Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Legend of Peng Zu

Legend of Peng Zu

Core Tip: Wang Tonglin, a fairy tale character in Peng Zu legend, went to town to buy a wild tent and some camping necessities, and prepared to go up the mountain. Things. Peng Zu is famous for his longevity in China myths and legends. But there is a funny story about how Peng Zu died. It is said that when Peng Zugang was born, his head was as small as a garlic mallet, his face was pointed and his chin was pointed, and he was short-lived and unhappy. When Peng Zu was one year old, a fortune-teller saw Peng Zu and said to his father, This child is yellow and thin, with congenital deficiency and acquired disorder, and will not live beyond twenty years old. Peng Zu's father is worried. He's a old boys. Peng Zu, who is in his fifties, is an only child. How can he watch his son die young because he can't inherit the family business? Peng Zu's father searched everywhere for ways to prolong Peng Zu's life. He learned that there was a monk named Muyu Zen Master on Wutai Mountain in Shanxi Province, who knew how to maintain health and practice. When the Yellow Emperor lived in seclusion, there was a clan leader named Chiyou in the south who often invaded the Central Plains, leaving no one in the Central Plains. From then on, he opened a drugstore and lived a happy life. Legal life. The Yellow Emperor ordered the Central Plains people to unite, and Zhu Rong and others tied ties to fight against Chiyou. There are a large number of Chiyou, especially his ten brothers, all of whom are covered with animal skins and have horns, and their mouths can spray thick fog, which is awesome. At the beginning of the war, the troops of the Yellow Emperor lost their way in the fog, lost contact and ignored each other. Chiyou's army pounced on him, defeated the Yellow Emperor and his men, and fled north to Zhuolu before stopping. The Yellow Emperor was surrounded by Chiyou in Zhuolu and dared not fight for a long time. Soon, because of the invention of the compass, I am no longer afraid of dense fog. Later, Zhu Rong saw that Chiyou's men were all dressed in animal skins, so he offered a plan to teach his men to light torches and set them on fire, so that Chiyou's army fled in a panic and fled to the south. The Yellow Emperor led his army to the south. I drove through the Yellow River, the Yangtze River and Mount Li, and finally killed Chiyou. Zhu Rong made great contributions because he invented the fire attack method, which was rewarded by the Yellow Emperor. He became an important minister of the Yellow Emperor. Fairy. When Peng Zu was five years old, his father led Peng Zu all the way to find the Zen Master Ji, hoping that his son could learn a way to keep healthy and live a long life from the Zen Master Ji, so that he could live a long life and inherit Peng Jiaxiang's career. On the first day after Peng Zu's father came with his son several times, the master elder brother began to guard the portrait for Ji. Ji Shoubei sat on a stool in the middle of the martial arts field, like a pine tree. When the master elder brother saw that the courtyard was full of knives, guns, sticks, bows, arrows, hooks and axes, he knew that this advocate was a martial artist, so he made a magnificent picture of Ji Shoujun. As for being blind, of course, you have to follow the rules of portrait painting. Yes or no, the master elder brother finished painting and showed it to Ji Shouren. Ji Shouren shook his head, sighed and said nothing. Difficult, finally met the silent Zen master in Wutai Mountain. The silent Zen master, with white eyebrows and whiskers, has a doddering face, but it is as smooth and full as a baby. Du Kang looked very surprised when he heard this, and quickly went forward to salute: "Old man, please tell me where to go and who to get blood from?" Tim has a spirit. Peng Zu dad knelt in front of the silent Zen master and kowtowed repeatedly. After listening to Peng Zu's father's request, Silent Zen Master was moved by his sincerity. Looking at Peng Zu, he felt sorry for the child. So I moved to the night of compassion, came to look for the car watch again, and cried and said, "Cousin Che, my father is going to marry me to a rich boy, and he will come tomorrow. What can I do? " Just listen to the thunder of the car, and the ice and snow are poured all over the body! He hesitated for a long time before saying, "Sister Yu, do you really love me?" Beriru replied, "You don't have to ask!" "Do you think I am poor?" "No problem, you beg with a stick and I'll help you beat the dog." The meter patted his chest: "OK, come with me!" "Where to?" "Go far, far away." Beriru grabbed the instrument's hand and said, "OK, let's go now." So, holding the hand of my lover, I hurried away in the moonlight. On the road, over mountains, across ditches, day and night, desperately rushing forward. Thirst, moisten your throat with mountain spring water; When you are hungry, pick a wild fruit to satisfy your hunger. Just walking, walking, I don't know how many mountains I have crossed, how many rivers I have crossed, and finally I stopped at the foot of a mountain. The scenery here is beautiful, with green trees and flowers, birds and flowers, butterflies strolling, and the environment is very elegant, just like a paradise. The two men smiled at each other and decided to settle down here. Heart, took Peng Zu. Silent Zen Master promised to let