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Sixth grade story composition

In daily study, work or life, everyone is familiar with composition. The composition must focus on the theme and elaborate the same theme in depth. Don't ramble, the theme is lax or even without a theme. In order to make your writing easier and more convenient, here are nine sixth-grade story compositions I have compiled. Welcome to share.

1 When a fire broke out in the Imperial Library of Alexandria, all the books in the library were burned, but one book that was not very valuable survived. A literate poor man bought this book for a few coppers. The book itself is not very interesting, but there is something very interesting hidden in the pages: a thin parchment with the secret of turning stone into gold. The so-called turning stone into gold is a small round stone that can turn any ordinary metal into pure gold. A small piece of paper said: This strange stone can be found in the Black Sea, but its appearance is no different from thousands of stones at sea. The answer is that strange stones are warm to the touch, while ordinary stones are cold to the touch. So the poor man sold his property, took simple bags, camped on the shore of the Black Sea, and began to look for things that could be turned into gold.

He knew that if he threw away the cold stone he had found, he might pick up the stone he had touched repeatedly and could not identify the real strange stone. To prevent this from happening, whenever he picks up a cold stone, he throws it into the sea. One day passed, and none of the stones he picked up were the strange stones mentioned in the book. A month, a year, two years, three years ... he still hasn't found the strange stone. However, he was not discouraged, and continued to pick up stones and throw them … endlessly. One morning, he picked up a stone and touched it. It's warm! He still threw it into the sea, because he had formed the habit of throwing stones into the sea. This action of throwing stones is too accustomed. So that when the strange stone he dreamed of and searched hard appeared, he habitually threw it into the sea.

Locke, a British educator, said: "Once a habit is formed, it can function easily and naturally without the help of memory." That's true. Take the poor man as an example. For many years, he has been living in the wind and sleeping in the rain, trying to find the iron that can be turned into gold. But when he found it, he threw it into the sea. It's not that he didn't want the strange stone, but the habitual act of throwing stones into the sea forced him to do a regrettable stupid thing. His dream of turning the stone into gold for many years was dashed like a soap bubble.

As bacon said, "habit is really a tenacious and great force." It can dominate life. "His words are accurate and profound, because those are written for the poor! However, we should deeply understand its warning significance. To have a good life, we must form good habits and make them serve us.

A long time ago, there was a poor widow who lived with her youngest son, Jack. Although life is hard, they find it very tasty. Mother likes cute little Jack very much, and little Jack loves kind mother very much.

One day, his mother was ill, which worried little Jack, because his family was poor and he had no money to ask a doctor to treat his mother. He had to stay with his mother day and night and do all the housework. When her mother was thirsty, he poured her water. His mother was sick, so he wiped her sweat. When his mother fell asleep, he looked at her pale face and cried. The mother's illness is getting worse every day, and she can't even recognize her own son. Little Jack shouted in despair, "Somebody help me, help my poor mother!" " !


At the same time, the window slowly opened. Little Jack saw a beautifully dressed fairy come in. The fairy said in a gentle voice, "poor child, I sympathize with you very much." Since you want to save your mother, you must go to the high mountain to find a life grass, squeeze juice from the grass and drop it into your mother's mouth, and she will come back to life immediately. "

Little Jack thanked the fairy, took some bread and set off.

Walking, he saw a fox chasing a rooster. Although the cock tried his best to escape, the fox still wanted to catch it. Little Jack was worried, but it was too late to say it. At this time, Little Jack stepped forward and grabbed the rooster and quickly hid it in his clothes. Don't release the cock until the fox runs away. The rooster said, "Thank you, Little Jack. I will repay you. "

Little Jack continued on his way, and it was getting dark. A wide and deep river blocked his way. He stamped his feet and shouted, "Good fairy, come and help me!" "

At this moment, the rooster came up to him and said, "Please sit on me and I will walk with you there." Little Jack rode on the back of the chicken, clutching the comb with both hands. Because the river is very wide, they walked 2 1 to reach the other side. Jack thanked the rooster politely and went on his way.

On the way, they advised him to have a rest before leaving, but he just wouldn't listen. They were worried that Jack would be hungry, so they picked some wild fruits from the forest for him to eat. Little Jack walked through hardships for five years. Finally, he came to the high mountain and found the grass of life. So he endured the pain of wearing his feet and hurried home. He threw himself on his mother and squeezed the grass of life hard. Grass juice flowed into mother's mouth. Slowly, mother opened her eyes, put her arms around little Jack's neck and said in surprise, "My child, how did you grow so big?" What the hell is going on? "Before Jack could answer, the window opened and the kind fairy smelled it directly. She hugged Jack and told her mother what Jack had done to save her. After hearing this, mother pulled Jack into her arms and kept kissing him. How happy they are!

