Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Urban Power Fortune _ Urban Power Fortune-telling Novels

Urban Power Fortune _ Urban Power Fortune-telling Novels

Urban novels

You can watch the swordsman.

This one tends to be military science fiction.

The style is a bit lyrical.

I have finished this book, so don't worry about eunuchs. ...

The protagonist is 13.

Team: team 7 Secret Service

Team members: 1 (captain), 13, 34, 36.

Important countries: China, USA, Atlantis.

Equipment involved: screen (semi-mecha), mecha, space battleship, deformation fighter, etc.

Another part of the fantasy class

A complicated plot

Have a sense of science fiction

But it is realistic.

Full text of the novel:/files/article/html/0/124/index.html.

Some chapters

Chapter three hundred and seventy-eight Unprecedented disaster

Countless people, countless eyes and countless hearts are waiting for things that they don't want to see happen. ...

In the underground bomb shelter, babies are crying, women are sobbing, men are hesitating, and soldiers are clutching guns. This catastrophe, whether on the ground or underground, is inevitable for a person to face. ...

Face the punishment of God. ...

Beijing at night is even more dead than the previous nights. Unfortunate citizens are hiding at home, shivering at what makes them feel safe.

The tracks of tanks and the footsteps of soldiers came from the street, neat and heavy, which made people's hearts beat wildly.

Perhaps most ignorant citizens don't know what they are facing yet. But we all know that what will happen is absolutely unimaginable. ...

At this time, Xiaoyue also hid under the bed and held her 13 doll tightly. For a ten-year-old child, I may not understand the meaning of the word prayer, but I am still trying to look forward to the emergence of that hero and save everyone and everything. ...

Like other people's unspoken expectations ...

"Hey, it's almost time, the old guy gave it." The snake whispered in his ear and woke Ben in his sleep.

"What time is it now?" I stood up from the glazed tile and stretched myself, only knowing that it was dark and the street lamps were bright.

"Are you a pig? Sleep for more than 20 hours? It's Beijing time now. It's 3: 00 a.m. 15, and it's still 15 minutes before the founder said the satellite crashed. Do you want to kill the satellite in your sleep? " I get angry at the thought of 13. I am a person who has no concept of time.

"It seems that I have slept for a long time. What is the situation in Yun Nie now? " I smiled apologetically and still looked relaxed.

"You are asking about the Z national defense line, right?" The snake's tone is also lazy. "Well, the basic layout is in order. 95% of the coastal evacuation was completed, and 90% of the satellite interception troops were in place. It can't be perfect There is no way. After all, there is too little time. In other words, many people will die ... "

"What is the defense of Beijing?" The smiling face becomes expressionless, because the dead are not funny.

"The defense here can rest assured, WU GANG that guy arranged 30 longteng mecha, is the biggest satellite crash site. Let other troops in this city be responsible for intercepting the remaining 45 satellites, and there should be no problem. But there's always something that worries me ... "This snake looks particularly ugly, as if it had a bone stuck in its throat.

"Are there any variables?" 13 has the same depressed feeling in my heart.

"I don't know what to say. I just hope this is my imagination, otherwise all my efforts will be in vain."

"No problem, hard work will definitely pay off." I clenched my fist, and my consciousness was so firm.

In country M, a carnival scene was staged. The doors of Noah's warships were opened, and countless mecha landed in the landing, holding the bodies and raising their guns to the sky. Flying air assault mecha are hovering, and the weapon system is on full alert. ...

"Come on." Grasping the metal railing on the side, the countdown on the screen is about to zero.

In Europe, all people still live a chaotic life. All they know is the global blackout. Probably only the people in the center vaguely felt a little different.

The blue sky is full of European deformation fighters. ...

"All personnel listen! No mistakes are allowed! " Sitting in the cockpit, even Treize couldn't hide his fear, and his hand holding the joystick was still shaking, but he still shouted orders and carried out his duties. No one knows what the world will be like in just five minutes, so we can only try our best to control the result within an acceptable range. Although god has announced the result. ...

In the white space, there is no trace of time on the smiling face, but the age of time has passed five digits, but there are old thoughts hidden under that beautiful body.