Peng Zu follow him since childhood and concentrate on his practice. Peng Zu's father was so happy that he quickly asked his son to kowtow to his master. Peng Zu's father trusted his son to Silent Zen Master and went home happily. Besides, Peng Zu followed Zen master Ji to practice eighty-one difficult, and practiced the method of spitting fetal interest. He only felt light, healthy and full of energy, and people over 100 years old didn't look old at all. One day, Silent Zen Master said to Peng Zu, "Disciple, you have been practicing with me for nearly a hundred years, and you have gained the true meaning of longevity. You can go down the mountain. Whether you can become an immortal depends on your understanding and perseverance. Before leaving, Master had a saying: Master was called the silent Zen master, not only because he didn't like to talk on weekdays, but also as a way to keep fit. Loose mouth and moving tongue are the taboos of our cultivation of immortals. I hope you remember, be careful! "Peng Zu repeatedly promised, tearfully bid farewell to the master, all the way home. Peng Zu left his hometown to practice as a child. He was an old man when he came back, and his parents had already died. The descendants of this family don't know him. Everyone regards him as an old man with a white beard, who wants money but has no money and no strength. He is too lazy to take care of him because he is a burden to his family. Peng Zu ran away from home crying at his parents' grave and wandered around. Time flies, more than a hundred years have passed. It's a terrible day to check the book of life and death. Time flies and Tang Zheng has grown up. Seeing that Peng Zu's life span is only 19 years old, how can he live for more than 200 years and not report yet? Terrible and furious, he sent two little devils in the face of a bull's head to come down to fetch him back. Cow's head and horse's face look around in the world. A few years later, Peng Zu's whereabouts are still unknown. Later, when the two of them found out that Peng Zu had learned immortality from Zen Master Ji, they reported to the terrifying that Peng Zu had become immortal and could not be arrested. The terrifying prince was furious and said, "Nonsense, if Peng Zu became a fairy, how could I not know?" It must be that you two kids are lazy and don't give me a good look! Send you two to Nanshan to wash coal. Come back to me when the coal is white. " The coal in Nanshan is black and hard, like pieces of black gold. If you want to wash black coal with water, unless the sun rises in the west. The cow's head and horse's face did not dare to neglect, so they had to transport the coal blocks from Nanshan to the stream and wash them one by one with the stream, washing them over and over again like fruits, hoping for a miracle. They washed for more than a hundred years. After the fall of Nanshan in Chengdu, a long time ago, there lived a man named Yan Heng in the east of Yan Jia Village. He is in his teens and still single. There is only a hut at home, and there is no yard. He can't even raise chickens. Life is getting boring. On October 10th of the lunar calendar, Zhang ascended the throne, proclaimed himself emperor in Chengdu, renamed Daxi, established Daxi regime, and called himself "Long live the old". Coal is still black, but they are washed like black ink. The mother of Niutou Huangdi, surnamed Fu Bao, is a saint. Because I miss my son, I often ask God for advice. One day, outside the city of Qi, praying to heaven, suddenly lightning and thunder struck, making me numb and dazzled. Since then, I have been pregnant. At that time, witches were still running around telling each other, threatening: "A saint will be born here soon!" Ma Mian knew it was a terrible thing to do with them, but the authorities killed them. Although they know it is futile to wash like this, they dare not stop their work. One day, Niutou and Ma Mian were busy by the stream. At noon the next day, Wu suddenly went to the street to do business and passed by the county government. I saw the front door crowded with people watching. He wondered whether the county magistrate Shen He was trying some strange case. So he struggled to squeeze in. I saw an old man with red face and red hair skipping up. "Hey, what are you two guys doing?" The old man asked curiously. "We are washing coal." The tauren said, without looking up. "Coal washing?" The old man looked at them doubtfully. "We will wash these black coals and create a job for our boss," said the tauren, pointing to a pile of black coals nearby. "Ha ha! I have lived in Peng Zu for over 500 years. I haven't heard that black coal can wash white. You are both big fools. " The old man has been laughing at them. "Are you Peng Zu?" Cow's head and horse's face stood up when they heard the name, took out an iron chain from their waist and put it on the old man's head, and left. "For what?" Peng Zu discontentedly rang rang, "go to hell! You old thing have caused us a lot of pain. You've been washing coal for so many years. You're dirty and tired, and you've washed us both into niggers. It's still scary He knows that washing coal here will definitely catch you. What a brilliant move! " In this way, Peng Zu was caught back to the palace of hell because of his talkativeness, and he was close at hand, so he was not regarded as an immortal.

Frog calf duck parrot fox grey wolf postgraduate fugitive ancient Xuanwu gate