Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Mujiang Fortune Teller _ Shuyang Fortune Teller

Mujiang Fortune Teller _ Shuyang Fortune Teller

A composition about the mirror and the moon

The following is the composition on the mirror that I arranged in my composition column. Welcome to check.

A yellow flower can't hide the frost on the temples, and the flower can't wait to be full of ink.

How can the shadow by the stream be like a flower with wind and water's yearning for the horizon? Tears dyed the blue yarn and flowers filled the couch.

Flowers in the mirror of the moon in the water send acacia days, worrying about misty rain buildings, and how many years have Jiangnan buildings been prosperous?

How many things have changed since the fishing boat girl sang in the backyard?

Listen to the night rain and drizzle cage. No one can caress their hair and wrap it in a bun full of white hair.

I have also thought that the teahouse in Shilichang Street doesn't have to be open to the green water, but the door must be painted with a layer of red paint, and the door handle must have exquisite bronze knockers, wooden tables and chairs, a quiet atmosphere and a strong tea fragrance. The red door, with a slender white hand on the knocker, knocked lightly, and the door opened, and the host family was welcoming with a smile. This fantasy appeared in my mind a few years ago and has been engraved in my heart. This is a kind of longing for beauty, like a beginning and a reunion.

I hope there is such a teahouse in Shilichang Street for a reason. Shili strip has been gentle since ancient times, and now it has a touch of vicissitudes. Houses with blue tiles and white walls stand on the ground, and some are built by water. There are several small bridges on the water. When passing by, the reflection of the house was clearly visible. Long street scenes, sapphire boxes, white rice paper and wolf pens may not be finished. Beauty is only one aspect, and the second reason is the agreement with friends.

I met that friend on the Internet and met him in a teahouse next to the West Lake ten years later. The West Lake in Hangzhou is certainly beautiful. But that's her hometown. If there is such a teahouse in Shilichang Street, I will definitely invite her.

Teahouses are not necessarily just places to taste tea. If it was that lazy afternoon, the long street would be unusually silent. Then, I can lean back on the wooden chair indifferently and watch the old man under the opposite window eaves dozing on the bamboo chair, holding a big cattail leaf fan in his hand and curled up a sleeping black cat at his feet. If he visits this teahouse from time to time, I will invite him in, make a cup of tea, maybe chat with him in Kan Kan for a while, or maybe listen to him talk about folklore. Oh, by the way, he used to be a fortune teller.

This teahouse is just a temporary dream. After this dream, I know that the teahouse is not as simple and leisurely as I dreamed. And that old street, but now it's just a bustling place. If you want to be content with one, you might as well take a nap in this small town, maybe you can find some peace. No matter how quiet the teahouse is, it is just an unreal dream, but it is still open in my heart, with its early tranquility, big red door and exquisite bronze knocker, but I don't have those hands to knock.

Beautiful, very guilty. Now the teahouse in my heart is covered with dust, waiting for those hands to knock on its door. The teahouse in my heart is still as quiet as ever, but it is just a dream in the past, like a mirror.

The second composition about the mirror flowers and the hidden moon stands on the ferry in spring, waiting for each other to meet, and stepping on the dusty road has a chilly feeling. Times have changed. Take off your dusty clothes. I thought I could add a touch of profound knowledge to myself, but it often backfired and exhausted me. ? Zhan Ran is as real as sex, and it's all because of one idea? . Time passed, leaving some broken shadows. No matter how careful we are, we can't piece together the original beauty.

And a small pond, depending on how many passers-by, every encounter is an attachment, and every separation is a transition. Some people are here to chant sadness and recall the past. Let the quiet fleeting time add water poems, clouds pass by during the day, leaving a look in the clear water. Invite the bright moon at night, drink on the green water and waves, taste the time wine, slide into the depths of memory, and return to the ink fragrance of tang style Song Yun. The gentle things in the world are inextricably intertwined.

In the dream of the world of mortals, how many people hide their cowardice with strength, their sadness with a smile, and their loneliness with glitz. We always hide in our own splendor and pretend to be happy. After a long time, you forget all the misfortunes, just like a lie, which becomes true after being told many times. But no matter how beautiful the misty rain is, we still can't live without the sunshine. Realizing is not escaping, letting go is not pulling away. Everyone knows that the past is the hometown where you and I can't go back. If you don't forget each other, you will wander all your life.

In the bustling world, people jostle shoulder to shoulder. Who else is willing to bend over for a flower and stop for a piece of dust? Bow down for an insect ant? Being able to be content with the status quo, guarding your home in a down-to-earth manner and having your own fleeting time is gratitude for life. You don't have to think about what kind of talent can change the color of the red sun, still water is deep, be an ordinary person, listen to chickens in the morning and occasionally smell dogs at night.

One day, we will experience the beginning and end of the cycle, remember the warmth of the sun, forget the cold of the wind and rain, remember the sweetness of the full moon, and forget the loneliness of the lack of the moon. In fact, the arrangement of the world is fair. We don't have to deliberately remember every meeting, and we don't have to care about every parting. At that time, the sharp edges of the light scratched us. Although we bow our heads and smile, the scenery of the next journey will be faint!

The world of mortals is endless, and I don't know why I left home. Looking back at the mountains and rivers in my hometown, there are empty clouds everywhere! Whether you are a person who lives in peace or a person who walks the world, you can't live without wandering all your life. Riding a horse raises dust, from the ancient road in Yang Liuyi to the colorful trail in England, and boating in rivers and lakes. From this misty coast to the other side of the sunset. Along the way, I stepped on the footprints of my predecessors and left footprints for future generations. How many autumn moons and spring breeze I have seen, and how many people's stories are superimposed together, duckweeds gather and disperse, and a hundred flowers blossom. No one knows where their final destination is.

The past has become clearer and clearer, and the future is still vague. In the fate of no choice, we have to rush forward with the years. Until one day, time grows new green, but youth grows old quietly, which is an inevitable helplessness.

Come to think of it, Wanshui Qian Shan is all sentient beings. When I think about it, things have changed unintentionally. I don't remember how many times I made the same wish before the Buddha. I said to Buddha:? Buddha, if you allow me to dream in this life, I will listen to you say Zen in the next life. From a little boy to now, I can only gently hold the tail of youth. Although I can't look like Cang Sang, I can't go back to yesterday's happy childhood. And I, in front of the Buddha, made the same wish. Is it difficult for my dream to come true? Or do you dream too much? I don't even understand!

The glitz in the world is like a dream in a red chamber. The mirror was full of flowers and water, and then it was empty. The fragility of human mind is also the easiest to change. A little trouble can erase the past. Many times, when you are complaining that others are not as good as before, you have actually lost yourself!