Slowly standing up from the throne, hundreds of screens appeared in front of me, all of which are pictures that countries all over the world are still working hard. In the middle of all these screens is a huge blue planet, which is still in full swing.

"Well, you deserve the beginning of fate. According to the law of the world, the law of the jungle, the survival of the fittest, I hope your so-called government, leave the best human for me. Otherwise, my future work will bother me for a while. " Sigh, close your eyes, a white arm slowly raised, facing the blue planet, "satellite … falling …" The last sigh is for human beings.

All the changes are only in an instant, the crystallization of human science and technology around the earth, and the moment of pause. The unchanging trajectory is twisted like never before, and the invisible curve is spinning against the earth's surface.

Satellites without brains, however, run new trajectories under the gravity of the earth according to their own procedures, which is a road to destruction. ...

"Let's go!" Yun Nie shouted.

"Let's go ..." Annie sighed.

"Has it started?" The apostle laughed.

No matter how you look, what you should face ... Go!

The spectacle caused by the fall of more than 5,000 satellites is not a stunning picture, just like a meteor shower at close range. Peeping eye fragments made of Titan metal have become a weapon to destroy mankind. The friction of the atmosphere, like the torture of hell, all the satellites' surfaces are red like fireballs, dragging tens of meters of gorgeous giant tails and diving to the ground.

"Open it ... it's on fire!" In Beijing, all the soldiers held their heads high and raised their weapons at Yun Nie's command. At that time, countless missiles with white smoke rushed to the terrorist satellites in the sky. All heavy bombs are cooling bombs, and warheads filled with liquid nitrogen turn red satellites into white. The large temperature difference is one of the weaknesses of Titan metal, and then the fragile iron blocks are blown to pieces by high-explosive missiles, and the scattered crystals fall like stars in the sky, which is beautiful.

"Calibration orientation, sub-ion laser gun firing!" Longteng mecha operated their secret weapons one by one, forming a latosolic red round mirror on the top of their heads, and the beam with a diameter of 20 meters went straight into the sky, as if human beings were accusing God. The falling satellite mercilessly disappeared in this huge laser. However, the mecha pilots didn't think their work was over. They continued to manipulate the mecha and rushed to other areas to help ... The human resistance saw the effect, and the originally invincible satellite was accidentally intercepted by more than half. In contrast, those satellites that go straight to the sea pose a more terrible threat to the earth.

Repeated impacts made Wang Yang produce terrible energy on the originally calm and abnormal sea. The slight waves that verbally attacked the coast stopped and all the winds froze.

Starting from the center of the sea, after repeated efforts, unprecedented waves rushed to the most prosperous coastal cities of mankind. The height of 100 meter exceeds the fortification limit of all dams, which is a disaster that human beings have never thought of.

Shanghai, the proud country of Z, was the first to bear the impact of the sea. The towering waves hit the dam mercilessly, and the defense body made of cement split instantly and turned into dust in the sea. When the huge waves hit the city, the fragility of human beings was completely exposed to God. Those skyscrapers that made mankind proud completely collapsed, and all living things were submerged in the sea. Poor humans who haven't had time to evacuate don't even have time to call for help, and the bones don't know where they have been washed away.

Among them, the most seriously swallowed by seawater are European citizens without warning. All the coastal citizens just stood there blankly, watching the huge waves blocking everything approaching in the distance, and even the instinct to escape completely collapsed in their minds. The cry for help did not get any help from the government. All people have only one idea. They were sold by the government, like ants, and they didn't even express the slightest regret.

The city was destroyed without resistance. ...

"damn it! Give me a full attack! " He waved bamboo, cut another latosolic red satellite into pieces, roared and shouted, as if he could hear the tragic cries of the citizens with his own eyes. Treize, with tears in her eyes, vented all her resentment on these culprits' satellites.

"Stop it!" Under the interwoven strong artillery fire, a tenacious and huge satellite shuttled like life and headed for Hao Yun.

Gemini! Gemini! "Pigeons and Satan shouted at the same time.

"We know ..." The red figure soared into the sky.

"Give it to us!" Blue mecha, followed by cross hovering, hundreds of meters away. Facing the hand in the air, a huge ion barrier appeared, and the satellite hit it mercilessly. That heavy power is no joke, even Gemini, also followed the downward plunge, abruptly slipped for dozens of meters before barely regaining its body.