First of all, let's talk about the students' summer vacation stories. They are all traveling all over the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, going to the picturesque Guilin, the West Lake and the Leifeng Tower in Hangzhou ... When it comes to interesting things, as long as they are interesting, they are all the same! One of the interesting things about my summer vacation, that time, I was scared by the dog, and it was horrible to think about it:

This time, my mother and I went back to play in the downward direction. As soon as we arrived, my brother took me aside and whispered to me, "There is a pear garden near here. Shall we pick it and eat it? " When it comes to eating pears, I'm quite good at it, but choose ... forget it, always try everything. How can I see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? "good!" I confidently promised my brother.

We came to the pear garden, ah! I smell a scent. Let me observe first: the leaves of pear trees are long, 8- 15 cm, and the front is still sharp. The tree is still a little thick! It has many branches and pears. I can't start picking pears and climbing trees. Fortunately, I have a younger brother. He climbed up the branch three times and two times like a little monkey. My brother picked pears from the tree and threw them on the ground. As for me, I am responsible for picking pears. Soon, my face was covered with golden pears, and the joy of harvest suddenly rippled. I picked almost all the pears on this tree. My brother slipped down from the tree. I looked at a pear on the branch and grabbed another pear. It turns out that I can catch pears without climbing the tree.

Suddenly, a "woof, woof, woof" broke our peace. It turns out that dogs come to see the garden. The lap runner saves his life first! I threw all the pears in a mess and ran away with my brother.

Woof, woof! The dog is coming again!

In winter, Sister Rabbit is looking for food. Inadvertently, she was scratched by glass in the snow, so the little white rabbit had to sit there and wait for someone to save her.

Soon, the pony passed by and saw the little white rabbit. The little white rabbit said, "Mark, come and help me. My foot was cut by glass. " Pony said, "If you want me to save you, give me ten catties of grass." The white rabbit didn't say anything, and the pony took it as her disapproval and left.

After a while, Niu Ge also passed by, saw the injured white rabbit, and immediately left the grass he was looking for and sent it to the frog doctor.

When he got there, the frog doctor looked at the rabbit's injury and said that the rabbit was badly hurt. It seems that it will take many days to get well.

In the days when the little white rabbit was injured, Niu Ge found food for the little white rabbit every day, and gradually the injury of the little white rabbit got better day by day.

She really doesn't know how to repay Niu Ge.

This story tells us that if we help others, you will be rewarded.

Every night, Niu Xiaomei pesters her father to tell two stories before going to bed. Otherwise, she will lie in bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Father Niu doesn't want his daughter to lose sleep, and always tries to find time to meet the calf's requirements.

But Dad Niu is really busy with his work, and he has to work overtime until late every day. He really wants to find someone to tell stories to his daughter instead of himself, such as mother cow. But Niu Xiaomei only listened to the story told by her mother once, and she shouted that the story told by her father was better.

"I'm almost your story machine." Father Niu gently scraped his daughter's nose and went on with his task every night. Speaking of story machine, Father Niu suddenly had an idea: Yes, why don't I invent a story machine? In this way, I can not only satisfy my daughter's wishes, but also spare more time for work.

Father Niu did as he said and immediately developed story machine. It may be difficult for others to develop story machine, but it is not difficult for Dad Niu, because he is a great inventor. Sure enough, it took Dad Niu only three days and three nights to invent an automatic story machine. This automatic story machine is really something. As long as the listener clicks the story he wants to hear, it will start talking at once. It stores thousands of endless stories. Even if it is really finished one day, it will make up new stories by itself and ensure that each story is brand-new and extremely beautiful. There will never be "once upon a time there was a mountain, and there was a temple in the mountain, and there was an old man and a young man in the temple ...".

After the invention of automatic story machine, Dad Niu listened to it for three days, and felt that the effect was one hundred times better than what he said. After making sure everything was safe, he gave the automatic story machine to his daughter as a gift.

Niu Xiaomei took the automatic story machine with a grain of salt and asked, "Dad, is the automatic story machine really that magical?"

"Don't you just try?"

Encouraged by her father, Niu Xiaomei said to story machine, "I want to hear interesting fairy tales."

Story machine really told an interesting fairy tale.

"I want to hear popular science stories." Niu Xiaomei said again. Automatic story machine told another vivid popular science story.

According to Niu Xiaomei's request, story machine told a warm and touching family story and a bizarre fairy tale. ...

"Thank you, Dad! With the automatic story machine, I can tell stories without my father in the future, and my father will have more time to work. " Niu Xiaomei said happily. It turned out that she had long known the purpose of her father's invention of automatic story machine.

That evening, it was time to tell bedtime stories, and NiuXiaoMei went to bed with story machine in her arms. Father Niu nervously hid outside the door, pricked up his ears and listened to the movement in the bedroom.

