Zen and eight Zen through breathing and yoga.

He learned these methods quickly, but he still couldn't get rid of the confusion, because he couldn't find the causes of all kinds of pain and the ways to eliminate them. So Siddhartha left Karama. Later, he learned from another hermit, Ramabodhi, "I must think and decide", but this did not solve his doubts. At this time, Siddhartha decided to find the answer himself.

2. Sakyamuni became a Buddha

One day, Siddhartha meditated on the snowy mountain. Five ascetic monks respected his achievements and were willing to follow him. From then on, they wandered together, lived in the forest and begged for food for a living. After six years of such penance, Siddhartha's body became skinny and on the verge of collapse, but he still didn't find a real way out. Then Siddhartha realized that his asceticism was meaningless.

So, he went to the Nellian Zen River to wash away the dirt that had been deposited on him for six years. Siddhartha came to a Biro tree in Bodhgaya alone and sat cross-legged, summing up past experience and readjusting his way of thinking. After several days of hard thinking, he finally gained a thorough consciousness and became a Buddha, known as Sakyamuni. He was only 35 years old.

3. Sakyamuni established Buddhism.

After Sakyamuni became a Buddha, he immediately went to find the five people who left him. In Liuguyuan, Polonaise, Sakyamuni found them and immediately taught them the Buddhism he had learned. After listening to the teachings, these five people were completely convinced. They all converted to Sakyamuni and became the original disciples of the Buddha, known as the "five monks".

4, Sakyamuni nirvana

After the transformation of the five monks, Sakyamuni led them to continue to talk about Buddhism everywhere, increasing the number of monks and expanding the size of the monk group. Forty-five years later, when Sakyamuni led his disciples to the corpse collection city, he entered nirvana in the grove next to the village of Pawa in the corpse collection city. He is 80 years old.

Baidu encyclopedia-Sakyamuni (Buddha)