Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Who is Aesop?

Who is Aesop?

Aesop was a famous fable writer in ancient Greece in the 6th century BC. He, krylov, La Fontaine and Lessing are also called the four fables in the world. He used to be a slave of the Yardmont family on Samos Island. He was resold many times, but he was finally free because of his profound knowledge and extraordinary intelligence. After being free, Aesop began to travel around the world and tell people his fables, which were deeply loved by the ancient Greek people. By the end of the 5th century BC, the name Aesop had become a familiar name to the ancient Greeks, and all the ancient Greek fables belonged to him at that time. Aesop's Fable Biography, which is now common, was compiled by later generations according to the fables collected by Byzantine monk Planudus and the copied ancient Greek fables discovered one after another, and was later killed by Delphi.

Fox, Grape Wolf and Crane The little boy and scorpion fell into the well. Foxes, goats, widows and hens are all in vain. West Western jackdaw is standing on the roof. The little goat and the wolf mountain shook the good and the evil. The old hunting dog, the ant, the chafer, the rooster, the Baoyu deer and his father have two pockets. Shan Ying and Fox Horse and Groom, Farmer and Snake Blower Fisherman, God of Forest. Flies and bees fight with each other. The rooster, the mouse and the frog have a dog bull with meat in its mouth. There are axle wolves and lambs, bears and foxes, voles and house mice, indebted roosters and foxes, lions and mice, seagulls and kites selling idols, cows and frogs, trees and thorns, turtles and eagles, mules, turtles and rabbits, cats and chickens, lying shepherds, sick deer, old woman and bottle moon and her mother, donkeys and cicadas, foxes and woodcutter wolves and lambs fleeing into temples, Volume II, thirsty pigeons and small crabs. Charcoal burners and drifters, lions, donkeys and foxes, donkeys and puppies, wind and sun trees and axes, rabbits and hounds fall in love with lions and farmers, tuna and dolphins, wolves and sheep, blind and small beasts, stomachs and feet, Hercules and coachmen, foxes with broken tails, lanterns, rabbits and frogs, lionesses and foxes, fishermen and barracuda, farmers and their sons, storks and moles, old women and doctors, swallows. Arguing sons, old women and shepherds and companions bitten by dogs, lions, horses and deer, bird catchers and crowned birds, hanging bells, dogs, pedestrians and buttonwood shepherds and lost cattle, poisonous snakes and filing reeds and oak rolls, Zeus and the woodcutter of the gods and Hermes, geese and crane bees cooperated with Zeus, lions and donkeys hunted goats and shepherds, milkgirls, cows and butchers stole children and his mothers, cats and mice married mosquitoes and sun bulls, and the dogs and mice in the manger were in a meeting. Lions, bears, foxes and hedgehogs can lay golden eggs. Goose, lion and dolphin trumpeter. Nightingale and kite. Nightingale and Swallow are visiting dogs. The frog begged the king. Fisherman, thief and watchdog. Donkeys and farmers. Old people and dead doctors and sick birds. Beasts and bats, two pots of cats and sick chickens, wolves and ewes, camels and Arabs, wolves and shepherds, pedestrians and axes and donkeys, foxes and lions in debt, Athens lions and wild donkeys and donkeys' husbands, rats and weasels, deer and vines, Volume IV, Fences and vineyards foxes and masks, fathers and daughters, horses and donkeys, old lions and fox goats and donkeys eagles and crows, thirsty pigeons, heifers and bulls. Goats and blowing wolves frogs croak ants and pigeons donkey in lion's skin Aesop's little boy, shipyard farmer and dog, lion and farmer, horse and donkey, blacksmith and puppy, ugly girl and Aphrodite wolf and lion fisherman and big fish and small fish children and frog cock and pheasant donkey, Rooster and Lion Donkey The lion and his three advisers carry salt-black fishermen and tuna foxes and leopards, monkeys and fisherman eagles and dung beetles white-haired men and his lover, female goats and grape diseases, kite rolls, five children and ramie fishermen catch stones, three craftsmen, donkeys and his shadow, hungry dogs, lions and bulls, kingfishers, shepherds and petrels and pythons, misers, hyenas and foxes. Fox