Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - The more I read Walking on the Edge of Life, the more I like Mr. Jiang Yang.

The more I read Walking on the Edge of Life, the more I like Mr. Jiang Yang.

Towards the Edge of Life is Jiang Yang's reflection on human nature, life and death, spirit and flesh, man and fate.

It is also the first time that she discussed human nature face to face and expressed her thoughts very frankly, which is probably her understanding and summary of her mental journey.

As she said over tea, she boarded an open-air train to the west. Get ready. The next stop is Meng Po Store.

She said at the beginning: I stand on the edge of life and look back to explore the value of life. People who have lived and exercised all their lives will always achieve something more or less. If you can make achievements, you will not live in vain. Look ahead, go any further and you'll die.

Walking to the edge of life, no matter what kind of problems she faces, she can be calm and calm. What is commendable is that this work contains her enthusiasm and sadness.

In the way of asking and answering questions, she kept discussing the philosophical thoughts of soul and body. People often say that self-cultivation requires family planning. So, is it the body or the soul?

She firmly believes that people are always guided by spiritual conscience, the body is only an intermediary, and only the soul is cultivated.

Her words are not ornate, but full of deep sadness, and the realm of being suddenly enlightened is flowing. It seems that she can find a breakthrough in all kinds of obstacles in her living environment, such as persuading herself and readers.

The whole book is like listening to an elder's speech, from which we can feel the elder's experience, wisdom, profound knowledge and her frankness and sincerity.

Her self-questioning is also a question in the hearts of many of us, and we can't answer it, but her self-answering at the end of her life has profound enlightenment for us.

Fate is like being forced to move forward. No one can predict the future and be indifferent to the past.

Jiang Yang quoted a sentence from Bergson's Time and Free Will: "Man was like a fallen leaf or hay in a whirlpool at that time." Whether we work hard and live hard is fate's arrangement or our struggle with fate. "

Some people say that fate is in their own hands, and some people say that fate is doomed. No matter what natural or man-made disasters happen, we must try our best to survive.

In the year of sunset, it is always inevitable to recall the past journey and think about philosophical propositions such as fate and soul.

For thousands of years, this proposition has lasted for a long time, and different people have different conclusions, but it has never been conclusive. People always say "life and death have a life", is it that people's fate is doomed?

Jiang Yang didn't give a clear answer, but she said, "The value of a person lies in the person himself." No matter what the fortune teller says or how the eight characters are defined, everything is determined by the inner sense of self-realization.

A person's birth is a live broadcast without rehearsal. Sometimes a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise. Do your best, and then everything will be calm!

As Voltaire said: there is no such thing as fate, everything is nothing but test, punishment or compensation.

Many people know her warm and romantic love story, but what I want to write today is her open-minded attitude.

Ji Bolun said in The Prophet: "Joy is nothing but sadness without a mask. The well of self is full of laughter and tears. Right? The more sadness is engraved in the depths of your life, the more happiness it contains. "

Mr. Wang is probably such a mentality!

This book is divided into two parts. The first part, in the form of self-questioning and self-answering, explores the value of life and seeks spiritual people in all things while confessing the torture of self-soul.

The second part is to record past life feelings in the form of prose. As she said in The Three of us, she stayed alone in the world to clean the scene. Maybe these are the elves she cleaned.

No matter what earth-shattering events, the words in her works will become a very quiet and dignified world, which is very dull but chewy.

No matter at any stage, she never let go of her self-growth. When she was sick, she couldn't write, so she thought, and when she could write, she wrote down her own thoughts.

A 96-year-old man wrote this philosophical masterpiece, which was opened during her hospitalization. She wrote and stopped, stopped and wrote, and finally finished.

The three of us, drinking tea and ultra-leftwing six chapters, are all works of Mr. Yang in his later years, and we have to admire her.

We often find all kinds of reasons and excuses for our laziness. As for Teacher Yang, even if she is ill, she will not give up what she wants to do and will do it without delay.

She once said: The main problem of young people is that they don't read much and think too much.

No matter what stage she is in, she will never give up learning and self-growth. This is not chicken soup for the soul.

She can take time to translate while she is a teacher, and then write novels at the same time. In her words, there is no way. In order to help make up for the family, life at that time was really difficult and forced out.

But when she is old, she says she wants to write because she is too idle. She thought she had reached the edge of life, and if she went any further, it would be gone. Looking back on life, bit by bit, there are many things worth tying, so when you are awake, remember as much as you can.

Mr. Yang is calm and calm all his life, and he can save my health three times a day. She spends most of her time asking herself: Is the soul the master or the body the master? The end point of life is to experience illness and then die? Is death the liberation of the body or the sublimation of the soul? Is it destiny takes a hand?

Although there is no clear answer in the book, she always believes that someone's spiritual conscience is the master.

Wang Xiaobo said that life is a process of constantly reinventing itself.

Mr. Yang, she constantly subverts her own thoughts and constantly thinks and contests the mysterious relationship between body and soul.

During the war, the whole society was suffering, the war was pervasive and people were displaced. At that time, Oxford University sent a letter of appointment to Miss Yang, expecting to hire her at a high salary, but she politely refused and insisted on staying in Shanghai.

She said: "At a critical moment, deciding where to go may be his most basic feeling." We never sing patriotic tunes, not only don't sing, but also don't like listening, but we don't run. In a word, I prefer to be the most stubborn China person rather than a foreigner. "

In the days of displacement and ammunition flying all over the sky, social unrest and people are in panic. She doesn't like singing patriotic tunes, but she expresses her patriotism with practical actions.