According to past experience, my daughter will fall asleep after listening to two stories, but today my daughter is still ordering stories after listening to ten stories. Listen, listen, Dad Niu finally lost his temper, knocked on his daughter's room and asked with concern, "Baby, why don't you sleep?" The story told by story machine is more wonderful than that told by Dad! "

Niu Xiaomei said with tears in her eyes, "Dad, the story told by story machine is not as wonderful as yours. In fact, I don't particularly want to hear stories, just want you to spend more time with me. "

Hearing this, Father Niu burst into tears. He thought very regretfully: all along, he has been devoted to his work, going out early and returning late every day, and spending little time with his daughter. Now he even wants to deprive her of the only bedtime story time. This is really wrong.

"Baby, don't cry, dad is with you!" Father Niu gently kissed his daughter's forehead and then held her little hand. He didn't tell a story or even say a word, but Niu Xiaomei fell asleep soon. You can see from the smile on her face that she must be having a very, very sweet dream.

Once upon a time, there was a village called Riyin Village. Because of the war between several countries, everyone changed his mind. They don't help others and depend on each other as before, and everyone becomes unfriendly.

One day, a god saw the people in the village like this and wanted to visit the villagers in Riyin Village. He also wore telepathic goggles and landed on a horse in the clouds.

He came to Riyin Village and knocked on the door of a family. The man opened the door and shouted savagely, "Who is it? Knock on someone's door in the middle of the night! Want to die! " God was frightened by this move and said, "It's late. I am a vagrant. Please allow me to spend the night! " "The man immediately bad to ruthlessly say," get out! My own family is still poor! How can you let a stranger eat me poor! Get out! " Then he slammed the door. God was angry, but he was still not sure whether the people here were unfriendly, so he went to several other places. God is either scolded, beaten, driven out or splashed with dirty water. God can't stand it any longer. When he thought that a big fire would destroy the village, he saw another hut, but it was worse than others.

So he knocked on the door and out came an old lady and a little boy. They were in rags, but when God was afraid that they would throw dirty water on them again, he looked at their hearts and God was shocked. What they think is: when the guests come, we have nothing to eat for them, so we have to kill the chicken for them. So they invited God into the house when they wanted to kill the chicken. God returned to his original shape and said, "Please don't kill it!" " The old lady and the little boy were stunned. I didn't realize he was still a god. God said to grandparents and grandchildren, "I have visited." Only you two are the kindest in Riyin Village, and the others are not kind at all. I want to punish them! " The old lady pleaded, "Please don't kill them. They are just unfriendly. Please god give them mercy! " "

God agreed, so Riyin Village changed from bad to good. The old lady was very happy, but God asked them, "What do you want?" The old lady refused to answer, and God asked them why. She said, "My grandson and I just want to be free in your temple and have food and clothing." God agreed.

From then on, the two will stay in the temple forever and be happy forever!

There is a story in the sixth grade story composition 7: In ancient times, a candidate had three dreams before the exam. The first dream is that he grows cabbage on the wall. In the second dream, he wore a hat and an umbrella on a rainy day. The third dream is to lie with my beloved cousin, but back to back. The next morning, the examinee found a fortune teller and asked him to interpret his dreams. The fortune teller shook his head again and again and said, "You'd better go home. Think about it, isn't it futile to grow vegetables on high walls? Isn't it unnecessary to wear a hat and an umbrella? Isn't it impossible to lie in a bed with my cousin, but back to back? " Hearing this, the candidates were disheartened and went back to the store to pack their bags and prepare to go home. The shopkeeper was surprised and asked, "Isn't there an exam tomorrow? Why did you go back today? " Candidates say this and that. The shopkeeper was very happy: "I'll explain it to you, too." I think it's a pity that you won't stay this time. Growing vegetables on the wall means you can grow taller (middle), wearing a hat and an umbrella means you are prepared, and lying back to back with your cousin means you are going to turn over! "Hearing this, the examinee is very reasonable and refreshed. He took the exam with a positive attitude and won the third place.

Coincidentally, once upon a time there was a king who dreamed that the mountain fell, the water dried up and the flowers withered, so he asked the queen to interpret his dream. The queen said: "The general trend is not good, and if the mountain falls, the country will die; If the water is exhausted, the people will be centrifugal, the monarch will be the boat, and the people will be the water. If the water is exhausted, the boat will not work; Thank you for the flowers, which means that the good times will not last long. " The king broke out in a cold sweat and became ill from then on, getting heavier and heavier. A minister went to see the king, who spoke his mind on his deathbed. Hearing this, the minister said with a smile, this is a good sign. Since then, the mountain has fallen and the world is at peace. When the water dried up, the real dragon appeared. King, you are the son of heaven. Flowers wither, flowers wither to see fruit! "The king felt relaxed and soon recovered.