bragging athletes, wolves and horses, old lions, bloated foxes, Hermes and sculptors, astronomers, millers and sons argue with donkeys about gods, deer and lions and dolphins in caves, deer and lions and crocodiles, foxes and dogs are timid soldiers and crows, husbands and eccentric wives beside whales and poplars. The farmer and the snake fox who killed his son and the king's monkey, the fox and the lion fox and the monkey in the cage argued endlessly about their family background. Farmers and donkeys can't get what they want. Murderers, farmers and destiny, cunning people, farmers and foxes, and people who found the golden lion. Volume six, the farmer. Frog neighbors and Zeus men and foxes three bulls and lions women and drunkards husbands witches timid hunters and woodcutter canaries and bats weasels and Cupid weasels and document speakers Diogenes travel with bald Diogenes farmers and eagle oaks and Zeus woodcutter and oak Hermes and Hermes, the god of the earth and Hermes, the craftsman, cars and Arab eunuchs with priests Zeus and fox and Zeus and Apollo Zhou. Zeus and snake Zeus and Zeus and tortoise Zeus are judges Hercules and Athena Hercules and the god of wealth hero Zeus and monkey philosopher, ant and Hermes idol and carpenter Peacock and the tree under the protection of goddess Hera, two enemies Zeus and angry snake, poisonous snake and fox, water snake, scorpion and snake, tail and snake body, weasel and mouse Volume 7 Snake and crab snake and eagle croak badminton, birdcatcher and cobra birdcatcher. Wild pigeons and domestic pigeons, bird catchers and storks and turtledoves, hens and swallows, old horses, cows, dogs and people, horse and soldier trees and reed walnut trees, camel roses and cocktail camels, elephants, Monkey Dancing Camel Man and Camel Crab and Fox Fox and Lion Fox and Spiny Flea and Cattle Flea and Man Two dung beetles Beaver Flies Ant Cicada and Fox Cicada and Ant Pipa Players Foraging Bird Thief and Rooster Frog Cat and Rooster Peacock and Crane Peacock in Pond and Western Western jackdaw Lion, Mouse and Fox Lion and Eagle Lion King Lion and Rabbit Lion, Prometheus and Lion and Wild Boar Lion and Deer Lion, Fox and Deer Volume 8 Lion and Frog Lion, Wolves and foxes Mosquitoes and Lions Vegetable Growers and Dogs Two dogs, wolves and dogs, puppies and frogs, shepherds and dogs, pigs and hyenas, pigs and dogs argue to produce thieves and dogs, bitches and her puppies, domestic dogs and wolves, hounds and foxes and butchers, hounds and dogs, crows and dogs, snails and snails and hares and foxes and foxes and foxes and foxes and foxes. Foxes and apes, lions and shepherds, donkeys in lion's skins, donkeys and horses and donkeys, flies and mules pulling carts, naughty donkeys, donkey buyers, wild donkeys and domestic donkeys, wolves and donkeys, crows and wolves, begging Zeus for sick donkeys and wolves, wild donkeys and domestic donkeys, arrogant wolves and deer, wolves and sheep shepherds and little wolves. Prodigal son and swallow, children and crows, children and painted lions and fleas and athletes, mules and robbers, two soldiers and robbers, shoemakers, doctors, brothers and sisters, crows and sheep, swallows and crows who talk big, pigeons and crows, crows and foxes, locusts and owls in Hermes. Hornets and snakes, pedestrians and crows and bats, thorns and waterfowl bats and weasels in western Western jackdaw and crows olive trees and fig trees in winter and spring, robbers and mulberry larks bury fathers sparrows and hares parrots and cats swallows and birds. Vol.10 Swan and their owners, crested finches and monkeys and camels, monkeys and monkeys, donkeys and dogs, dogs and wolves sleep, shepherds and dogs in western Western jackdaw and foxes in western Western jackdaw and pigeons flee from western Western jackdaw, which is full of wolves and sheep. Shepherd and sheep bull and wild goat bull, lion and hunter mouse and bull and calf pedestrian and real pedestrian and Hermes pedestrian and lucky goddess swear by God Prometheus and man eagle, cat and wild boar crow and snake war and brutal river water and leather walls and nails earthworm and python thief and hotel owner sharpshooter and lion owner and boatman, horse and pony hunter and rider wild boar, horse and hunter, wasp, partridge and farmer, pedestrian and driftwood navigator, rich man and cobbler.