Satan! Red tooth shouted.

"Pigeons! Help! " The blue expression is equally painful.

"I know!" Excited to lead his men, a team of air mecha blew the satellite on the enchantment to pieces, and before landing, it was divided into smaller dust by Satan's land attack team.

See such a picture, Anne's mouth unconsciously appeared a cold smile, "well, Lord god's adult, your actions, it seems, are not enough, what's next? I'm waiting for you ... "

Back in God's space, there was no melancholy expression on the founder's face. In the picture in front of you, although there are many rebellious figures, most of the pictures are the big blasting of the satellite landing steadily without losing to the mushroom cloud. No land in Africa, Australia, America, Asia and Europe can be spared. Except for the reluctant resistance of countries Z, M and Central Europe, other lands that originally belonged to mankind were swallowed up by ruthless explosions. Countless human beings disappeared in the smoke, lost their lives, let alone resisted, and even the right to call for help was deprived. ...

"Ha ... ha ... ha ... ha! That's it, just like I thought. Destroy, burn, devour, drown, die, shout, betray, tremble, resist. Everything is just exposed to power. " Laughing loudly is a kind of frankness that has been suppressed for ten thousand years. In those beautiful black pupils, the most anticipated aura is shining. "This is the real power of God, and it has a real sense of destruction than destroying it with ion cannon. I am a god, and I have the power to destroy everything. I will also use my strength to make the world reborn from my hands! "

At some point, the excited expression of Jianguo seemed a bit odd, and two lines of tears unconsciously fell on his cheeks. These are not tears of joy. ...

"Eve ... my child, don't you have special feelings for human beings? Who are you crying to? " Eyes fixed on a photo, it is the Dark Knight standing in Tiananmen Square. "Is it for humanity or 13? I think it should be the latter. Yes, he is indeed an excellent copy of Atlantis. Even I didn't expect it to come to this. It seems that even God can't resist that tough stance.

But unfortunately, his fate is doomed to death, and even the beautiful fireworks will end.

Suddenly I had a good idea in my head and ended the fireworks ahead of time. Anyway, it was so easy ... "

Chapter one hundred and forty-six The end ...

"God wing seeds, belong to the penetrating light gun type ion weapons. Sacrifice the powerful destructive power of' returning to zero'. In exchange for the long-range attack effect. In order to ensure that the launcher can find a good launching angle, the anti-gravity device of the "launcher" starts at the moment when the bullet is loaded, so that the launcher can "fly" freely. Because the launcher is in a high-altitude launching state, it is easy to expose the target, so the tiny Titan scales on the launcher are endowed with anti-gravity and defense instinct, which is responsible for protecting the life of the launcher. " The snake explained in detail the current state of 13. "As the strongest Titan raw material metal, there is no power in the world that can harm the launcher ..."

"How do you know?" It's strange to know too much about 13. After all, Yun Nie only analyzed the characteristics of "infiltration" and "protection".

"It's very simple, it told me by itself ..." The snake proudly said, "At the moment when you loaded the bullet into the barrel, the memory system of Cool Fire 5 was connected with me, and all the detailed information was sent to me, so that I could effectively operate Titan scales and help the launcher master the anti-gravity device. To put it simply, without me, those slices are still garbage sleeping on the ground, and I gave them life ... "

"Isn't it a bit exaggerated?" 13 looked at the snake with puzzled eyes, full of distrust.

"Don't look down on people! If I hadn't helped you with the auxiliary system, you would have hung up! " Snakes hate eyes like 13. "Do you know how many pieces of information to deal with? More than 6700! Your ordinary auxiliary system is either overloaded and burned, or it only controls less than one-third of the defense orders. In other words, two-thirds of your body will be exposed to the air. I don't need to tell you the final result. How dare you call me exaggerating? Now I am the only one in the world who can perfectly master the seeds of Divine Wings ... "

13 If you believe in snakes, you can tell from their abilities that they are really strong.

"Then how do you get rid of this guy now?" 13 is no longer entangled with snakes, and all spiritual bodies are placed on Baxiao.