In the same dream, the words of the fortune teller are quite different from those of the shopkeeper. The former disheartened the candidates, and they had a nervous breakdown before entering the examination room. The latter can turn negative into positive, and make candidates have a good attitude and succeed. The different opinions of the queen and the minister also put the king in a completely different situation. It can be seen that negative people see troubles and make people feel that life is full of shadows; Positive people see hope and let their hearts have a broader clear sky.

From the other side of the two stories, everyone's life will be disturbed by the outside world and influenced by others. External factors always play a positive or negative role. Therefore, as a normal person, when encountering difficulties in life, it is important to have your own correct orientation, and maintain a good attitude regardless of other people's mentality, otherwise you will accidentally deviate from the normal life track. In any case, a positive attitude helps people overcome difficulties, see hope and maintain strong fighting spirit; And a negative attitude will only make people depressed and disappointed, full of complaints about life, and even limit and stifle their potential.

Napoleon once said: "There are only small differences between people, but this small difference can produce huge differences. The small difference is a positive attitude or a negative attitude, and the huge difference is success and failure. " That's the truth. The difference between success and failure lies in the different mentality: that is, the winner deliberately lights up the positive side, while the loser always indulges in the negative side.

It's sunny today, and our school organized a learning activity in the Cultural Auditorium. Fortunately, I was chosen to participate.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, after we met at school together, we arrived at our destination-Sikou Village by bus. We went to an auditorium together, where the door collapsed higher than the general cultural auditorium. At first, we went in and read the book carefully. Later, a propagandist told us these two stories respectively: "A long time ago, there was an official named the abbot. After that, he quit his job and went down the mountain to find a place to live. First he lived on the mountain, then a large number of poor people came here and soon occupied it. Originally returned to Fang, the abbot had to go to see the emperor. " The emperor freely promised that the world is mine and I will give you whatever you want! So the abbot ran to the foot of the mountain, where he found a resort to live and work, so he became the current temple mouth, all surnamed Shao, which was a paradise, so it was called temple mouth village.

Another story is seven-color melon.

It's about the Queen Mother getting sick in the royal family, and no one can cure her, so the emperor ordered the Queen Mother who cured her to get sick and offered a reward of 2,000 yuan! So a farmer went over and gave her a watermelon. The surface of watermelon is the same as normal. When he brushed away the colorful flesh, it was extremely bright and beautiful. The queen had a big appetite and took a quick bite. Within three days, he recovered from his illness and the emperor made him a minister. A year later, the farmer was tired of life in the palace, so he left the palace to reunite with his family and continue to grow melons. "

After listening to her story, we feel the same way. That auditorium, which was used to teach students in ancient times, is now used to publicize ancient stories and tell more people to spread stories.

After a day's visit to the temple gate, we all learned the story of the temple gate deeply.

I always feel indescribable joy when I think of giving pigs an injection two days ago.

That day, my old sow got sick just after giving birth to her piglets. She has a fever all over and doesn't want to eat or even touch her pig. I was so anxious that my father couldn't eat, so I rode my bike to the veterinary station to buy medicine. After a while, my father came back with a box of potions and said that he had given the pig an injection and would be fine. Mom is not at home, and dad asked me to do a favor. He caught the pig and asked me to give it an injection. I'm a little embarrassed: the nurse gave me an injection, and I'm not afraid, but it's the first time for me to give an injection to a pig. Dad went to the pigsty and grabbed the old sow's ear and asked me to stick a needle there. My hand holding the needle kept shaking. I'm afraid I can't play well. Dad said it doesn't matter, and urged me to hurry. I shook my body hard and stuck the needle down, but the old sow grinned at me before I finished drinking the potion. I panicked, pulled out the needle and ran. I didn't expect the needle to fall on the pig's ear. The old sow turned around in pain, her nostrils and mouth panting.

Dad saw that I was a child after all, so I had to come by myself, but the old sow didn't listen, and she also learned from her mistakes. The old sow saw her father holding a needle in his hand and turned around the pigsty to prevent her from pricking. No way, my father had to give me another injection and gave me some instructions with such a heavy gesture. Looking at my father's trusting eyes, I got up the courage to cooperate with my father to give an injection to the old sow. Dad stepped into the pigsty and said a good medicine tastes bitter and is good for the disease. Don't try to cure it if you are afraid of pain. It is much easier for the old sow to see her father's empty hands and a group of starving piglets around her.

I hid behind me with a syringe in my hand and acted according to circumstances. When my dad coaxed the old sow to the door of the pigsty, he grabbed the pig's two big ears and said, prick. I quickly reached out the needle tube, aimed at the position, stuck it hard, and pressed the medicine down as much as possible. The old sow screamed twice in pain.

Finally succeeded! I feel very excited. I didn't think I could give an injection to a pig. I can also be an animal doctor!

Dad smiled at me, like congratulations and encouragement.