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Charcoal burners and bleach charcoal burners run in the house. He saw a bleachers moved to live next to him, so he went up and advised him to live happily with him, explaining that it was more intimate, convenient and economical. But the bleaching merchant replied, "Maybe what you said is true, but it's impossible, because everything I bleach will be hacked by you." This story shows that different kinds of people are difficult to get along with. They decide who can make pedestrians take off their clothes and win. The north wind blew hard from the beginning, and pedestrians on the road wrapped their clothes tightly. When the wind saw this, it blew even harder. Pedestrians are shivering with cold. Put on more clothes. Tired of the wind, he gave way to the sun. At first, the sun shone gently on pedestrians, and they took off their extra clothes. Then the sun shone strong sunlight on the earth, and pedestrians began to sweat, and gradually they could not stand it. They took off their clothes and jumped into the nearby river to take a bath. This story shows that persuasion is often more effective than coercion. The farmer couldn't bear to betroth his daughter to the beast, and was afraid of the lion. He couldn't refuse for a while, so he used his quick wits and came up with a plan. When the lion came to ask the farmer again, he said that he thought it was appropriate for the lion to marry his daughter, but the lion must first pull out his teeth and cut off his claws, otherwise he could not marry his daughter, because the girl was afraid of these things. The lion was blinded by greed and accepted the farmer's request easily. From then on, the farmer looked down on the lion and was not afraid of it. When the lion came again, the farmer beat it with a stick and tied it up. This story shows that some people are easy to believe what others say and abandon their own unique advantages. Therefore, they are easily defeated by those who were afraid of them. A man brought a little wolf, let him touch it and tell it what it is. He touched the little beast and said, "I'm not sure if this is a fox or a wolf." But one thing I know very well is that it is always unsafe to let this animal into the sheepfold. "This story tells us that bad habits can be formed in years and hours. Unexpectedly, someone passed by here by boat from the sea, saw the deer and shot it with an arrow. When he died, he said to himself, "I'm really unlucky." I was on guard against the shore side, but the one I trusted by the sea brought me disaster. "The story is that the facts are often contrary to our expectations. We think dangerous things are safe, but we think safe things are more dangerous. So, he pushed with all his strength, trying to push the jar down and pour out the water, but the pitcher couldn't move. At this time, the crow remembered the way he used to throw stones into the pitcher with his mouth. With the increase of stones, the water in the pitcher gradually increases. Finally, the crow drank the water happily and relieved his thirst. This story shows that wisdom often trumps strength. -.After watching it for a while, he left helplessly. As he walked, he comforted himself and said, "This grape is not ripe. It must be sour. "That is to say, some people can't do anything, so they make excuses to say that the time is not ripe. He met an egret and asked him to take out his bones. The egret put his head into the wolf's throat and took out the bone, so he asked the wolf for a generous reward. The wolf replied, "hey, friend, you can safely get your head back from the wolf's mouth." Isn't that enough? Why talk about pay? "This story shows that the reward for doing good to bad people is to know the essence of bad people's bad faith. -Suddenly I saw a scorpion. He thought he was also a grasshopper, so he grabbed it with both hands. The scorpion raised its stinger and said, "Come on, if you really dare to do this, even the grasshopper you caught will be lost.". "This story warns people to distinguish between good people and bad people and treat them differently. The goat was so thirsty that he came to the well and saw a fox in it. He asked him if the well water was good. The fox felt that the opportunity had come, and his heart exulted. He immediately calmed down and praised the well water, saying it was the first spring in the world, sweet and refreshing, and advised the goat to come down and drink with him quickly. The goat who just wanted to drink water jumped without thinking. After drinking the water, he had to consult with the fox about the way to the well. The fox was ready and said slyly, "I have an