"It's very simple. Pull the trigger for him and it's over. The ion fluctuation generated by' Divine Wing' is enough to penetrate his armor without endangering your body. " The snake said easily, "But be sure to pay attention to your launching angle ..."

"Why?" 13 is a little puzzled.

"Because of its strong penetration, if it is fired at the ground, in less than a second, the beautiful' black beam' can be seen on the other side of the earth." Snakes talk more easily.

"Hey, are you kidding?" I want to kill snakes.

"That's why the Divine Wing gives the launcher the ability to fly, so you can find a way to adjust the angle yourself. If it's all right, I'll remind you ... "Said the snake, lying comfortably in the corner of the screen, waiting to see the" performance "of 13.

"Are you kidding? I can move except my left hand now, and I am paralyzed. How do you want me to adjust? " 13 really wants to kill snakes.

"Anti-gravity system is also the embodiment of operation. Learn to play by yourself ... "The snake smiled leisurely.

"..." Nothing to say.

"Go to hell!" Ming Xiu frantically pressed the switch, more than a dozen machine guns on his arm started, and dense bullets were fired at the hovering 13 like a rainstorm. For 13 parts without armored defense, machine gun bullets are also fatal. ...

I'm not familiar with the specific operation, but I just thought of "I can't die!"

The wings at the back of the body instantly block the body. No matter how powerful the human bullets are, you don't want to hurt yourself.

"Awesome ..." The snake applauded, knowing that the expression of feelings is not so easy to manipulate, and the manipulator needs to completely eliminate other thoughts. When he wants to raise his hand, he can only raise his hand. Ming Xiu practiced for three hours before raising her hand.

"Almost killed ..."13 was speechless with anger.

The shooting of machine guns stopped, and the sense of powerlessness made Ming Xiu almost desperate ...

"It's my turn!" Ignore the snake, spread your wings and expand to the limit behind you. Want to dance, want to fly. Tilt slightly, accelerate!

The fist of conditioned reflex waved to the approaching shadow, but it was only the afterimage. And 13 has stopped 20 meters behind.

A strong sense of dizziness almost made me vomit.

"I say you master it slowly." Snakes complain about 13 recklessness.

"Why didn't you tell me that the acceleration of Shenyi was so fast?" 13 got angry, you know, I almost hit Bucky's chest just now, and the acceleration has broken the sound barrier! I don't know if I really hit it, but my head must have been blown off. ...

"The system runs completely according to your idea. All you want is to go all out, so the systematic analysis is the ultimate acceleration that your body can bear at present. Fortunately, your body is seriously injured at present, otherwise it may be several times the speed of sound. You didn't even get a chance to turn around in the end. This is also to remind you to use it carefully before you know your own strength ... "The snake made a clear" teacher "tone, which made people very uncomfortable. ...

Close your eyes gently, 13 adjust your breathing and experience the system quietly with your heart.

"There is no time ..." Looking at the countdown timer, Ming Xiu lost her original excitement because it counted down her life. When everything returns to zero, it is the time when eight disambiguations collapse. Not fear of death, but fear of death is meaningless. 13 is really as powerful as the legend, and it is simply an invincible god. ...

"Is this really the case?" Ming Xiu doesn't believe it, and he won't admit it until his last resistance is over!

"What a guy who will never be at ease." Adam looked at the huge wings of 13 in the picture, as if his scenery was completely submerged under his power. It doesn't really matter. I'm a planner anyway. I wouldn't be exposed on the world stage if the situation didn't require it. However, every time I see that 13 is more powerful, I can't help but feel a little worried and angry. Because he is "performing" in the world in the name of God. As a pure Atlantean, he is insulting his ancestors. So in Adam's plan, when 13 loses its use value, it is the time of death, and it must be in its own hands. ...

"Can you fly?" Annie is thinking deeply. 13 every newly acquired ability, Annie is thinking about its lethality. Feitian 13 is undoubtedly the most deadly injury I am planning at present. It always disappoints me that 13 is Yun Nie's work. Only helpless sigh. Because this is their destiny given by God, in the white "womb", the story of Anne and Yun Nie did not end, but got a horrible continuation. Although Yun Nie has forgotten it, he will always remember it. ...