1in the middle of 966, Jiang Yang and Qian Zhongshu were drawn out as bourgeois scholars and labeled as "ghostly".

Jiang Yang left his job to clean the ladies' room, while Qian Zhongshu left his job to clean the yard, robbing property and criticizing became a common occurrence. Her hair was shaved into a "head of yin and yang", and Qian Zhongshu's back was smeared with saliva, nose and paste.

They will even be beaten, put up big signs and criticized by the masses. Many people will not endure humiliation and give up their lives.

She joked that cleaning the toilet is a rare leisure job, and the organization is taking care of her, so she can do things with peace of mind without laughing at anyone, even if she puts on a bad face, because the toilet is a smelly place, so no one will blame her.

People who don't want to see can hide in the toilet, and those who find fault dare not rush into the ladies' room, so it is a small world to protect her. She even lamented that this time, she was not divorced from reality, but actually serving the people.

In the face of all these changes, Mr. Yang Can took it easy. She also borrowed a western idiom to say: every dark cloud has a silver edge. The closer the dark cloud is, the silver edge will become Phnom Penh.

As the saying goes, colorful clouds are easy to disperse, so how can dark clouds open the sky forever? She firmly believes that when it is dark, light will come soon.

On her centenary birthday, she lamented that we were so eager for the waves of fate, and finally found out that the most beautiful scenery in life is actually inner peace and calmness. We used to look forward to the recognition of the outside world, but in the end we realized that the world is our own and has nothing to do with others.

There is a story about magpies in the book. A pair of magpies happily built their own home, and it took many twists and turns to build it.

On the day their child was born, many magpie friends flew to celebrate. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. The day after the baby magpie was born, a storm, and the poor baby bird died in a bad environment.

The parents of magpies who suffered from the loss of their children did not leave, but guarded the empty nest not far away, but the empty nest was not empty with the remains of young birds.

Jiang Yang watches the birds guarding the empty nest every day and grieves with them every day. In fact, like magpie, she is alone in an empty home.

Magpies are at least in pairs, but sir, she is a person, and all the joys and sorrows are like a dream. She saw the bird's sadness as deep as a cliff, but her sadness was no less than that of a bird.

She seldom reveals her sadness and seldom writes her tears, but how could there be no tears at that time?

1969165438+10 In October, Mr. Wang originally planned to celebrate his 60th birthday with his husband, but he had to put it down before his birthday.

In July of the following year, Mr. Wang also decentralized the cadre school. When seeing her husband off, she, her daughter and son-in-law were present; When Jiang Yang was promoted to a lower level, only her daughter was left to send her. The son-in-law committed suicide a month ago because he couldn't compile a list to harm people.

After the train started, I couldn't see my daughter's back outside the window. Mr. Wang wrote in Six Chapters of Cadre School: "I closed my eyes again and let tears flow into my nose and stomach."

Silent crying, forbearing restraint. When describing those terrible past events, she has all kinds of calmness in her works, which is more touching than those tearful accusations.

When her husband Qian Zhongshu died, she said that there were many blood bubbles in her heart. It was a tearful eye, and her inner pain could not be suppressed. That's the pain of blood. Many times, Mr. Wang didn't cry, but the person with the book was already crying.

But her words seem to comfort me, don't be sad, her family will eventually reunite with her relatives.

Later, I read a lot of memories about the "Cultural Revolution" and saw many descriptions that were very sad. But Mr. Yang is not. She wrote very calmly.

She wrote that her son-in-law died in a "fight" and her daughter, Qian Yuan, went home alone to pack her bags after sending her parents to school. She felt sorry for loneliness and loneliness.

However, at the turn of the pen, he turned to write a farce about her husband Qian Zhongshu. Just a year after "cadre school", he was not recognized by his old friends and made a joke. Although this is a pleasure in suffering, the tragic death of the son-in-law and the misery of the daughter have just been written in front of the article.

Although the words are indifferent and plain, the background of writing makes people feel moved.

It is said that one can only see clearly in adversity. She has experienced war and cultural catastrophe all her life, but no matter what stage she is in, no matter the danger of social environment, she has not been afraid or retreated.

She is not good at dealing with people. She said that it is better to deal with people or read books. Books are easier to understand than people, and human nature is too complicated.

She was criticized during the Cultural Revolution. She paraded in the street with big slogans. She said that she could parade the streets and make a fool of herself, but what is not true is that she won't give in.

20 13 someone wants to auction the draft letters of Mr. Jiang Yang's family of three. She was shocked when she learned that. She said: how can private letters be auctioned casually!

Some people have too little respect for other people's privacy. At that time, Mr. Yang was 102 years old, but her indomitable character has not been diluted by years.

In order to defend the dignity of himself and his family, the old man resolutely went to court. The lawsuit didn't end until 20 14. Although she won a great victory in the end, she was exhausted.

Quoting a poem by a poet in the19th century A.D. to describe himself is really in line with Mr. Yang's temperament.

Everyone admires Mr. Wang, not only because she is beautiful and calm, but also because she can not forget her active attitude after experiencing beauty and suffering.

Wang Xiaobo said: To be an interesting person, even if you are alone, you will not be lonely. One's life is very long. It is worthwhile to spend time with an interesting person.

She was born in troubled times, and has a detached heart from beginning to end. She has tasted everything in the world and is always beautiful.

We like Mr Jiang Yang, and her wisdom, indifference, honor and disgrace. We call her life a legend, but she thinks that "she didn't waste her life"