idea." "You put your front foot on the wall, and then straighten the corner. I will jump into the well from your back and pull you up again, and we will all be saved. " The goat agreed to his proposal, and the fox stepped on its hind foot, jumped on its back, and then jumped out of the wellhead with a strong jump from the corner. After the fox went up, he was ready to escape alone. The goat accused the fox of breaking his promise. The fox turned to the goat and said, "Hey, friend, if your mind is as perfect as your beard, you won't jump blindly before you see the exit clearly." This story shows that a wise man should think clearly about the result of something before doing it. She thought that if she fed more barley to the chicken, she would lay two eggs every day. So, she feeds it like this every day, and as a result, the hen grows fatter and fatter, and doesn't even lay an egg every day. This story shows that some people want to get more benefits because of greed, and even lose what they have. All the birds ran to the river to freshen up. Western Western jackdaw knew that he was not beautiful, so he came to the river, picked up feathers from birds, carefully inserted them all on himself, and then glued them on. When the appointed date came, all the birds came to Zeus together. Zeus saw the colorful western Western jackdaw at a glance, especially beautiful among the birds, and was ready to make him king. These birds are very angry. They plucked their feathers from Western jackdaw in the west. As a result, western Western jackdaw lost all its beautiful feathers and became an ugly western Western jackdaw. The story is that you can get a beautiful illusion with the help of other people's things, but when something that doesn't belong to you is peeled off, it will reveal its true colors. The wolf said, "Oh, man, it's not you who scold me, it's your terrain." This story shows that geography and nature often give people the courage to fight against the strong. Many people gathered at the foot of the mountain to watch and want to know what happened. When they gathered there anxiously, worried about seeing something ominous, they only saw a mouse running out of the mountain. This means much ado about nothing. -Be good at asking Zeus how to return to Earth. Zeus told him not to go together, but to visit the world one by one. Evil is close to people, so I have been looking for it. Kindness comes slowly, because it falls from the sky. In other words, it is difficult for people to meet good, but they are hurt by evil every day. -The wild boar ran away because his teeth were too old to bite firmly. The host was disappointed and ran over to scold him. The old hound looked up and said, "Master! It's not my fault. I can't. My courage is the same as when I was young, but I can't resist the laws of nature. I used to be praised by you, but now I shouldn't be blamed by you. " In other words, birth and death are irresistible natural laws. Dung beetles was surprised and asked him why he was so hardworking. The ant didn't say anything at that time. Winter came, and the heavy rain washed away the cow dung. The hungry dung beetle went to the ant to beg for food. The ant said to him, "Hey, man, if you hadn't criticized me at work, you wouldn't be hungry now." In other words, despite the changes, people who take precautions can avoid disasters. -He found a piece of Baoyu and said to Baoyu, "If your master is looking for you, not me, he will pick you up carefully; But I find you useless. I would rather get a wheat than all the jewels in the world. "This means that what you need is really precious. -.You are taller than him, run faster than him, and have big horns for self-defense. " The stag smiled and said, "Boy, you are right, but I only know one thing. As soon as I hear a dog barking, I will run away involuntarily. " It's no use satirizing people who are naturally timid and cowardly. He hung the bag containing other people's shortcomings on his chest and the other on his back. Therefore, people can always see the shortcomings of others quickly, but they can't see their own. This story shows that people tend to find fault with others, but ignore their own shortcomings. The lion suddenly stood up, grabbed him and prepared to eat him. The mouse begged for mercy and said that if he saved his life, he would repay him. The lion smiled contemptuously and let him go. Soon, the lion was really saved by the mouse. It turned out that the lion was captured by hunters and tied to a tree with a rope. Hearing his cry, the mouse went over and bit the rope, set the lion free and said, "You laughed at me and didn't believe I could repay you. Now it is