Yi Long just stared blankly at the big screen. I really don't know what words to use to describe this night. Constant ups and downs make your old heart suffer. Whenever you think it's time to end, 13 will turn over again. After the comeback, 13 will only become stronger, as if the world revolves around him. But now, Long Yi has learned to be calm, and no matter what the result is, he will bear it silently. I hope the wind chimes in my arms will have a chance to hang in the wind again and sing that gentle song. This is the only hope of Longyi.

Eight Banners' heavy fuselage jumped into the road beside 13 and rushed to the motionless 13 crazily. When fully loaded, the acceleration cannot be ignored. ...

With the approach of the target, Ming Xiu's excited and dancing fist hit 13, but there was still only the ghosting, and the cement on the ground was ruthlessly smashed to pieces. Looking up, 13 is hovering in the sky above, and its huge wings even block the bright moon. The wings in the night sky are like the endorsement of death.

Overlooking the earth. Just like the way God sees the world.

"I have mastered it." 13 Hold the gun tight. "The next step is to find the angle ..."

"Don't look at it that way! ! ! ! ! "Ming Xiu really had a nervous breakdown. This night completely destroyed their firm self-confidence.

The quadruped jet device is fully open, the fuselage squats to the limit and begins to jump! Strong earthquake resistance deforms the ground. This is the fastest limit speed of the Eight Banners, but when it swings at the standing black angel, the fist still passes completely. The residual image is so real that even though it has penetrated his body, he can still have dazzling blue eyes on his head and a contemptuous smile on his mouth. Still unusually clear.

"This angle should be ok?" 13 Looking around, the familiar town is very quiet without this big guy.

"You are very lucky ..." The snake still doesn't want to boast about the strength of 13, but only admits his luck.

Raised his gun, as if to shoot into the sky. ...

"It's time to end!" Ming Xiu found that there was 13 on the ground, and the last snake was unable to hang freely. That big mouth is like swallowing an elephant.

The red gem began to glow, and the muzzle of 13 was also changing. A little tiny black light dancing, like strange fireflies flying in the air. ...

The performance that burns people's lives is always the most wonderful story, and Ming Xiu gambled on everything. 13' s desire to kill is pure and strong. Eliminate all interference. Why did Lian fight? Why kill the person in front of you? I forgot that nothing is important at this moment. ...

It is this desire that forces Bucky to bet everything on the 200% energy supply of the nuclear energy system. Silver snake body, instantly expanding. It is a bit like a rubber hose that fixes the nozzle.

Press the launch button without regret. The extremely red round mirror with a diameter of 8 meters was made, but it hasn't been launched yet. The poor snakehead was destroyed like a festering fester. ...

13' s body is shaking slightly, and huge wings cover the body, leaving only the space above, so that you can clearly see the appearance of Baxiao. The red mirror seems to have its shadow, and some are fascinated. ...

"Boy, if you look again, you will hang up ..." The snake didn't good the spirit to remind.

"It's time to end ..." Reluctantly pull the trigger, and the gathered black light disappears instantly, replaced by a thin mirror, but it is the same color as this night. When the thin mirror was formed, the surrounding houses turned into white particles. Because this "mirror" has a diameter of 20 meters, the characteristic of ion weapons is swallowing, and it is not allowed to touch objects that can still survive.

"come on! ! ! "The snake's expression is extremely serious.

The red beam finally fell, like God's punishment for the earth. After touching the black mirror, it is completely absorbed by it, just like shooting into a bottomless cosmic black hole.

"The thing is ..." In the cab, Ming Xiu loosened his hand holding the joystick and lay on the hot back, without a warm feeling, his heart was still cold. Close your eyes quietly and let tears and sweat slide across your face.

It is false to say that he has no regrets. What Ming Xiu regrets most is that he can't tell his father where the wind chimes are. ...

The huge sub-ion laser is not over yet, and a black beam completely engulfs it. Jumping electromagnetic sparks are like dancing black elves.

On the rising route of the beam, the seemingly huge octahedron is particularly small here, and the fuselage begins to turn into tiny white particles bit by bit, including the internal Ming Xiu. ...

The eyes of the world also stay at this moment, because the satellite above is either penetrated by strong electromagnetic waves or destroyed.

In the eyes of the world, the image of 13 is even more horrible. ...

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