clear that rats can repay you. " This story shows that when fate changes alternately, the strong sometimes need the weak. In the first two or three times, everyone in the village immediately ran in a panic, and after being laughed at by him, they walked back in a boring way. Then, one day, the wolf really came, ran into the sheep and killed them. The shepherd boy desperately called for help in the village, but the villagers thought he was lying and joking as usual, and no one paid attention to him. As a result, all his sheep were eaten by wolves. This story shows that people who often lie are not believed even when they tell the truth. Many wild animals visited him and ate up the grass nearby. After the deer got sick, it was weak to death because it could not find grass and lacked food. The story is that it is harmful to make too many useless friends. This bottle of wine still has a strong smell. She put the bottle under the tip of her nose many times, shook it constantly, sucked the smell greedily and said, "Oh, it smells good! An empty bottle full of wine leaves such a sweet and unforgettable fragrance. I really don't know how delicious and fragrant this wine is. " This means that beautiful things will leave a far-reaching impact that people will never forget. -Mother replied, "How can I make a cloak that suits you?" You are now a new moon, and then a full moon; Then it is neither a new moon nor a full moon. "That is to say, things are always changing and cannot be done once and for all. -The cicada replied, "Eat dew. "The donkey only ate dew and soon starved to death. This story tells people not to expect what they don't deserve, to do what they can't do at all, and to chew more than they can chew. After a while, many hunters came and asked the woodcutter where the fox was. He said loudly that he didn't know, and gestured to tell them where the fox was hiding. The hunters believed his words and didn't pay attention to his gestures. When the fox saw that the hunter had left, he walked out of the hut and left without saying anything. The woodcutter blamed the fox and said that he had saved his life without any gratitude. The fox replied, "if your gestures are consistent with your language, I should thank you well." "This story satirizes those who say they want to do good, but do bad things. Aesop's Fables

The wolf said to the lamb, if you don't come out soon, the priest will catch you and offer you to God. The lamb replied, "I would rather give it to God than be eaten by you." The story is: It is said that for dying people, choosing a valuable death is more valuable than fearless sacrifice. -If not, what strength do you have? Does it have claws and teeth? The same is true of women fighting with men. I am much better than you. If you like, let's have a game! "Mosquitoes blew their horns and rushed over, biting the hairless area around the nose on the lion's face. The lion was very angry and scratched his face with his paws. Mosquitoes hit the lion, blew their horns and flew away singing a victory song, but they were trapped in a spider web. When the mosquito was about to be eaten, it sighed and said that it had competed with powerful animals and could not be wiped out by this little spider. This story is suitable for those who beat the big man, but were defeated by the little man. Friends and bears, two usually very good friends, went on the road together. On the way, I suddenly met a big bear. One of them immediately climbed the tree and hid. When the other saw that there was no hope of escape, he had a brainwave and immediately fell to the ground, holding his breath tightly and pretending to be dead. It is said that bears never eat dead people. The bear walked up to him, sniffed his face and turned away. The man hiding in the tree came down and asked what the bear said in his ear. The man replied gently, "The bear told me to be careful not to walk with friends who can't share the trouble." "This story shows that people who can share weal and woe are true friends. A patient and a doctor have a patient. When the doctor asked him how he was, he said he sweated too much. The doctor said, "That's good. "The second time I asked him how he was, he said he was afraid of the cold and was shaking badly. The doctor said, "That's not bad. "The third time the doctor came to ask him about his illness, he said he had loose bowels now. The doctor said, "This is still very good. "A relative of the patient came to see him and asked him how he was. He said, "I'm dying because of these good things. "The story is that people who can only say good things can bring danger to people.

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